August 2022 - Let’s Do This!



  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member

    Welcome, @renaegry and @reathabrunjes!

    So much fun to read about other perspectives and activities.

    @HoneyBadger302 annual Covid? My sympathies!!!

    The circuit trainer instructor told me this week that she had covid when it first came around and it took her a long time to get her lung capacity back. Have you had an experience with that?

    Mostly I haven't had much trouble staying on track this week, but I'm not doing an amazing job. At least I'm not finding myself constantly trying to snack. I do think the extra protein helped me feel better after exercising.

    I count my fourth exercise session this week as amazing, however. I did manage to get there!!

    I felt like the tin man at yoga because I was so stiff for some reason. I like it when they say your body is different every time you step on the mat. It helps you have a better expectation!

    A friend of mine told me about Halo ice cream which actually is sweetened with stevia and is lower calorie, so that might help with those cravings

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 782 Member
    @CeeBeeSlim I don't use weights right now, but I guess once they start feeling too easy I'll start holding some weight while I do them.
    @zenobia9777 Love your yogi's quote, what a great way to start your day. Great job on the "amazing" exercise session.
    @litstuesday Great job keeping on track with the exercise and eating. I agree with you on the yoga, I used to do a morning routine every am, but have been lax with it lately. Thanks to all for the renewed inspiration.
    @renaegry I would count an hour of cutting grass as exercise!
    @HoneyBadger302 Sorry to hear you're getting annual covid infections. I guess if it just knocks you out for a couple of days that's not too bad, but still, yikes. Your lucky, my former boss liked to do a bit (and sometimes more than a bit) of micromanaging.
    Just got done putting all of the stuff back into my car, mats, console stuff, etc. I feel whole again!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,275 Member
    Road trip successful. One bite of a chic-fil- nugget and half of one fry. Panera bread greek salad. Wish I could’ve not yielded to the temptation but it did smell good! 😬. Can’t wait to do weights and walking tomorrow.
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    edited August 2022
    @CeeBeeSlim now that's self-control!
    @SparkSoringtime69 dealing with the car is also a workout!!

    I'm such a wimp I get exhausted winding up the soaker hoses.

    Today in circuit training I was out of breath with the little sprints we did. But I probably could have done the 12 lb weights in the next round. I did 10 lb weights for the lunges and the deadlifts.

    It's a little hard to know how much you can manage until you start it. Also different parts of your body are stronger or weaker.

    My core is pretty good, but I've had a long ongoing problem with running out of breath when trying to run. I wonder if I have some lung damage from my smoking years.
    Or maybe I'm just not supposed to be a runner!!!

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 782 Member
    @CeeBeeSlim I love Panera's Greek Salad, and it has to be a better choice than a full serving of fried chicken nuggets and french fries. Way to go!
    @zenobia9777 It's so true that different parts of your body are weaker. I was doing dumbbell rows today and felt like my right arm was straining more than my left was, and I'm right handed so you'd think it would be the stronger arm - go figure! I'm fairly ambidextrous so maybe I use my left arm more than I think. Maybe you can start with walking, then brisk walking and then slowly build up to short sprints of running in between?
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    49yrs 5'3"
    CW 131lbs
    GW 125lbs

    I'm late to the August party! So nice to see new faces! Lots of inspiration in this thread. So many great stories and ideas.

    Starting August just slightly heavier than July, sigh. My logging and food choices have been getting sloppy. Must get myself toned and ready for a family reunion / trip on August 18. That's my goal. But....

    i got stepped on in my soccer game last night and have a crack at the base of my big toe nail - so painful but the nail solid and the wound seems to be closing. I haven't put shoes on yet . I hope I can still run! I'm going to have to embrace more strength training if I can't do my regular cardio.🙄

    @CeeBeeSlim tell me more about electrolyte powder please ! I often feel depleted after games / hikes / runs even though I mostly eat well and sometimes drink Gatorade. Is this the secret to faster / better recovery?
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,275 Member
    @zenobia9777 Thank you. It was hard! I’ve never liked running. But moreso because I’m a G cup. My niece is a JJ cup. Not comfy for either one of us. Sigh!
    @SparkSpringtime69 It was much much better and I felt better afterwards, too. Do you do single or double dumbbell rows? I do bent over rows with a dumbbell in each hand and not sure my lower back likes it?
    @k8richer So sorry to hear. That sounds soooo painful.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,275 Member
    @k8richer Oh - after getting the side-eye from hubby after buying cases of Gatorade and Vitamin Water, I tried Genus electrolytes. It’s an orange-y flavored powder and I have to say I feel better than I did than when drinking the Gatorade and Vitamin Water. The only thing I miss is the varied flavors - strawberry/kiwi; açaí blueberry etc. but I’m saving tons of money!
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    Thanks @CeeBeeSlim I think I will check that out!

    Having rested yesterday, my toe now isn't bad at all yay!! I don't think the nail itself is broken, just the skin right under it. It stopped bleeding and all it needs is a bandaid and I can walk etc. If my running shoes don't hurt I might even try going for a run before it gets too hot.

    I have 2 weeks to get myself into great shape for a trip - any suggestions or challenges besides tightening up my eating and increasing my workouts? All suggestions welcome!
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    Oh I did find this workout - looks like fun!

    It's called "spell your name" workout. I'm trying to post a pic but doesn't seem to be working....look it up !
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    edited August 2022

    Very fun,


    Hanging in there, maybe only nsv week. But that is ok.

    As far as a two week plan.
    maybe just focus on really clean eating? I felt good during my 2 week detox.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,275 Member
    @k8richer I agree with @zenobia9777. Focus on your eating. You can do workouts of course, but the scale may “play with your head” and increased or more intense workouts can lead to a higher scale weight due to water retention.

    Interestingly, as I may have mentioned in an earlier post, the “last ten pounds” wasn’t much of a struggle. It coincided with Lent so I stopped eating processed snack. Not one chip, not one cookie - whether low-calorie, sugar-free whatever. The experts would say it just added up to lower calorie eating but it worked for me.

    Fun challenge! Do you do any step challenges? Or pick a time to stop eating? We’re goal-twins! 💪💪
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 782 Member
    edited August 2022
    @k8richer glad to hear your toe didn't turn out to be as serious as you originally thought. That workout looks like fun, I think I might try that as a substitute for going out in this heat. I think if it's done fast, like a circuit training session, it might give be pretty good cardio workout. I agree with @CeeBeeSlim and @zenobia9777 about the clean eating.
    @CeeBeeSlim I do single-arm rows. I recently purchased a used multi-function workout bench so I could do back extensions to compliment the planks, and I use the bench itself for the rows. One hand and same knee on bench, row with the other hand, then switch hands (Before I got the bench I used to use the edge of the bed to do the rows). If your back is feeling strained, maybe try it that way, or at least one hand at a time.
    Also, I've read that, if you're doing two-arm rows, you should make sure that your back is straight and not arched or bowed. Hope that helps.
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @SparkSpringtime69 that was a really good suggestion about the running. I tried all kinds of methods, like interval training and working on my breathing. It got slightly better. I might actually be able to do better now because I've lost weight. I haven't really tried.

    Having a workout bench is fabulous.

    I did yoga today and I definitely felt stronger, lighter, and much more flexible than Friday. Progress!!!

    Having some family drama (don't we all?)
    So my challenge this week is not to eat my pain.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,275 Member
    Thanks @SparkSpringtime69! I will try the single dumbbell rows. I think that will be easier on my back.

    @zenobia9777 Sorry to hear about your family drama. Been there! Eldercare struggles were a bit too much last night so indulged in some Irish Cream!
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @CeeBeeSlim thanks. I did some retail therapy and bought myself a Fitbit. Best Buy has a sale. I also saw that they have a sale on exercise equipment.

    I love Irish cream. I drink that in my coffee at Christmas time.

    Today I tried to use the 12 lb weights at circuit training, but it was a little much.
    I got a good workout!

    Going to a family lunch today and I'm going to be good and get grilled shrimp. It is my favorite thing anyway at that place.

    Have a great day!
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    I love Irish cream! The calories are horrific though. None of that for me right now!

    You are all right, the key to weight loss starts in the kitchen. Sigh.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,275 Member
    @zenobia9777 Congrats on your Fitbit purchase. Let us know how many steps you’re reaching daily!

    @k8richer Gulp. I should have known better but ignorance was bliss. Hadn’t ever had any before and don’t really drink. My visiting niece wanted to raid my husband’s stash and found it. Yummy. Yum. Yum. Danger!😃. It was a long day of eldercare doc appts and I’m soooo tempted so thanks for the high-calorie knowledge! Water here I come. 🙁
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    Non scale My upper arms are definitely getting toned. I have a little muscle going on.

    Yoga was pretty tough today but I got through most of it and I did some of the balance well.

    @CeeBeeSlim I don't know how many steps I'll get in but looking forward to playing with my new toy and seeing how it helps with different functions.

    Today's challenge is eating properly despite babysitting two preschoolers. I did well at the restaurant yesterday because I only ordered an appetizer, but then I ate my sister's french fries. LOL
  • GlobalKeto
    GlobalKeto Posts: 2 Member
    Can anyone suggest any good arm workouts? Specifically for the triceps? Hoping to tone them up a bit more, even just a tad. Always had waggly arms, and they still look like it even after losing roughly 30kg ~3 years ago.

    In today's news, I bought a house! So maybe all the box shifting and cleaning might help tone everything up! (And it's got stairs - I grew up in a bungalow until just now so legs are feeling it!).

    I'm also down 1.4kg since starting Keto last Monday. Though most of that is water weight apparently. Still amazed!