Daily Check In



  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,256 Member
    edited July 2022
    Hi Sharon! So glad that you are recovering, you have really been able to stay active! I have to tell you, I have had the worst of luck the Garmin and walking on the treadmill. When I walk on it, the Garmin pretty much doesn't even register. I have a Garmin 645 and it says I am doing a 40 min/mile (or not moving at all), which of course when I walk, it is more like a 17 or 16 min/mile. Even when I set it to run on the treadmill, it doesn't seem super accurate. I have heard that having a footpod can help but I have the HRM Pro with all of the same features as the footpod and it still doesn't seem to work very well. It has frustrated me to no end and it is one of the (many) reasons I don't like to use the treadmill. One thing I have heard is that you can calibrate the Garmin (now I can't remember how that is done) but manually correcting it to the distance shown on the treadmill but my treadmill isn't accurate either, so that does me no good. So, I guess I am at a loss about this and have been trying to find a solution for a long time. I have looked this up on Garmin forums and other places, and this is a super common issue with most Garmin watches. There are all kinds of suggestions on what to do to fix it, but NOTHING works.

    I ran this morning, went about a mile and a half to a big hill and then did hill repeats. Then back home. I thought the repeats went pretty well.

  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,044 Member
    Thanks for your input Gloria. I guess I will stick to doing indoor treadmill run and then change/edit it to walk when Garmin uploads to the connect. I found that has been most accurate. I did try the walk w/ GPS and that sure does not work for a treadmill run in one place.. I am so surprised Garmin never added that on. Lots of people do walk on a treadmill and some speedy walks too. I may try calling them sometime..

    Good for you on the hill repeats. that is some great training..

    Today I just did 2 miles easy running and then 2 miles easy walking. Did not sleep well and the energy level is really down. Thank goodness I have follow up with PA to my PCP for the sleeping aid prescribed. I think I need a higher dose. It work great for a couple of weeks and now I am back to waking every hour and around 4:30 am could not get back to sleep.
  • letsgoplay1
    letsgoplay1 Posts: 39 Member
    Gloria- I think they just don't make these shoes like they used to!
    I like kinvaras but they don't last too long- tbh tho I do need to start keeping track of mileage instead of just estimating.

    These days I am walking more than running and on as many dirt paths so I just got another pair of Saucony trail shoes as they are about half the price- these ones anyway-Excursion Trail and got them for $59. I will walk with running spurts until I am in maintenance. I'm doing good with losing the weight!

    We had a connection to a pipe erode and some flooding. A bit of damage but ironically I am decluttering Swedish Death cleaning style- so works out haha :)

    ok! Hope you are all doing well!!!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,256 Member
    Hi All! A couple of days ago I took my new Sauconys to the track for some speed intervals. I have had this model and version of shoe so I knew it wouldn't be a problem - probably not even a break in period needed. Today I ran my neighborhood in them. I would have expected to be faster today - it was hot but not humid, but I was still slow. Argh! At least I am out there. I did a gentle recovery workout after that, it was a new workout to me, not sure if I liked it. I don't know what it was, maybe Tai Chi? I have never done tai chi so I am not sure, but it wasn't my favorite workout in any case.

    Em, I wear Altras Lone Peaks for my trail shoes. I have a pair of Brooks trail shoes but they really started to hurt my feet for some unknown reason (well, that could be from the psoriatic arthritis, I should probably try them again). Sorry about the flooding! But definitely a good opportunity to declutter and regroup.

    Sharon, hope the PA can help you figure things out. But you are really doing awesome, very impressed with your activity! And even if I set my watch to treadmill run, it never computes if I am walking. The other thing is that no matter how fast or slow I go when running, it pretty much says I am going the same pace. I can set the treadmill at a 10 min mile, which these days is really fast for me. Or I can set it to a 14 min mile. Either way, it says I am going slow, even if I am going so fast. So I just don't love the treadmill for that reason. Also, the incline on mine doesn't work so that is a problem. I never get a good workout on that thing, my heart rate won't go up (even when I have been doing stress tests for the doctor on the treadmill, my heart rate won't go up and they will have me running on a 12 degree incline at a fast pace and my heart rate is still low, even though I am gasping for breath).

    Oh well, I had to decide if I was going to sign up for the fall half that I like. Entrance is a weighted lottery. I am really not digging the idea of any kind of long distance right now, my body doesn't seem to be able to handle it at the moment, but my friends were all begging me to do it with them (several of them walk it) and my DH said I might regret it if I didn't, so I put in for the lottery. But after this morning's short run, I am just like UGH, I don't know if that was a good idea. Since the race is in [I think] 14 weeks, I guess I had better start looking for a training plan (or hoping that I don't get in through the lottery - but I will since it is weighted and I have advantages).
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    It’s another hot day here.
    Sharon-my Garmin didn’t work with a treadmill. I had to manually enter my workout.
    I’m glad surgery went well.
    Gloria-cute pic. That stinks with your shoes. I really need to switch to my new Brooks. I think my shoes are causing part of my knee pain now.
    I can’t believe it’s August already. Summer is flying by. I really need to start pushing myself more now. I’m kinda in a slump. I get in the elliptical and still do dog walks but it isn’t enough. I need to get back in the habit of getting down to the lake for my walks again. Still tempted to run. I know I’m not ready. I also need to start doing more hills. I did one this morning. It was tougher than it should have been. Struggling to get this weight off. It was so much easier the first time but then again it was about 10 yrs ago. I didn’t have the aches and pains that I do now.
    We haven’t had anything eating our stuff lately but the corn is up in the field now and I can see tassels so they have something better to eat. Our garden still isn’t doing good at all. I’ve given up on it for this year. We’ll pick whatever ripens. Weeds are doing wonderful! I can’t keep up with those.
    Chance of rain tonight or early tomorrow morning, it’s dry. We need it. We’re in our dry time of year right now.
    Time to finish my smoothie.
    Have a good evening!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,256 Member
    Summer is definitely flying by! School started here on Monday. That means when I run I need to be kind of careful on my routes because of the traffic patterns, and it kind of limits some of the places where it is okay to go because of traffic. It's so hard finding longer routes around here. It is NOT pedestrian or bike friendly around here. No sidewalks. There are a couple of greenways but they are very short. No shoulder on most of the streets.

    Becky, my sister in Michigan said her garden is just not doing well at all. And my BFF here said only some of her stuff did okay this year.

    I did lower body strength today. I am still experimenting with workouts and tried a new one today. I liked this one but it did have cardio in it too. It was mostly lower body..

    Okay, heading on now for lunch! Take are everyone!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,256 Member
    Just stopping by for a minute to say that I found a training plan to use. I don't know if I will do the half marathon or not but I will start the training - I told it I am a beginner. I might as well be. Gone are the days of the 2:20 half marathon. I don't know if I will ever get back there or not. So today it had me run 1.5 miles and it gave me a goal pace - which was super duper slow but for me right now, probably in the range. And I did well, did a little bit faster than that range actually, hope that as the distances increase I can keep that up and go faster even. I walked after that and hope to walk this afternoon as well, if the weather holds out. It is hot and humid but this morning there was at least a nice breeze that helped.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good Morning!
    After 2 awfully humid, miserable days, we’re having a touch of fall. 80 during the day and 50’s at night. Feels so good! This weather gives me extra energy.
    Gloria-I know it’s hard to follow a plan that’s slower than you’d like. C25K program was that for me. It was so hard to stop running when I felt I could go longer. Sometimes it’s what we need though especially when we’re struggling with issues. Hopefully it’ll help you.
    The days are getting shorter now so the early morning dog walks have come to an end. I have to go when there’s no other dogs walking since my dog is reactive. We still get our walks in though. I haven’t been able to get to the lake. I need to make time for me. It just seems like other things come up and I put it to the side. I need to change this mind set again.
    Another messed up eating weekend last weekend. I’m beginning to dislike weekends. It would’ve been just Friday but I ended up taking someone to the emergency room. So I had only a few hrs sleep plus I had so many things to do on Sat. morning. I missed breakfast and ended up grazing most of the day. Totally not good.
    Finished my elliptical workout. Now to get cleaned up and head to my moms.
    Have a wonderful day!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,256 Member
    It continues to be hot and humid here, but sometime later this week, we are supposed to get the somewhat cooler and less humid weather. Forecast for my 5K this Saturday is supposed to be amazing at about 62 degrees.

    Becky, I have also noticed the daylight becoming less. Plus, school started here a week ago and so I have to plan my runs around school traffic. I have tried to start over with a C25K for the past couple of summers and never stick with it. I don't know how the new plan will go but I am trying to stick with it. This one will allow me to train for the half marathon in November if I do decide to do that one. I am considering a trail race in October. If I do that one, maybe I will do the 10K instead of the half since I am probably not going to be training on trails in the foreseeable future (so a half might be a little out of my reach). My training run this morning was only 3/4 mile! Ha! Well, I stuck with it and did just that. Then I walked a little. It gave me a pace to stick to, but I was faster than that (but still comparatively slow). I will have to slow down as the distances get longer. As long as the training plan doesn't advance too quickly, I should be okay but that is what I find happens, my endurance isn't too great and the plans increase the distance so fast. So I end up walking more than running. I NEVER used to walk, now it is all of the time. Everything starts to hurt, my heart rate gets too high, etc. So I need to do this slowly. If this training plan doesn't work out, I will have to try to make my own.

    Becky for sure being tired makes us eat differently, plus missing a meal, I can see that. I have a friend who swears by skipping breakfast but that just doesn't work for me because like you, I end up grazing. Plus if I get a headache or something, I end up eating more than I should because somehow in my mind I believe food might make it feel better.

    Have a great Monday everyone!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good evening!

    Gloria-How did your 5k go? Our weather has been crappy the last couple of days. No rain showing up on radar but we got it. Dark and cloudy. Really hard to make any plans.
    The Celebration of Life I went to yesterday was at my Aunts house. She lives in the Valley and everything was held out in her flower gardens. It rained. She had tents but everything ended wet. Needless to say, last night my body hurt from top to bottom. Stupid arthritis. I was still feeling it this morning so going to the lake in the same type of weather was out of the question so I worked out inside. The treadmill was tough so I was pretty slow. Feeling better now but still achy. Hopefully it’ll be dry tomorrow.
    DH goes back to working on Campus tomorrow. He’s not looking forward to it but I am. I don’t mind him home for a few days but I need me time too. I’m hoping I’m feeling good tomorrow cuz I have a lot of things I want to do. It’s not supposed to be hit this week.
    I hope everyone’s weather is nice and I hope you’ve had a great weekend!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,256 Member
    Happy Monday! The weather here has been okay - some rain on and off (but sometimes just a lot of lightning and no rain), super hot and humid, but for us, it is just summer weather. Saturday and Sunday were a lot better, not as hot and not as humid - it was 91 yesterday and that is average for us. So pretty much perfect weather, but not quite as humid as usual. They are saying it won't be as hot here for the next couple of weeks, below average, and I think not as humid too. It will be nice. Despite the weather I have been able to get outside and work out as needed.

    My 5k went fine, I think it could have been a little faster but that is another story that I won't go into here. The good thing is that I felt WONDERFUL. I had never done this 5k before even though it is super popular around here. It is very well organized and supported, and I loved the course. It has quite a lot of hills but somehow I felt good even on the up hill parts. The weather was wonderful, about 65 degrees I think. Like I said, I think it could have been faster but I ended up being super happy with it because I felt so good and even with those hills I felt like my breathing was good.

    I did put my name in the lottery for the fall half marathon that I usually do, and I did get in. So I guess I will be training for that. I did a very short run yesterday and did some hills. That half has a crazy elevation gain so I need to hitting the hills for the next three months. I am trying to decide if I will do any other races before then. If I do, they will be short ones!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good Morning!
    Our weather has been ok. Sometimes humid but the temps aren’t too bad. It’s just feeling a bit like Fall right now. The College students return this week and in a few weeks school will begin for the public schools. August has flown by.
    I’ve been pretty happy with my energy level lately. Little by little I’m getting back to my old self. Now to figure this knee out.
    Gloria-I’m glad you were happy with your 5k. It’s always such a good feeling when you feel good about your run. I miss those days. I’m hoping to test myself over the Winter months with doing a slow jog on the treadmill. I won’t push any outside running till Spring and that will be minimal.
    Now it’s mostly walking and the elliptical. I also need to get on that bike again. That was tough on the hip and groin but I know I need to work thru that now.
    I hope everyone’s doing well. Already Wednesday!
    Have a wonderful day!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,256 Member
    Hello! It's been a busy day here. I did my strength training this morning. For some reason today, everything hurts, not because of the strength training, but just in general. I should probably do some yoga to loosen up some things, especially my lower back and hamstrings.

    Becky, kids here went back to school on August 1st. It's crazy how early they go back. It's been pretty decent weather here, unusual for us to be honest, with highs in the high 80s and kind of low dew points/humidity. It feels nicer!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good Morning!
    The end of summer is coming fast. I will be honest, I’m ready for fall and the cooler temps. Although we haven’t been seeing the extreme temps., we’ve had our share of humidity this year. I’m tired of going out to walk the dogs only to come home wet from sweat. The dogs don’t enjoy the heat either.
    The University started classes on Monday and the private schools are also back in school. State law says public schools can’t start until after Labor Day. The reason? The State Fair! So when all the other schools are out at the end of May, the public schools are in session till the 2nd week of June.
    I’m trying to increase my exercise. Some gets logged. Some doesn’t. Still having issues with logging steps. I never know how many steps I actually do.
    I’ve been going to the Farmers market every week except for last week. They have everything now. Squash will be coming soon. I have to admit that comfort foods are sounding good now.
    I hope everyone is doing well.
    Gloria-any races? I hope it’s cooling down a bit for you.
    I’m baking today. Giving it all away too! My mom has been wanting cookies so I’m going to bake small batches that I can give her.
    Have a great day! It’s almost the weekend!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,256 Member
    Hey!!! Great to hear from you Becky! It's still pretty hot and humid here, but it could be worse. It's only 88 today, pretty humid, and it's supposed to be in the 90s and humid for a few days. Pretty normal for here though - the average temperature for today is 84 so it is a tad warmer than the average but at least it is not in the high 90s. Summer got here late but then when it did finally arrive, it was very hot and humid.

    My runs have mostly been okay, still slowish. Today's was pretty bad though - I walked so much today, I just didn't have it in me. I don't know if I am just too tired or what. I found a training plan to try out, hopefully I will like that. It's an app and so far I am using the free part of it, wondering if I should pay to upgrade. I've been walking with friends and running as per the training plan, and at least two days of strength training and one day of yoga a week. My next race is a 10k on Labor Day. Then I am going to do a trail half in October but there is no time limit and I can take all day to do it if I want to - if I want to stop for a while and take a break, I can. I could take two days and the race organizers wouldn't care, that is just how they roll. I thought about doing the 12 hour (where you just do as much as you can in 12 hours) but it was pretty costly so I just decided to stick with the half. One of my friends is doing the full and another one is doing the 100k (they also have 100 miles). A half on a trail will be challenging enough for me since I don't do trails anymore.

    We are headed to the beach tomorrow, looking forward to that, and I will be running somewhere that is even more humid than here, but at least it will be flat!!! LOL
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good Morning!
    Gloria-how was your run on Labor Day? Your weather is way too hot for me this time of the year. I’m so over sweating so much.
    Monday I finally made it around the lake. My knee was behaving for once. I will admit I didn’t enjoy the walk. It took too long and after running it, it was tough. A couple of times I wanted to do a little jogging but talked myself into just a walk. It did give me hope. Now I’ve been doing cleaning, weeding, etc around the house which is stretching every part of my body and at the end of the day I’m really feeling it. I had to go to bed at 8:30 last night so I could stretch my legs out. I had terrible leg aches. This morning my knees hurt but the elliptical should help that.
    Kids are finally back in school. Unfortunately there’s a teacher shortage so most of them got an extra day of summer vacation. There’s a big shortage all thru the state. Right now you don’t need a degree to teach as long as you will be getting it. They’re in desperate need of teacher helpers. So many different professions are suffering right now. It’s pretty sad. Takes forever to get in and see a Dr. Same with taking my dogs to the vet. Beds are full at the hospital but I’m pretty sure they have the beds not the nurses.
    Today should be a little warmer. Mid 80’s. By the weekend temps should cool down again. More like fall.
    Time to jump in the elliptical. I hope everyone is doing well!
    Have a great day!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,256 Member
    Hi There!!!!! Hope everyone is doing well!

    Becky, we finally have some relief from the humidity so it isn't quite as bad. It is supposed to get to 83 today and 87 tomorrow and maybe a bit more humid again, but I think after that we will also be seeing some lower temps and lower humidity. I can handle the heat but that humidity makes it so hard for me to breathe! I am so happy to hear you got to the lake! That is wonderful and yeah, it IS hard when you are used to running and then have to walk. I kind of get tired and bored with walking but I am trying to do some walking on my non-running days to help me with my endurance and time on my feet.

    We went to the beach for a week, Carolina Beach in North Carolina, just south of Wilmington, NC. We really love it there. I did my runs there and I thought I would be faster because it is FLAT but the humidity was high and my pace was about the same as it is at home. I walked quite a lot too while we were there. It was such a wonderful vacation.

    The 10K went fine - not as fast as I had hoped but I was still pleased. I guess I am just happy to still be out there moving, whatever my pace. I mean, it has been like three years now since I slowed down so much, I need to just accept it and enjoy it!

    Today I did my training run, the plan called for 3.5 miles. It is much less humid, but yep, still slow, :D but YES, I did love it and enjoyed it so much.

    Gonna go now, everyone be safe!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good Morning!
    It’s feeling like Fall! Evening temps in the 50’s. Highs are generally in the 70’s. We do have a few 80’s coming up. No humidity though.
    I made the 1 yr mark with my hip! I can’t believe it’s been a yr. Although I feel great, I still have issues. I wish PT wasn’t so expensive even after insurance.
    Yesterday I went to the lake again. I tried a little jogging. I felt like I never ran before. My knee was stiff and I was very cautious about it. I have a long ways to go. I also started using my leg press machine. I need to be super careful with that so I don’t end up with sciatica. Mine you sit which puts pressure on your lower back. When I finished at the lake, I came home and walked the dogs. It was a very productive day for me.
    Gloria-I’m glad it’s cooling down a bit. Hopefully it’ll be more comfortable for those runs.
    Well, I need to try and get back to sleep!
    Have a wonderful Thursday!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,256 Member
    Hello! Oh Becky, I am so glad for you that you are feeling great and have made it a year. I know to you it probably seems like it has been a long time but to me it seems like it has flown by. I agree with you so much about PT. I would like to do more PT myself but it is so pricey. And yahoo on the run at the lake! One step at a time! It will take a while to get back where you can do more but just go slow and listen to your body!

    It's been great running weather this week - mornings in the high 50s/low 60s, super low dew point/humidity, gentle breezes. One day I wore capris and t-shirt, one day I wore shorts and a t-shirt and I was so comfortable. I am building my endurance back up slowly but surely. I am walking a lot less. My pace is still super duper slow but I am feeling good about it. I am doing most of my runs by myself so that I only have myself to blame if I walk or whatever. If I go with a friend, I just allow myself to do whatever with them - so last weekend when I went with my friend, we ran two miles and then walked two miles. And then the next day I did my long run on my own. So that is going pretty well. I still have such a long way to go though! And my race is the one that I do every year on those gigantic hills, so I am not counting on much for that race, just going to go and have fun. Hills are still too much for me. It isn't until November so I do have time to work on hills so we will see. Also, so far my training plan doesn't have speed work, so that is not so great. I do better with some speedwork sessions. I do see a tempo run coming up in a couple of weeks. That will be hard. I am not sure I can go that fast!

    Okay, gonna go for now, take care!!!!

  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Way to go Gloria! It looks like you’re making progress.
    Today is a warm and humid day but starting tomorrow, fall temps will arrive. Lows in the 40’s which is perfect sleeping weather and highs in the 60’s. Perfect running weather even though I’ll most likely be walking.
    My stomach muscles are still sore from that walk I did with a little jogging. Granted I don’t rest much but hopefully it’ll feel better soon.
    We’re slowly getting things accomplished here which is taking up a lot of time. I need more me time besides the elliptical.
    The leaves are dropping without even turning color now which is sad. Fall colors are the best. Loved running during this time.
    I hope everyone is doing well.
    Have a fantastic week!