Step Into September 2022

Kicking off a September accountability thread for us!


  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    Woo-hoo, let's do this!
  • tracimckinney
    tracimckinney Posts: 79 Member
    Hey guys, I haven't posted here for a while, but I do read your posts! I gained about 10 pounds (between last July to April '22) and it is slowly coming off. (I've lost about 5 pounds since April)

    As I see people my age and younger getting sicker, heavier, and less mobile, it was the wake up call I needed to get back to eating better, and continue working out to get stronger so I can keep doing the fun activities I enjoy.

    I also need to make better food choices for my daughter's sake. I have a 13 year old at home and I need to instill those good eating habits while I have time!

    55 years, 5'5"
    CW: 135
    Goal weight for Sep: 133

    9/1: 135

  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I'm adding macro tracking/focus back into my eating plan - I've had the most success in the past tracking macros over strict calorie counting, and looking at my data, I've been too heavy in the carbs and sometimes fats and way to low in the protein more often than not. Protein is satiating for me which is part of why it makes adherence so much easier. Especially in a recomp/low weight loss/build strength situation, getting enough of that is pretty huge, and I've been a bit lacking.
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    49yo 5'3
    GW 125 and strong!

    Sept 3 - 131lbs

    Ok let's go September! New beginnings with the new school year. I'm feeling generally soft and out of shape. I missed most of my soccer season and havent been running much due to mostly resolved injuries and wonderful vacations.

    I've been reading about "re-comp" and how to shift your body from a cardio-based definition of fit to a strength type of "fit". That's what I want to do and I know my body will be fairly good for recomp as I've always gained muscle fairly easily. But can I do it without belonging to a gym? On my own without a trainer? Can I take my strength further than I have previously all on my own?

    We are away for the long weekend at the cottage. I will go for an awesome trail run, do some stretching, measure myself and then hit a strength program on Tuesday. That's the plan!
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    @tracimckinney it's good to see you back! If you want a challenge, let's talk! :smile:
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    Thanks @HoneyBadger302 good luck with the tracking!

    @tracimckinney welcome. I regret not modelling better eating with my daughters. Good for you!

    @girlcycles welcome. I have been in a black hole all week with a bad cold. Started today right with a walk, 1.3 miles in an hour.

    What works for you with stress eating?
    I can't have tempting stuff in the house.
    I do find chamomile tea soothing.

  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    @k8richer I workout at home - after the pandemic hit (and gyms weren't reopening or with strange restrictions) I found a little home-gym set up on fb marketplace that gets the job done. It has an adjustable "rack" and a high or low cable, add in resistance bands, a bosu ball, some dumbells and I can get a full "gym" workout in. I love lifting, and was really missing it - bodyweight stuff just isn't the same!

    @girlcycles stress has so many impacts on our bodies - unbeknownst to me, about a year ago it was causing my blood pressure to skyrocket - when I couldn't donate plasma one day because it was too high, I found out just how bad it had gotten, and it was a bit terrifying!
    I started reducing my stress, and one of the biggest things that has had MASSIVE impacts on my life since I started it in late December was a "Win the Day" critical task list.
    I choose 3-5 tasks each day (they can be very small!) that will move me towards my bigger goals. "Touches" I call them. Not tackling the whole issue, just a 'touch.'
    Since then, my BP has stabilized (per "current" stages) in the Elevated-Stage 1 categories (from 'Hypertensive crisis' late last year) and is continuing to slowly drop even further, seeing more days at the low end of "elevated" which would be normal for me throughout my life. All with NO meds. Mostly focused on stress reduction, getting more workouts in, lost a few pounds (but still far more fluffy than I should be), eating better....just lifestyle changes.
    But that list - completely transformative and took these huge issues that were completely overwhelming to me and squashed them. By this point I've realized that small touches add up very quickly and something that seemed overwhelming can practically disappear in very short order as long as I just "touch" it every day.

  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @HoneyBadger302. Thanks for starting the new thread. Scary about the blood pressure - and kudos for you for getting it in check before having to go on meds!

    @k8richer - you can definitely do it without belonging to gym. Once I knew I was going to be with my parents and couldn’t go home once Covid hit, I purchased a bunch of equipment cheaply off of marketplace. Adjustable dumbbells, trx, rower, heavy bag, step platform, treadmill, kettlebells, hula hoop - things i knew I liked doing. Got to my lightest and strongest since middle school.

    @zenobia9777 Hope you’re feeling better. Like you I can’t have anything tempting in the house. I also have a playlist so when stress hits, in go my headphones and a half hour of humiliating dancing begins!

    @girlcycles @tracimckinney Welcome! Great group here, you’ll find your way.

    I think - hope - I’ve hit a reset. I got tired of “hearing” myself write the same post everyday - so as of Sep 1 - no cookies, chips, ice cream, carbage. Focus on protein intake. Gallon of water daily. Measuring everything. So far so good. I was mindlessly snacking, not measuring things I took for granted (coffee creamer, a tsp (or 2 of 10 of cake batter, one cookie) and then be “surprised” why I’m not losing.

    131.8 today. Hope to be no more than 127 by end of September!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @HoneyBadger302 I love that whole strategy with the touches. It is so true that you just have to make the small steps. I agree that the weights make a big difference. I was surprised how easily I could integrate them.

    Even if we had the room, which we don't, I don't think I would be a candidate for having a home gym. I like having the coach to guide me and I like the energy of the other people who are also trying to get there. Does sound like extrovert traits, although I'm really not an extrovert.

    @CeeBeeSlim I too have been eating carbage. You will turn the corner on it

    Yesterday was not so bad. In the middle of the week everything just fell apart because I was feeling so terrible

    I'm still somewhat congested. I need to hit the neti pot again. I have body aches. Maybe I need to test for covid again. Last night I got in about 7 hours and I was able to sleep, but it wasn't great sleep.

    I should have kept taking my vitamins all week.

    Whine, whine. I'm trying to do something today that makes me smile. The dogs do make me laugh at their antics

  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    edited September 2022
    Anybody recommend something on Netflix or Britbox to pass the time?
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    @HoneyBadger302 your 'touch' idea is so great. I try and congratulate myself at the end of the day about little things that I DID get done (or if I took time for myself too) and not focus on my huge long never-ending To Do list that is panic-inducing if I think too hard about everything I haven't done.

    I have some components of a home gym - some dumbells, resistance bands, bosu ball, treadmill. But the weights are kind of random and I don't have bigger equipment like a bench or a bar etc.and the set up could be better (need more space). But these are just excuses. I've got what I need. What I'm missing is a lifting plan and the motivation to follow through on my own. I'm impressed with all of you that get going and stick to it like @CeeBeeSlim! I can be consistent with running or a team sport or a HIIT class etc but solo weights / lifting is tough for me. I think it's a mindset thing.

    My husband lifts at a local gym - I may explore going together. Our kids are finally old enough to stay home alone so that might work. It would be nice to get back to working out with him like we did pre-kids! Anyone else work out with a significant other or a friend?

    And of stop overeating and log truthfully and precisely. I've been kind of sloppy lately...
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Thanks for starting the thread @HoneyBadger302 !

    My stats:
    CW: 78
    GW: 70
    September GW: 75

    About August: I have been okay'ish in my net calories, but I have so much workout cals, that I think I shouldn't consume them all. Also, I've made some very poor food choices withing these calories: bbq ribs, cocktails and beers - and not just once :neutral: I also might have 'forgotten' to log here and there. So I need to focus a bit more on what goes in.
    My workout strategy this month: getting back to both strength and cardio at the gym; 2 weekly outdoor swims before or after dive, until the watertemp hits 16° cls / 61 fht.

    Welcome back @tracimckinney! I'm also just back since a few weeks.
    @k8richer: you are going to crush this, I'm sure. I've also been strength training since a few months and it is such a joy to feel your body getting stronger. I've caught myself flexing my biceps while driving and actually see them move, haha.
    @zenobia9777: I can't have anything in the house either. The problem sometimes is that hubby does a Friday night shopping trip to get goodies. Because it's Friday night, right? I need a lot of willpower to resist those. And no, nothing worth on NetFlix these days...
    @CeeBeeSlim : accountability, accountability, accountability. That and weighing everything! We'll get there :smiley:

    Come on girls, don't indulge the bulge, we can do this. :blush:

    And don't forget to hydrate!
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @Antiopelle I love "don't indulge the bulge!"

    Still congested after a solid week. I believe I am run down from lack of sleep. But it is not getting into my chest.

    Focusing on food that will help me get well. Last night I did get in over 8 hours. I will just do some easy exercises and stretches.

    Happy Labor Day!
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    I stuck with the logging/healthy food yesterday. I also took a walk for just over a mile and that felt good.

    Getting ready to go take the dogs for a walk.

    I'm calling this day two of logging since last week was so disrupted.

    Hope getting back into your schedule works out for you today!
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    Looks a little lonely here today. I was good about logging yesterday, but I ate more than I should have. I think I'm going to be able to go exercise tomorrow.

    Family drama is hard. I think the most difficult thing is feeling powerless. You can't go back and do things differently, and you don't really know what you can do now to make things better. Regardless, if I try to be healthy it will help me to be at my best and to make better decisions.

    I keep plugging along...

  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    edited September 2022
    5'7", 44 years old
    Starting Weight 1/3/22: 155.8
    GW: ~128-132ish
    2/23/22: 150; 3/30/22: 147; 4/22: Missed; 5/31/22: 149.4; 6/29/22: 152.4; 7/27/22:150.6; 8/31/22: 151.4
    Measurements Start 8/10/22: Waist 31 5/8; BellyButton 36 5/8; Butt 38 3/4; Hips 39

    9/7/22: 151.0 lbs; W 30 3/4; BB 36; Bt 38 1/2; H 39 3/8

    Went grocery shopping with the bf on Monday and got a bunch of "clean" foods some with the idea of doing a bit more prep now that I have some ideas on good ways to do that without taking an entire day lol, along with some things for lunches and such that will help me hit my macros and eat more clean that I have been most of this year.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    I’ve started this post several times since yesterday but eldercare duties!!

    Hope you all had a great Labor Day. My efforts to really nail down my nutrition are paying off. Scale finally going down. My next goal - to slightly revamp my lifting schedule. With the eldercare duties, , I constantly get interrupted way too often so hope to shorten my workouts but add in a day.

    For those with lifting experience, any advice on the following?

    Currently I do a two day a week, 1.5 hr workout of warm up; the main lifts (squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead press and rows); some accessory work - biceps/triceps/lateral raises, 5 min (if that) of core work, then some stretching.

    I hope to end a complete workout in 45 minutes.

    Any way to break this up (and add in hip thrusts and lunges)? I could lift 3-4 days a week if I my routine was 45 minutes max.

    @zenobia9777 Family drama can be a real stressor. Hope it ends soon.

    @HoneyBadger302 I like your prep idea. Will try that to make things easier for me!
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    edited September 2022
    @CeeBeeSlim I wish I could advise you but I am not experienced enough

    @HoneyBadger302 my new habit for clean eating is to buy an avocado to mix with tuna or salmon for quick lunches. I would love to see what other ideas you have.

    Yesterday I did nothing except for the leisurely get together with an old friend. Today I walked the dogs over 2 miles, so that felt good.

  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    @zenobia9777 I'm trying to use the slow cooker to pre-cook batches of things like chicken breasts and some veggies. Still a learning process though - yesterday I did a couple different chicken flavors, but had added some water since most recipes seemed to say to add some - big NOPE, they did NOT need water added LOL. They'll taste fine, just wasn't the finish I was hoping for. Also did half of a red cabbage head in big shreds, that came out really good and perfect texture (that did need a little water LOL).
    I'm also really trying to focus on grabbing whole ingredients, or really reading the labels on anything pre-mixed (like a salad dressing or pesto as examples) to avoid as many chemicals and extra "stuff" as I can.

    This week I've been horrible about working out - with the holiday, and then one of my twice-a-month required in-office days on Tuesday, and then my mood taking a complete dump I haven't done my lifting this week. Obviously still have my barn chores, and am making sure I at least keep up with the dog walks I started last week even if I can't seem to make myself lift. Still doing my critical task list, which includes my diet focus, so while it's not an ideal week, I'm at least taking care of the big things.
    Mood is just a bit in the dumps due to feeling like I'm not getting ahead in life (but mostly financially). Since starting my task list I've made some great progress in a number of areas, so there are measurable results, BUT, because of things outside my control (skyrocketing costs, extra hot and long summer, emergencies like metal on the road that blew out a perfectly good tire and the dryer taking a dump), at the end of the month, I am no better off than I was before.
    I know it's just a pity party, and I'm sure I'll get over it eventually here, and I know there has been good progress - just hard to really "enjoy" that progress when it just disappears before your eyes.
    Adding in that most of my "friend" circles don't seem affected (beyond complaining about it) in any way, I'm really questioning wtf is wrong with my life even though I look at my budget and I'm not frivolously blowing money or paying for "expensive" things when cheaper alternatives would in particular is killing me, but until my lease is up, I have no choice but to stay here...and even then, with the way rents have skyrocketed, the only places I'm finding are in - literally - the middle of no where and hours away from where I'm at right now (think, small po-dunk mountain town).