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  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,855 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done?
    Not sure? I think I started in 2018 and haven’t missed any
    What do you like to do for fun? Reading, reading challenges, card games, board games, Pokémon go, Disney emoji blitz and Disney magic kingdoms

    What major city do you live in or near? State?

    45 minute from NYC-we are In NJ
    What are you health/fitness goals for this season?

    To get back to 165 and then lower. I keep riding the 166-170 ride. To keep exercising 5 days a week (during the summer I wasn’t always able to)
    How would your pet or friend describe you?
    Dependable, loyal, and an info source. A bunch of people I know ask me for info about school stuff. I usuallly have it

    2 fun things about you?
    I like to calculate how many pages I need to read to get a library book done before it’s due
    I love little free libraries!
    Anything else you would like to share
  • Kopsbaby
    Kopsbaby Posts: 355 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? Many

    What do you like to do for fun? Camping, traveling

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Penn State University in PA

    What are your health/fitness goals for this season? To get serious about losing weight and getting back into a workout routine

    How would your pet or friend describe you? Friendly and outgoing. A people person

    2 fun things about you? I have a twin sister and 8 grandchildren

    Anything else you would like to share? After 33 years in hubby's homestead, we are in the process of downsizing and finding an apartment to live in.
  • shortmom5
    shortmom5 Posts: 35 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? This is my 1st

    What do you like to do for fun? Cross stitch, genealogy and be with my family.

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Oklahoma

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? Lose weight and get stronger

    How would your pet or friend describe you? Loyal and present in their lives.

    2 fun things about you? Born and raised in Texas & I love Celtic and Jazz music.

    Anything else you would like to share?
  • Diana_2631
    Diana_2631 Posts: 3 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done?
    None- this is my first!

    What do you like to do for fun?
    I like hanging out with my two rescue dogs, playing games (video games, cards/board games, mini golf, laser tag- most anything), playing in ocean waves, walking in the woods, sleeping, and making connections with people

    What major city do you live in or near? State?
    Connecticut, near UCONN

    What are your health/fitness goals for this season?
    To make the scale move

    How would your pet or friend describe you?
    Loving, dedicated, and fun

    2 fun things about you?
    My husband and I were high school sweet hearts
    We lived in San Diego, CA for most of our 20's before moving back home to New England
  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 11,501 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? - Summer challenge was #25, fall will be #26

    What do you like to do for fun? sing with/conduct a small choir, play computer games (Wordle/Quordle/Text Twist mainly), read, knit sometimes (I need to get back to that more - too many UFOS around), being with family/friends

    What major city do you live in or near? State? About an hour north of Toronto, Ontario d7jekcsc6pfv.png

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? Get back into the 160s (I'm only a pound or two away depending on the day) and keep going to a healthy maintenance level)

    How would your pet or friend describe you? Loyal, organized (sometimes I am!) friendly, easy-going.

    2 fun things about you? I love CFL football and enjoy going to occasional games to watch my favourite team (Hamilton Tiger Cats) play.

    Anything else you would like to share? I didn't ever think I'd be a CL/Captain of a team and now I've done 5 challenges as a Captain!
  • bevpresley1
    bevpresley1 Posts: 5,518 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? I think this will be my 14th, but I'm not sure.

    What do you like to do for fun? Hubby and I like to ride bikes, hike, and kayak. Left to my own devices I love to sew and quilt.

    What major city do you live in or near? State? I'm near Birmingham, AL.

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? I need to lose 5 pounds to be at my goal. I would love to reach my goal.

    How would your pet or friend describe you? My only pet is a tortoiseshell cat, and she looks at everyone as a minion, but the neighborhood dogs seem to think I'm a treat machine.

    2 fun things about you? I'm terified of heights, and my family loves to take advantage of that. I find it very relaxing to cut fabric into little pieces and put it back together.

    Anything else you would like to share? Since my dad passed away 2.5 years ago hubby and I divide our time between our house and helping mom run the farm. He retires in December and we will be spending more time at the farm, but hope to be able to get in some trips we have been putting off.
  • Gaiblin
    Gaiblin Posts: 408 Member
    edited August 2022
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? 3, I think?

    What do you like to do for fun? Read, work difficult sudokus, solve wordle and octordle puzzles, travel with my husband, hike, have good conversations with good friends, eat good food - partially why I'm here

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Ann Arbor, MI

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? I'd like to get my head back into the game. I'd like to lose about 9 pounds. I'd also like to get my runs up to 5 miles.

    How would your pet or friend describe you? Loyal, easy going, sometimes goofy

    2 fun things about you?(1) I like listening to music, mostly pop/ soft rock, but some folk and classical too. (2) I have 3 young adult children ages 24-28, each of whom I like very much! Two are local, one is working in the Seattle area. None are married.

    Anything else you would like to share? I work part-time, teaching ESL.
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,257 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done?
    This will be my 2nd challenge.

    What do you like to do for fun?
    Play games Games (card, board, online), Listen to Audio books, Go Shopping

    What major city do you live in or near? State?
    Near Chicago

    What are your health/fitness goals for this season?
    Refocus. I went on vacation mid August and I'm struggling to get back into the swing of things.
    - Water - I'm consuming 32 to 64 ounces daily - I need to get this back to 64 to 96 daily.
    - Calories - I need to get back to between 1200 and 1500 and tracking again.
    - Exercise - has been the one constant - excluding vacation - I've succeed in 30 to 45 minutes daily of intentional exercise

    How would your pet or friend describe you?
    Consistent (ie: feeding times) and Protective and sometimes just plain silly.

    2 fun things about you?
    - I love to travel.
    - I'm a game show addict.

    Anything else you would like to share?
    Looking forward to challenge #2
  • Dpecora653
    Dpecora653 Posts: 4,034 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? I'm not sure, I started doing them on Spark and have continued here.

    What do you like to do for fun? I love to read, crochet, and spend time with my grandkids. When we get the chance to travel again my husband and I love visiting new places and experiencing the local food and areas of interest.

    What major city do you live in or near? State? I'm near Charlotte, North Carolina but live in South Carolina.

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? I would love to get back to really planning out my fitness and food guide.

    How would your pet or friend describe you? My friends would describe me as consistent, persistent and dedicated.

    2 fun things about you? I still mentor some of my students who are in their 20's now and I am an avid reader.

    Anything else you would like to share?
    I love to listen to people and be a sounding board when they just need a pair of ears and not advice or judgement.

  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    edited September 2022
    How many 5% Challenges have you done?
    Hmm.. it might be my 4th one this time around.

    What do you like to do for fun?
    Kind of hard as I work 7 days a week. However, if I have the time, I would love - reading, watching drama series and stand-up comedy, etc

    What major city do you live in or near? State?
    South Australia, Australia.

    What are your health/fitness goals for this season?
    I really want to get down to the 55 kg something region (120-something region)

    How would your pet or friend describe you?
    Am called our "listening ear", too protective over my kids, never give up attitude.

    2 fun things about you?
    Love Travelling & Eating.

    Anything else you would like to share?
  • HerbsandMore
    HerbsandMore Posts: 2,350 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? Loss count

    What do you like to do for fun?
    Paddle boarding, walking, reading, knitting, visiting with family & friends

    What major city do you live in or near? State?
    Near Ottawa, On, Canada

    What are your health/fitness goals for this season?
    I would like to hit my goal another 8.3 lbs.

    How would your pet or friend describe you?

    2 fun things about you?
    Good sense of humor & kind

    Anything else you would like to share? No
  • Dees135
    Dees135 Posts: 41 Member
    How Many 5%Challenges ?
    Started Spring 2013

    What I like to do for fun?
    Reading, cooking, baking, watching HGTV renovation houses
    What major city or state I live near?
    Northwest Ohio-Southeast Michigan
    What are my health & fitness goals?
    4 to 6 pounds a month and 20 to 30 minutes of exercise 5/6 days a week & 2 days of strength training
    How would a friend or pet describe you?
    Reliable and needs to put myself first
    2 Fun things about me
    My 15 year old grandson is my workout partner he plans on keeping me around ☺️
    I like doing 5Ks
  • kamaphia
    kamaphia Posts: 23 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done?
    This is my first one

    What do you like to do for fun?
    I enjoy all types of crafts: knitting, crocheting, painting, quilting. I'm not particularly good at any of those, but I have a lot of fun creating things.

    What major city do you live in or near? State?
    I live in Virginia. The closest major city is Richmond.

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season?
    I'd like to get to a healthy weight, lower my blood pressure and cholesterol. I'd also like to be able to be more active without getting tired so quickly. I've gotten quite out of shape due to the pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, I was walking a couple of miles each day and doing light weightlifting at the gym. I haven't done any of that since the first lockdowns.

    How would your pet or friend describe you?
    I'm kind of pathetic in that I don't have any friends. I don't make friends easily and I'm kind of an odd duck, I guess, because I don't seem to have much in common with anyone I meet. So, I'll have to answer how my dogs would see me. They would say that I'm nice and generous with the treats, but that I don't spend as much time being active with them as I should. I'm sure they'd like me to get back into shape so we can take more and longer walks together. Maybe even adventure to some new places.

    2 fun things about you?
    I have been a vegetarian for 39 years.
    I am one year away from being an empty nester. I'm sad, but also excited to start a new chapter of my life that doesn't revolve around school schedules or volunteering at the school. I have lots of things I'd like to do with the extra time, but I worry that my weight will make me less likely to actually do them.
  • Sp33dy143
    Sp33dy143 Posts: 2,123 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? Best guess with Spark People about 8 years worth + one full year with Fitness Pal... so maybe 36 and have never reached my 5% loss but hey, I'm a work in progress and this Summer Challenge has been my best weight loss so far!!!

    What do you like to do for fun? Extended family outings, board-games, computer puzzle based 1st person games, gardening, do-it-yourself home projects and anything that has to do with community outreach programs.

    What major city do you live in or near? State? We are about 25 miles south of Los Angeles and 50 miles north of San Diego in Orange County, CA.

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? To continue to lose the weight I gained during COVID and stay active enough to participate in all our family shenanigans.

    How would your pet or friend describe you? I'm a hugger of people, animals and trees.

    2 fun things about you? I'm a big tease... our grandkids come to visit and you can tell they are just waiting for me to trick them into their biggest smiles. I'm always up for an adventure.

    Anything else you would like to share? I'm so very grateful for all the work that the leaders put into these seasonal challenges and must admit that YOU all have kept me sane over these many years. Thank you =]

  • withhishelp152
    withhishelp152 Posts: 135 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? Summer was my first

    What do you like to do for fun? online jigsaws, reading, crochet.

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? I just started the FODMAPS diet 1-2 weeks ago, so I would like to keep eliminating things that cause gas, bloating, irregularity

    How would your pet or friend describe you? She smiles a lot and keeps a steady ship.

    2 fun things about you? I enjoy gardening and I make a terrific rhubarb pie.

    Anything else you would like to share? I'm a slow loser, but the Summer challenge was a big help.
  • walkintofit
    walkintofit Posts: 3,700 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? many years on Sparkpeople and my 5th on mfp

    What do you like to do for fun?gardening, kayaking, camping

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Twin Falls Idaho

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? build some muscles

    How would your pet or friend describe you?likes to play, good listener

    2 fun things about you? likes to bike, go for long walks

    Anything else you would like to share? I am caretaker of hubby
  • Golfma4
    Golfma4 Posts: 946 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? Several on Spark People since 2011

    What do you like to do for fun? Play golf, Read , Outings with friends

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Winston Salem, NC

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? Continue Hitting 10,000 steps daily , keeping calories using percentage charts for fats, proteins and carbs. Using recumbent bike and videos for fitness.

    How would your pet or friend describe you? I hope they would call me kind and helpful to them always.

    2 fun things about you? I can find fun in almost every thing and love surprises!

    Anything else you would like to share? I am a believer and wish to live a life to honor and show gratitude to Christ.
  • bhsuzycue
    bhsuzycue Posts: 173 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? No idea - lost count

    What do you like to do for fun? read, watch movies and TV (cooking shows and animals shows are my faves)

    What major city do you live in or near? State? Little Rock, Arkansas

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? Keep losing weight and improving my health (diabetes and high blood pressure)

    How would your pet or friend describe you? funny, loving, takes good care of me

    2 fun things about you? I have been known to fall up (stairs, that is) and I can't set the TV volume on an odd number
  • Uptoit59
    Uptoit59 Posts: 1,122 Member
    How many 5% Challenges have you done? several

    What do you like to do for fun? I love to play pickleball and golf in my freetime

    What major city do you live in or near? State? I live near Charlotte, NC but in South Carolina

    What are you health/fitness goals for this season? to get back to my goal weight and stay there no matter what life throws at me!

    How would your pet or friend describe you? Loyal, devoted, annoying, generous - social introvert

    2 fun things about you? I own a pet services business and train dogs

    Anything else you would like to share? I am happy to be here again and hope I can be a valuable member to my team