Monthly Post for October 2022



  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning!

    @KateNkognito glad to hear you had a nice weekend and a good fast! Heck yeah, you totally got this!

    I find discussing ways of eating with family and friends can be tricky. Everybody is an arm chair QB. i.e., OMG I don't know how on earth you can eat no sugar???!!! (When we were doing Keto). Or, OMG I don't know how you could possibly SKIP breakfast!!!??? (When we mention IF 16/8 to anyone). Long story short, we know what works best for us. What works for one person doesn't for the next person. Everybody needs to do what works for them. Do I suggest eating donuts for breakfast as a way to lose weight? (My Mom)... No. But, it is what it is.

    The good news here is I have started tracking again. I always find it is a bit of an eye opener. Like a serving of hummus with my lunch in the past has been a healthy couple of spoonfuls. Last night I weighed it out and WOW. Less hummus for me! :)

    Looking forward to a day off this coming Friday and a nice long weekend up north with another couple. Can't wait. My goal will be to eat as much seafood (within reason) as possible.

    Have a good day and see you soon.

  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,543 Member
    Meghan, portion drift. Gets me every time. Enjoy your weekend! Seafood is a weakness for me. I am absolutely having seafood pasta for my birthday Thursday. :)
    I got to school and was completely not ready for today's lesson, so I swapped out tomorrow's lesson. It's all good. Still hoping for a sub on Thursday. Fingers crossed.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning,

    Yes, portion drift indeed @KateNkognito! Thank you! Hope you have a great birthday on Thursday. Oh yes, you and I are quite alike! Pasta + Seafood = Happiness!!! <3

    Work is going well. Slightly less hectic and tackling things on the to do list. Traffic lately is still bad, but all I can do is leave early enough and remain calm. Even when it has been heavy, I am still arriving to work on time or early.

    Tracking and eating better is going pretty well too. I do like this time of year when it is a little cooler, the leaves are falling, and we have soups and stews for dinner. Yum.

    Hope you have a great Wednesday and see you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,543 Member
    No sub, but yet another thing popped up for tomorrow, so I am taking the day off anyway.
    Glad work is settling down for you, Meghan. I listen to my Bible study podcast on my way to work. It distracts me from the crazy drivers and gives me something to think about besides traffic.
    I haven't been tracking, just getting back into the fasting routine. One thing at time. Once I am fasting and tracking, then I will add some exercise.
    Off to bed. I am a little hangry this evening. Don't want to chew off one of my kids' arms. :D
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,543 Member
    Middle aged birthdays just get more and more exciting. A couple of years ago I took my husband for a colonoscopy. This year I am waiting on sprinkler repair people. Fun times, I tell ya! :D At least there will be cake and pasta. So there's that. Have a lovely end of the week!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning!

    Happy birthday to you, @KateNkognito! Hope you have a great day. Enjoy those yummies!

    Oh yes, I hear you. For this past 50th birthday I was on vacation but normally just life happens! LOL A typical day off is getting stuff done in most cases.

    I know what you mean about trying to stay calm on the roads. That is a nice idea. My BF likes classical music so sometimes I'll find one of those channels on XM or some times I just rock out like today to a rock song or something similar!

    I may not have time (or may not remember) to check in tomorrow before we head off to Cape Cod, MA for a little R&R. If I don't pop in, have a great birthday weekend! And see you soon. :)
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning!

    Hope you guys had a nice weekend. We had a fun long weekend in Cape Cod, MA. Ate lots of seafood, did a little shopping, and relaxed.

    Good times!

    Hope all is well by you guys. Speak soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,543 Member
    Lovely Monday morning! It is cool and rainy and the students are starting a project while I play classical music. Weekend was nice. Tons of food, so I am doing a 36 hour fast. My stomach is much happier today!
    Glad you had such a good weekend, @Meghan509 !
    Off to close my eyes for a minute before I have students again.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning!

    It was a pretty bad commute today but the good news is I really wasn't late. I left a lot of time and boy was time needed. Sigh...

    Trying to not let my bad commute derail my morning. Holy negativity Batman...

    Fun thing happened last night where our dryer died. :( The good news is it happened on the second or last load and we have a laundromat right down the road so we can down there to throw our darks in. Phew. Our landlord is in the process of having a guy come by to look it. Fingers crossed that it happens quickly.

    Not much else new here. Just plugging along. Hope you guys have a nice Tuesday and week ahead. :)
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,543 Member
    Not the dryer, Meghan! Ours has been making noises lately. :/
    Kids had so much fun and worked so well today! I, however, tripped over a book bag and hurt my ankle. Maybe the kids will feel sorry for me and be super good tomorrow!?
    I have tracked everything I have eaten and have a nice 18:6 pattern going.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning!

    Today's commute was better! Thank goodness.

    Sorry to hear about your ankle @KateNkognito, that stinks. :( Be sure to ice it and raise it at night if possible. Some Tylenol might help too. Feel better! Nice going on the 18:6 fasting! I liked that one a lot when I was home during the heart of the pandemic. BF and I liked to take our time and eat our lunch at 3pm most days!

    Yes, the silly dryer. Made a big "pop" noise and then promptly stopped working. The good thing is the repair people are coming today to look at it. WOO HOO. Fingers crossed that it is just a belt and they can get it back up and running again quickly.

    That's all from here for now. Hope you have a great day and see you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,543 Member
    Today was a good day! I love doing projects with this group of students. They do such a great job. :)
    Ankle is swollen and sore, but I think it is just a strain. I should be able to teach from a chair the next couple of days and then relax all weekend.
    @Meghan509 I am glad the commute was better today! Prayers that the dryer gets fixed! I wouldn't totally mind if ours went out. I have my eye on one that has some fancy features. (Don't tell my husband I said that!)
    Just finished an early dinner and started my fast timer. Doing really well this week. Tomorrow is my son's birthday, so I might skip lunch and save all my calories for dinner.
    Have a lovely end of the week! Be healthy!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,543 Member
    So glad tomorrow is Friday! What do y'all think the odds of a freak snowstorm are? Water main break? Power outage? This teacher would like a day off! :D
    Son decided to celebrate tomorrow evening instead. I have some good fasts in this week. Hopefully the scale will show it after my hormones level out in a few days. Retaining water like Hoover Dam.
    I hope y'all have a great weekend, if I don't remember to check in tomorrow!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning!

    Anddd I forgot to check in yesterday! LOL So sorry about that.

    Yesterday I pretty much got caught up cleaning out my office cubicle. We are under construction next week while they "reformat" our cubicles to make them a little more private and a tad more post pandemic friendly. Also given the modern times, we need more privacy for Zoom and Video calls. That is pretty much how we roll these days. :)

    The dryer is fixed! Repair guy came Wednesday and diagnosed it with a broken belt. Replaced that, fixed the wonky door since it was having trouble closing nicely, and balanced the machine. Done and done!! Phew.

    @KateNkognito hope you have a good rest of the week of fasts! Sounds awesome. HBD to your son. Enjoy!!

    Have a good day and a nice weekend! I am feeling grateful that I get to work from home next week due to the construction and don't have to deal with traffic. WOO HOO.

    See you soon.

  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,543 Member
    @Meghan509 Sounds like you are having all the good right now! Fixed dryer. Work from home. What else could a body home for?!
    Good day, overall. Kids are a bit over the top because of the impending holiday, but not too much. Good weekend in store. I hope everyone enjoys it!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,543 Member
    Survived all the teenage boys at my house last night. Not looking forward to teaching on Halloween or the day after. Think happy thoughts for me. I am posting now, in case I am too exhausted to do it tomorrow. I have been doing well lately with weight loss. I am going to start bullet journaling again. It really helps me get my brain straight. Also helps me track and visualize my habits. And it is kind of a mental floss/anti-anxiety tool, too.
    I hope everyone has a great week! Stay healthy!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Good morning!

    Happy Monday, last day of October and of course Halloween!!

    @KateNkognito glad you survived the teenaged boys! Hope today goes well and the kids are not too crazy today or tomorrow, after candy consumption, etc. LOL
    Hoping you have a great week and a nice loss!

    Bullet journaling sounds awesome. I keep a little to do list on my work computer that I work on and update as needed. Really helps me feel less overwhelmed when I write things down.

    SOOO HAPPY to have a nice week working from home and not having to deal with any traffic. Cube construction is under way!

    Hope you have a great day and a good week ahead. Back tomorrow with a new thread for November! WOW! LOL