WaistAways Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2022



  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    Friday and it's a day off work (veterans' day) - a project or 'must do' everywhere I turn. I am NOT going to turn to the fridge. Into my outside work clothes and take things one at a time. A salad planned for lunch and fish tacos for supper with one Corona. Huge rain and wind expecting tonight.
  • DianaGetsFit512
    DianaGetsFit512 Posts: 141 Member
    Username: DianaGetsFit512
    Weigh in day : Friday

    PW: 224.4
    CW: 225

    Ughh sorry to not be green guys!

    I’m actually more upset about this because I normally don’t workout the night before a weigh in because I’ve found throughout the years that Im always heavier the next day. (Apparently muscles hold on to water after a workout hence weigh more in the short term not that I’ve gained muscle overnight lol)
    But… i wasnt able to workout when I wanted to do so I told myself “so what if i gain”. … it’s more important to get my workout in…. But now.. I’m upset… grrrrr
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 550 Member
    CW: 177.8
    I was excited the other day when my scale read lower. However, that's not to be today since we ate at our local diner for supper last night and had spectacularly fried haddock. True, I didn't have to eat the bread but for some reason, the heartiness of it tasted amazing and I was hungry.
    It's fitting that I skipped through the early part of November to page 11. My sister calls me by that nickname sometimes..."Eleven", or "EvilOne". Big sisters take the cake! @jugar is a powerhouse to follow, for sure.
    So, quick intro, I'm Evelyn and live in Vermont with my OH and younger daughter plus 3 cats. I've been on this yo-yo voyage for most of my adult life. Now that I'm 65 and all the previous hormonal surges have ebbed a bit, it's easier to remain stuck at a plateau for longer times. I'm going to get down to the next decade this winter. That's my overall goal. All of you who mentioned how much easier it is to do with the OH's support...yes, it is. I need to keep on my path even when my spouse is cooking up a storm of heavy food...and just eat a lot less of it. One of the frequent questions that flies around at meal time is, "which plate is for me?" "It doesn't matter...they're both the same". Ah-hem! It absolutely does matter considering you're 6'2" to my 5'2"! Good grief. Well, today I'm heading to work and will be exercising in the pool a few times with a few groups of people so, that'll be good for the weekend numbers.
    Tonight, we're attending a group of cellos performing Latin music. It'll be interesting, I'm sure, and so nice to only have to go 1 mile to the venue. Yay! Enjoy the day.
  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    edited November 2022
    micki48 wrote: »

    My steps are fine because I am on my feet 7 1/2 hours a day at school. But I am having a lot of pain in my feet/toe, so the last thing I want to do is go take a walk at the end of the day. I need to figure something out. I am thinking about joining a gym. Need to get that cardio going. I have an exercise bike, but it is buried in the garage with all our stuff. It's not my favorite, but better than nothing. But the gym sounds even better, except the cost. But I am worth it, right?

    Something's got to give. I can't wait until a health emergency to fix it.

    Talk to you later. M

    When I lived in Vegas I joined Planet Fitness, it was $10 per month and they had free personal training so I took a PT class three times a week - idk if you have one near you at home or work? I can never travel to a gym, it has to be right on my doorstep
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,194 Member
    Oops! Forgot @PlaneMonkey in the Friday reminders! You're in maintenance, but still have weigh-ins, eh?
  • kellie_erin
    kellie_erin Posts: 212 Member
    I can't find the link to the spreadsheet and I only use MFP on my phone so I'm just going to update here. For my January goals - last week I woke up with my alarms but I didn't get out of bed. I also only exercised three times last week due to injury.

    This week I've been on holidays (i.e. just staying at home) so I haven't set any alarms. I will tomorrow though as I'm meeting my very good friend at the gym. This week I've exercised three times already (after my injury last week my husband bought a fancy stationary bike - pro-form tour de France bike - off Facebook and he and I've both used it twice. We've had a treadmill for 8 years and hubby hasn't used it once) and I'm on track to get four or five days in.

    My insomnia has gotten worse since trying to use this CPAP. I got three hours of sleep last night and another night I got four hours. Part of me just wants to return the CPAP and struggle with my current level of daytime sleepiness and part of me is saying just push through and see if this actually helps (despite being on the borderline of having mild sleep apnea).

    My weight's up today. Hopefully it'll be down tomorrow so I can add to the green losses.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,166 Member
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,166 Member
    @jugar How dare I say that! You were on my mind last night. Brad and I went to a candlelight concert in the Hangar Museum here where a string quartet did the music of Coldplay. I was front row and as someone who is a major appreciator of music but with no musical talent myself, it's amazing to watch talented musicians do their thing! What you do is so impressive to me because the result is so beautiful and therapeutic for people and it's truly an amazing skill.

    @micki48 You are absolutely worth it if that's something that will make you feel good. Your steps truly are up from being at school - I've been noticing! Getting out of the breakfast club will help for sure. You have been so consistent with tracking before - I've seen those diaries. You can do this. I know for me working out at home is easier because I would opt out a lot if I had to convince myself to commute to a gym. But we all need to do what motivates us!
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    I hope everybody is looking forward to the weekend. I needed mine badly!

    Last night I finished work at 8pm (instead of 5pm) then crashed and burned so no walk, then yesterday was the first day that I didn't write my CBT or finish tracking my food since I made those commitments. I remembered when I was in bed, so put the food notes in my phone to write up today and did the CBT in my head. I'd hidden the paper as our lovely cleaner was here then I guess I mentally checked out.

    Today I've felt completely flat.. I've brightened up a bit as the day has gone on and hope that continues. OH is working this weekend (actually working then coursework as well) so I'm planning lots of me time at the allotment and home. Currently catching up with some admin. I spotted this recipe for hasselback butternut squash on FB, so I've just added it to our 'cook book' to try in the not too distant future!
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    Great share @DD265 with that squash recipe - looks amazing! Could pack some calories but I'd be willing to 'starve' much of the day to give that a try. Nice website too - the butternut laksa looks good too.

    Feeling very satisfied with my outdoor accomplishments today and my eating was just fine - especially considering the # of steps (must get my fitbit back on). Heavy rain tonight and then tomorrow treating myself (timewise) to a free improv quilting class - I'm on the email list to be a guineapig as the teacher tries out new teaching methods for her techniques. So 5 mostly stationary hours but I'll make an effort to get a lot of steps in around that.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,194 Member
    @wishfuljune hope you'll be feeling tip-top soon. Good idea to pack the workout clothes and plan those meals out - you've got this :heart:

    @LoraineGB TRX - the best! I really enjoy those. And they're easy to have at home.

    @ashleycarole86 sounds like a fun concert! It is always wonderful when people really put themselves into live performance - on both sides of the stage. The way an audience listens is a fabulous performance too, and those of us doing the performance know and feel that. Thanks!

    @kellie_erin I put your info in the spreadsheet - no worries! You are ramping those workouts up, and it will be fun going to the gym with a friend. Enjoy!

    SO - last weigh-ins of the week on deck. This one sure whizzed by. Who's up?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,194 Member
    @jane_76 - your memorial service idea with the birdseed is beautiful, and your walk sounds like just the right thing to do. Take all the time you need :heart:
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