Shape Shifters Team Chat - DECEMBER 2022



  • Nataliewr0403
    Nataliewr0403 Posts: 71 Member
    @jessicakrall8 hi Jessica, got it, well this month will be silly for time to try to count steps. I rather skip December and come back full force in January.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,302 Member
    @jessicakrall8 hi Jessica, got it, well this month will be silly for time to try to count steps. I rather skip December and come back full force in January.

    @Nataliewr0403 So, you want me to delete the week of steps you just reported? Up to you, but you've got a good start there...think about it and let me know...
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 282 Member
    weigh in: Sunday
    CW: 193.1
    PW: 190.9

    Sunday 3901
    Monday 3091
    Tuesday 3165
    Wednesday 2147
    Thursday 3527
    Friday 2312
    Saturday 5753 :)
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,826 Member
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,826 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. Hope everybody had a nice fun relaxing weekend! I worked most of it. I got off just after 6pm Friday and before I even got home I got a text asking me to work an over night. So I worked that shift then got off at 730am Saturday. Took the kids to see santa, then took the cat to the vet and worked 15 hours Sunday. My sons cat, is still at the vet, she had been sick a couple days but Saturday she was not doing good so I took her on, after tests and xrays, they suspected the cat ate a string or something, so they did surgery, the cat had eaten a piece of thread and the tread wrapped around her tounge and the other end had passted all the way through her digestive track. This caused a lot of damage and she had to have a chunck if intestine removed. The cat is doing good so far, may be able to come home today, ugh. So my weekend was a bit of fun but mostly chaos, ugh.

    Im still trying to figure out a workout routine. My job is so active and I keep getting called into extra shifts, then with Christmas coming up, my kids have concerts, i have to shop and wrap everything, my daughter had an appointment with her asthma doctor, Its been hard to make time to workout. Hopefully I can get some sort of system down here soon.
  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    Hello Shape Shifters! Hope everyone has a great week! It appears I have more than enough company with sick pets in this group... @angmarie28 hope your cat recovers quickly. Sounds awful. And you just seem to have more than your share going on. Hoping things ease up for you soon.

    @Pupowl I love puzzles so much too! I do get compulsive though. I dream about them when I am almost finished. I know that's odd.

    @Nataliewr0403 How is the PT going with your dog? Did I remember that right from the earlier post? We start today with Buddy. I was a bit skeptical, but willing to try anything.

    So far, this week is going to be quiet- I hope. Would like to stay put and get back in my exercise schedule. Oh, and maybe log food past breakfast and actually complete my diary??? Funny- I do so much better when I log my food. Crazy right! HAHA!

  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,813 Member
    I am not that bad yet, though I may forget to eat if I am in the groove. I sometimes have a hard time quitting. But now it is already too dark to puzzle around 16:00, so that usually forces me to stop. Evenings are so long and boring in the winter. I would love to puzzle more, but alas.
  • Armygirlarmyof1
    Armygirlarmyof1 Posts: 527 Member
    Hey yall.
    Wi is on Monday
    Currently 217.8
    Pwi: 217.8
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,302 Member
    Susanna527 wrote: »

    Jessica, do I need to do something more "official" in order to leave the group? I didn't see anything, but I could've missed it.

    @Susanna527 I'll take care of it for you. Very sorry to see you go, but it sounds like you're swamped right now just taking care of life. I totally understand. If you'd like to return once things calm down, please feel free to send me a quick message or post to our current thread and we'll get you active again. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and that things with your health get better. Take care of yourself! We'll miss you!
  • TexanMom8152
    TexanMom8152 Posts: 76 Member
    @Pupowl That puzzle you shared was over the top! I like doing puzzles myself (I'm the only one in my house that enjoys them), but don't have dedicated room to work on very complex ones.
  • Nataliewr0403
    Nataliewr0403 Posts: 71 Member
    @jessicakrall8 hi Jessica, got it, well this month will be silly for time to try to count steps. I rather skip December and come back full force in January.

    @Nataliewr0403 So, you want me to delete the week of steps you just reported? Up to you, but you've got a good start there...think about it and let me know...

    I will give it a try, just keep my steps and I will try to get some not so horrid numbers
  • ac204
    ac204 Posts: 147 Member
    edited December 2022
    CW: 189.4
    PW: 188.9

    Hi @jessicakrall8, not sure if you caught my request to sign up for steps last week. Goal is 7K daily.

    I fell short on my steps last week but will keep at it. Food was tough this week - holiday festivities started last Monday, 12/5 with two on Monday and another on Saturday. Unfortunately, I still give into some of those holiday temptations :neutral: Hopefully, I'll do better this holiday season but weight crept up so got to stay focused.

    12/4 - 4867
    12/5 - 13401
    12/6 - 2404
    12/7 - 7307
    12/8 - 5187
    12/9 - 6633
    12/10 - 11530
    12/11 - 4297
  • Nataliewr0403
    Nataliewr0403 Posts: 71 Member
    @SavageMrsMoose Yes, I am the one that takes my baby to PT 3 times a week for a little over 3 months now, to say the least PT is a commitment. We also spend about 2 hours daily working with her to keep some progress going.
    She went from fully paralyzed back legs with no control going to the bathroom to almost no bathroom accidents and about 70% recovery on 1 leg and about 40% on the other.
    Honestly, if I would have known the outcome of her surgery in July, I would probably gone a different way. Quality of life, right?. this is the hard question every fur parents has to face, when we decide to let them go has to be because it is no life for them.
    The group where I take her for PT are 2 great ladies that constantly try new things, and I would recommend you do your searches too, read about the breed, go to forums, and check other people's experiences. if you find something interesting, suggest it to the PT person,
    I did a lot of reading on knuckling, braces, slings...hopefully you will not need any of them but if you do let me know so I can share my searches.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,302 Member
    ac204 wrote: »
    CW: 189.4
    PW: 188.9

    Hi @jessicakrall8, not sure if you caught my request to sign up for steps last week. Goal is 7K daily.

    I fell short on my steps last week but will keep at it. Food was tough this week - holiday festivities started last Monday, 12/5 with two on Monday and another on Saturday. Unfortunately, I still give into some of those holiday temptations :neutral: Hopefully, I'll do better this holiday season but weight crept up so got to stay focused.

    12/4 - 4867
    12/5 - 13401
    12/6 - 2404
    12/7 - 7307
    12/8 - 5187
    12/9 - 6633
    12/10 - 11530
    12/11 - 4297

    You're on the chart @ac204. I'll get the steps updated shortly...


  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    @Pupowl That puzzle you shared was over the top! I like doing puzzles myself (I'm the only one in my house that enjoys them), but don't have dedicated room to work on very complex ones.

    To have a room to dedicate to puzzles! What a fantasy! I just don't let my family eat at the table when I've got one going!! LOL My daughter has the bug too! My son will help occasionally too. I've gotten my dad addicted as well. He needs the larger pieces to manipulate and see but I think they are good for his brain. I agree - @Pupowl - it's a lovely puzzle! The underwater lifes are some of my favorites- the animals and bright colors. I especially like the puzzles within the puzzle in yours.

    @Nataliewr0403 thank you for the tips. I'm so happy to hear yours has improved so much! We live in a very remote area, and I was shocked to learn that there is a vet in a town 1.5 hours away that will come to do house calls. She came yesterday and we have 4 exercises to do each day until she comes next week. It involves lots of treats so Buddy likes it.

    He has another tumor that they suspect is cancerous and want to remove and follow up with radiation. I'm trying to set up an appointment to talk to them in January- its an 8-9 hour drive and the weather can be bad- but I'm a bit on the fence. It's near his spine- what if it makes his problems worse?

    And I just want to say to @jessicakrall8 - you are the kindest person. Every post of yours is positive and supportive. Plus all the effort you put into this group! You're family is very lucky to have you.

    I plan on re-joining the steps challenge in January. I've needed a break from my smart watch. I can get compulsive with it. Wearing it constantly, running up and down the stairs to burn 10 more calories before bed type of thing...

    Happy Tuesday all!

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