Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - DECEMBER 2022



  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    Not much time, this is quite a random post.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - Congrats on a grandson!

    @FushiaKat - @Katmary71 is right- we haven't forgotten about you. Sending you a HUG

    @megnolia82- I still haven't figured out the whole deal. I wanted to lose weight for a long time before I actually did anything about it. I didn't make any plans, I just told myself I was "trying". And when that didn't work, I made excuses and got mad at myself. For me the thing that worked the best was starting with one small habit and when that became routine, adding another and repeating until I started losing. I guess what I am saying is that your motivation might already be in place, but you need to figure out action. That said, I have lost and gained the same 3 pounds over and over this year, so my actions clearly need improvement.

    My NO ZERO Tuesday:

    Got my strength work out done!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 Great job sticking to your list!

    @Ftofit Great job getting some steps in and with the exercise!

    @19shmoo69 How wonderful! What a kind person. I hope you enjoy it, Darren.

    @FushiaKat Great job increasing your steps! It is easy to get depressed this time of year. I'm sure it's going to hit me soon. I'm so sorry it's been like that for you all of your life. Hugs.

    @happysquidmuffin Congrats on the loss! A loss this time of year is fantastic. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you as well!

    @Katmary71 Thanks! :D Yes, I've been concentrating on getting more F&V servings in. I'm glad you slept well. Is the Ashwaganda for sleep? How thoughtful of you to get your aunts in WA the cards reminding you of them. Those are great no-zero wins!

    @Tamevv Great wins!

    @DrewsAnna Oh you are lucky to be done! Great job, balancing out that cheeseburger with healthy foods. And excellent job getting to your step goal! Woo hoo!

    @megnolia82 I'm fighting to lose weight because I'm prediabetic and don't want to develop the disease. I am losing functionality over the years and I want to stop that. I am falling over and over, too, but I think I might be losing now. Actually, it's not that I am falling over, I'm fighting against my set weight. That's what a doctor told me. It's so hard to lose but we have to keep fighting. Great job not eating past supper time!

    @Cornanda Great job, Lisa!

    Hi all. I am going to go over my cals/points today as it is the holiday luncheon at work. I already know it. I need to drink more water. That has to be a priority for me today. I've been failing miserably at it for about two weeks.

    MY NON-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: I didn't go to the cafe, I ate what I brought.

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • anya7f
    anya7f Posts: 160 Member
    Non zero day win on tuesday-Yesterday was my brother's birthday.Our plan was to eat out but he had already eaten a lot of junk food with his friends at his office .So I cooked healthy and delicious dinner at home. The best thing is when a family member is trying to be healthy then other people also get its benefit.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,002 Member
    @Tamevv Crushed it today! BTW I forgot to do my side sit-ups yesterday, I do side planks and leg lifts then the side sit-ups and forgot them all and my legs were hurting too bad for weights today so I did everything I forgot. So not as likely to make me worse but did it!

    @DrewsAnna Shopping is super tiring! Great job on getting your steps in! Great wins and way to go on getting the shopping done, woohoo! I still have to order the cats something but am not too worried about that since they won't hold it against me if it comes late. My nephews on the other hand would be really upset!

    @megnolia82 Great question, for me it was the start of 2019 and I'd tried diets a million times but was real sick after going off a bunch of pain medications where my liver and pancreas were in bad shape and it really hit me if I didn't do something now I wouldn't be here much longer and it was now or never. I was throwing up from my liver and diagnosed with a bunch of new things at once like diabetes (had bad diarhhea from the medication) and I realized by being passive I was killing myself. I started doing everything at once like a last hurrah, my worst pain condition was in remission so I was able to do a lot more than now, it's been hard keeping it up but I'm more balanced about it now than obsessive like I was at first.

    @Cornanda Yes crushed that strength workout, on Flex Friday you need to post a picture soon!

    @trooworld Ashwaganda helps stress and sleep, I have some friends who have been taking it and it's one that always comes up when I Google stuff. Thanks, I'm really excited to get it to them, my brother's family and I just sent them all Money Trees so they were on my mind plus there was an owl card my aunt would like and a dahlia my other aunt would love. Have a great time at the luncheon! Success on that tempting cafe!

    @Ftofit Nice you got to have a healthy meal, that's awesome since you probably were already resigned to not eating that way.

    Hi team! So I woke up and had a dentist appointment to pick up the tooth tray (it's called a flapper which sounds like some flappy tooth right? Nope it's a tray with a tooth in it that was expensive!). I thought I'd be able to pull my tooth out myself but they discouraged it so I asked if I could keep my tooth for Christmas and have it done after. Meanwhile I took the tray in case my tooth comes out and they sent me off with my teeth impression which would've looked insane if I died in an accident and they found this mouth model in my purse, I hid it in a bag while I went in the store because I'm great at having stuff fall out at bad times and that's just asking for it. My telehealth appointment was 2 hours after the scheduled time but I cleaned and got some work done so it's all good. Bill's on his way right now and I have a few things to get done. My next few days are pretty busy with the concert and the charity events, I'm super excited my oldest nephew is going to help at the event Saturday which I know he'll end up loving. Cut my workout back a bit as I don't want to be flared up the next few days so I'm skipping leg weights.

    No Zero Days- still did some strength training and half my cardio so I'd get in a decent workout even though it wasn't the full thing.
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    edited December 2022
    Not such a strong one today - best I can claim for a non-zero is that I dragged my butt onto the elliptical and did enough exercise to close my rings. To be fair, I had teenage visitors all day so couldn’t really jump around in exercise gear, but I could probably have done without the cookies and chocolate I made “for them” 😞

    @trooworld Proud of you for skipping the cafe! That’s a great win 😁

    Edit: after writing that I got down and did two sets of sit ups/crunches and cleaned my teeth to lessen the chances of more cookies while I wait up for DH 😊.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    No Zero Wed!

    Did most of my step work out. Eating on point.

    I've been struggling because my goal is to work out for 30 min and walk for 30 min the am. If I let my butt stay on the couch for an extra 10 min, then I just throw out the work out and walk for 30. This week, I'm doing as much workout as I can- usually at least 20 min. Not enough, but it's a start, and I can work on the couch potato problem going forward.

    @Tamevv - Yes, I've been there where I make treats for "others"! I like how you say you cleaned your teeth.... I think that's regional? Have you done one of Chris's steps with the "Drama" move? It makes me laugh every time.
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    edited December 2022
    Username: GabiV125
    Check in day: Thursday
    PW: 137.6
    CW: 137.0
    Love how topics vary lately and how busy this chat got.
    Thank you for the No-zero-days talk and examples. It was on the back of my mind as is applicable to avoiding stuff, right next to the exercise-for-5-Minutes-a-day (by DR Rangan Chatterjee in Feel Better Move More podcast).
    The idea is the same, be happy with 5 minutes and declare it a win day, although most times we won’t stop at 5. The mind games are real, and also the bad self talk and taking a defeated break - frankly I already tried the logic and matured way… and didn’t take me far.
    So my non-zero yesterday was to skip the pasta dishes at the office party, and my 5 minutes was to march in place while watching a 20 min comedy at night.

    Wish strength, power, peace and healing to all going through rough times and congrats to all sailing smoothly!

    Love the coffee, tea and pet talks ❤️.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @Ftofit That is great that you were able to have a healthy dinner on a birthday celebration day.

    @Katmary71 Ah I've never heard of it. I'll look into it. Thank you! I had a flapper for a bit when I was getting an implant, I think. May have been a crown? LOL about dying with the mouth model in your purse, I can just picture it! :D That's great that your nephew is going to help out at the charity event. Great no zero day wins!

    @Tamevv That's an awesome non-zero win. Even more impressive that you did it with teenagers in the house! And great job resisting more cookies.

    @Cornanda Good job, sounds like you had a good day! Can you "reward" yourself with that couch time after you work out?

    @shaunarlr83, I thought of you: I joined a hiking group. I doubt I'll go to any of the meetups because they do like 12 mile hikes and I can only do 2 mile hikes but they might inspire me to go on my own. REI had hiking boots on sale yesterday and I got a new pair of Merrells for $54. My husband has agreed to go hiking with me on Sunday morning if we don't stay up too late with our company on Saturday night.

    Hi all. The luncheon was bad food and it was mostly cold when it was supposed to be hot AND we had to wait 30 mins in line to get up only to find most of it had already been taken so the diet gods were on my side yesterday and I didn't eat much lol. But I did have about 4 cookies at a cookie party yesterday so I didn't starve. I didn't eat dinner last night, as I said below, and I feel okay about it. I'm reading a good health/healthy lifestyle book called Healthy as F**k: The Habits You Need to Get Lean, Stay Healthy, and Kick *kitten* at Life - https://www.fitfeelsgood.com/healthyaf/ There is a lot of cussing in it but if you don't mind that, you will pick up a lot of good information.

    MY NON-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: I didn't eat much at the luncheon and I didn't eat dinner last night.

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • anya7f
    anya7f Posts: 160 Member
    edited December 2022
    Today i have started writing a journal again .i had tried to keep one many times .Journalising each day is my new year resolution every year, but after 3-4days i always stopped.This year instead of waiting for january 1st ,i started now.i had tried different methods like writing the activities of each day, used journal prompts but nothing worked for me.this time i m planning to write random stuff which give me happiness like writing about a movie or tv show ,some delicious food,any good memory for some days , so that writing will become a habit .

    my no zero win-burned some calories by volunteering for cleaning .my mom offered me to eat last slice of cake ,i refused :) .
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member

    @soaness - yay! Someone else who weighs in when I do!!! (And @hlnnan too) 😜 great work this week and wow you sound like you’re killing it to me!! I hope you find a full rest day soon!!

    @Katmary71 - I hate dreams like that!!! Loved that art work you posted and your weekend sounds like it will be a blast!!

    @DrewsAnna - @vegan4lyfe2012 is right, I have to wait over a month and that is just an initial consultation to see if I can get into counseling 🤦🏽‍♀️ great job getting those steps in I’ve been slacking terribly.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - I can’t seem to drink the black tea without adding real sugar, I can drink the green with replacement sweeteners and like it just fine, weird I know lol.

    @19shmoo69 - that’s so great!!! Someone really believes in you!!! Let’s see you rock that gym!!!

    @FushiaKat - I’m so sorry you feel forgotten. Hugs friend!

    @happysquidmuffin - great job maintaining and progressing!!! We’re gonna have to do some more challenges soon I’ve been so wish washy hitting goals!

    @Ftofit - great job inspiring your fam!!! I’m hoping for the same with my little brother, he actually motivated me to sign up for the gym but 2 days later he let his membership lapse. I’m trying to get him back in there with us. He’s recently gotten a gf and she’s not in the best shape so I think he felt he didn’t need to better himself but I hope he values himself enough to try for better. He’s only 24 and already has heart problems but the drs say it will go away if he would just lose 20 lbs. Here’s hoping he finds motivation again! Good luck with your journaling!!!

    @trooworld - I freakin’ love that!!! Maybe you will find a few that enjoy the shorter hikes and you can get out there with some of the group. My best hiking friend (kinda only friend so I’ll just start calling her my over all best friend 😂) messaged me today and said she was sending me a hiking shirt for a Christmas gift! I’m so excited. We actually reconnected after knowing each other years ago when she signed up for a group hike and was to scared to go alone, she got me to sign up in a whim. We completed the group hike but was more excited to take off and hike together without the group…we’ve been hiking together a few times a years ever since. 5 years ago I set a goal that I would hike Kilimanjaro when I turned 40, it won’t be happening this year but we started discussing it and she wants to go do it with me whenever I get settled and start saving up for it again. Thank you for the zero day post and @vegan4lyfe2012 for reposting the link and it’s awesome how everyone is climbing on board!!! I’m so looking forward to next year and absolutely thrilled that no one here feels like they have to wait until it’s time for New Year Resolutions to get started, we are all just jumping in!!!

    @megnolia82 - my greatest motivation came from watching my aunt die. I was told before I was born she was wearing a men’s size 28 waist jeans AFTER having 4 kids!!! She wore the men’s jeans bc women’s jean didn’t go small enough for her. On her death bed she was over 600 lbs. she died from her organs shutting down from being so overweight, her last years were so miserable for her and her family and knowing the difficulty’s she endured especially when her health got so bad and they had to have firefighters come out and call in neighbors to help get her out of her house and into an ambulance just made me promise myself I would never put myself or my loved ones through that.

    I finally read the No Zero Days thread!!!! Loving this for all of us and I’m gonna get my mom, daughter, and brother on board too!!! I feel I have been actively participating unknowingly for awhile, now to intentionally participate!!! Tuesday I was able (with my mom and fams help) to throw my daughter a mini surprise party! She wasn’t feeling quite up to the gym that day but I pushed her bc it was my only way to stall her while everyone got to the house. Turns out she has a bad youth that’s causing her whole head to hurt so yesterday we skipped the workout but I stayed busy helping my mom clean and organize some more. Finally talked my son into letting me cut his crazy hair and helped both of my brothers move and unload stuff. Seems everyone is decluttering and organizing. My little brother is getting his cabinets painted next week and he’s gonna let me home edit his kitchen storage for him!!! He already has the containers I just got to sort and put everything away for him. My daughter messaged me a list of workouts she wants to do this evening and my niece is a homecoming queen candidate so we get to see her in a parade today and at the ceremonies tomorrow night! Looking forward to a fun filled weekend with my loved ones!

    I already have a no zero win for today. Had a protein shake for breakfast!!!
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    @cornanda Hehe, I like when these little differences come up - I’m in Australia - what do you lot say when you “clean your teeth”? And I don’t know the move you’re referring to - maybe video me a demonstration next time you are doing your teeth to explain 😁
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    To add to my No Zero Day I….logged all food and drink and made it to the gym today!
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    @shaunarlr83. It sounds like your life is very full with quality time in all directions. Yep, if you have a good routine or regular exercise regime it’s easy to tick the non-zero box and most days it’s no problem to do my morning workout and close my rings, but I don’t want that to be my non zero - I want to find some other small thing I can do specifically as a present to my future self. I really like this idea, it was the take-home for me from that article. It reminds me that my future self is worth fighting for. Even on the days I don’t think my present self is worth the effort, I always have hope that she is, and that’s what gets me going 😊.
  • davidji82
    davidji82 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi all
    Weigh in day Friday
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 310 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 236
    CW: 236
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @Ftofit Good luck with your new journaling habit! Great job with your no-zero wins!

    @shaunarlr83 I might post in their Facebook group to see if any others ever do shorter hikes. I hope my hubby goes with me on Sunday morning. How nice of your best friend! I'm glad you have someone to hike with and hiking Kilimanjaro is an awesome goal. I hope the surprise party was fun. That's so cool that your daughter and you are doing workouts together. Enjoy your weekend and great no-zero wins!

    Hi all. I had a small gain this week (0.5 lbs) but it was kind of expected. I did do better yesterday, I had some non-zero wins (see the bottom of this message). I am going to the eye doctor today, I have a stye in my eye and it is not going away so hopefully they can give me something to take care of it.

    To follow up on my mention of the book, "Healthy as F**ck" yesterday, here is a summary of the main points followed by a link to more of a summary of those points:

    1) Fill half your plate with veggies.
    2) Get good sleep.
    3) Back away from the booze.
    4) Meditate for 20 mins each day.
    5) Eat it all, but way less of it.
    6) Prep and plan ahead.
    7) Exercise consistently.


    MY NON-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: I didn't eat much at dinner and I drank double the amount of water than I did the day before.

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    Username: Trooworld
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    PW: 225.0
    CW: 225.4
    LTD: 22.6
  • anya7f
    anya7f Posts: 160 Member
    Username: ftofit
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    PW: 161
    CW: 160.8

    My no zero win-30 minutes dance ,stayed under calorie goal
  • hlnnan
    hlnnan Posts: 19 Member
    I have been using the no zero days principle this week and I really like it! It has been tough with two family birthdays. I did win by only eating one slice of cake for each birthday. I would normally just eat slices every day until each one was gone. I have also done a walk out of the house every day. I did want to hit 10000 steps each day but at least I did 5000 plus each day. This time of year is so tough in our house.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,002 Member
    Hi friends, love how well everyone is doing with No Zero Days! I've done well with exercise but am eating and drinking more than normal with Bill here. My concert with my brother was a blast last night, both bands were real good. I've worked out the last two days too so not totally off track but when I wear a medium shirt and was told I had to choose between a small and large I decided I'd rather eat cookies this year and went with the large but doesn't mean I want it to be a tight fit! Today Bill and I went and helped load the food bank truck and then unload and put scooters and bikes together at the food bank, I didn't last super long but was glad we were able to help for a few hours. Tomorrow's the event so I'm skipping my workout to help out. They decided not to allow kid volunteers as it could make the kids receiving gifts self-conscious so my nephew can't come which is a bummer but understandable. The woman who runs the charity I'm with said she's still bringing her son and my nephew is doing a lot better now with anxiety/mental health but I don't want to risk him being told to leave and him getting his feelings hurt on my watch. Bill and I will probably go look at lights tomorrow night then he leaves Sunday. There's a small chance I'll go to my uncle's with my brother for a Christmas party Sunday night but think with the rain I'm going to have to lay low instead of traveling 2 hours each way. Oh I'm meeting the new food bank farm manager next Friday with the old manager and other most frequent volunteer next week for coffee, can't wait to hear his ideas and get involved with starting seeds/greenhouse stuff, I miss it there so much! Have a wonderful Saturday everyone.
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Friday weigh in

    PW: 73.7
    CW: 74.3

    Not surprised by the gain but disappointed nonetheless to have to formally admit to it 😔.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @Ftofit Great wins and congrats on the scale going down.

    @hlnnan I'm glad the no zero days philosophy is helping you. That would be tough with two birthdays in a week. Sounds like you are doing great!

    @Katmary71 I'm glad you had fun at the concert. Oh that's a bummer but totally understandable about the kid volunteers. I'm glad your nephew is doing better. I was wondering how he was. Have a great Saturday!

    @Tamevv Sorry about your gain. You are really doing great with exercise though.

    Hi all. I went to the eye doctor yesterday. My appt was at 9:40 and I made the mistake of not eating breakfast before I went. I didn't think it would take too long and I could eat when I got back. Well, they were running late, then I stopped at Hobby Lobby to get something for a Christmas gift, and then before I knew it, I was in the line at the drive-through. :( Today is a new day. My stye is infected and so she gave me an antibiotic ointment to apply to it.

    MY NON-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: I didn't snack yesterday.

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 594 Member
    It has been a super busy week, but I am still keeping up with the posts as I wait in line at the gym:). I am going to TRY to do a proper post later (but I think that everyday). Haven’t done great with eating but not too bad, I have been able to keep up with my workouts so that has been super helpful. For now here is pic of my little sweetie❤️

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    @trooworld - Does it sound bad to say that I'm happy the luncheon was such a wreck? Thank you for the idea about my couch potato habit. It's a good one! Hope your eye feels better quick.

    @Ftofit- I like journaling too. I can get a flow going, but when I skip some days, it's over. Keep us updated on how you are doing with this. You may have inspired me to try again.

    @shaunarlr1983 - it sounds like lots of great things are happening in your life. Hooray!

    @tamevv- I thought you were in New Zealand so at least I was close. I've said/heard brush your teeth in the US.... anyone say other things? I will send you a link to the video, but not one of me doing it LOL. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your post about taking care of your future self. That is going in my journal and I will be using that thought in my daily activities. Thank you!

    @Katmary71 - sounds like lots of fun stuff this weekend. So cool about the bikes! Please update us on it all when you can.

    @laurelfit57 - Christmas Vannie is soooooo cute!

    No Zero day- Thurs/Fri--- eating was decent, that's about all I can say.

    Christmas Eve is one week away! I am behind in getting ready, but I have a plan to catch up- time to get at it.


  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    edited December 2022
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 173.9
    CW: 172.6
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 4,008 Member
    Username: Digger61
    Weigh-in day: Saturday
    PW: 211
    CW: 213
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,477 Member
    Thanks to all who participated in this week's challenge. The Week 3 Group Challenge is open and available to begin on Sunday, Dec 18th. Hope you'll join us for the Climb the Ladder to Lose Challenge.

    Here's your link:

    Hope to see you there!
  • hlnnan
    hlnnan Posts: 19 Member
    Username: hlnnan
    Weigh in day - Monday
    PW - 64.1kg
    CW - 64.7kg
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    No Zero Saturday

    Did an extra walk with my hub in the eve to look at Christmas lights.

    Unfortunately, there's been two restaurant meals over the weekend- I'm full of salt. And someone gave me a small tin of chex mix covered in white chocolate. It's like crack to me and I'm the only one who can eat it as it has nuts and everyone here is allergic. I might have to throw it out.

    Having a lovely weekend though!

This discussion has been closed.