Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - MARCH 2023



  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    Happy Wednesday, all!
    I am checking in after a super busy day.

    No Zero Days
    - Eating fruits and vegetables
    - Fasting window (aiming for 17-7)
    - Steps
    - Water drinking
    - Organizing/decluttering my house; current focus is my dreaded office

    I almost didn't check the last one, and realized I was dinging myself for not doing enough. I did do some. I'm just not done.

    Today's biggish victory: I met some fellow volunteers for a meeting at a restaurant. I ate my healthy stuff before I went, and nobody cared that I was hanging out, nursing a tea and picking at the fresh, unadulterated spinach garnish rather than the pot stickers.
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member

    @trooworld - I’m glad you had a good day and I’m sorry for the troubling vet report. One of the worse parts of loving a pet so well is when they are sick, hurt, or leaving us. I saw an ad for some soup partitioners that portion out 1 cup of soup and let you freeze it (like a large ice tray) then you can grab a perfectly portioned block of soup and heat it up to eat whenever! I’m definitely getting me some of those!

    @tammymccrady6278 - I don’t like reintroducing myself but I love reading everyone else’s recaps!! 😅

    @FushiaKat - I am so inspired by you and several others who have to battle with pain every single day!!! I’m so glad you’ve gotten back to gardening a bit. I love your cactus garden, I’ll have one one day myself!!!

    @Katmary71 - thank you for the info, I’m definitely passing that along. You can ask if you want we are close to Oklahoma City! To also answer @trooworld, she really needs surgery but she’s going to refuse it and put it off for so long that she will probably have irreparable damage just like she did with her knees. ☹️ she seemed to have been doing so well before the girls got here, now she’s stressed, sick, and hurting constantly. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    @AustinRuadhain - great no zeros and that’s definitely a huge win!!!!

    Funny I slept all day and feel more tired than the days I was sleeping little and staying awake all night I’m about to take a hot bath and lay back down so I can get up early and go hiking!!!


    Ate okay and was under calorie goal!

    Walked 2 miles

    Did a 30 minute upper body workout and ended with a quick row!

    Did my daily challenge moves!

    Logged every single thing!

    Hit my step and water goals!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @sleepygirl79 Thank you! You are right.

    @txcritter69 That looks great. I'm so jealous of that tomato plant lol. Thanks for the hug.

    @Katmary71 Thank you very much. I made the mistake of reading up on some of those things and it's not good news. :( Your dinner sounds yummy. I'm sorry about the flare-up. Good job with your no zeros.

    @AustinRuadhain Great job, and way to work on that office! Wow, I'm impressed about the meeting.

    @shaunarlr83 Thank you and yes, and I think we may have to face all of that within the next 6 months to a year. That soup partitioner sounds cool. Let us know how they are if you get them! I'm sorry about your mom refusing surgery and her hurting so much. :( I hope you have a good time hiking. Take some pics for us!!!

    @DrewsAnna You are welcome! It's been yucky weather here, too. 40F in the morning and then it only warms up to about 55-59F. That's cold for here lol. It was also raining and hailing yesterday. I'm sooooo ready for spring! How appreciative your best buddy is! :D Great job with your day Tuesday.

    @micaroo4 I'm glad Rich is going to the doctor. I hope it helps.

    Hi all. I did pretty good yesterday. I've been struggling to get back on track ever since coming back from my work trip. I hadn't tracked since before the trip (which was Feb 7-13). I TRACKED YESTERDAY! Sorry for yelling so early in the morning lol but I'm excited. It was miserable weather yesterday, raining and hailing. I hope today is better. I don't know if I have ever shared this picture of Daisy, we got her a photo shoot back in Sept 2022 and this is the photo we chose.

    MY NO-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: I ate healthily all day, and drank 40 oz of liquids, *tracked 75% of my food*!!!

    Join our Stridekick challenge (miles walked/ran)...my username is LibraryGoddess: https://link.stridekick.com/join

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    edited March 2023
    @rodgerd27 - Welcome to Slimpossibles! We're happy you are here, and hope this supports you in your health goals!

    @sleepygirl79 - "I noticed if I don’t eat any, my cravings for it in the next few days aren’t as bad as if I give in." What a great thing to notice! That happens for me, too.

    @DrewsAnna - I am so sorry for your loss. I'll be thinking about you and your sister.

    @shaunarlr83 - Congratulations on surviving your first week at the new job! And enjoy the hike tonight! And I am so sorry about your mom. It's hard to see someone you love in pain.

    @trooworld - Hurray for *tracking!* Great job!!!
    Daisy is crazy cute! her picture made me smile so much!
    "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better." -- This is so inspiring!

    @txcritter69 - Your herb garden looks great!

    @micaroo4 - I am glad you are dong okay, and sorry to hear Rich is doing worse. I hope they can offer home something helpful at the appointment.

    @GabiV125 - Yay to your goal for the year! And to "so far so good!"
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,229 Member
    @Katmary71 – I would have to say my favorite things to grow are herbs since I use them all the time. If you have any parsley, dill or cilantro seeds, that would be fantastic :smile: I bought Hunter the same hydroponic system as mine, at the same time. She’s growing basil, lettuce and oregano.
    @sleepygirl79 – I’m thinking a bite size brownie was a much better choice than what you could have eaten! I’m throwing a baby shower for my DIL this Saturday! We’re twinsies! Good luck at the parties!
    @DrewsAnna – Continued prayers for your sister, you and your friend’s family. I’m so sorry.
    @shaunarlr83 – OMGoodness! I’ve been craving cereal, too! Walked too slowly past that aisle at the store the other day! And a snackle box would be perfect for hiding snacks :D I’m so jealous of all your hikes! We’re expecting about a foot of snow this weekend. That soup partitioner thingy sounds super fun!
    @trooworld – Dill is my favorite! I didn’t grow it in my planter because of just how out of control it is (like chives), but I might anyway. I have Major Depressive Disorder, so bouts of depression come out of nowhere and last however long it wants to. I used to take meds, but it made me gain so much weight and I didn’t like how it made me feel. I plan on listening to part 2 of the podcast this evening. I’m really enjoying Jordan’s weekly discussions. He’s so excitable! Hugs and prayers for everything to get figured out for little Daisy. Poor baby :'(
    @txcritter69 – I love that pallet planter!!! And your tomato plant looks so healthy!
    @FushiaKat – Nice job on replacing snacks with veggies and fruits!
    I have been super busy with activities with my daughters and with church. And the fun never stops! Lots of running around today after work…Daughter #1 is coming over to take son’s TV and stand (with his permission, of course) but needs me to transport it. I forgot to take stuff out of my trunk so I can fold down the back seats. Gotta drive it to her place, unload, then to daughter #2 to pick up a desk to take back to daughter #1. The things we do for our kids! And the whole time I’m doing this running around, I’m going to be thinking about the asparagus and Yukon golds waiting at home to be roasted. Daughter #2 gave me some Black Pepper infused olive oil (from our favorite purveyor, The Olive Cart) and recommended a spice mix for the taters – Spanish paprika and Mexican oregano (both from Rancho Gordo), cumin and Himalayan pink salt. My mouth is watering!
    There were some plates and bowls I’ve been wanting and finally bit the bullet. Expensive for me, but they spark joy and I wanted them. Set of 6 dinner plates, salad plates, and the exact size bowls I’ve been wanting – the kind that’s only about 2” high, but wide. Like pasta bowls. Here’s a picture so you can see the colors.
    Makes me want to put pretty, colorful veggies in them! It motivated me to do a little batch cooking – cooked a pound of Rancho Gordo Vaqueros, 3 cups of brown rice, scorched a can of white corn and roasted 6 poblanos, so I’m ready to mix and match for a few days!
    No Zero Days logging:
    1. Cook bean/grain: :)
    2. Weigh/measure all food: B)
    3. Log all food: :/
    4. 15 minutes activity: :#
    5. Stop eating when pleasantly full: :/

    2023 Mantra: NO WISHES and Planning = Success!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,002 Member
    Hi team, almost the weekend, woot woot! Just saying a quick hi tonight, I just got home from a charity board meeting and am wiped out, I had great intentions ordering the salad bar at Roundtable but ate the salad and got free bread twists and ate all those too so I'm SUPER full. I'd brought a coupon for buy 2 get 1 free at the cookie place but they'd closed, I'd figured 3 of us could chip in for 1 each but I don't need it. Did my workout this morning and shopping plus some cleaning and now I'm taking a quick Epsom salt and ACV bath. I'm heading to the greenhouse in the morning then need to do meeting minutes as the HOA board meeting is Saturday afternoon and that takes a lot longer than charity ones. Hope you all had an awesome Thursday, here we come Friday!

    No Zero Days (I put No Zero Minutes, geez)
    -chair cardio, abs and legs strength, stretching
    - aside of twists and a beer I ate healthy but over
    - good water
  • anya7f
    anya7f Posts: 160 Member
    Username: ftofit
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    PW: 165.9
    CW: 163.1

    Two months progress-
    1)i lost 2.3 lb this year.it is not very much but now i know where i could improve.Now i eat healthy snacks.i was suffering from a health issue which i have cured by changing my habits,doing cardio and eating healthy.
    2)my mental health is very much improved.now i m doing better in tough situations.i m able to change my negative thought patterns ,stay happy and do my best in every problem.
    3)my work life balance is improved .i figured my time wasters ,let go of perfection .Now i get more time for myself and my family.
    4)my plan for 2023 is to learn a new skill each month.In january i learned professional makeup and in feb i learned portfolio management.Now i m learning martial arts.i dont have any basic knowledge in this area so maybe it will take some months to perfect it.
    5)overcomed social media addiction.it saved so much time.
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member

    @DrewsAnna - great outlook! I’m so happy you hand a good day. I’ve hiked near your area in 42° and I was sweating 😂 47° here today was pretty chilly in the wind!

    @micaroo4 - I’m sorry he isn’t any better yet, hopefully soon!

    @trooworld - that’s the best picture!!! How sweet she looks! Great day and I also felt the excitement when I logged my food yesterday for the first time in awhile!!!

    @GabiV125 - you’re doing great!!!

    @AustinRuadhain - Thank you!

    @Cornanda - we see how it is, you can make time for the animals… 🤣🤣🤣 Totally teasing you…I know how easy it is to get swamped and lose track of responding here.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - those plates are super cute! I’m getting excited with the idea of having my own place in the near future, I get to start all over and change up my decor and have anything I want without having to take someone else’s boring opinions in mind! I think the most practical thing is a car first but I anxious to get moving forward in life!

    @Katmary71 - you had a full day! Great job! I was just watching a video last night about if you soak in an epsom salt bath you also need to add baking soda to draw out the toxins especially those that inflame the joints and as an added bonus it helped exfoliate dry skin. I was about to try it tonight, I’ll add some ACV also and maybe tomorrow you can tell me why that’s good!

    Hiked 5 miles today with my cousin. We were in a canyon area that is mostly red clay. I’ve been here before and usually it’s a stark contrast between the bright green and red rocks, today was a different scene as it’s mostly dead trees right now and very little green but it was still beautiful!

    I had a hard time sleeping last night, was good to go after just a few hours of rest but coming home and warming up after hiking in the chilly wind made me super sleepy. I took a 5 hour nap and now I’m up all alone doing laundry. I’ll clean a bit while the house is quiet and then I’m going to soak in a hot bath. My joints ache from the extra carbs I’ve been indulging in so this next week I’m going to try to cut them completely out again. I’m coming to terms with the fact that I won’t have any sort of schedule, I’ll just sleep whenever I need to from now on! Logging food from midnight to midnight is making it really easy to stay under goal but it’s also giving me an opening to start snacking again just after midnight passes. My moms going to grab groceries this weekend, I’m going to have to make that snackle box this weekend!!!


    Was under calorie goal!

    Hit water and step goals

    Hiked 5 miles

  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 416 Member
    Weigh In: Thursday
    PW: 156.8
    CW: 159.9

    Well, I gained 3.1 lbs. I expected a gain but, I didn't expect that much of a gain. That was very depressing to see so, what did I do about it? Oh yeah, I went on a self sabotaging binge and now my stomach is kind of hurting.

    I'm going back to those weekly meal plans. That was working really good for me. It was nice to have something new to try.

    I am liking stridekick!! I have worked out or walked, I think 3 times this week. I joined 4 or 5 of the challenges. I am doing ok in the MS challenge. This app has been motivating, which is huge for me. It still doesn't track my exercise but, it tracks my steps so, I'm happy!!

    I'm really tired, y'all have a great evening/day!!

  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    Rich is worse this morning. The NP at his doctor's office suggested that he use his regular inhaler twice a day (which he had already started doing), use his rescue inhaler 3-4 times a day, and take MucinexDM. This morning he says his chest hurts really bad. His doctor's office is closed now until Tuesday, so today he will have to find a clinic (or the ER!) to treat him. I'm very worried.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 172.3
    CW: 173.5


  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 - oooohhh! Those plates are gorgeous! You have a side job as a furniture mover this week! How did your dinner turn out- did you like the spices?

    @AustinRuadhain - that's so sweet that you posted that for shmoo

    @katmary- how was your day at the greenhouse?

    @Ftofit - wow- you have some really cool goals. I am trying to do better at keeping track of my progress this year it's easy to coast and not pay attention and then you don't get anywhere- Kudos to you!

    @shaunarlr83 - Lol, you are too funny. I worked night shift years ago, and it takes time to get your body adjusted. Going with the flow is a great idea. Is there always crap to eat in the breakroom? You are doing great adjusting your plan to your new circumstances. Your hiking area is beautiful!

    @drewsanna- you've had a tough week, so give yourself grace and get back at it. I, too am loving stridekick!

    @micaroo4 - that does not sound good for Rich. Please keep us updated. Will be thinking of you.

    Well, last night was a dinner for someone at work who is leaving. A little background- I went back to work full time in June (was part time before). I was self employed, now I work for a large healthcare corporation. The person who left- their position was eliminated. When I started this job, I felt like I had found a new "home". Just liked all the people so much and we work well together. You know how rare that is! Well, last night was a lot of "I hate my job now" and "you should look here for jobs" and "upper management sucks" and my own manager saying "I'll probably be the next to be let go"..... anyway- it made me sad that this good group may not even make it 1 year together.


  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    In case anyone might find this helpful:


    You can get a free eBook about binge eating. I read it last year- and the guy really nails the things my brain says to get me to eat. I think some others read it too? I also belong to their Facebook group- which is not super helpful to me, but lately they have been posting little audio clips from their blog page- you can go there to find them- the author interviews people about how they adjusted their thinking and dealt with issues. Of course they are pushing their "intensive" program... but you don't have to pay attention to that.
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 310 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 232
    CW: 231
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    Username: Trooworld
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    PW: 224.8
    CW: 226.4
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @GabiV125 Congrats on the loss! I love your plan for the year idea.

    @AustinRuadhain Thank you! I'm glad you liked the pic of Daisy. She's a little cutey. I'm trying to remember that phrase as I start my day today. ;)

    @Cornanda Thank you! That IS rare to find an environment where you all mesh together. That's too bad about all the negativity at dinner. I hope it's not as bad as they make it sound.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Yeah, seriously, my dill is a giant monster lol. I know what you mean about the meds for depression, I take them for bipolar II also depression (if it's possible to suffer from both) and I've gained a lot of weight from those. I hope you find ways to cope with your depression. It sucks. I do enjoy the weekly podcasts, I need to go listen to that first one today. Thank you for the hugs and prayers! I appreciate it. mmmmm I can see why you'd be thinking of that asparagus and potatoes, that sounds amazing! Those bowls/plates are so pretty. Where did you get them from? I have two types: I have 4 smaller red plates from Walmart that I use because I eat less on them but they keep getting chipped. I also have Corningwear plates (4) that never chip but they aren't so pretty. The bowls are a mismatch between orangish red bowls from Target and some Chinese bowls from the Asian grocery store lol. I love that you treated yourself to these bowls/plates!

    @Katmary71 How's your flare-up? I hope it's better. Hugs.

    @Ftofit Congrats on the loss! Those are great non-scale victories, well done.

    @shaunarlr83 Thanks! Great job logging your food. Let's do it again today! :D Good job with the hike. You must have needed the rest after that hike and not sleeping well. Beautiful pic, thanks for sharing!

    @DrewsAnna Sorry about the gain. I feel like meal planning gives me a road map and keeps me on the straight and narrow. Great job with the exercise!

    @micaroo4 Oh Mica! I hope Rich can get to the ER this morning. I will keep you both in my thoughts. Hugs.

    @davidji82 @davors19 Congrats on the losses!

    Hi all. I had a gain this week and it's no surprise, I haven't been doing the work and I haven't had the focus. I will try harder this week.

    MY NO-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: I ate healthily all day, and drank 50 oz of liquids, *tracked 75% of my food*!!!

    Join our Stridekick challenge (miles walked/ran)...my username is LibraryGoddess: https://link.stridekick.com/join

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 288 Member
    Good mornin!
    It was a slow day yesterday, we had thunderstorms move through and with it came a few aches and pains. Did manage to work on MIL's easter wreath still trying to decide if I want to add more greenery or leave it as is. Got some housework and decluttering to this morning, but this afternoon is for crafting. Lol

    @tammymccrady6278 Thanks about the pallet garden. We love to travel also. But since covid we don't do so much. Our last trip was in '21 to South Dakota.

    @FushiaKat I love that you have a cactus garden. That is one of my plans in the future. I just started back with having plants last yr. I have found it very therapeutic with my depression. I have never done any gardening until I got my tomato plant. This yr we are spreading our wings.

    @Katmary71 Honestly I am not using the chocolate mint on anything yet. I bought it last yr along with lemon grass to keep mosquitoes away. I do love the small of it. I have just pulled leaves and ate them thou.

    @trooworld I ❤ your pic. of Daisy! She is so cute.

    @GabiV125 I like your idea about weight loss. I pretty much have that same mind set. It's now or never. I am tried of the I wish I could. This yr I am doing it. I have been changing a lot of things in my life. Getting rid of the negative and baggage weighing me down.

    Sorry, I have run short on time. I will jump back in later and finish up with catching up in here.

    For now have a good day!

    ☕Today is
    like COFFEE
    It will be
    As Good As
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    Rich didn't want to go to the walk-in clinic, so he's been following the medication instructions from the Nurse Practitioner that he saw yesterday. He's taking in plenty of fluids as well. He seems a bit better. I hope he's turned the corner. He is coughing less. But the cough sounds terrible.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    @AustinRuadhain Thanks!!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,002 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 Those are gorgeous plates, I absolutely love those! Teal's my favorite color. I put looking for those herbs on my To Do list, I know I don't have cilantro as I have that dumb gene where it tastes like soap but am pretty sure I have the other two around here somewhere.

    @micaroo4 Prayers for Rich, I'm sorry to hear how bad he's feeling. That's real frightening for both of you I'm sure, I'm glad to see he feels a little bit better today.

    @Ftofit Those are amazing victories in two months! Martial arts ought to be fascinating to learn. I think @AustinRuadhain was into martial arts for awhile right?

    @shaunarlr83 Oh we're interested in so many of the same things! A friend of mine on here told be about ACV, she went to an Amish iridologist who told her it could help her pain. When I started going to the holistic pain group I asked the nurse about it as I felt the AVC helps the Epsom salts work faster to calm down spasming. She said to use either ACV or baking soda as it would have the same effect. I DIDN'T know you use 1-2 cups of Epsom salts and ACV though and since it works I get big containers, I picked up 16lbs of Epsom salts and a huge jug of Great Value ACV plus Dr. Teal's bubble bath, I get worn out bringing all that in from Walmart pickup but do it every couple weeks. They seem to work in 20-30 minutes and I have pretty severe spasming so any improvement is wonderful. I really love the ideas of both the snack box and the comfort box, the latter would be perfect when I'm in too much pain to think or if one's very down. Glad you had an awesome hike!

    @DrewsAnna It sounds like you need to keep things fun to be motivated, both the meal plans and Stridekick sound perfect for that. I get that self sabotaging eating because you gained weight, it makes no logical sense but emotionally it does!

    @Cornanda It was great, I posted a picture on my feed which you've probably seen since posting, I separated cells with double seedlings, repotted half the tomatoes, and we sent a bunch of cooler (collards, mustard, bok choy, lettuces) crops over to the farm from the greenhouse so it was kind of sad but exciting seeing them all ready to go. We already filled up the space we made which has been a big challenge. One day at the farm I'd commented that the turkey pen from the 4H club would be great for an outdoor greenhouse and another volunteer had plastic and brought it, he and the manager put it up then the manager got notice they needed it back a couple hours after which was disappointing. I told him it was worth asking if we could keep it a couple months before taking it down and they're letting us which helps us a lot.

    Oh no I'm so sorry to hear that about your work, how frustrating when you've found people you love working with. I have a few friends in healthcare and one especially was hit hard by layoffs, I hope you're able to weather this along with your coworkers though I know unfortunately this happens a lot.

    @trooworld Wow your dill sounds amazing!I haven't had the best luck with dill thanks to aphids but will try again this year. I'm hanging in there, had trouble sleeping so I'm going to go to bed early tonight in the hopes it gets better. Great no zeros!

    @txcritter69 Rain always reminds us of all our injuries right?! I'd love to see the wreath! I didn't realize how much wreaths can cost, I looked at World Market for one and of course I liked one that was $100 and not real, yikes. It WAS beautiful though.

    This was one long post, sorry for hogging the page! I had fun at the greenhouse but didn't get much sleep as my boyfriend's having some health issues and I was worried about him. After the meeting last night I got my cats some toy mice with feathers for tails and Asher kept meowing to wake me up to throw the mouse for him all night to chase. I got about an hour's sleep so I'm super sore from that and the greenhouse but we got a lot done. I really love the energy and enthusiasm everyone's bringing this year. The manager was an English major who took an ethics class and got into discussions on growing and that's how he got into it so he's fun to talk books and growing ethics with plus I can learn all his great farming secrets. My neighbor texted me about someone coming to look at our fence so I rushed home and ate then dealt with that and got the charity minutes done. Tomorrow's garden club and HOA meeting then going to my bro's to feed his cat. Have a great Saturday!

    No Zero Days
    chair cardio, arm and ab strengthening, stretching, greenhouse
    -fairly healthy day under calories
    lots of water
This discussion has been closed.