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  • happygirlw73
    happygirlw73 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I have used MFP. I am 45, married to my best friend. He’s so very supportive of me but I need support from people on a similar journey too. I had a thyroidectomy almost two years ago and now weigh the most I have ever weighed. Weight has always been an issue for me but being on thyroid medication and experiencing some peri menopausal symptoms on top of that makes it a real challenge. It is my goal to develop a healthy WOE and lifestyle that is sustainable for me. Looking forward to participating in the group!
  • amkerrigan9
    amkerrigan9 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All! I'm Amanda, and I'm new to this group! I have 2 weeks left of Noom, which has been amazing! I lost 20 pounds and I feel amazing! I really liked the group portion of Noom, so I want to try to get connected here as well. I turn 40 in September, and I want to be in AWESOME shape!
  • tiedejul
    tiedejul Posts: 8 Member
    Hey, there! I'm looking to surround myself with people who are working on getting healthier. I'm 46, have always been a bit overweight, and am looking to get myself to a healthy BMI. I've got 70 pounds to go--and I'm looking at taking it slow this time. I hope to connect with a few of you!
  • Maria_Lola
    Maria_Lola Posts: 6 Member
    Hello I'm new to the group. I have been trying to loose weight off and on but they say it's not over night it's a journey. Sooooo here I go again back on track.
  • ConH12
    ConH12 Posts: 37 Member
    @ tidejul hi I am 44 and lost 55 lbs six years ago and have kept it off. I would like to connect with you and help you.
  • mmstoeckle
    mmstoeckle Posts: 491 Member
    Hi. I'm restarting my use of MFP. I had dropped off because most of my friends became inactive. I'm 46, about to be empty nest and an active user of MapMyFitness. I could use a group of supporters and I can be the same for you.
  • Hi
    I’m Sherri
    Happy New Year!
    New to the group
    I struggle with depression and anxiety, and emotional eating. Last year was an awful year for me.
    Jump starting into 2020 with exercise and trying to make new friends for support.
    I’d like to lose over 70 lbs. heaviest I’ve ever been.
    Thanks for this group!
    Looking forward to tackling goals together!
  • DaniMerc72
    DaniMerc72 Posts: 188 Member
    HI, I'm Dani. 47, fat and tired of being tired all the time. I want to be a better me in 2020. More water, less crappy food, move my *kitten* more, go to the gym and stop mindless boredom eating! I am currently 218lbs, and my ultimate goal is somewhere around 135-140. I'm going to make my first goal to get into ONE-derland, and from there, chunk it into 10lb goals until I reach my end weight.

    Let's do this!
  • ladyzherra
    ladyzherra Posts: 438 Member
    I have using MFP for years, but I am new to this group and fairly new to 40, as well!
  • Seregelf
    Seregelf Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm 42 (for a few more weeks) and I'm making a new effort to lose weight now that I've come to terms with some stuff. Mainly that I can't stick to one thing. Low carb? Not when my stomach is a pit of acid. Exercise? Depends on what the other pain is doing today. ... etc. Everything depends on so many variables, and I've finally been able to realize that what I need to do is what I can in the moment, and not try to make concrete plans I'll only hate myself for failing.

    Mainly what I've been able to do is focus on increasing vegetables, being mindful about how food makes me feel, and considering questions like "would I enjoy that donut more now, or tomorrow morning?" And recently I've started attempting intermittent fasting.

    Have lost about 9 lbs since June, goal is to lose another 110 by the end of 2021.
  • mdb39
    mdb39 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm 45 and looking to drop the pounds piled on over the past year! I have taken up running and if i can stick with it through this cold winter, I'll be happy as Larry.
  • Hi, everyone! New to the group, and I've used MFP in the past, but decided new year, new me, new MFP! (So, if you're looking for MFP friends, feel free to add me because my feed is looking lonely and I'd love to pull out my pompoms for y'all!).
    I'm Kat, 39 (but I turn 40 in two months, so it seemed silly to join a 30-something group). My weight has always been a roller coaster. I reached a high in 2009, and after my mom died in 2010, I dropped 60 pounds in a pretty unhealthy way (under-eating, a lot of processed diet foods and over-exercising, etc.). I also never dealt with the mental stuff behind my eating, so as soon as I reached my goal weight, I went back to my old eating habits AND injured myself from the over-exercising. Obviously this was not a great combo, and over the next 9 years, I gained those 60 pounds back PLUS an additional 80 pounds. I hit my highest ever weight in November of 2019 and said, "Something has to change!" I was losing slowly throughout 2020 until the holidays, but doing a LOT of the mental work, so now I'm here to focus on the physical.
  • TamraLynn78
    TamraLynn78 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello! Joining MFP again after nearly a year of going off the rails. In 2019 I lost about 35 pounds and have since gained all the weight back. 2020 was just a hot mess of overeating takeout, too many cocktails, and laziness. Looking forward to participating in this group and being accountable to myself again. Best to all of you in reaching your goals!
  • ClaireBri74
    ClaireBri74 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi - I'm making the switch to calorie and macro tracking from Weight Watchers but still feel I gravitate over to the WW platform because of the community feel. I'm an old fitness addicted who retired and in the last year started to fall back in love with it and starting to enjoy working out at home. I follow LMOD and love the Trip, Sh'bam and do pump as well (never had love for that lol) - anyway hi :)
  • AmandaHenesey
    AmandaHenesey Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone, My name is Amanda and I will be 42 in a couple of months. I just joined MFP to take my fitness and nutrition to the next level. I have three littles, ages 7, 5, and 2. I have been on a slow but steady weight loss journey for the past two years. I gained A LOT of pounds during my pregnancy years (about 65lbs) from start to end, and I have about 20lbs more to take off to hit my goal. I am hoping the macros tracking and breakdown in this app will be my final game changer to accomplish my goals!
  • cincisk8r
    cincisk8r Posts: 206 Member
    I'm Jenni 🥰 Been here a long time but have seen many friends come and go. Add me if you think you may stay a while 🤗😍😘💋😻🥰
  • ajill4
    ajill4 Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2022
    Hi Everyone! I’m 42 and need to lose about 30-35 lbs. I am 5’ 3” and current weigh 165. I gained all the weight in the past 3 yrs. I was halfway there last year and got frustrated bc I felt I couldn’t sustain it and gained it all back plus some. I have one preschooler and am a single mom with a very demanding job. For exercise I love Pilates, swimming, biking and anything outdoors. I need motivation logging my calories and not eating sweets.
  • Terryl2022
    Terryl2022 Posts: 1 Member
    Im 43 young woman from Minnesota already lost 17.5 looking for awesome group so here iam
  • kriys1980
    kriys1980 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi i'm 42 and and having struggling with weight loss. Any tips you have would be appreciated.
  • partyagogo
    partyagogo Posts: 4 Member
    Nicole here! I am new to the group. I am located in North Dallas and am looking for accountability partners. I have an 80+lb weight loss goal for the next 12 months. I currently work with a RD and take classes at OrangeTheory but want to build a network of likeminded women who want to help each other reach our goals.