Downsizers Team Chat - APRIL 2023



  • GirlOnTheRebound
    GirlOnTheRebound Posts: 258 Member
    Step Challenge
    My Round 6 (goal 12000)

    4/02 8257 (lower steps due to swimming. But I read an hour of swimming translates to 10000 steps. So there's that lol)
    4/03 5793 Migraine
  • GirlOnTheRebound
    GirlOnTheRebound Posts: 258 Member
    NachDeezy wrote: »
    What's up squad? Happy Monday!

    Super inspirational reading through everyones posts. Even when yall have a "low day" with your steps, its still remarkable to me. I am not really mobile right now, but feel like that is going to change as I continue with physical therapy and shed some lbs.. I currently can make it from one room to another, so I have chairs strategically placed in each room.

    That said, I would like to start keeping track of my steps, but am not sure what to buy. Is anyone familiar with a myfitnesspal compatible tracker that has an option to purchase larger wrist bands? From what I have read fitbit no longer makes xl bands.

    I use fitbit and have ordered larger non fitbit bands on Amazon. Works great. My fitbit is a definite tool in my weight loss journey. I started with steps and now I concentrate on the active zone minutes.
  • GirlOnTheRebound
    GirlOnTheRebound Posts: 258 Member
    NachDeezy wrote: »

    I needed to see this! I was setting up a chart with little prizes at certain weight points and one for the goals I put in pizza. What a self-sabotage that wouldve been. I will need to think of new motivation!

    I sometimes use food as a motivator. To learn that my fave high calorie foods are doable. We all have triggers and if we have them around we eat and eat. I can make peanut butter cookies or other treats and only eat within my limit. But I dare not make a pineapple upside down cake as I will sit at the table until it is gone! But! One nummy slice from the quaint place up the road is a nice reward to teach me I can enjoy and I can thrive. The more I lose and the more healthy I become clothes become a reward or a longer walk or or or lol.
  • GirlOnTheRebound
    GirlOnTheRebound Posts: 258 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry for the late weigh in this week as I have family visiting us and it got quite hectic lol. I weighed in just forgot to post it on here. <3

    PW: 193
    CW: 190.6

    I've lost a total of 27.4 lbs so far!! Super excited!

    Great loss and enjoy the family!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,799 Member
    Jpedno wrote: »

    Here is my friendly Sunday reminder of the people's steps I need for March Week 5 ..Please have your steps in no later than Tuesday evening 4/4 so that I can post the results for week 5 and do the grand finale ... Thank you so much for your cooperation :)

    @HASWLRS 3/26 - 4/1
    @Jpedno 3/26 - 4/1
    @Bluetail6 3/26 - 4/1
    @FindingSamMon 3/31 & 4/1
    @Beverly2Hansen 3/26 -4/1

    I think you meant 3/26 not 3/16 but let me know if you are indeed missing that far back.

    3/26 11119
    3/27 10125
    3/28 1446 (watch died)
    3/29 11690
    3/30 6290
    3/31 8764
    4/1 17,076
    4/2 20,114

    Yes it was an error..Thank you for letting me know of my mistake ...Amazing steps :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,799 Member
    Step Challenge
    My Round 6 (goal 12000)

    4/02 8257 (lower steps due to swimming. But I read an hour of swimming translates to 10000 steps. So there's that lol)
    4/03 5793 Migraine

    I have a step conversion ...was your swimming, leisure, moderate effort, treading water or vigorous effort and for how long? leisure is 133 x how long ... moderate effort is 174 x how long...treading water is 49 x how long and vigorous effort is 222 x how long
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,799 Member
    edited April 2023

    Here is my 2nd reminder of the people's steps I need for March week 5...Please have them in no later than this evening 4/4 so I can post the results and the grand finale in the morning ...Thank you for your cooperation :)

    @HASWLRS 3/26 - 4/1
    @Bluetail6 3/26 - 4/1
    @Beverly2Hansen 3/26 - 4/1
  • GirlOnTheRebound
    GirlOnTheRebound Posts: 258 Member
    Step Challenge
    My Round 6 (goal 12000)

    4/02 8257 (lower steps due to swimming. But I read an hour of swimming translates to 10000 steps. So there's that lol)
    4/03 5793 Migraine

    I have a step conversion ...was your swimming, leisure, moderate effort, treading water or vigorous effort and for how long? leisure is 133 x how long ... moderate effort is 174 x how long...treading water is 49 x how long and vigorous effort is 222 x how long

    Oh cool! I swam laps for 66 minutes with a few pauses in there so let's call it 60 mins. I have a snorkel I use so I don't have to concentrate on breathing. Love the silence and my ability to destress. This was my first time back in months so let's call it a leisurely pace. Thank you
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,799 Member
    Step Challenge
    My Round 6 (goal 12000)

    4/02 8257 (lower steps due to swimming. But I read an hour of swimming translates to 10000 steps. So there's that lol)
    4/03 5793 Migraine

    I have a step conversion ...was your swimming, leisure, moderate effort, treading water or vigorous effort and for how long? leisure is 133 x how long ... moderate effort is 174 x how long...treading water is 49 x how long and vigorous effort is 222 x how long

    Oh cool! I swam laps for 66 minutes with a few pauses in there so let's call it 60 mins. I have a snorkel I use so I don't have to concentrate on breathing. Love the silence and my ability to destress. This was my first time back in months so let's call it a leisurely pace. Thank you

    Your steps are 7980...Great job :)
  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,949 Member
    @Mama530 If you pull weeds like I do you actually are in a squat hold the whole time you pull. Great gardening burn!
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 978 Member

    I hope I'm not too late...

    3/31: 5,213
    4/1: 4,749
    4/2: 11,710
    4/3: 17,744
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,799 Member

    I hope I'm not too late...

    3/31: 5,213
    4/1: 4,749
    4/2: 11,710
    4/3: 17,744

    Nope you are not late at all ... :)
  • JaysFan82
    JaysFan82 Posts: 853 Member
    NachDeezy wrote: »

    I needed to see this! I was setting up a chart with little prizes at certain weight points and one for the goals I put in pizza. What a self-sabotage that wouldve been. I will need to think of new motivation!

    Pizza can be healthy .... not my thing, but i believe Greg @JaysFan82 has a low calorie version which I'm sure he'll share with you!

    OK so hear me out on this cause I know it doesn't sound appealing but it is if you have a good sauce

    I order no cheese, no meat pizza. Just dough, sauce and veggies. Throw a bit of hot sauce on it and bam. Or I'll have a frozen pizza but I make sure the whole thing is under 800 calories. I've had vegan pizzas with cauliflower crust that were fantastic.

    I've learned to take my favourite unhealthy foods like pizza and tweak them enough where they still taste great but aren't as nearly as bad. I love chicken shawarmas but ill only get one scoop of garlic sauce instead of three heaping and pack it full of veggies and protein.I do completely stay away from stuff that has zero nutritional value like candy and potato chips and i dont eat pork or red meat, but I've found stuff like these incredible Honey Dijon pea protein chips at Wal Mart that are like 180 calories for the entire bag, have 10 grams of protein and taste amazing. You just gotta see what's out there and take a risk here and there. You'd be surprised what's out there.
  • pauladner
    pauladner Posts: 59 Member

    Fantastic loss! Is this a diet you plan to follow?

    Hi Linda, thank you! Many years ago I followed the Dukan diet, and it worked for me very well until I stopped dieting. 🙄
    I know that dieting doesn't work for me, so I'm trying to stick with a healthier lifestyle.

This discussion has been closed.