Downsizers Team Chat - APRIL 2023



  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 825 Member
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    3/26: 5033
    3/27: 7706
    3/28: 7340
    3/29: 7847
    3/30: 5704
    3/31: 10649
    4/1: 7389
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,364 Member
    Saturday and Sunday
    4/1 and 4/2

    - MCD on Plan: yes, yes
    - Water (Goal 64 oz) : 64oz on Saturday.
    - Weight Training: None

    - THOUGHTS: My main focus this month is nutrition and staying on plan. I will incorporate weight training slowly.

    Step Challenge - Goal 7000

    4/2 - 7,738
    4/3 -
    4/4 -
    4/5 -
    4/6 -
    4/7 -

    Weigh in Day: Friday
    Starting - 220.0 3/31/2023
  • MSWarrior7088
    MSWarrior7088 Posts: 167 Member

    But I've been a good

    This is so true that we reward ourselves with food...I need to stop doing this myself!!
  • MSWarrior7088
    MSWarrior7088 Posts: 167 Member
    NouveauRee wrote: »
    Post a quote to get our month started.

    Good Morning Downsizers!

    I used to have this all or nothing mindset. If I ate a package of cookies on Tuesday the whole week was blown and I’d continue to eat all I could until starting fresh again on Monday. Now each morning I set the intention to do my best. My best isn’t necessarily perfection but knowing I’m doing my best to make good choices throughout the day. It’s also okay to have a cookie or two. They aren’t evil and can be worked into your plan. The longer I’m on this journey I’m finding it’s much more mental for me. Hope you all have an amazing week!


    I use to do that very same thing!!! I would start on Monday and if I screwed up I would then the week would be blown.
    I'm learning... definitely a mindset!!!
    Best of luck on your journey 🧡
  • MSWarrior7088
    MSWarrior7088 Posts: 167 Member
    pauladner wrote: »
    Weigh In Day: Sunday , april 2md
    PW (Previous Weight): 151.5 lb
    CW (Current Weight): 146.6 lb

    Hello everyone and welcome new members.

    Last week I followed a high protein diet, that helped me to shed some pounds. It was another stressful week too, so I don't know how much it interfered with my metabolism.

    I wish a good week for everyone.

    Wow....such a great loss!!!
  • Huckleterrie
    Huckleterrie Posts: 145 Member
    pauladner wrote: »
    Weigh In Day: Sunday , april 2md
    PW (Previous Weight): 151.5 lb
    CW (Current Weight): 146.6 lb

    Hello everyone and welcome new members.

    Last week I followed a high protein diet, that helped me to shed some pounds. It was another stressful week too, so I don't know how much it interfered with my metabolism.

    I wish a good week for everyone.

    Wow, what a result! Great numbers!
  • Huckleterrie
    Huckleterrie Posts: 145 Member

    Step count (goal 13,000):

    04/02 - 15,673
    04/03 -
    04/05 -
    04/06 -
    04/07 -
    04/08 -
    04/09 -
  • NachDeezy
    NachDeezy Posts: 809 Member
    What's up squad? Happy Monday!

    Super inspirational reading through everyones posts. Even when yall have a "low day" with your steps, its still remarkable to me. I am not really mobile right now, but feel like that is going to change as I continue with physical therapy and shed some lbs.. I currently can make it from one room to another, so I have chairs strategically placed in each room.

    That said, I would like to start keeping track of my steps, but am not sure what to buy. Is anyone familiar with a myfitnesspal compatible tracker that has an option to purchase larger wrist bands? From what I have read fitbit no longer makes xl bands.
  • NachDeezy
    NachDeezy Posts: 809 Member

    I needed to see this! I was setting up a chart with little prizes at certain weight points and one for the goals I put in pizza. What a self-sabotage that wouldve been. I will need to think of new motivation!
  • Jpedno
    Jpedno Posts: 301 Member
    edited April 2023

    Here is my friendly Sunday reminder of the people's steps I need for March Week 5 ..Please have your steps in no later than Tuesday evening 4/4 so that I can post the results for week 5 and do the grand finale ... Thank you so much for your cooperation :)

    @HASWLRS 3/26 - 4/1
    @Jpedno 3/26 - 4/1
    @Bluetail6 3/26 - 4/1
    @FindingSamMon 3/31 & 4/1
    @Beverly2Hansen 3/26 -4/1

    I think you meant 3/26 not 3/16 but let me know if you are indeed missing that far back.

    3/26 11119
    3/27 10125
    3/28 1446 (watch died)
    3/29 11690
    3/30 6290
    3/31 8764
    4/1 17,076
    4/2 20,114
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member

    But I've been a good

    This is so true that we reward ourselves with food...I need to stop doing this myself!!

    love this!
  • Jpedno
    Jpedno Posts: 301 Member
    JaysFan82 wrote: »
    5km race went great. Lungs are burning cause it was below freezing this morning but I beat my 30 minute goal time.

    Finished 27:54. Next race is in 3 weeks!

    That's a great time! I'm impressed!
  • Jpedno
    Jpedno Posts: 301 Member
    A quick intro-
    I'm Jen (42) in Santa Fe, NM. I live with my hubby and cat. Weight has crept up over the years, in grad school, with stressful health and family situations, I have some chronic health issues and have been on some form of steroids for years. I'm also 5' tall and I like to eat sooo... Anyway, lately I have been focusing on eating more (vegan) protein and lifting weights to improve my health.
  • NouveauRee
    NouveauRee Posts: 521 Member

    Guilty🫣 on the positive side some food things aren’t necessarily all “bad” such as special ingredients for a healthy new recipe or enjoying a new restaurant (we rarely eat out). I also love kitchen gadgets so tools that will help me make healthier meals. I really want a Ninja Creami but that may be too tempting. Team what are some rewards you have? What milestones do you reward? Do you reward for both scale and NSV milestones?
  • NachDeezy
    NachDeezy Posts: 809 Member
    NouveauRee wrote: »

    Guilty🫣 on the positive side some food things aren’t necessarily all “bad” such as special ingredients for a healthy new recipe or enjoying a new restaurant (we rarely eat out). I also love kitchen gadgets so tools that will help me make healthier meals. I really want a Ninja Creami but that may be too tempting. Team what are some rewards you have? What milestones do you reward? Do you reward for both scale and NSV milestones?

    I set up a good amount of milestone rewards for scale victories (since i have a long journey down the scale😅).. some of the things on the list- new clothes, new shoes, pedometer, new exercise/kitchen equipment, and (farrrrr down the road) a small vacation.

    I had pizza on the list, but this quote put me in check lol
  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 825 Member
    NachDeezy wrote: »

    I needed to see this! I was setting up a chart with little prizes at certain weight points and one for the goals I put in pizza. What a self-sabotage that wouldve been. I will need to think of new motivation!

    Pizza can be healthy .... not my thing, but i believe Greg @JaysFan82 has a low calorie version which I'm sure he'll share with you!
  • NouveauRee
    NouveauRee Posts: 521 Member
    edited April 2023
    NachDeezy wrote: »
    NouveauRee wrote: »

    Guilty🫣 on the positive side some food things aren’t necessarily all “bad” such as special ingredients for a healthy new recipe or enjoying a new restaurant (we rarely eat out). I also love kitchen gadgets so tools that will help me make healthier meals. I really want a Ninja Creami but that may be too tempting. Team what are some rewards you have? What milestones do you reward? Do you reward for both scale and NSV milestones?

    I set up a good amount of milestone rewards for scale victories (since i have a long journey down the scale😅).. some of the things on the list- new clothes, new shoes, pedometer, new exercise/kitchen equipment, and (farrrrr down the road) a small vacation.

    I had pizza on the list, but this quote put me in check lol

    Fab rewards Nacho! Hope having a list helps motivate. I need to revisit my list. I know health and fitness and energy are the best rewards but sometimes that more tangible item is that extra push. Can’t wait to hear about your new clothes and equipment and vacation! If Pizza is your thing, maybe a little pizza oven to make homemade pizzas or a gourmet pizza kit. Pizza can be a healthy option. As for activity trackers, you may be able to find larger replacement bands or band extenders on Amazon. Best of luck on your Journey! You’ve got this Nacho!
This discussion has been closed.