WaistAways Team Chat - JUNE 2023



  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,292 Member
    lauren_989 wrote: »
    PW: 213.6
    PW 206
    CW 205.8

    CW: 216.2

    I really didn't think I ate too off track when I was sick, but then again, I didn't track 🤷🏼‍♀️ Hopefully this is water weight and falls off just as fast as it came on!

    @lauren_989 I think I had what you had. I also saw a gain after. I even felt a bit bloated. Glad you are feeling better as I am too. This week my weight is down I tiny bit with practically no effect on my part. Hang in there. You will see a loss next week.
    Pw My name is Grace and I am a pharmacist. I am 31 years old and live with my sister.
    @graceojo999 I loved reading “I am a pharmacist.” Because I’ve been here long enough to remember when you were working hard as a student. Congratulations!!🎉

    @conleywoods CONGRATULATIONS!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 I feel like you just started but I’m sure you don’t. Setting your sights on doing this and doing it while teaching and being an amazing Mom is just incredible. I am so happy for you. (And that your husband is feeling better about teaching). Well done!!

    I really appreciate the conversations about boredom and non-negotiables. Coming here and reading posts from this community is so very valuable. It has given me something to think about.

    School is done and I intend to come here more often. And focus on getting myself in a healthier place. I’m in such a place that I’m not even sure what my non-negotiables are. Maybe I’m bogged down with boredom. Things to think about.
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Friday weigh-in
    PW 96k
    CW 93.9k
    A good drop for week one but I know it's just my body adjusting.
    Hopefully I'll introduce myself properly some time next week when things are meant to be a bit less hectic.
  • wdalzell5401
    wdalzell5401 Posts: 28 Member
    Weigh In Day: Saturday

    PW: 79.7
    CW: 77.6

    Definitely feeling better about myself this week. Tracking was patchy, but food choices were conscious and majority healthy, less alcohol, more exercise all showed up as downward movement on the scales.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Wow! Some impressive numbers flying in. @pearl4686 and @wdalzell5401 - over 2% loss this week. Be careful not to try to maintain the same rate or it might come back to haunt you, but for a boost to your progress, well done! @PlaneMonkey you're right up there too, and it seems to me that the new medication might be helping in more ways than one.

    Mom and I got to Ohio rather later than expected, but we made it. Seeing my sister-in-law's grief up close is so moving - it is even more obvious than before that she and my brother had really (finally!) found the love of their lives. Both had previous marriages and difficult relationships, and had found each other. I am looking forward to meeting others who were close with my brother at the service tomorrow - some I already know, some I have never met. I think it will be a special day, even if sad.

    The line-up to finish up the week here in WA - due through today:
    @TessieMac833 & @alydanbeads - last chance! Please weigh in or lose your spot on the team. If you want to come back later, of course you will be welcome. Just let us know :heart:

    Due Saturday:

    Keep up the great work, team - there is a lot of heart and health happening, as always.

  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning WaistAways!

    It's here, the day of our cookout for my daughter, hopefully after today I can get back to focusing on weight loss instead of party prep and stressful job and end of the school year!

    PW: 173.8
    CW: 173.8
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    @jugar - may I take a pass this week? I have had to travel for work, and I have also struggled with getting in my workouts. It’s been a very busy and tiring week.
  • zankash23
    zankash23 Posts: 107 Member
    PW: 156.5
    CW: 156.5

    Sun- 261
    Mon: 9760
    Tue- 1162
    Wed - 2190
    Thur - 8550
    Fri - 12376
    Sat - 1000

    I have decided to increase my water intake and steps. I’m finding it a bit difficult but I’m going to try to hold myself accountable xx
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    PW 162.5
    CW 161.3

    Happy to see a loss! So I’ve been doing an experiment and last week I had a full week of doing it. I’ve been reading about the health benefits of baking with freshly ground wheat berries. Since we live in the country I’m always on the look out for things I can do if we lose power for days (I’m a planner!) so we bought a grain mill (hand crank of course) and some organic Einkorn which is an ancient grain - so I’ve been making bread and healthy muffins this week. I do think I’m feeling better too since we are getting all the health benefits out of the organic einkorn! The muffins I made with hard and soft organic wheat flour and added some plain kefir for the sourdough flavor - oh my goodness SO good!! I also love that I’m buying less and less from the grocery store! We will see how next week goes and how I’m physically feeling 🍞
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    Thinking of you both @jugar @EvMakesChanges and your family and friends.

    Mom and I had two fantastic days at the BBC Gardeners World Live event. We got to see Monty Don and Alan Titchmarsh from a distance. We also had entry to the BBC Good Food Live event, though that was less interesting and we were really there for the plants. I dread to think how much I have spent; I came home with two new orchids, two salvia (I didn't realise there were so many varieties, and they seem to love our garden) three sarracenia (carnivorous plants), three cucumber plants and a cucamelon plant as only one of my seedlings has survived the heat, plus a bottle of ginger mead and some garlic biltong, both for OH. We've eaten out a lot but it's not been excessive and there was plenty of walking.

    Today I'm feeling very flat, so I'm about to allow myself a pity-party-for-one, then I'll pick myself up and get on with some stuff. We're due some rain tomorrow/this week (please!) so the more weeds I can get out of the allotment before that happens the better, as they'll go mad with a bit of water. I've also been left with the meal plan/supermarket shop (OH is out) so I need to fit that in, and there are some admin/tidying jobs to do as well. Thankfully it's only Saturday, as I need to do a bit of work on top of everything else!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,192 Member
    The Gran Fondo is Sunday, July 9.
    I am nervous for sure. Just want to finish!
    There is a group of us signed up (around 8) and I'm not the only one in our team going out for the first time..so that's relieving.
    Brad is like a superhuman on the bike.. nothing phases him.. he'll be a few beers in by the time I roll in for sure ;)
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,192 Member
    Thinking of you and your family as you navigate today's service and honor your brother's life

    Today Brad has a work event at Spruce Meadows so we will be there watching the horse jumping, eating, and drinking. I'll try to behave!

    Tomorrow, we bike.
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 421 Member
    PW: 78,7kg
    CW: 79,1Kg

    Steps 11-17
    Sunday - 3,960
    Monday - 10,296
    Tuesday - 8,630
    Wednesday - 2,323
    Thursday - 10,118
    Friday - 5,168
    Saturday - 6,806
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 678 Member
    Sunday: 1,393
    Monday: 6,219 + 60 min body pump class
    Tuesday: 10,013 + 30 min jog @ 4.1 mph
    Wednesday: 4,899 + 60 min body pump class
    Thursday: 2,772
    Friday: 3,658
    Saturday: 10,835 + 30 min jog @ 5.4 mph? + 60 min body pump class

    Has anyone used the zenlabs C25K app? I wasn't sure how accurate the gps/distance tracking is on it. Tuesday, it calculated my pace to be 4.1mph which was decently accurate because I was still recovering from being sick and I felt slow. Then today it calculated my average pace at 5.4mph and that just seems very fast for me 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • project_shan
    project_shan Posts: 135 Member
    Username: project_shan
    Weigh-in day: Sunday
    HW: 188.0
    PW: 161.4
    CW: 161.2

    Steps: Jun 11-17
    @ashleycarole86 Please can I change my step goal to 6500 for the rest of the month? No worries if not.

    A tiny loss but I'll take it. I didn't track my food, fast or exercise intentionally this week, but I do think I made better choices than I would have in the past. The last week of school is always tough with people leaving, and a general change in routine. But, I'm not going to let one week off track turn into two, so grocery shopping and meal prep today and back to logging and fasting tomorrow.

    @jugar I may weigh-in late next week. I am travelling so it depends if we decide to come back on Sunday or Monday. I hope that's ok.

    I hope everyone has a lovely week.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,087 Member
    Sunday weigh-in.

    PW - 185.7
    CW - 184.9

    My step and exercise stats are -

    Sunday 11th June - 5035
    Monday 12th - 7171 / 18 mins Lucy Wyndham Read Walking Workout / 5 mins Bust Lift
    Tuesday 13th - 7034
    Wednesday 14th - 11228 / 47 mins Walking
    Thursday 15th - 8945 / 45 mins Walking
    Friday 16th - 5152 / 25 mins LWR Walking Workout
    Saturday 17th - 7932 / 46 mins Olivia Lawson Walking Workout


  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 554 Member
    @jugar CW 189.8

    It’s certainly been a busy time and I’m looking forward to calming that pattern down now. We’ll see how it goes!
    Have a great Sunday.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    edited June 2023
    carlsoda wrote: »
    I’ve been reading about the health benefits of baking with freshly ground wheat berries. Since we live in the country I’m always on the look out for things I can do if we lose power for days (I’m a planner!) so we bought a grain mill (hand crank of course) and some organic Einkorn which is an ancient grain - so I’ve been making bread and healthy muffins this week. I do think I’m feeling better too since we are getting all the health benefits out of the organic einkorn! The muffins I made with hard and soft organic wheat flour and added some plain kefir for the sourdough flavor - oh my goodness SO good!! I also love that I’m buying less and less from the grocery store! We will see how next week goes and how I’m physically feeling 🍞
    This is interesting - I read a book last year called The End of Craving that discussed the repercussions of "enriched" flour. Adding vitamins and minerals changes the way it is absorbed by the body and the author gave a lot of interesting examples showing that it can cause overeating. Fresh ground always tastes amazing too - we'll be over soon to try your bread :wink:

    I may weigh-in late next week. I am travelling so it depends if we decide to come back on Sunday or Monday. I hope that's ok.

    No problem!
  • IDebraK
    IDebraK Posts: 139 Member

    PW: 130.8
    CW: 130.6

    Sorry it's late again.

    I was so nauseated yesterday. We had to go out and shop for flowers for my daughter's wedding in August. I have volunteered to make all of them.

    We also had to go get bed pillows since the looks on the dogs' faces was like they were just minding their own business and BOOM! The pillows spontaneously combusted.

    By the time we got home, I was spent. So I fell asleep.

    I'm still recuperating for an exhausting week of resetting all of the feed racks at work.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member

    jugar wrote: »
    This is interesting - I read a book last year called The End of Craving that discussed the repercussions of "enriched" flour. Adding vitamins and minerals changes the way it is absorbed by the body and the author gave a lot of interesting examples showing that it can cause overeating. Fresh ground always tastes amazing too - we'll be over soon to try your bread :wink:

    I would love all of you to come over and have a feast of freshly milled bread and muffins! I haven’t gone as far as making cookies as I feel they are too indulgent and would likely eat too many ☺️

    I’m going to look for The End of Craving. I’ve been listening to Bread Beckers podcasts and watching their YouTube shows. She’s from the Bible Belt of Southern US, so just say I warned you she loves her bible quotes 🙃 BUT the information she presents is amazing!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    DD265 wrote: »

    Mom and I had two fantastic days at the BBC Gardeners World Live event. We got to see Monty Don and Alan Titchmarsh from a distance. We also had entry to the BBC Good Food Live event, though that was less interesting and we were really there for the plants. I dread to think how much I have spent; I came home with two new orchids, two salvia (I didn't realise there were so many varieties, and they seem to love our garden) three sarracenia (carnivorous plants), three cucumber plants and a cucamelon plant as only one of my seedlings has survived the heat, plus a bottle of ginger mead and some garlic biltong, both for OH. We've eaten out a lot but it's not been excessive and there was plenty of

    Oh my goodness such a fun day! We watch Gardeners World over here in the US ☺️ My family is originally from the UK and it’s definitely in my genes! My husband gets so annoyed when I take control of the remote and he’s stuck watching murder mysteries most evening! But he does like Antiques Roadshow with Fiona ☺️

This discussion has been closed.