Monthly Post for July 2023



  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,989 Member
    Good morning!

    Thank you @KateNkognito yes, our yard came out nice! Yesterday the office was SO QUIET and it was heaven! The traffic was not too bad today and now everybody is in the big meeting that I had to prepare the binders for. More quiet! B) LOL

    Lately we are having an issue with a squirrel trying to get in to our small METAL can that holds our bird food. He keeps gnawing on the metal handle. Really?? Last night my guy put a sliver of Irish Spring soap on the handle to hopefully deter the silly squirrel! My friend said they don't like the smell of Irish Spring! Will let you know how it goes!! If that works then we may need to scatter it around the flowers and the bird feeder too since I also heard deer don't like the smell as well! :D

    I know what you mean about disappointed. Sorry to hear it. I feel the same about myself and in my case, my lack of doing anything that would help me to lose weight. Just need to get my crap together and get motivated. I don't like being this weight and I have so many clothes that are sitting around waiting for me to fit in to them again. Sigh...

    I hope you have a good rest of your day. See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,546 Member
    I did a 38 hour fast. I feel much better now. Sometimes you just have to reset yourself.
    Today is stupid hot. Of course the hottest day of the year is when my son's phone battery swelled up and we had to go try to find a new one. Ended up getting him a new phone.
    Have a lovely rest of the week!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,989 Member
    Good morning!

    Quiet here woo hoo! I don't mind at all. Less humid today which is nice but still warm. All good. My hair is less annoying today LOL.

    Congrats on your fast, @KateNkognito that is great!

    Kind of not motivated today. Wish I could just read my book!

    Hope you have a good Wednesday, hump day! Lucky me I get to work from home tomorrow and Friday. Can't wait to have more sleep!

    See you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,546 Member
    Two more weeks, then back to work. Kind of starting to get excited. Except I haven't done squat this summer. Oh, well. I can be productive when I retire.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,989 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    Good, glad you are getting excited to go back @KateNkognito! That is nice. At least you know the drill and what to expect. Of course with a new set of kiddos, but it will be good!

    I have been super lazy myself this summer. I have still have not put away my winter clothing and organized my shoes. Planning to get to that soon because if anyone wants to come over and spend any time in our guest room they won't have the space! Too much stuff. :D

    Working from home today and *gasp* almost forgot to check in to say hi! Feels like a Friday, but it is a Thursday. So so confusing!

    Absolutely beautiful outside today. Sunny and 82 degrees F at the moment and less humid!

    Going to get my hair cut and highlighted tonight and am looking forward to it. I am pretty lucky that at 51 I still don't have many grays. Just a few flecks that blend in with my blond hair. :)

    Not much planned for the weekend but it should be nice out. Can't wait! Have a good one and see you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,546 Member
    Our weather is gorgeous on this fantastic Friday! I had to go out for groceries and a couple of errands and I didn't die of heat stroke. :) This weekend is supposed to be lovely as well. I might spend some quality time with the chickens.
    @Meghan509, do you really need to put the winter stuff away? I mean fall is just around the corner... :D
    I broke my fast into 16 and 20 hours with a medium meal in the middle. Because I was hangry and I don't look good in orange. Not sure what the deal is but I feel better now and I can fast again until tomorrow morning.
    Have a lovely weekend! Be healthy!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,989 Member
    edited July 2023
    Happy Friday!

    Got caught up doing nothing and here we are almost 4pm Eastern. Whoot! Working remotely today and it is quiet with a lot of people taking vacation. My boss included.

    Just got back from an appt. at the derm this afternoon. She had to remove the area where she took off a mole because it was considered moderate atypical. Basically the cells that create melanoma down the road if it hangs around. Got four stiches and she said no swimming for two weeks unless it is just a chlorine pool. Sigh... It is the back of my thigh, just below right buttock. I don't even have any type of sun exposure there for a long time now. Mainly just sit in a chair with my front to the sun and I wear 50 SPF on my face and chest (with a hat) and 30 SPF on my arms and legs. Past damage I tell ya.

    @KateNkognito yep you are right!! We are almost at August and then September it will start to get cooler! Only me, I tell ya!

    Congrats on the nice fast and meal in the middle. That sounds cool!

    Not much happening around these parts. Pretty here too but supposed to rain tonight and then be awesome all weekend! Partly sunny and 80 degrees F when I thought it was going to be a wash out today. Not bad at all.

    Hope you have a great weekend! See you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,546 Member
    @Meghan509 Glad the dermatologist caught it. It is crazy how skin cancer can work. It sounds like you had an otherwise nice day.
    In fasting news, I ended up eating a lot and also didn't injure anyone, so I will call it a win. Today I feel much better and will eat like a reasonable person, then fast tomorrow.
    Have a great weekend!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,989 Member
    Good morning!

    Happy Monday! Going pretty well here. Still pretty slow on the work front due to vacations and stuffs.

    This morning I opened up the shades in my home office area to see a big beautiful female deer helping herself to the pile of weeds and junk that we threw there last week! I had to chase her off because I didn't want her to be munching any more of our poor Geraniums! Yesterday I also filled up the bird feeder that is just outside my window and so far I have had to run out and kick the squirrel off it twice! (Lucky it is a slow work day!!) LOL What is going on with these animals lately?! They are sooo hungry and caught out for food!! Just trying to see the cute little birds while I work. <3

    We had a really beautiful weekend here. Both days were so, so nice. Sunny and hardly any humidity.
    Yesterday we grilled outside and ate outside since the mosquitos were playing nice. This weekend we may have friends over, we will see how it pans out.

    Hope you had a nice weekend, @KateNkognito and good for you on the fasting!

    Hope you have a great Monday and week ahead. See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,546 Member
    Got a bit done this weekend. Starting to do all the back to school housework. Today is clean my bedroom. Take the pile of donations to Good Will, sort through my pile of books to read, dust, and tidy things up. The rest of the week will be cleaning and tidying the rest of the house.
    @Meghan509 We have bird baths all over our yard and it is crazy how many critters come for a drink! Foxes, squirrels, possum, racoons, birds, cats, dogs, you name it! I wish we got deer, though. Kind of jealous.
    Have a great week!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,989 Member
    Good morning!

    Sounds good @KateNkognito I feel cleaning and organizing is also good for the mind! Hope your Tuesday is good and productive too! Or, lazy if you want because that is fine too. LOL
    Sooo cool about the bird baths! They say it is very important for the animals to be able to drink water. Bet that is fun to watch!

    Not too much going on here. Just have some nitpicky things to get done today around the office, otherwise quiet here. I find it amusing that when the boss takes vacation, more people suddenly need to work from home!!?? Funny how that works.

    Hope you have a great day! See you soon. Hot here!

  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,546 Member
    LOL @Meghan509! When the cat's away, the mice will play!
    Just a chill day here. Except the weather. Definitely not chill.
    Currently boiling some eggs for tuna salad. For some reason I love tuna salad when it is hot out.
    Tomorrow we go school supply shoppy. My kids are old enough that we don't need much, but it is a fun tradition and we get to eat out. :)
    Have a lovely rest of the week!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,989 Member
    edited July 2023
    Good morning!!

    Another quiet(ish) day in the office! Today I had to drop BF off at the train station on the way in to work, so I got on the highway an exit earlier and honestly it was so much easier than dealing with all the traffic and the silly merge at what would have been the next exit. New route for me! Very exciting!

    @KateNkognito I love eggs in tuna salad! Yummy! Enjoy. I like to make tuna salad sandwiches for my BF and I especially if it is towards the end of a week when we run out of turkey and other stuff. LOL And tuna it is! Never fails.

    Good luck with the school shopping! I always liked doing the shopping for school but not school itself. LOL Back in my day I would ask my Mom for a Trapper Keeper and she'd be like "you didn't use the one we bought last year"! Whoops! :D

    Hoping to have a quiet day here. Heat and humidity are on the rise! Currently 75 degrees F and sunny here. Last night we got a lot of rain and storms right before the commute home. Sigh... At least I got home safe!

    Have a good day and see you soon.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,989 Member
    Good morning!

    Thursday is here. Not a bad commute at all. Got in in less than 30 minutes and was pretty much moving in some form the whole time.

    HOT here and supposed to get to 100 degrees F today and tomorrow! :o

    Looking forward to just relaxing this weekend. Our get together with friends at our house is a no go until next month. Which honestly is better because nobody wants to be hanging out all afternoon on a patio if it is 100 degrees F and humid!

    Hope you have a good day! See you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,546 Member
    Woo hoo! A new route for the win, @Meghan509! Glad you are having such a nice week at work after all the busy.
    We went shopping yesterday and got everything except I didn't find any clothes that I liked. But it was a nice time. When I am retired and the kids are out of school, I will still go school supply shopping and donate to a local school. I love doing it. :)
    Today my husband and I took a romantic trip to the bank and then out to eat. I have been feeling like I have a summer cold coming on and it has definitely shown up in full force today. At least I can go outside and enjoy the heat. The forecast for the next week just says HOT every day.
    Enjoy your Friday!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,989 Member
    Good morning!

    Thanks @KateNkognito it has been working well! Yes, nice and easy work week so far. No complaints! That sounds so nice about donating to kids in need. <3 Around here they have a back pack drive, but unfortunately we didn't have a heads up so we couldn't buy anything in time to contribute. Next year I will pay closer attention. In my last job (large corporation) we had an elementary school that we worked closely with that was a lot of lower income kiddos. One year we donated new back packs filled with supplies to the whole school! So fun. The kids went bananas!

    Have you tried Land's End for clothing? They have a lot of sales this time of year and always have some kind of discount if you sign up for emails. I like their pants that are knit and the line is called "Star Fish". Also have petite lengths if you need. :)

    Yes HOT here too and HUMID. My hair is not feeling it. LOL Supposed to be sunny all day here today but we may get some showers during the day tomorrow. No biggie. Hope it cools things off a little. Sunday should be sunny. Looking forward to doing some grilling!

    Hope you have a nice day and a good weekend! See you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,546 Member
    We had a lovely day. Went and did stuff with my husband and my youngest. Then hung out at home and made a fantastic salad for dinner.
    Checked the forecast again and all it says for the next week is HOT. THIS IS NOT OK!
    Have a lovely weekend! I will be frantically cleaning all the things I should have cleaned this summer (or not).
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,989 Member
    Good morning!

    Happy Monday. Last day of July!? Where did the month go?! Hope you had a great weekend @KateNkognito!

    Yes, we finally got a break here from the heat and humidity (for now) and we are *gasp* only sitting at 73 degrees F at the moment with hardly any humidity! We were supposed to get showers on Saturday from noon on. Well, those showers didn't come until like 7:30pm or 8:00pm! Which meant nice day outside for us! Sunday was GORGEOUS! The rain shooed the humidity and heat away (for now) and we have had the air conditioning mostly off for the past day or so! Woo hoo!

    Can't believe that July is rolling to a close! How time flies. Today I have my yearly appointment with the "female" doctor and this Friday is my Mammogram. On Friday afternoon I will get these silly stitches out of my leg (from the mole I had removed)! Figures that the hottest days of the summer has me thinking about swimming but I can't because of the stitches. Less than five more days!

    This weekend we have been invited to our friend's house on Saturday for a BBQ. They were up in New Hampshire and bought fresh Italian sausages from a farm. So nice of them to want to share with us. :)

    Hoping for a slower day here as August is almost upon us. Gets very quiet this time of year, with all our international colleagues taking their vacations.

    That's about it here. Hope you have a great day and see you soon!