New to the Keto Mediterranean Diet



  • LifeChangz
    LifeChangz Posts: 457 Member
    Happy St Patricks day :)

    found cabbage on sale for $0.09c/lb - like to spray a large baking pan, cut cabbage in large slabs/wedges, lay it down, spoon over some spaghetti sauce (or tomato juice), cover, bake @ 350 until tender.

    i am currently doing a low-carb approach (keto <50g, low carb bumps up to <100-150g/day) - doing 3-4 meals a day at +/-30g/meal, mediterranean focus for food choices. going well.
  • VictoriaNWest
    VictoriaNWest Posts: 10 Member
    Beef is much more filling than fish. I would concentrate more on the keto part than the Mediterranean.
  • LifeChangz
    LifeChangz Posts: 457 Member
    do you think beef is more satisfying b/c of density @VictoriaNWest ?

    what has suprised me is how appetite recedes and how I am physically satisfied with the meal(s) dished up - despite my eyeballs being much larger! I have found green non-starchy veggies salads and broth soups to be particularly helpful.
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,151 Member
    Hi @GigiShy are you still doing keto-terranean? ;)

    I laughed when I saw your post, because I started keto in earnest a month ago (had been playing around with it for a few years) but I have since started shifting to a mix of keto and Mediterranean. I didn't know that was officially a thing! I simply started swapping out most of the saturated fats and cholesterol for other options (nuts, seeds, fish, avocado, olive oil) because I don't want to end up with heart issues. I haven't added more carbs yet (beans/fruit) so from that perspective I'm still doing keto, just not with all of the red meat, bacon, eggs, and butter that most people think of when they start keto. I eat lots of low-carb veggies and leafy greens as well.

    Anyway, long story short, I was wondering how you are liking your cookbooks.
  • KetoGammie
    KetoGammie Posts: 20 Member
    I don’t think I could put grains back in my diet and stay on my diet. I have to cut white flour and white sugar, in fact all flours or the cravings will just be insane. I’m taking control of what I put in my mouth and it seems to be working well so far but it’s only been two weeks. I guess I’m at all or nothing kind of girl.
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,151 Member
    Roberts802 wrote: »
    I don’t think I could put grains back in my diet and stay on my diet. I have to cut white flour and white sugar, in fact all flours or the cravings will just be insane. I’m taking control of what I put in my mouth and it seems to be working well so far but it’s only been two weeks. I guess I’m at all or nothing kind of girl.

    I agree 100%. What I mean by combining keto with Mediterranean is that I've been replacing some/most of the red meat, bacon, eggs, and cheese with healthier fats like fish, olive/walnut oil, and nuts & seeds. I eat lots of green vegetables and leafy greens, which is technically a keto thing (but I get the impression that many keto-ers don't get enough greens in their diet). I'm adding a very small amount of beans back into my diet as well (another Mediterranean influence). Definitely not interested in consuming sugar and white flour for exactly the reasons you mentioned. I might experiment with very small amounts of whole grains in the long run, but for now I'm staying away from all grains.
  • KetoGammie
    KetoGammie Posts: 20 Member
    I eat way more greens on keto than on my regular (processed food) diet. I kinda think it’s cause they are the carbs my body is allowed. Ha! On keto I craaaaave green beans with my bacon. Off keto I crave desserts. ;)