This August I Will…



  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    77tes wrote: »
    I am a seamstress who enjoys the creative outlet of sewing and sews every day like my friend Natalie.

    I’ve sewed every day this month! HOORAY!
    And That Darn Hat is wearable.


    @MadisonMolly2017 , wow a very stressful week! I hope your dad is soon better !

    Bravo @77tes!! What a beautiful hat & a beautiful lady! Your joy shines through!!

    Thank you re: Dad. I figured out he had a UTI. Within 12 hours of an intravenous antibiotic he went from being unsteady walking to getting up and walking without Walker or even a cane. (Thinking he might had had the infection longer than anyone realized)

    Are you going to continue to see in August!!!

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    edited August 2023
    BHH August I will …..
    🐞🦋🌹AUGUST 2023 🌹🐞🦋

    I am a person who values the health and fitness of body mind and soul

    Habits keep me going when motivation flags.

    August I will …..
    August focus:
    📍Creative Writing:
    📍Adhere to Solid Habits
    I have been very lax in July on my creative writing.
    In August, After I have done my morning workout …..
    ….. I am making a date with my 🖊️ and 📖 to write a poem each day.
    Reward: 31 poems in my journal. 😂

    8 August - Progeny
    Family celebrations
    fill me with delight.
    Happy smiling faces
    are such a wondrous sight.

    The centre of the table
    filled with simple wholesome fare.
    Everyone contributing
    to the food we share.

    Laughter and conversation,
    music to my ears.
    Memories assail me
    of all the passing years.

    I have had the privilege
    if helping them to thrive.
    Because of me, these people
    are vibrantly alive.

    The thought of this achievement
    puts a smile upon my face,
    to see what I have added
    to the human race.

    7 August - Democracy
    “God save the King!”
    the waiting populace shout
    as all across the land
    bells and hun salutes ring out.

    But a few are not delighted,
    vehemently the sing,
    waving yellow placards
    they profess “Not MY King!”

    Though they are few in number,
    they have a democratic right
    to express opinions
    in full and present sight.

    6 August
    many hopes combine
    daydreams fill expectant soul
    future plans abound
    5 August - Vexation
    Summer is half over and
    despite my hopes and dreams
    there’s been too much precipitation
    Which is vexing to extremes.
    The weeds are growing rampant
    without their daily hoe.
    They’re choking out the lettuce
    that I would prefer to grow.

    4 August ~ Day’s End
    As the midnight hour approaches
    weary eyes are drooping fast.
    Put aside the daily cares.
    Let them slip into the past.
    Restful sleep rejuvenates.
    Each morning brings a bright new day
    filled with such exciting prospects
    that I can put into play.
    3 August

    eschewing trauma
    honing synchronicity
    escaping into dreams

    suave debonair dancing king
    achieving balance

    © 2023 - Terri Richardson

    2 August

    The List
    Early each Wednesday morning
    we set out to replenish our stores.
    We’re there at the local shopping mall
    as soon as they open the doors.

    We carry a list of requirements
    to make sure we get what we need.
    It helps us to maximise effort
    and accomplish the task with great speed.

    © 2023 - Terri Richardson

    1 August 2023
    Living NOW
    I have earned the right
    to do just what I choose.
    Ought to, must, and should
    are words I can, and do, refuse.

    Mindfully, I consider
    what serendipity brings my way,
    with body, mind, and spirit
    coming into play.

    Even mundane tasks
    can produce an awesome lead,
    if the spirit is willing,
    and the mind is freed.

    One never knows the minute
    when creativity will engage,
    and opportunity
    will stalk across the stage.

    I live with eyes wide open,
    alert for every main chance,
    to stimulate my mind,
    and change my circumstance.

    Happy and content
    to greet each new beginning,
    in the certain knowledge that
    waking up is winning.

    © 2023 - Terri Richardson
    Daily Solid Habits:
    💎Right This Minute: Anti procrastination strategy
    💎Just DO it!!!
    Morning Routines:
    💎Daily Meditation
    💎Walk/Make beds/Shiny Sinks
    💎Post Sole Mates steps
    💎Weigh < 140/log
    💎Monitor %age Fat/Muscle
    💎Log CI<CO/Balance macros
    💎Herbal tea/supplements
    💎Self care
    💎Quality time with DH
    💎Ablutions/dress/Shiny sinks
    In between:
    💎Intentional exercise > 60 minutes
    💎Cardio > 5000 steps
    💎Strength > 15 minutes
    💎Flex > 15 minutes
    💎Active hours > 6
    💎Zone minutes > 25
    💎Declutter > 15 minutes
    💎Daily chores
    💎General chores
    💎jigsaw/puzzles/TV favourites
    💎Meet with friends
    💎Quality family time
    Evening Routines:
    💎Sole Mates evening reminder
    💎Close Fitbit rings/Zone minutes
    💎Building Healthy Habits
    💎Duolingo Latin
    💎Update Women over 50
    💎Switch off screens at 11.15pm
    💎Clutter Sweep
    YOU are worth the effort!

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    edited August 2023
    @MadisonMolly2017 So pleased that your Dad is on the mend.
    @77tes 💖 the hat. You’re sew good! 🤦‍♀️ (Couldn’t resist the pun)
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    I am a person who knows that what I eat directly effects my health, so I choose wisely every day like my friend Karen. #HealthFirst

    ♥️ ❤️ 🤔🤔🤔 ❤️♥️
    8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    Aug 6 decided to get off restaurant food & desserts. Did it in the 6th with effort.
    On Aug 7 I almost went to get a dessert and talked myself out of it when I FINALLY remembered my labs clearly indicate I shouldn’t eat that food. Relieved. Then had to talk myself out of a second craving. I reminded myself of health effects AND that I would just have to face the cravings again tomorrow if I ate the dessert. I returned home & ate grapes, raw nuts, etc. Success.

    I am now halfway through Day 3 (it takes me 3 days to get back on track) Aug 8. Going to drink gobs of water & eat some grapes my darling husband got me Aug 6.

    The great news is my blood pressure is lowest it’s been in 2-3 weeks. Pulse too. Clearly healthy eating agrees with me.

    Thank you @terririchardson112
    18 hrs after Dad’s IV antibiotics, he was sitting up & walking!!

    Terri - you are such an inspiration to me!♥️

    So glad I/we caught the painless bladder infection!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    BHH August I will …..
    🐞🦋🌹AUGUST 2023 🌹🐞🦋

    I am a person who values the health and fitness of body mind and soul

    Habits keep me going when motivation flags.

    August I will …..
    August focus:
    📍Creative Writing:
    📍Adhere to Solid Habits
    I have been very lax in July on my creative writing.
    In August, After I have done my morning workout …..
    ….. I am making a date with my 🖊️ and 📖 to write a poem each day.
    Reward: 31 poems in my journal. 😂

    13 August 2023

    languorous Sunday
    nothing pressing on my mind
    live, laugh, love, relax.

    Daily Solid Habits:
    💎Right This Minute: Anti procrastination strategy
    💎Just DO it!!!
    Morning Routines:
    💎Daily Meditation
    💎Walk/Make beds/Shiny Sinks
    💎Post Sole Mates steps
    💎Weigh < 140/log
    💎Monitor %age Fat/Muscle
    💎Log CI<CO/Balance macros
    💎Herbal tea/supplements
    💎Self care
    💎Quality time with DH
    💎Ablutions/dress/Shiny sinks
    In between:
    💎Intentional exercise > 60 minutes
    💎Cardio > 5000 steps
    💎Strength > 15 minutes
    💎Flex > 15 minutes
    💎Active hours > 6
    💎Zone minutes > 25
    💎Declutter > 15 minutes
    💎Daily chores
    💎General chores
    💎jigsaw/puzzles/TV favourites
    💎Meet with friends
    💎Quality family time
    Evening Routines:
    💎Sole Mates evening reminder
    💎Close Fitbit rings/Zone minutes
    💎Building Healthy Habits
    💎Duolingo Latin
    💎Update Women over 50
    💎Switch off screens at 11.15pm
    💎Clutter Sweep
    YOU are worth the effort!

  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,337 Member

    I am a seamstress who enjoys the creative outlet of sewing and sews every day like my friend Natalie.

    This week we got our roof replaced, so there was a lot of upheaval and when they finished a lot of cleanup! I sewed 5 of the 7 days this week. And I did get a summer blouse repaired. I think even my friend Natalie may have skipped sewing during roof replacement

    Our garage on demo day


  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    edited August 2023
    @77tes WOW! We also had work done on our roof last week on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Not as much as yours, but a bit of an upheaval, nevertheless.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    edited August 2023
    BHH August I will …..
    🐞🦋🌹AUGUST 2023 🌹🐞🦋

    I am a person who values the health and fitness of body mind and soul

    Habits keep me going when motivation flags.

    August I will …..
    August focus:
    📍Creative Writing:
    📍Adhere to Solid Habits
    I have been very lax in July on my creative writing.
    In August, After I have done my morning workout …..
    ….. I am making a date with my 🖊️ and 📖 to write a poem each day.
    Reward: 31 poems in my journal. 😂


    14 August 2023 - Life Force
    meditative breath
    inhale cosmic energy
    powering psyche

    observing rhythm
    slow steady contemplation
    stilling manic thoughts

    satisfaction builds
    universal peace returns
    quelling inner angst

    Daily Solid Habits:
    💎Right This Minute: Anti procrastination strategy
    💎Just DO it!!!
    Morning Routines:
    💎Daily Meditation
    💎Walk/Make beds/Shiny Sinks
    💎Post Sole Mates steps
    💎Weigh < 140/log
    💎Monitor %age Fat/Muscle
    💎Log CI<CO/Balance macros
    💎Herbal tea/supplements
    💎Self care
    💎Quality time with DH
    💎Ablutions/dress/Shiny sinks
    In between:
    💎Intentional exercise > 60 minutes
    💎Cardio > 5000 steps
    💎Strength > 15 minutes
    💎Flex > 15 minutes
    💎Active hours > 6
    💎Zone minutes > 25
    💎Declutter > 15 minutes
    💎Daily chores
    💎General chores
    💎jigsaw/puzzles/TV favourites
    💎Meet with friends
    💎Quality family time
    Evening Routines:
    💎Sole Mates evening reminder
    💎Close Fitbit rings/Zone minutes
    💎Building Healthy Habits
    💎Duolingo Latin
    💎Update Women over 50
    💎Switch off screens at 11.15pm
    💎Clutter Sweep
    YOU are worth the effort!

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    BHH August I will …..
    🐞🦋🌹AUGUST 2023 🌹🐞🦋

    I am a person who values the health and fitness of body mind and soul

    Habits keep me going when motivation flags.

    August I will …..
    August focus:
    📍Creative Writing:
    📍Adhere to Solid Habits
    I have been very lax in July on my creative writing.
    In August, After I have done my morning workout …..
    ….. I am making a date with my 🖊️ and 📖 to write a poem each day.
    Reward: 31 poems in my journal. 😂

    15 August 2023 - Sparking Joy
    I love that I can be creative.
    It fills me with utter delight.
    Bringing something unique into existence
    makes my day merry and bright.

    Poetry, painting, and craft are my joy.
    When I cover blank pages with thought,
    or manipulate paper and fabric with skill,
    I treasure the pleasure I wrought.

    It appeals to the need to produce
    tangible evidence of effort expended.
    Though often results bring surprises
    when they do not turn out as intended.

    (C) 2023 - Terri Richardson

    Daily Solid Habits:
    💎Right This Minute: Anti procrastination strategy
    💎Just DO it!!!
    Morning Routines:
    💎Daily Meditation
    💎Walk/Make beds/Shiny Sinks
    💎Post Sole Mates steps
    💎Weigh < 140/log
    💎Monitor %age Fat/Muscle
    💎Log CI<CO/Balance macros
    💎Herbal tea/supplements
    💎Self care
    💎Quality time with DH
    💎Ablutions/dress/Shiny sinks
    In between:
    💎Intentional exercise > 60 minutes
    💎Cardio > 5000 steps
    💎Strength > 15 minutes
    💎Flex > 15 minutes
    💎Active hours > 6
    💎Zone minutes > 25
    💎Declutter > 15 minutes
    💎Daily chores
    💎General chores
    💎jigsaw/puzzles/TV favourites
    💎Meet with friends
    💎Quality family time
    Evening Routines:
    💎Sole Mates evening reminder
    💎Close Fitbit rings/Zone minutes
    💎Building Healthy Habits
    💎Duolingo Latin
    💎Update Women over 50
    💎Switch off screens at 11.15pm
    💎Clutter Sweep
    YOU are worth the effort!


  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    I am a person who enjoys being svelt!.
    I ama person who makes great food choices for my health

    Off to sleep… xx
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,337 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 I’m so glad the antibiotics helped your dad so quickly! That’s wonderful.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    edited August 2023
    BHH August I will …..
    🐞🦋🌹AUGUST 2023 🌹🐞🦋

    I am a person who values the health and fitness of body mind and soul

    Habits keep me going when motivation flags.

    August I will …..
    August focus:
    📍Creative Writing:
    📍Adhere to Solid Habits
    I have been very lax in July on my creative writing.
    In August, After I have done my morning workout …..
    ….. I am making a date with my 🖊️ and 📖 to write a poem each day.
    Reward: 31 poems in my journal. 😂

    I’ll post some more when I get time to word process them.

    Daily Solid Habits:
    💎Right This Minute: Anti procrastination strategy
    💎Just DO it!!!
    Morning Routines:
    💎Daily Meditation
    💎Walk/Make beds/Shiny Sinks
    💎Post Sole Mates steps
    💎Weigh < 140/log
    💎Monitor %age Fat/Muscle
    💎Log CI<CO/Balance macros
    💎Herbal tea/supplements
    💎Self care
    💎Quality time with DH
    💎Ablutions/dress/Shiny sinks
    In between:
    💎Intentional exercise > 60 minutes
    💎Cardio > 5000 steps
    💎Strength > 15 minutes
    💎Flex > 15 minutes
    💎Active hours > 6
    💎Zone minutes > 25
    💎Declutter > 15 minutes
    💎Daily chores
    💎General chores
    💎jigsaw/puzzles/TV favourites
    💎Meet with friends
    💎Quality family time
    Evening Routines:
    💎Sole Mates evening reminder
    💎Close Fitbit rings/Zone minutes
    💎Building Healthy Habits
    💎Duolingo Latin
    💎Update Women over 50
    💎Switch off screens at 11.15pm
    💎Clutter Sweep
    YOU are worth the effort!

  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,156 Member
    Wow so much happening for u @MadisonMolly2017 !! They say it comes in three's which u just hve now had three so hopefully that's all u bad luck done now!

    @jamcnewman and @MadisonMolly2017 I have listened to a few random ppl on you tube one in particular was a gal who explained that as over eaters and ppl who hve dieted for such a long time of our liife sometimes we find obsessing about food, our diet plan and weight loss plan almost as a useful habit that deep down we like hence why there is the falling of the wagon then having all these big bold plans to get back on track. We also get a sense of achievement wen we stick to our plan. It almost becomes a whole lifestyle and all very consuming, habitual and may even be a distraction for us or serving us in some way!!! I was like wow I know that's how I feel at the start of every month!!

    I am also 5 episodes into brain over binge on youtube, this is an awesome take on not needing to fix all your emotional triggers that make u overeat first before breaking the over eating but instead teaching you 2 key things:

    1) just dismiss the urge to over eat

    2)eating adequately to break the habit!

    They also talk about the lower and higher brain and the science behind how to dismiss that urges!!!

    I am enjoying the content! If you guys hve any ppl you listen to please share!!!! Xo

  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,156 Member
    edited August 2023
    Sorry @jamcnewman and @MadisonMolly2017 I posted the above info In the wrong group. Xo
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,337 Member
    No sewing this week even though…
    I am a seamstress who enjoys the creative outlet of sewing and sews every day like my friend Natalie.

    However I’ve had a very successful week getting my garage back in order and a whole lot of decluttering while maintaining my daily solid habits.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    Thanks Donna!!

    Great @77tes !! I bet you are so happy with your garage!

    Decluttering had transformed our lives!

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    BHH August I will …..
    🐞🦋🌹AUGUST 2023 🌹🐞🦋

    I am a person who values the health and fitness of body mind and soul

    Habits keep me going when motivation flags.

    August I will …..
    August focus:
    📍Creative Writing:
    📍Adhere to Solid Habits
    I have been very lax in July on my creative writing.
    In August, After I have done my morning workout …..
    ….. I am making a date with my 🖊️ and 📖 to write a poem each day.
    Reward: 31 poems in my journal. 😂

    I’ll post some more when I get time to word process them.

    Daily Solid Habits:
    💎Right This Minute: Anti procrastination strategy
    💎Just DO it!!!
    Morning Routines:
    💎Daily Meditation
    💎Walk/Make beds/Shiny Sinks
    💎Post Sole Mates steps
    💎Weigh < 140/log
    💎Monitor %age Fat/Muscle
    💎Log CI<CO/Balance macros
    💎Herbal tea/supplements
    💎Self care
    💎Quality time with DH
    💎Ablutions/dress/Shiny sinks
    In between:
    💎Intentional exercise > 60 minutes
    💎Cardio > 5000 steps
    💎Strength > 15 minutes
    💎Flex > 15 minutes
    💎Active hours > 6
    💎Zone minutes > 25
    💎Declutter > 15 minutes
    💎Daily chores
    💎General chores
    💎jigsaw/puzzles/TV favourites
    💎Meet with friends
    💎Quality family time
    Evening Routines:
    💎Sole Mates evening reminder
    💎Close Fitbit rings/Zone minutes
    💎Building Healthy Habits
    💎Duolingo Latin
    💎Update Women over 50
    💎Switch off screens at 11.15pm
    💎Clutter Sweep
    YOU are worth the effort!
