Accountable August!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    I think my smileys show up on phone and maybe tablets...let's try:


    up early...Long Lulu Walk today and ADT comes for an install between 8-12

    nice visit with my sister and BIL

    just egg liquid, some kind of fruit
    oats and stuff
    stir fry veg, tofu and rice
    PB2 and apple

    Weight will be Friday on the first ... and that will be the final for the Accountable August the moment I have not reached my goal...but I do have four days to try and get there. Kinda screwed up my great Treadmill count...will make an attempt to right that ship as well these last four days of August.

    Make it a good life deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee licously!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,470 Member
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 998 Member
    Hi! I typed a big comment and accidentally erased it last week. Boo.

    Jnettie - thank you for all the beach pictures. I loved them.

    Magic - I drink Ka’Chava about 2-3 times a week with blueberries and raspberries. It s too expensive for me to drink everyday but it keeps me full for a long time. Sorry about increased crime. We had ADT too plus Ring motion light cameras by our front, back and side door in SA. I never discipline the dogs when they bark at a noise. I praise them and they calm down. They say a dog barking I sometimes enough to deter burglars.

    Mihani - Tht is my favorite type of smoothie. Lately I am adding a dash of turmeric and cinnamon.

    Carla- I am o sorry about the dog problems. I wish I could talk Brooks into setting aside an emergency pet fund.

    Marilynn - I am sorry to hear you are in stage 4 renal failure. It is hard when you need to be on a restrictive diet. This last year has been giving up a lot of favorites for me due to diagnosis of Menier’s disease, Celiacs , and the abdominal/ chest surgery. Gave up wheat, alcohol, coffee, chocolate, added sodium. To remain positive I focus on all the beautiful fruits and vegetables I can have. I am also trying to give up cheese. Gave up eggs and I really feel better without them.

    I am reading a book Carla gave me called How No To Die by Michael Gregor. Reading about AGEs right now and how it affects our health.

    The Botanic garden is 10 min from base and month of August dogs on leashes are allowed from 08:30-12:00. They have several children’s pools set up for them to jump in and get cooled off. I went yesterday and today. Card making workshop yesterday afternoon.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 998 Member
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 998 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    I see the smiley, Nanc! How was the walk?

    Amazing pictures, Donna. That park looks wonderful. HNTD is one of my favorite books. I actually keep it in my nightstand and often read a little here and there when I go to bed for the evening. I was disappointed in the follow up book How Not to Diet... still some good info but it didn't flow as well and didn't seem to speak to me as much.

    Day 2 on track and no salty snacky stuff. Lots of water and green tea. I have started drinking a cup of warm water with fresh squeezed lemon juice in the mornings before I have coffee, and have cut the coffee back to one cup. Admittedly, it's a big cup so probably technically two cups but who's counting?

    Now to get out for a walk this evening. I borrowed Dr. F's ETL audio book from the library to listen to while I walk this week then I'll get back to novels. I enjoy the audio books more than I thought I would, but I definitely don't get as fully immersed in the story as I do when reading.

    B - oats w/ chopped baby spinach, chia/flax, frozen berries and cherries, cinnamon, vanilla, water, a few walnut halves
    L - lentil soup, cantaloupe
    D - big ol' salad, 2 wasa crackers

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    @JNettie73 Your noodle dish looks yum! I go through phases with my cooking and haven't been into it for a while. The urge will probably kick in when the fall weather hits.

    Donna those are great photos. What a cool place to walk!

    Just keep at it, Marylin. It is hard to stay on track but every bit you can do is great. One day at a time.

    Mihani, I still haven't tried an audio book. I don't think I could stand it for fiction, but it might be okay for a refresher on ETL or Fuhrman like you are doing.

    Today is day 4 in a row of walking for 30 minutes every morning on the treadmill. It isn't perfect but it is getting me back in the habit. I've been watching youtube videos while I walk and that works out great, especially when I get into the video and go for longer.

    I woke up with some trouble breathing this morning. I can't think of what it would be other than the smoke from the forest fires. We have a week of rain in the forecast which I am looking forward to since everything is crispy dry here and it will hopefully help quench the fires and get the smoke out of the air.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,470 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Oh geeze Carla, hope you are feeling better. When the air quality is bad I have a lot of trouble. I had asthma when I was young, and then I foolishly took up smoking in my teens and continued for many years, so my lungs aren't 100%.

    Well done on the treadmill! I am finding I'd rather be outside lately, but when the weather is too extreme it sure is nice to have an alternative. I don't deal well with high heat and humidity.

    How is Radar doing?

    The audio books are an easy way to keep myself occupied and not dwell on work worries while I'm out walking. I realized last night that it's actually End of Dieting that I got from the library rather than the original ETL book. I'm not sure I ever read EOD. It's a lot of rehashing of course, but there's some new stuff too, and more about emotional eating and food addiction. I got in 1.6 miles last night while starting the book and will listen to more tonight when I hit the sidewalk.

    Day 3 on track, no salty snacky. I think I had better freeze some of the lentil soup tonight. I made it on Saturday and there's a lot left.

    B - oats with all the usual goodies
    L - lentil soup, cantaloupe
    D - big ol' salad, maybe some more cantaloupe

    Time to eat my salad and I'll get out for a walk around 6:30. I am trying to keep at least 13 hours between dinner and breakfast.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,470 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Hi all, day 4 down on track with food. Doing close to 2 miles when I get home in the evenings. I love this weather!

    Meals same today as yesterday.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 998 Member
    Happy Wednesday!
    Mihani - Great walk. I know it is difficult to get out and do it after a hard day at work but I am sure it helps with stress and well being. I enjoy listening to You Tube free audio books.

    Carla - How is the breathing? Just when you got back to treadmill walking!

    Magic - You know what they say about goals. Shoot for the stars and land on the moon! I had a weight loss goal I did not reach this month but will try again next month. I did reach my exercise goals.

    Walked dogs a mile this a.m. Rode the peleton bike. I felt so much stronger than before my surgery. Then the afternoon tiredness hit. Tomorrow going for the last day of being able to walk dogs in the Botanic garden. Spent the morning talking with my sister in S.C. about the hurricane that turned into a tropical storm. Had a great salad: arugula with strawberries and pecans.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2023

    Ladies I am so far behind on sorry. Trying to get into a routine here. Lulu gets her Long Walk, daily now. She's so happy. More on that later.
    But the treadmill has dropped off for now. threadmill.gifI do have time before work, so that may be something I add when I start the second week of my new schedule. 10 hours is so easy, comparatively speaking.

    bean burrito
    ezekiel sand
    green smoothie in blend jet (it works...not huge, like vitamix size, but great for a healthy, little afternoon pick me up: pineapple, banana, spinach, soy milk
    salad when I get home.
    Living life deliciously! nicetalkin.gif

    Thanks for letting me know you can see the smileys, @Mihani. I think they show up on the phone.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,470 Member

    Saw doctor today re some health concerns. He told it as it is re my health.

    What was said was 'don't say I will try - just do it' Eat to many carbs, drink sweet drinks, you then have made the decision to harm your kidneys and have chosen to die - change your eating to nothing processed, get moving more and more each day to increase your metoblism and you have chosen to live - your choice.

    Hard words but the truth. To day 'I don't like veggys' so you eat more carbs says you do not care about your health and an early death is ok with you. Just make the change, whether you like it or not - just do it.

    So today is my pre day for starting. Tomorrow September 1, I am committed to changing - I want to live the remaining of my years as healthy as possible. I want to increase my kidney function as best as possible - so to do this I no longer will say 'I will try' but I will do it now as I want to live.

    Thanks for being here for me as I make some serious changes in my eating and exercise habits

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Donna, I love that! "Shoot for the stars and land on the moon" is great. The walking really does seem to be helping with my stress levels which have been a little out of control lately.

    Nanc, glad you are enjoying your new hours! And yay for the smiles being back. I missed them.

    I froze the rest of the lentil soup night before last so I had the last of it that I didn't freeze for lunch yesterday. I'm also out of the roasted broccoli and mini peppers that I was adding to my salads. I decided to make life easy and just threw together things I had for lunch and dinner today. I'll go the grocery on Saturday and do a big prep day.

    B - oats with all the usual goodies
    L - salad blend lettuce topped with cannellini beans and steamer bag mixed veggies, balsamic and brown mustard for dressing
    D - salad blend lettuce with sliced grapes and artichokes, tahini

    Forgot to put my fitbit on this morning which irritates me because I've been getting close to 8000 steps a day and I'll be short now. I'll put it on before I head out for my walk... just finishing dinner now. Menu will be the same tomorrow and then I'll figure out a plan for next week.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    edited August 2023
    Marilyn, we were posting at the same time. You can do it! Keep it simple. The more you eat veggies the more your tastes will change even if you don't like them now. I always loved veggies (I was vegetarian for a long time before I became vegan and then later learned more about WFPB vegan) but it took a while to change from stir-fry with oil to stir-fry with water, give up (mostly) the frankenfoods, and kale was definitely something that had to grow on me over time. Big pots of soup with loads of veggies and beans and greens help a lot in the beginning and I still make a big pot of soup or veggies with beans and greens pretty much every week. There are a bazillion recipes online if you search wfpbno soup recipes you'll be inspired. I rarely use recipes for everyday cooking but often get inspired by searching.

    Here's a youtube from nutritionfacts

    I didn't watch it all because I have to get out for my walk, but Dr. Greger is always worth reading/watching.
