Pre-Challenge Activity #1: INFORMATION and YOUR INPUT! ℹ️🔠



  • lavalily
    lavalily Posts: 2,161 Member
    I reached my goal of 150 with Weight Watchers about 15 years ago (or more). Since then I've maintained and even lost more, which is not uncommon. I'm down to 135 now, but I need more accountability around eating. I tend to ignore hunger signals when I'm busy or tired, so I don't eat - but that put me in the hospital, so I am learning to eat more regularly.
  • joywilson383
    joywilson383 Posts: 1,464 Member
    My reason for doing this challenge is to lose weight . I do these 5% challenges every season of every year.
  • Sheila7631
    Sheila7631 Posts: 969 Member
    The 5% challenge keeps me accountable and motivated. I really like the side excursion. It motivates me to walk more. The weekly challenges remind me of healthy habits.
  • vexedangel678
    vexedangel678 Posts: 263 Member
    I was told several years ago I was on the path to fatty liver disease. I had two kids and gained and maintained a lot of weight even after that...I landed on my heaviest weight this summer, so had to get serious. I did the summer 5% and the in between. I have lost 13 from my highest and 10 since joining MFP, but I still haven't met the goal from my summer 5% and am hoping to hit my fall 5% goal.
  • 130StrongerEachYear
    Countdown & Pre-Challenge Activity #1: INFORMATION and YOUR INPUT!
    This will be my second 5% challenge.
    I did pretty well on the first challenge and started the in between, but then my mother's health began to fail and spent weeks trying to figure out why including a week in a great regional teaching hospital only to find that she has terminal cancer. She went from line dancing at the end of July to hospice a week ago. She is very near the end, and I can't think much.
    I need to remember she had almost 93 years of active, happy life. Probably To Much Information...I just needed to say it.

    By October 7th I will be ready to refocus on my health. And having goals and accountability helps me. The exercise minutes that need to be posted daily gives me the accountability that I need. I know moving and strength are important for long term health. I have a job that has me sitting in front of a computer all day...and without the challenge, I could just sit when not working.

    Before Mom got really sick, I was making progress on my health and weight. My scale is buried in the guest room as family is visiting to help with her it will be a couple of days before I can...or maybe it is really know where I am and how much ground I lost.

    I do know what works for me, and yesterday I did start focusing on eating healthier food for myself.
    Have a Great and Healthy Day!!! Gretl
  • prosearose
    prosearose Posts: 10 Member
    This is my first 5% challenge. I'm mostly looking forward to gaining support around healthy habits that will enable me to lose weight now and in the future, as well as simply live a healthier life.
  • ThursLins
    ThursLins Posts: 1,601 Member
    I lost count which 5% challenge this is for me. I join the challenges bc I need the extra motivation to keep on keeping on, even if I maintain my weight instead of losing. 'Cept this time, I'm finally getting a handle on things and have started to lose a few # !! Yay for that.
    We've changed our eating habits here at home, so my goal is to continue with that. Keeping track of & limiting carbs. Our personal challenge is to continue with that and carving out our own niche in the long term.
  • gouldsgranite
    gouldsgranite Posts: 3,753 Member
    My goal for Fall challenge is to keep healthy habits first and foremost in daily life.

  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,763 Member
    my goal for the fall challenge is to keep the healthy habits i learned and to keep being motivated to keep off my extra weight i lost.
  • paceka2
    paceka2 Posts: 869 Member
    Pre-Challenge Activity #1: INFORMATION and YOUR INPUT!

    My reason for being here: The last 2 years have been challenging for me with a knee replacement in January 2022 and Spinal Fusion in June 2022. My spine was crushing the nerve that went to my right leg causing me endless pain. That pain is mostly gone now but my right leg is still weaker than my left, which creates back and hip pain because I am not balanced as I walk. My goal for this challenge is to lose some weight which I'm sure would help my body, and to gain more strength. I also want to get back to healthier eating habits!
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,744 Member
    Pre-Challenge Activity #1: INFORMATION and YOUR INPUT!

    My reason for being here is to reduce my bodyweight. I am a serial starter, a typical yo-yo dieter, and I always fall back into old habits. So I'm looking to build better habits slowly, and set myself up for success. I know the scale isn't the be all and end all, but since I am Obese Class III it is a very important indicator! So I am here to make some lifestyle changes that I can sustain for the long term - before it's too late.
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,358 Member
    This is my six 5% challenge.
    In total (ups and downs) I haven't lost a significant amount of weight, but more importantly, I haven't gained either. If I were not participating, I'm sure there would be a higher number on the scale.

    I've just come away from some major life challenges and this challenge time frame also includes vacation for almost 3 weeks, I will be happy to break even! Here are my weekly goals:
    Week 1 - Refocus, healthy habits and tracking
    Week 2 - Refocus, healthy habits and tracking
    Week 3 - Refocus, healthy habits and tracking
    Week 4 - Vacation - Enjoy myself but continue mindful eating
    Week 5 - Vacation - Enjoy myself but continue mindful eating
    Week 6 - Vacation - Enjoy myself but continue mindful eating
    Week 7 - Recover from Vacation :)
    Week 8 - Recover from Vacation ;)
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,437 Member
    edited September 2023
    This will be my 2nd challenge. After losing 50 lbs by 2017, I maintained it till I quit smoking (10lbs) then had a pinched nerve & couldn't exercise for a while (10lbs) then couldn't lose it because I wasn't able to get back to the level of exercise I did before , I didn't increase my food intake, I gained because I'd eat back my exercise calories so I accepted that I couldn't lose 20 lbs but the clothes I had were snug & I felt sluggish so I found "half size me" on You Tube & got inspired to make small changes, since I wasn't willing to eat 200+ calories less per day because it wasn't sustainable for me. I did lose 20lbs over a years time & 6month later, I found the summer challenge. I loved the community, like minded people & the accountability and I'm ready to lose a bit more. I don't feel I could get back to the level of exercise I did before, gym 6 days/week including classes & I did love doing all of that but I've had eye surgery, skin cancer surgery, heel spur , covid in which I had no energy for some months & high BP & more in which I wasn't supposed to strain so I focus on exercises I CAN do not what I used to do . I would like to suggest one of the LTGL weeks to be eating veggies every day. I do eat veggies but we focus more on meat/poultry(cooked with veggies in them) so I don't always feel like cooking extra separate veggies after all the time in kitchen so veggies, besides potatoes get left out or I'll make a bunch & after it's gone it'll be a while till I make more & want it to become a regular part of our meals.
  • gintex2021
    gintex2021 Posts: 296 Member
    My reason for being here: I have gone up and down with my weight. I joined Sparkpeople in 2009 and experienced some weight loss but also weight gain. I am not consistent. I am able to stay on track for a period of time but then go completely off track and gain weight. I want that to end so I have joined this round to become more consistent in exercise and more aware of my eating habits.