Weight No More Team Chat - OCTOBER 2023



  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 621 Member
    edited October 2023
    Hi Daria -

    I think they’re different for everyone. I tried a couple of different calculators and got completely different macros out of each. One of the diet plans I thought about doing (but was way too expensive) said that they usually started their 40-60 year old women on Carbs (net): 27, Fat: 38 and Protein: 35 along with heavy weight-lifting. MFP goes in increments of 5, so I dropped the carbs down to 25, and bumped the fat up to 40. I also focus on getting at least 25g fiber a day. So far so good ?? I’ve lost 5 lbs. I guess we’ll see if I continue losing. I find that with macros, I can usually eat 1500 calories a day and still lose, whereas with counting calories alone, I couldn’t eat more than 1200. (Probably because wine and sugary candy made up a portion of the calories!)
  • deanpem
    deanpem Posts: 5 Member
    edited October 2023
    Oct 2023 Wk#1
    Weigh-in Wednesdays
    So not a great starting week but will press on.
    PW 188.8
    CW 190.0
  • izzified
    izzified Posts: 30 Member
    CW: 333.4
    PW: 334.8
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 793 Member
    sydditt wrote: »
    Hi Daria -

    I think they’re different for everyone. I tried a couple of different calculators and got completely different macros out of each. One of the diet plans I thought about doing (but was way too expensive) said that they usually started their 40-60 year old women on Carbs (net): 27, Fat: 38 and Protein: 35 along with heavy weight-lifting. MFP goes in increments of 5, so I dropped the carbs down to 25, and bumped the fat up to 40. I also focus on getting at least 25g fiber a day. So far so good ?? I’ve lost 5 lbs. I guess we’ll see if I continue losing. I find that with macros, I can usually eat 1500 calories a day and still lose, whereas with counting calories alone, I couldn’t eat more than 1200. (Probably because wine and sugary candy made up a portion of the calories!)

    Thanks for the info. When I looked online there were lots of opinions. I’m in my 60s, so was trying to specifically look for info for females in my age group. Yesterday my food worked out to about 1/3 of each. I may try that for a bit and see what happens.

  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 304 Member
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    PW: 186.8
    CW: 189.2

    Paying for a crazy weekend of extra long work days, junk food, and lack of hydration. Hoping to get myself back on track this week.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member
    edited October 2023
    I think I forgot my weigh in for the end of Sept...but here are my (poor) steps:

    Sun: 1523
    Mon: 2531
    Tues: 3572
    Wed: 4696
    Thurs: 2715
    Fri: 2334
    Sat: 1000

    And...I'm still missing steps for four of our Sept step team...
  • 3tansunnee
    3tansunnee Posts: 14 Member
    Week #1
    Weight in day: Thursday
    SW: 185 (84.1kg)
    CW: 179 (81.5 kg)

  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,347 Member
    I think I forgot my weigh in for the end of Sept...

    You did, but I logged you as maintaining :wink:
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 793 Member
    I think I forgot my weigh in for the end of Sept...but here are my (poor) steps:

    Sun: 1523
    Mon: 2531
    Tues: 3572
    Wed: 4696
    Thurs: 2715
    Fri: 2334
    Sat: 1000

    And...I'm still missing steps for four of our Sept step team...

    Did you get mine? I wasn’t sure if I was to post in September chat or this one.
  • OllieAndEd2021
    OllieAndEd2021 Posts: 157 Member
    OllieAndEd2021 Steps

    I couldn't find my Fitbit charger last week and, unfortunately, do not have a step count for last week.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member
    edited October 2023
    daria0919 wrote: »
    I think I forgot my weigh in for the end of Sept...but here are my (poor) steps:

    Sun: 1523
    Mon: 2531
    Tues: 3572
    Wed: 4696
    Thurs: 2715
    Fri: 2334
    Sat: 1000

    And...I'm still missing steps for four of our Sept step team...

    Did you get mine? I wasn’t sure if I was to post in September chat or this one.

    Yeah, I got you. Both of them !!
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member
    OllieAndEd2021 Steps

    I couldn't find my Fitbit charger last week and, unfortunately, do not have a step count for last week.

    🙁 We won't hit my artificial and totally random team goals on my steps. I won't wait on you.
  • GarysGirl78
    GarysGirl78 Posts: 107 Member
    Sorry to be late and again apologies for my minimal contribution here, I’ll be back in November!

    Steps last week (24-30 September)

    Sunday - 13204
    Monday - 9057
    Tuesday - 19294
    Wednesday - 11161
    Thursday - 10844
    Friday - 15084
    Saturday - 10600

    Total - 89244
    Goal - 9000/day
  • Stimpy56
    Stimpy56 Posts: 600 Member
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    PW: 256
    CW: 258 :(

    Not a good start but I have been on the go for work. It is hard to meal prep and get a routine workout in when on the go. Hopefully next week will be back to normal and I can make up for lost ground.
  • 3tansunnee
    3tansunnee Posts: 14 Member
    Hi teammates,

    I am attending a roundtable dinner tomorrow evening. Does anyone have experience tracking their calories when eating in public? I don't think it's nice to bring a food scale with me, hehe. The best I can do is to approximate the amount of food I consume. Any ideas?

    Thanks. We're all champions.

  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,085 Member
    Cw 191.0
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,085 Member
    Welcome new team mates.

    We have a lot of birthdays this week. I took my husband out to dinner last night for his birthday, then went home so my granddaughter could sing and blow out his birthday candles. Her bithday party is Saturday and then we have a football party on Sunday. Busy weekend.

    Nsv... I did not eat any cake last night and I went down 1 hole on my belt. Go me!!

    I am going to try to start walking again and just walk through the pain that I'm in. I think I just need to do that but not push to hard.
  • gillwellow
    gillwellow Posts: 74 Member
    Weigh in day: Fridays

    Highest Weight: 95.5kg.

    PW: 86.2kg
    CW: 84.5 kg

    Hi Everyone,

    Am on 2 weeks annual leave so have been able to focus on exercise (walking , aqua aerobics, weights and treadmill) and what I put in my mouth. Happy with this (for now). :wink:

    Looong way to go though.

    Happy Friday!
  • 3tansunnee
    3tansunnee Posts: 14 Member
    3tansunnee wrote: »
    I am attending a roundtable dinner tomorrow evening. Does anyone have experience tracking their calories when eating in public? I don't think it's nice to bring a food scale with me, hehe. The best I can do is to approximate the amount of food I consume. Any ideas?

    @3tansunnee -

    Approximation is the best you can do, unfortunately. When I attend events, I tend to attach a 200-300 calorie buffer on top of my approximation, usually because even my best approximations don't account for how much butter is used in professional kitchens.

    My best tips for eating away from home will always include:
    • Eating more slowly (savor your food!)
    • Drinking plenty of water before, during, AND after
    • Don't guilt yourself for enjoying your meal - there's more to life than fitting into skinny jeans

    Thank you for your advice. I'll do my best tonight.

    I also feel quite tired one week into ketosis. I do drink lots of water, 2.5l daily. I hope it's not my chronic fatigue flaring up.
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