Weight No More Team Chat - OCTOBER 2023



  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 586 Member
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 233.6
    CW: 234.6

    Well, not what I wanted to see, but I feel that I was a little more loose with my calories this week than I was with last week, meaning I did more guessing than accurate counting. Hoping to lose back that pound for this week though! Maybe 2!
  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 621 Member
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,347 Member


    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners
  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 621 Member
    Congrats, Sun!
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 793 Member
  • addy0427
    addy0427 Posts: 16 Member
  • 2BFitgranny
    2BFitgranny Posts: 61 Member
    Username: 2bfitgranny
    Weigh-In Day: Monday (October 9)
    PW: 212.5
    CW: 211.0
  • andja87
    andja87 Posts: 189 Member

    Somehow I missed the step challenge part of this, but here is mine from Oct 1-7. Don’t know if it counts, but I want to be apart of it from here on out at least lol
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,008 Member
    Steps 01-07 Oct
    S 5507
    M 6432
    T 5424
    W 6818
    T 4082
    F 3570
    S 428
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,008 Member
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,347 Member
    Hey folks! Hope you're having a lovely beginning to your week so far - I've been in my head about the numbers as of lately, so I'm trying to get back to the basics, taking each day one decision at a time.

    So here's a quick question for all of you - maybe we'll help each other out:
    What is one healthy change you wish you would have made earlier after joining MyFitnessPal?
  • EDTake2
    EDTake2 Posts: 165 Member

    Weigh In Day: Mondays
    PW (Previous Weight): 176.8lbs
    CW (Current Weight): 177.2lbs

    missed my weigh in day yesterday, but here is the number.
  • beabenitez1978
    beabenitez1978 Posts: 13 Member
    edited October 2023
    This past week I have been trying to listen to my body and well... I am hating this rest - but also realize that rest is the only way I will heal - need more ideas to curb my "sweets" craving... and doing my best to watch my nutrition... I am thinking about adding some non weight bearing exercises to my program. Suggestions are welcome!! (I'm unable to use my legs very much these days...)

    Weigh In Day: Mondays

    PW (Previous Weight): 10/2 - 299.0
    CW (Current Weight): 10/9 - 297.8
  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 621 Member
    Making sure I get enough protein and fiber has tended to curb some of my cravings for sweets. It’s hard - once I start with the candy bowls in the office, I have a hard time stopping.

    There’s probably quite a bit of upper body weight training that you could do in a chair. That would give you a bit of a fat burn. You can do core while laying on the floor too.
  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 621 Member
    Hey folks! Hope you're having a lovely beginning to your week so far - I've been in my head about the numbers as of lately, so I'm trying to get back to the basics, taking each day one decision at a time.

    So here's a quick question for all of you - maybe we'll help each other out:
    What is one healthy change you wish you would have made earlier after joining MyFitnessPal?

    I wish I had started tracking nutrients sooner rather than focusing on calories so much.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member
    This past week I have been trying to listen to my body and well... I am hating this rest - but also realize that rest is the only way I will heal - need more ideas to curb my "sweets" craving... and doing my best to watch my nutrition... I am thinking about adding some non weight bearing exercises to my program. Suggestions are welcome!! (I'm unable to use my legs very much these days...)

    Weigh In Day: Mondays

    PW (Previous Weight): 10/2 - 299.0
    CW (Current Weight): 10/9 - 297.8

    Do you have access to an indoor pool? That is a good option. Hand weights? Leg lifts, butterfly crunches are good ways to use your legs without standing.
    What is one healthy change you wish you would have made earlier after joining MyFitnessPal?
    I don't know. When I started with MFP I actually did really well. I logged, stayed under calories, walked four or five times a week. Now getting my husband to walk once on the weekend is a big deal. I think what I need to do is let go of what I did and find a way to really start over. Oct is not the month though. It is brutal, I'm chained to my desk, or driving to training non stop. I need to walk away from my desk but when you're in zoom calls more than 4.5 hours and the phone never stops... it's hard.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member

    Yes, this. I got off work yesterday and just wanted to lie down. Instead, I made dinner, took care of bills and after eating, went grocery shopping. Then I flopped in the chair for a while.
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 793 Member
    ksludwig wrote: »
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    PW: 189.2
    CW: 186.2

    Clean healthy eating and lots of hydration is helping to get things back on the right track.

    Great job! 😀
  • 9Harvey
    9Harvey Posts: 105 Member
    edited October 2023
    October 8

    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    Previous Weight: September 17 - 207.5
    Current Weight: October 8 - 209.4

    Sunday - 1283
    Monday - 2796
    Tuesday - 1039
    Wednesday - 2242
    Thursday - 1196
    Friday - 2887
    Saturday - 1346

    Total - 12,789 steps

    There you have it folks! The result of 10 days in Europe and then at least 7 days of sickness afterwards when I returned. It seems I have been up and down since June but no loss. Hoping to turn things around once I am back to normal, still fatigued so my step count is the only thing that is down.
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