Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - DECEMBER 2023



  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 286 Member
    WI Monday
    PW 199.6
    CW 199.8

  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 829 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    Yesterday I did well right up until the time I should have gone to bed instead of had a snack. I just had so much school planning
    To get done I couldn’t go to sleep.

    I’ll try to get finished earlier tonight and avoid the late night altogether :)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @Veta2018 Ah okay. I understand the blues, I go through periods here and there. It can be tough to get motivated to do anything when feeling blue. Thanks, me too! It was frustrating having a semi-working toilet for so long. Yes, maybe! Wow, I love your house style! That's impressive, no mortage, and wow will that be nice! I bet you can't wait to get that stuff done so you can move in.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 That's a good idea to try the fridge reorganization. I hope it helps. Good luck! That's good Syd is moved out almost completely. Now you can relax! I can't wait to get the advent calendar, I will be a little late because it hasn't arrived yet, but I can open a bunch of days at once! lol I was so tired yesterday from Sunday.

    @laurelfit57 Me neither lol. I hit the ground running though, and started doing stuff at 6 am. No early Christmas dinner but I am having a work party on the 18th at my director's house. And a cookie exchange tomorrow. Oh gosh, that must be frustrating about your toilet. I'm just glad my toilet was an easy fix and I didn't have to hire a plumber! Awww, that's so cute about Paisley asking if you were her friend! <3 When are you going to swim with her? That will be fun. I'm glad the gym was easier. Good job on your day!

    @Katmary71 It is in the results post that they post in here, the monthly post where they announce the results for the month, then immediately after they post the statistics post. It's in the statistics post! :) I love it, too, it's fun and encouraging. You should get the TJs one! Treat Yo Self! :D Thank you. I'm glad it's fixed. Thank you, I would love to try your recipe. Well, I'm glad you got some shopping done at Costco since they canceled your need to return. Oh my, I just looked at your cookie recipe and man, that looks complex, I don't know if I can do it! LOL But they do look good.

    @megnolia82 I'm sorry you couldn't get to bed when you needed it. Hopefully tonight you can.

    Hi all. I did pretrack yesterday but unplanned foods got me and I had to go back and finish tracking just now. It's supposed to be warm tomorrow here, which will be nice. It's been sunny but not as warm as usual. I have to bake cookies tonight for our cookie exchange party tomorrow at work. I made the dough already, they are Oat and Pecan Brittle cookies: https://leitesculinaria.com/295320/recipes-oat-pecan-brittle-cookies.html The dough was a lot of work so hopefully they come out well. I have a backup cookie plan if this one doesn't turn out well, Orange + dried cranberries + white chocolate chip cookies. I lowered my step goal to 6,000 as I was having trouble with a higher goal.

    Have you filled out the 2-question survey regarding a chatting app yet? Please fill it out by Next Friday December 8th at noon PST:

    DEC STEP CHALLENGE FOR YESTERDAY: 6,810 out of 6,000 steps per day

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 525 Member
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh-In Tuesday
    SW: 245
    Maintenance Goal 135 - 140
    Weeks in maintenance 49 of 52

    PW: 137.6
    CW: 137.0

    I'm saving some wiggle room so I can eat PIE at Christmas. It's fall and the leaves are falling off the trees so there is lots of raking to do. I have a 3-month checkup on Thursday, everything should be fine.

    I'm Kathryn, Kat for short and I live in Southern California with my wonderful husband and 7 cats. I am chronically ill, and at home nearly all the time. I've been on MFP almost 2 years, I lost 70lbs in one year and the rest before and after. I have been in Maintenace almost a year now. I have worked hard to maintain; I find that keeping an eye on my weight everyday helps me, so I only need to make small adjustment's. I have given up Nuts so I can eat candy every night for Advent.
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 636 Member
    @Katmary71 - Oh...I love the song "In This River" by Black Label Society. Sometimes I get free books from Goodreads giveaway. I perfer to read printed copies, rather than read on my Kindle.
    @megnolia82 - I've got the same habit of eating a snack instead of going to bed. I have some strategies but they don't always work. (ex. Drink water and do 15 sit-ups then wait 20 min and see if I still want to eat.)
    @trooworld -Those Orange + dried cranberries + white chocolate chip cookies sound delicious. I already looked up a recipe and added it to my grocery list.
    @FushiaKat - Great job at maintaining your weight for a year. It is so inspiring. I'm hoping I can stick with the habits I've started even after I reach my goal weight.

    As of today, it has been 100 days since I started my weight loss journey. I've lost a total of 25 lbs., 1 1/2 inches from my waist, 2 inches from my thighs, and 2 1/2 from my hips. I notice it the most in my love handles and under arm bulge.
    Before - 8 weeks - Now
    I'd like to thank all of you for your daily thoughts, tips and encouragement. It has helped me more than you know.❤

    💪Mission Slimpossible Strong! 💪
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,737 Member
    @megnolia82 That's when I have trouble too right before bed! Grr, we have to stop this.

    @trooworld Hey opening more than one day will make the advent calendar even more fun! If you're curious about the Armenian gatahs or Nazook if you're near a Winco they carry them in the bakery area. I should just buy some and pretend but I already bought the crinkle cutter so it's on! The oat and pecan brittle cookies sound really good, I hope they turn out well. Funny I'm making the Starbuck's cranberry bliss bar dupe for the Christmas ccokie/candy exchange though I'm wondering if I should make cranberry white chocolate cookies instead since it IS a cookie exchange. Can you send me the link to the cookie you're referring to with orange? The cranberry bliss bars have orange extract and orange zest, I'm hoping I get the extract as I'm doing Walmart pickup and the website said it was low.

    @FushiaKat You're one of our great success stories here of maintaining your loss!

    @Veta2018 I love In This River too, I have a video clip of it from the concert where Dimebag Darrell was on a screen by the stage. Oh I didn't know Good Reads gave away books, I'll have to check out the site more. My Mom's friend was reviewing for Susan Mallery and she'd receive new releases when they came out and share them. I prefer physical books too but with my nerve pain I feel better on my side, makes it challenging to read physical books that way though. I need to put holds on the sweet Christmas story books, I haven't read a sappy Christmas love story since last year. Congratulations on your 100 day anniversary, you're doing great!

    Hi friends. Got up and did my PT stuff then went to the food bank to work on all the cold season seeds, I'm starting seeds at the greenhouse Thursday and it's helping us plan what we're ordering for next year. Got some work done and figured out what I need for my cookie making and made a big Walmart order I'm getting in a couple hours. I have a board meeting with the charity Friday to plan next year and am taking cornbread for a chili night, found out yesterday the food bank/farm volunteer appreciation day is Friday night and they're having a chili cook-off so I signed up for cornbread again. I'll only be able to stay for 45 minutes but want to go, wish the two weren't at the same time. I don't have many steps and am debating if I'm walking tonight, I did chair cardio so may pass as I have PT in the morning. Have a great Wednesday gang!
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 511 Member
    @trooworld I love cookie exchanges! We had one every year with my cousins until Covid, now it seems that everybody is either travelling or too old🤣. The party at your Directors house sounds like a lot of fun!

    @katmary71 I think you and I were posting out about the same time again on Tuesday lol. Those crinkle cookies look amazing. Sounds like you had a super successful day getting all that Christmas shopping done, boo on that return at Costco. It sounds like you are going to have a very busy but fun Friday. I love chilli cookoffs!!

    @megnolia late nights are definitely a downfall of mine! I am trying to be in bed these days by nine or 930.

    @fushiakat wow! You are really rocking maintenance!! So proud of you!

    @vita2018. You are doing amazing. 25 pounds in 100 days…!!!!!🎉

    It seems I plan my days, but they never work out quite how I plan them. I had planned to do weights and yoga at the gym this morning, then I found an email had been sent to me, letting me know that my new headboard was getting delivered between 8 AM and 1230. I did get up though, and dressed into my workout clothes, I did weights at home and about 45 minutes of stretching. I’m trying really hard to get organized for Christmas, I am having two birthday dinners here and Christmas dinner. I did get most of my main floor decorated and cleaned today, tomorrow I have the dinner theatre brunch to go to with my friend, don’t usually get home until about 3 o’clock and then I have Vannie agility at 5:30. It will be good to run around after sitting for four hours. Thursday I am hoping to get all my menus planned and I would like to get as much cooking ahead of time done. December is always a lot of fun. I’m always surprised though how quickly it comes and goes!
    I had made the commitment that I was going to get on here and post daily and I was trying to do it by 430 or five, that has not been working out once again, it is after 8 o’clock. That’s it for me for today it was a good day, stayed on track got some exercising and now I’m going to get into my PJs. Have a great Thursday everyone!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited December 2023
    I want you all to know I'm impressed with the way you can write what seems to me to be long paragraphs. I've tried before and then I proof read and it's like thity-five words.
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 829 Member
    @Veta2018 great tips! Thank you :)

    And AMAZING transformation! You’re killing it on this journey!

    I decided to do a little micro self-care and started using a super nice moisturizer after I shower. It’s super tiny but it made me feel nice :)

    Have a good day today everyone!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @Veta2018 They are the ones I chose to make for the contest, they are just too good! I hope you enjoy them. Wow, what great progress, you look awesome congrats! How do you feel?

    @Katmary71 True! I am looking forward to it. It's available for pick-up but I don't have time to get it until Saturday. I'm not near a Winco but maybe I can find an Armenian bakery sometime. I'm impressed you are making them! Guess what? The oat pecan brittle cookies were good but the others were better so I'm taking the others lol. They do taste like a cranberry bliss bar. This is the recipe but add the zest of one orange: https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/soft-baked-white-chocolate-chip-cranberry-cookies/ A chili cookoff sounds fun!

    @laurelfit57 I've never been to one, I'm excited! Yes, the party at our director's should be fun. Sorry your plans didn't work out. How are you feeling? I hope you have the stamina for Vannie's agility! Dec does go by quickly.

    @19shmoo69 Ha I'm a motor mouth in person, too! :D How are you doing?

    Hi all. I changed the cookies to the alternates. If you want the recipe, it's from a cookbook but this is it if you add the zest of one orange: https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/soft-baked-white-chocolate-chip-cranberry-cookies/ These do taste like Starbucks Cranberry Bliss bars. Have a great day!

    Have you filled out the 2-question survey regarding a chatting app yet? Please fill it out by Next Friday December 8th at noon PST:

    DEC STEP CHALLENGE FOR YESTERDAY: 6,506 out of 6,000 steps per day

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited December 2023
    @trooworld I'm a jabber jaws or totally silent face to face. I'm doing well. I'm struggling with hunger lately.

    I know you've probably shared already but how are you?
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 636 Member
    @katmary71 - Thank you, It's been a long tough 100 days. I have another 25 lbs to lose, so here's to another 100 days. I don't think I've read a Christmas story. When I'm done with this book I'm going to look into finding a Christmas story. Maybe it will get me into the Christmas spirit. I also did some proof reading for a Goodreads author. F. Scott Andison and his 3 book series "The Meghan O'Byrne Chronicle's". I really enjoy his books. Enjoy your busy friday!

    @laurelfit57 - Thank you, it sure feels good to see results after all the hard work I put into it. Although your day didn't go like planned, it's good that you still got weights and stretching in your day. It sounds like you're staying busy.

    @megnolia82 - I use coconut butter after I shower. I used it during and after my pregnancies to help reduce stretch marks. It worked pretty good, so I decided to use it again. Plus it makes me feel and smell good. It's nice you're pampering yourself.

    @trooworld - Thank you for the cookie recipes. I need to make sure I only eat one or two and save some for other's. Just kidding. This journey has taught me that I'm stronger that I thought I was. I think the pictures are more helpful than the scale. To actually see the change is so motivational.

    @19shmoo69 - sometimes when I struggle with hunger I drink water. Alot of the time our bodies will tell us we're hungry when really we're thirsty. I'm the opposite when it comes to writing on here. I try to keep it short and sweet and after I go to proof read I end up with a paragraph...hehehe.

    To be completely honest , I have been emotionally struggling. I get this way every year. I don't know why I can't get out of my head. I think I've been using these feelings as a motivation of some sort. Pushing me to exercise when I don't want to and when I finish my workout, I do another one. I really don't like exercise. I used to workout 20 minutes a day. Now I workout an hour and sometimes even an hour and a half. I don't emotional eat, I emotionally starve myself. So it's been a struggle to keep eating every 3 hours. The last couple of days I took a nap skipping my second snack. Then I ate some almonds before bed to get my 1200 calories in for the day. On a positive note, my oldest son text me this morning. I don't see or here from him but just a couple times a year and he lives only 20 minutes from me, I call or text him about once a month but he doesn't respond. I drove past his house a few times but he wasn't home. I think he still struggles with the loss of his dad too. He was there when it happened. I think I got caught up in my own grief that I wasn't there for him. Well, he text that he wants to meet with me and his brother for lunch and then go visit the cemetery. I talk and see my youngest son often. He has high function autism and lives in independent living. He is doing very well. I am, so proud of him.

    💪Mission Slimpossible Strong!💪

  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 636 Member
    Sorry, I over shared and it's been more than a hour so I can't go back and delete. Just ignore what I wrote.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 511 Member
    @19schmoo69 lol it seems I am very verbose! When I don’t proofread, I really get into trouble with my voice to text🤣

    @megnolia82 any type of self-care is a very good thing!

    @trooworld most cookie exchanges , in my experience are a very fun thing! I am feeling better, energy is still lacking. By the time I finish, most days, I am just exhausted, but it is getting better! The cookie alternative sound absolutely delicious!

    @ Vets2018 I am sorry you are going through a tough time. My youngest son struggles with anxiety, and when he is really struggling, we don’t hear from him. It is hard to just give him space and not check in on him all the time. We do the same that you are doing, touch base about once a month (just so he knows we are there and that we care ) I don’t expect to reply, but when a reply comes, we are very happy.

    From that little bit of a workout I did yesterday, I am still really stiff today, probably a good thing I did not get to the gym 🤣. We went to the dinner theatre with a brunch, I think I did pretty well :-) :-). My agility class was cancelled tonight, the trainer sick but I was able to book some practice time so I am heading over there in about five minutes. Because I haven’t been able to do cardio, Vannie has not been getting a ton of exercise and can I just say she is trying to find anything around here to get my attention and not in a good way🤣
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 829 Member
    New belt day!!

    Smaller belt today :)

    That is all. :D
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @19shmoo69 I'm glad you are well. What do you think the hunger is caused by? Are you eating enough? I'm okay, it's tough during this time of year for many reasons (not just food, the holidays are bittersweet for me...bring back some bad family memories). Thanks for asking. I didn't take your post that way.

    @Veta2018 Yes, I froze dough balls so I do not overeat these cookies lol. Just in case you need that tip. ;) I'm so happy for you and glad you took pictures. I know nobody wants to see their photos when they are heavier than they want to be. I'm sorry you are emotionally struggling. Is it the holidays? Do they make you blue? I get that way. I'm glad your son texted you and glad that you see your youngest son often. I'm sorry if you feel you overshared. Please don't think we thought that. You are welcome to share anything here. Hugs.

    @laurelfit57 It WAS fun! But I ate too many cookies lol. I'm glad it's getting better. I had a lot of comments on my cookie. Vannie, you little saucy thing, getting into trouble! LOL

    Hi all. Hugs to those struggling right now, I struggle during the holidays both eating-wise and emotionally...are they connected? Maybe so. But we'll get through it. I attended the cookie party yesterday, it was fun. I had several people tell me that if they had held the contest (which they said there would be contests!), my cookie would have won. I ate too many cookies and was falling asleep at my desk after lunch. I had a healthy dinner though.

    Have you filled out the 2-question survey regarding a chatting app yet? Please fill it out by tomorrow December 8th at noon PST:

    DEC STEP CHALLENGE FOR YESTERDAY: 8,802 out of 6,000 steps per day

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,737 Member
    Forgot to post this last night:

    @laurelfit57 Wow 3 parties at your house is a lot of planning, I'm sure they'll be a lot of fun but the prep can be stressful. You sound super busy, I hope you have a lot of fun with it all too! Exercise for you and Vannie tonight sounds perfect! I agree everyone is happy at cookie exchanges right?!

    @19shmoo69 I usually just talk about my day, it's kind of like a dear diary after I reply to everyone. Your post was real sweet, I didn't take it in a negative way. You've said you're an introvert so I knew what you meant. Ironically I don't talk in big groups, I've always been a one-on-one or small group person. I do think of us as a family or team of friends, you and I have been friends for almost 5 years now!

    @megnolia82 Oh that moisturizer sounds nice! I do that with soap and body cream, figure I deserve to enjoy it as a reward for working out.

    @trooworld Thank you for the recipe! So for the orange just zest of an orange is enough? I have orange extract too but will trust you. Also would these be good crispy? My Mom hates soft cookies so I'd do some a little longer, I personally love cookies no matter what. It is real similar to a cranberry bliss bar, sounds good and it's way easier!

    @Veta2018 I looked up Debbie Macomber because she always does winter ones and stumbled across this one, I may read it too! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60168211-somebody-like-santa?ref=rae_0 Basically going from Oct horror to Dec mushy romances! I haven't read F. Scott Andison before, I'll have to check out one of his books. I don't want to ignore what you said, I think you and both sons getting together is a great idea and I hope it strengthens your relationship with your older son.

    Hi everyone! We have a storm going through and I'm flared up from Costco too so I decided to stay home and rest. I had my last PT appointment which went well though I'm having some posture issues. My Jasper isn't feeling well, I'm waiting to see how he is tomorrow and if he's still struggling I'll take him to the vet. I'm headed to the greenhouse to get a jump on next year's seeds once I'm awake. Have a great Thursday team.
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 636 Member
    Sorry, about the drama. It had nothing to do with what @19shmoo69 posted. Just bad timing on my part. I was sort of feeling like a bad mom because my child doesn't stay in touch. I think about how I remarried 6 years ago and my in-laws never met my oldest son. Then, I was embarrassed that I posted something so personal to me. Thank you all for being so understanding. I keep alot of my feelings to myself and I don't regret that I shared anymore. What you said @laurelfit57 made a lot of sense, about his anxiety possibly making it difficult for him to respond. Thank you, it put my mind at ease to know that it's not just me. I go through a depression every year, starting around November til after the New Year. It's mainly because I was with my late husband for 20 years and I miss all the holiday traditions we shared. I've tried to make new ones, but they don't seem to workout, it's partly because my kids are all grown up now. I don't want comfort food, I want a cigarette. But I'm working on creating a new healthy me, so that ain't gonna happen. Thank you all again for comforting me. It is very much appreciated.

    @laurelfit57 - I hope you enjoyed the dinner theatre. Is that like dinner and a movie or a play? It sounds like something fun to do.

    @trooworld - <Hugs> I'm sorry to hear that you also struggle during the holidays. I spent the day listening to music and cleaning house. That's what I do when I want to get out of my head. Then, I took a long hot shower and went to bed early. I woke up today feeling a little better and I have a clean house too.

    @Katmary71 - Sounds like you're keeping busy. I hope the storm gives you the opportunity to relax read a book and get the rest you need. I can't wait till spring, when I can get back into my garden. My garden is my sanctuary. I want keep it year round but it's difficult with the cold winters we have here. I've read about planting carrots, radishes, beets and onions, but I'm still learning.

    💪Mission Slimpossible Strong!💪

  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 511 Member
    edited December 2023
    @19schmoo69 I did not take offence at all. I find you to be a very funny person! I look forward to reading your posts when they come up, a man of few words, usually giving me a chuckle.

    @19schmoo69 I did not take offence at all. I find you to be a very funny person! I look forward to reading your posts when they come up, a man of few words, usually giving me a chuckle.

    @megnolia82 hooray for new belt day! Those NSV’s are so much fun!!

    @trooworld I think it would be hard to go to a cookie exchange without eating too much. I mean it would be extremely rude not to try everyone’s cookies.🤣. I love the idea of a chat app, but I find I have to keep things super simple, otherwise I feel pressure, which causes me anxiety, which causes me to eat. I used to try to take part in all of the team challenges for the month, but I found when I wasn’t doing everything just perfectly, I felt like I was failing. I know that is not the intent, it is just the way my brain works. I love coming here, checking in with the gang and keeping it at that♥️.

    @katmary71 how are you doing overall after your surgery? I’m so sorry that Jasper isn’t doing well, let us know how it goes. I am actually just heading over to take Vannie for her yearly check up and shots.

    @Veta2018 I certainly understand, it is so hard not to take that on ourselves as a parent. One of the hardest things I have had to learn is to Let my son know that I am here, he is cared for in a way that he does not feel pressure to offer anything in return. Anything that is offered will always be gladly accepted. My girlfriend and I have tickets to a dinner theatre brunch, it is five times a year. It’s a great place to go see a show and just relax.

    Vanny is the cutest at her vet appointment. When she is getting her shots she is actually kissing the vet on his cheek.🥰. It’s hilarious, he has got to be at least 6‘6“ if not taller and he is just so sweet with Vannie, she just loves him so much. He was the one who started her care when she went into renal failure, I don’t think she has ever forgotten. I am going to put a picture of the staff took of her trying to get the vet to come closer.
    I took Paisley out window shopping so she could give me some ideas for Christmas presents. She was trying to get me to go to another store that was on the other side of town and I was telling her no. She said if you don’t grandma I’m going to ground you for two years, I said please don’t do that, then I can’t have you and Gibby over for sleepovers! She said, OK, then no salads for you for two years!!🤣🤣🤣🤣. I think I eat way too much salad around them.🤣
This discussion has been closed.