Weekly Weigh-in

craigphillips777 Posts: 8 Member
edited December 2023 in Social Groups
A discussion where you input your starting weight (if you want to) when you join the group and then weigh in weekly and update the group on how much you’ve lost.

I’m going to start on 1st January


  • craigphillips777
    craigphillips777 Posts: 8 Member
    Happy new year! And if you’re like me you’ve decided that this is it! The time you stick to it and actually lose the weight.

    My weigh in today - which was embarrasing and not something I’m happy about.

    Weight - 220.7 lbs
  • craigphillips777
    craigphillips777 Posts: 8 Member
    Currently in mild ketosis after 4 days.

    Water weight loss is good. Currently 5lbs down. Expect this to be around 2lbs - 3lbs a week soon.
  • craigphillips777
    craigphillips777 Posts: 8 Member
    Probably just talking to myself but it’s good for my own accountability.

    Starting weight 220.7 lbs
    Todays weight 211.6 lbs

    Weight loss so far 9.1 lbs
  • craigphillips777
    craigphillips777 Posts: 8 Member
    So I’ve been reasonably good - although a bit of a plateau this week

    Starting weight 220.7 lbs
    Current weight 207.5 lbs