WeightNoMore Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2024



  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 302 Member
    Weigh In Day: Wednesday (sorry a day late)
    PW (Previous Weight): 191.6 lbs
    CW (Current Weight): 192.4 lbs
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,330 Member
    February Week 1

    Team Statistics
    Total Steps: 430,100
    Participants: 8
    Average Steps per Person: 53,763 (6.72% lower than last week)

    The Leaderboard

    @andja87 - 110,010 total | 15,716 average Most Steps in One Day
    @Emilienewme - 80,598 total | 11,514 average
    @sydditt - 54,716 total | 7,817 average
    @ljdanny - 47,009 total | 6,716 average
    @daria0919 - 46,519 total | 6,646 average
    @BodyTalking - 43,707 total | 6,244 average
    @9Harvey - 28,376 total | 4,054 average Most Consistent
    @melaniedscott - 19,165 total | 2,738 average

    Way to go walkers! That is a lot of steps. Bolded steppers made their goal. I don't know about anyone else but weather has warmed up a bit here, so it is easier to get out but the temperature has been fluctuating enough that it's...fun.

    To those who are not currently part of the step team, it's super easy to join and a great way to be more involved with the group if you're looking for something else to hold you accountable. Joining merely involves posting your weekly steps (Sunday - Saturday) either day-by-day or a weekly total. Those posting the weekly totals are not eligible for the Most Steps or Most Consistent awards, but will still be included on the leaderboard.

    What goal do we want to set for February?
  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 559 Member
    edited February 16
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    PW 179.8
    Feb 9: 178.8
    Feb 16: 177.5

    GW (Feb) 175
    Plan: Strength training, daily walk, Protein 100g+, Fiber 25g+
    Age: 48

    πŸŸ₯🟧🟨🟩🟦πŸŸͺ⬛️ (Fri - Thu)
    β€οΈπŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ˜•πŸ–€ (Protein/Fiber)
    β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ˜•πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ˜• (Planned Exercise)
    β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ˜•πŸ’™πŸ˜•πŸ–€ (Steps 5k+)

    Lots of frowns for the past week. Next week will be better!
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,291 Member
    sydditt wrote: Β»
    πŸŸ₯🟧🟨🟩🟦πŸŸͺ⬛️ (Fri - Thu)
    β€οΈπŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ˜•πŸ–€ (Protein/Fiber)
    β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ˜•πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ˜• (Planned Exercise)
    β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ˜•πŸ’™πŸ˜•πŸ–€ (Steps 5k+)

    Lots of frowns for the past week. Next week will be better!

    Whoa whoa whoa, you have so many hearts for the past week too! Meeting your goals most of the time is still better than hitting them none of the time. You did well, give yourself some grace, and stick with it - you got this!
  • andja87
    andja87 Posts: 173 Member
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW (Previous Weight): 216.2
    CW (Current Weight): 215.6
  • Emilienewme
    Emilienewme Posts: 241 Member
    Weigh in day Friday
    Previous weight 187.4 lbs
    Current weight 189.8 lbs

    I really wasn't looking forward to weigh in this week. We had a week off for school holidays (I work in a school) and my parents stayed with us for the week, so I was less active, cooking more and eating more. I tried to stay within my calories but it's hard when there is so much food in the house. I recorded everything though. I managed to get in a few long walks but no run or classes. I will be better next week, it should be easier with a routine
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,077 Member
    Cw 187.6
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 706 Member
    edited February 17
    ‼️‼️WARNING‼️‼️ it’s not good. This is over 2 weeks since I was out of town last weigh in.

    Weigh in day: Saturday

    PW: 192.2
    CW: 197.4

    SORRY TEAM! Yes, it’s a 5.2 pound gain over two weeks.

    I was on vacation with girlfriends for over a week and complete calorie restriction went out the window. I kept track of all the food that I could remember eating, but I’m sure restaurant foods with all their fancy high calorie sauces and butter and such that I don’t know about added even more calories to my already overloaded calorie meals. I haven’t eaten out in so long that I decided I’d enjoy the fancy prepared stuff and not keep eating diet style foods while at restaurants.
    The restaurant dinners were amazing! When I got back home I couldn’t get back on track. I was so upset with my high weight when I got back and was so sugar addicted my eating habits did not return to normal this week either.

    I’m still working on trying to get back to regular eating and drinking 8 glasses of water and trying to cut out sugar and chocolate from my life. UGH!! I literally gained half of the 10 pounds I lost over 5 months in two weeks! That’s crazy! There’s obesity on my mother’s side of the family and I have my mother’s genetic make up (sadly, not my dad’s whose family didn’t have weight issues). I feel like I’m fighting obesity constantly.

    For the past two days I’ve made an effort to get back on track, but I still had salty blue corn chips and cashews, which add to water retention and a few mini chocolate donuts. I’ve not gotten back to drinking all my water yet either. The chips and cashews are gone now, and so are the mindless munchy type foods my husband bought while I was away.

    Today starts a new weight week for me and hopefully my weight will now trend downward again.

    Thanks for β€˜listening’ team.
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 706 Member
    So I've been doing pretty well about eating within my calories during the week, but this past weekend absolutely proved how much difference a day or two of "bad" eating can make. The resulting bloat resulted in a nearly 7 lb difference on the scale between Friday morning and Monday morning, which was so dramatic that the app associated with my scale double checked that I was logged into the correct account.

    Did I consume over 24,000 extra calories over the course of a few days? Absolutely not. This was bloat, through and through. Bloat from drinking alcohol, from eating salt and sugar, from muscle recovery... It already started to disappear, which I greatly appreciate. Even knowing where it came from, seeing a 2lb drop in a day was satisfying.
    @minstrelofsarcasm I’m just now finding time to catch up on posts after being away. I completely understand what happened to you. I can empathize, since I’ve just had a similar experience.
    Hopefully, since it’s been a few more days since Monday, your weight has settled back down. It is crazy as to how long it takes to lose and how quickly it can come back. Please let me know if things are going better for you now that another weekend is upon us. (hugs)
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 416 Member
    Pw- 217.6
    Cw- 219.8
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,164 Member
    Here's your link for the February Week 3 Group Challenge. Please join us for the Add, Subtract and Multiply Challenge. It is open and ready to begin on Sunday, Feb 18th.

    Hope you have a wonderful week ahead!


  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,963 Member

    Starting weight: 81.7 kg/180.12 lb
    Previous weight: 79.5 kg/175.3 lb
    Current weight: 79.7 kg/175.7 lb

    Steps Total, 11-17 Feb: 43,528
    S 3582
    M 6151
    T 5215
    W 15570
    T 8738
    F 521
    S 3751

    Daily Cheers to a BETTER ME!
    πŸŸ₯🟧🟨🟩🟦πŸŸͺ🟫 (Sun-Sat)
    πŸ’πŸ§‘πŸ’πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’πŸ’ 6,000+ Steps
    πŸ·πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ·β”β”β” Caloric deficit
    πŸ©·πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸŸ 1.5+ ltr water
    πŸ¦‰πŸ¦‰πŸ’›πŸ¦‰πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ¦‰ 6+ hrs Sleep
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,963 Member
    edited February 18
    @daria0919 You'd been doing so well that I'm certain you'll get back on track soon enough. It's hard when you're with friends or family and you fall back into old ways. But, you have new habits now and can fall back into them too. Don't feel bad, just feel motivated!
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,963 Member
    edited February 18

    What goal do we want to set for February?

    I'm currently over 108 thousand fewer steps than last February. I know I can't make that up in a week (is this week or next the last?) but I'll try to get 54 thousand this week.
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,963 Member
    I was just clearing out some things from my Notes app and came across this weekly plan I'd done for one of the group challenges last year. I've updated it and will refer to it each week to see if I'm improving. Feel free to use it to make your own plan.

    Weekly Plan
    πŸ₯— Nutrition/Meal Planning

    Eat a varied diet with digestion healthy ingredients. Buy nothing sweet except for fruit, stay in caloric deficit.
    πŸšΆπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ Activity/Exercise
    Walk (aim for 7-10k steps each day), use exercise bike, hula-hoop and general full-body exercises (3-4 days a week).
    πŸ’¦ Water Intake/Hydration
    1.5-2 litres each day. Keep a bottle of water with me. Drink green tea with meals.
    🧘 Managing Stress
    Use meditation music to help me get to sleep and at other times if I need to switch off (Medito app). Gentle yoga, flexibility and stretching exercises will help release tension.
    πŸͺ· Relaxation
    Walk in the fresh air, take deep breaths and appreciate being able to do so. Draw or create, play a game on my phone and watch TV.
    πŸ§– Self-Care
    Clear my mess (I have too much stuff for my varying interests), which will help clear my mind and leave me free to do the things I like, not just need.
    πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Work/Life Balance
    I'm in a better place now since I've only concentrated on teaching and health, however, I want to devote more time to sorting out my online business and do more design work. I must keep clearing out my email accounts (move photos, remove drive files, delete emails and unsubscribe), making that a regular habit will help. I definitely need to get on top of housework too as I'm terrible at it. That has to help!
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,330 Member
    Sat weigh in (late)

  • Marcy2890
    Marcy2890 Posts: 60 Member
    Username: marcy2890
    Weigh-In Day: Sunday
    PW: 129.4 lbs
    CW: 128.2 lbs
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 579 Member
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW (Previous Weight): 230.6
    CW (Current Weight): 230.6

    Well, it sucks to not have a loss, but it's great to not have a gain! And I did lose 2lbs last week, so I don't feel as bad about this no loss. Here's hoping to some kind of loss next week though! πŸ™ƒ
  • Emilienewme
    Emilienewme Posts: 241 Member
    @melaniedscott here are my steps for the week

    Total steps 101868 steps


  • andja87
    andja87 Posts: 173 Member
This discussion has been closed.