Airport VIP Lounge Chat



  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,581 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Monday and it is back to work. Things are going well and it is going to be a good day. Today I get to teach the new kids in my position how to do something things that I have learned in the travel world and how to do things more efficiently. At AAA we do Triptiks. Which are basically a little book we create that you tell us where you are going and staying and any stops inbetween and we map it for you and put it into a book for you. That is free for members. We can mail it to you if you have 7-10 days before your trip or we can print it right there if you want to go soon or you just want it right away. So I get to teach all the new people how to do them correctly.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - We were able to drop things off where we needed to. It was a good Sunday. Not much for Dashing, but it was decent enough. I had stuff to do at home anyways so we cut out early and got it done. I was able to get laundry done and all that jazz from the weekend.
    @Kurtize - It sounds so nice being in the 80's. I really cannot wait for that to happen more often. I love the warm weather.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Monday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,811 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: Paradise is not a place; it’s a state of consciousness.—Sri Chinmoy
    I AM: I have the power to change how I feel.
    Action for Happiness: Make uninterrupted time for your loved ones.
    Happy National Levi Strauss Day!!!
    Pliability QOTD: If you can dream it, you can do it.—Walt Disney
    Day 56 of 2024 miles in 2024 complete and I had 6.32 miles yesterday.
    Work 11AM-6PM so getting my workout done before work and mobility if time before but if not then it will get done after work.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,760 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain , I love training people! It's a lot of fun. Sometimes the questions people will ask Don't just make me laugh so hard inside of myself but that's okay. Generally that's when I work with somebody that is under the age of 20. It's been a while since I've had to do that. I kind of missed it! Glad you were able to get so much done yesterday. So sorry to do ordash didn't pay off it well it could have but yet it still paid off so that's great. Hope you had a lovely day.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,581 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Tuesday and it is going to be a great day. Today I am Door Dashing again this evening, but Joe is getting his haircut after work tonight. So we will be going out a little later than normal. Which is ok. That will give me a chance to get the food cooked. I am glad we have decided that we are not really going to eat out anymore. I really feel like that was not a good idea eating out twice in 2 days. It just was not worth it. Our tummies just could not handle all that grease and carbs. It was too much and it made us both feel sick for a couple of days. We are slowly starting to feel better. Which is good, cause now we know what not to do.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Yeah I love teaching people. I wanted to be a teacher when I was in high school, but well I got pregnant at 18 and that pretty much ruined that idea. Now with all our debt I don't think I could go back to school, plus at this point in my life I can only handle little kids for so long. I actually love DoorDashing. I look forward to it every night. I check my rates every single day. I want to have great ratings.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,811 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Taken the moment and make it perfect.—Aryn Kyle
    I AM: I am thrilled to stand out from the crowd.
    Action for Happiness: Call a friend to catch up and really listen to them.
    Happy National Strawberry Day!!!
    Pliability QOTD: Champions keep playing until they get it right.—Billie Jean King
    Day 57 of 2024 miles in 2024 and I had 5.30 miles yesterday.
    Work 11AM-6PM so getting my workout in before work and if time will get mobility in before work but if not then will get done after work.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,760 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain. weirdly kids GIVE me energy!! it's always been that way. My GGSs were down on Sunday when they left after 2 hours, I had so MUCH energy it was funny!! GLAD you both have decided to not eat out. I NEED to reach that point, it'll be healthier, but for me I go because I love the company. On Sunday there's usually 4 to 7 of us who go out. Otherwise that group of people I am not with, and we have WAY to much fun!! LOL We sort of felt bad for the waitress having to have a group of 6 of us a few Sundays ago, it was so busy. I am sure she loved our 47% TIP!! OFF I GO!! ENJOY the night!! I agree with you if I were doing doordash, I'd be looking for the best reviews. Often if it's a poor review it's NOT the dashers fault, it's the place they ordered from doing it to early or not putting everything with the order.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,320 Member
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,760 Member
    @Kurtize, that reminds so much of the 60s and 70s! COOL MAN! GROOVY!!
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,581 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Wednesday and it is going to be a great day. Last night was rough. Storms rolled in around 10 pm and then at 12:30 we got woke up to the tornado sirens going off. Lots of wind, baseball sized hail, and rain, and wind. It was rough. My dog was freaking out. My son was messaging me. First huge storm he had been not living at home so he was freaking out. We made it through. As far as I know no serious damage. I will schedule someone to come look at the roof today, and I will see the cars when I go outside. We will see how it goes. It may be an expensive storm. I hope not, but you never know. It was pretty bad. I was able to get dashing done last night because I stopped doordashing around 9 pm last night.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - That is awesome. It is nice to have the extra energy. It is nice to go out and socialize. So I see that point. Sometimes 6 people is a lot for a server. I agree that most the time it is the restaurant. Last night though I took an order that the dasher told the customer he did not tip enough so the Dasher kept his food. I ended up delivering his remake. I felt so bad for him. That to me is bad also.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,811 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: Life is really just a lesson in finding balance between fear and courage.—Cara E. Yar Khan
    I AM: I unapologetically pour my energy into my passions.
    Action for Happiness: Give positive comments to as many people as possible today.
    Happy National Floral Design Day!!!
    Pliability QOTD: The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall.—Nashawn Kelley
    Day 58 of 2024 miles in 2024 and I had 5.09 miles yesterday.
    Work 10AM-3PM so getting my workout in after work today but getting my morning walk in as usual.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,320 Member
    Hi all happy Wednesday. Not as windy as yesterday but cool. Last night the wind blew smoke smell and smoke from the fires here in TX. Today Don and I are celebrating our 60th wedding anniversary. No big plans we went to the Thai Chinese restaurant and made an order for take out for tonight. We also had a sign made up for our gate. Here is a picture.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,760 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain , how did the day go? I HOPE no damage was done to your place? Any trees down? Cars damaged? Root/house okay? Your poor S it IS FREAKY when the sirens go off (In Maine our "tornados which NEVER used to happen are usually a F1 or straight line winds, which seem more damaging. A young girl died last year at a camp. Her parents thought they were safer in the car, and likely should of been, but a tree crashed down, she was only 10). If the dashers were paid more they would NOT have to depend on tips!! I say it lays with the companies who are so greedy they do not pay you all enough. Some customers can't drive, aren't well etc. when they order. Food costs so much more now, to HAVE to give a higher tip for a service they are paying for anyways, I understand it. Its hard both ways because the drivers deserve a good pay.
    @Kurtize, LOVE the sign!! Are you near the fires? PLEASE.BE.SAFE!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,581 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Leap Day and it is Thursday. I am going to be working hard on getting any extra memberships that I can get today. Lets hope I can get some. There was no damage to mine or Joe's car from the hail yesterday. Today we have someone coming to look at the roof to make sure there was no damage there either. Last night the wind and cold was so bad. It was 24F outside but with the windchill it felt like 10F outside. So I did not doordash last night. Tonight I will not be dashing either as Joe and I will be heading to Dearborn, Michigan. My work got me a hotel room for there so I can be in person at the head quarters meeting tomorrow morning from 9 to 11 am. I requested to have the day off after that so I can explore that city and see what they have going. I will find out hopefully today if I have gotten it approved. Joe is going with me and will be staying in the hotel at the pool I am sure until it is time to check out. I believe check out is 11 am so he will check out and then come and get me from the meeting. I get paid mileage and one paid meal. So that is awesome.

    @Kurtize - That is awesome. Happy Anniversary. I love the sign.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Well the day went well. No damage on the cars. About 20 miles south of us there was a tornado. I never even considered the tips. I never ask for extra tips. I want people rating me. The higher my rating the more orders I am able to get. The house roof is being inspected today at 10 am. So we will see how it goes. I am so sorry for that little girl. I only mentioned the tips because besides a 5 star review that is how people show appreciation. It is greatly appreciated, but even without those extra tips I would still do doordash. I actually love doing it. It is fun and gets me out of the house and spending time with Joe and my passenger Prince. It is great.

    Oh here is a photo of the hail that was coming down early Wednesday morning.


    Well I hope you all have a great Thursday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,811 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: Your thoughts are your message to the world. Just as the rays are the messages of the Sun.—Amit Ray
    I AM: I am more than good enough and I get better every day.
    Action for Happiness: Acknowledge someone’s problem or pain rather than trying to fix it.
    Happy National Bachelor’s Day and Leap Day!!!!!
    Pliability QOTD: Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential.—John Maxwell
    Day 59 of 2024 miles in 2024 complete and I had 5.76 miles yesterday.
    Work 8AM-1PM so getting into the gym this afternoon for my Chest/Back Day!!!!
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,320 Member
    Thank you all for the anniversary wishes. I new the weather man said snow but was surprised this morning how much. At 7 am we already had 2 inches and tomorrow believe it or not supposed to be 74.
    Crazy weather. The fires are about 6 to 8 hours away. Not too much going on will do no walking outside. Hugs all.

    Inspiration for the day
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,760 Member
    edited February 29
    @Tabatha_Cain , WOW the hail! Glad the cars have no damage. Hopefully the roof is also okay. Smart having it checked! Id rather do a small cash repair then ever use insurance! Thankfully where I'm that's not a worry. Lolol they're are 3 floors above me. That brings it's own worries. Happy to hear the ratings do help so much. Enjoy the trip for work. Sounds fun! I'm sure Joe will enjoy the pool. I would! I'm at the dentist having a new denture made. Hopefully they'll see me soon!
    @kurtize, love the picture/saying! So true! Our thoughts lead us in the direction we go. Glad the fires are hours away! The weather is so crazy. Last night it was 48, now 24 (2:38 PM) tomorrow 50. YO!
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,581 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends,

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Friday and it is different not being at home. We are at The Henry Hotel. Here is a photo of our room.


    Joe and I enjoyed the hot tub last night when we got in at 9 pm. So we are a bit tired this morning, but so loving the hotel. It is beautiful. We are on the 7th floor. Love it. I took a beautiful picture of the view.


    Here is the pool and hot tub area.


    Joe and I are having so much fun. I took the afternoon off after the meeting so Joe and I are going to the Henry Ford Museum and we are doing some other things before heading home to Door Dash for the day.

    @Kurtize - Wow. That is some decent snow. Glad you are away from the fires. Please be safe.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - We ended up having to file a claim. The roofing company said that there was significant hail damage to the roof. We will see how that happens.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Friday.


  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,811 Member
    Rabbit, Rabbit wishing luck this month to all who read this.
    Insight Timer Quote: A slight change in your daily habits can guide your life to a very different destination.—James Clear
    I AM: I am an accomplished and successful person.
    Action for Happiness: Set an intention to live with awareness and kindness.
    Happy National Pig Day!!!!
    Happy World Zero Discrimination Day!!!
    Pliability QOTD: Success is not a destination, it’s a journey.—Zig Ziglar
    Day 60 of 2024 miles in 2024 complete and I had 5.06 miles yesterday.
    Off today so getting my morning workout then after breakfast going to get my gym workout in before catching up on podcasts and other stuff.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,320 Member
    edited March 1
    Good afternoon hope your day is going well. For as much snow as we had yesterday and as cold as it was today, is beautiful 73 degrees outside. Needless to say snow all gone. Kayla and I went for a nice walk.

    @Tabatha_Cain - the hotel is beautiful what fun, I didn't see is this a business or pleasure trip but either way, have a good time. Sorry about roof damage.

    I got another post card, here is link to info on my walk through Dublin
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,760 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain, That's a very nice hotel/VACATION for the night!! So happy they put you up in a very nice hotel!!! LOVE the hot tub!! ENJOY the weekend. Glad your insurance will help with the hail damage! UGH!!
    @Kurtize, That's so CRAZY to go from snow to 73!! OH MY!! NO WONDER so many are getting sick, our bodies can't keep itself regulated and healthy with such swings!! Awww HI Kayla!! GOOD DOGGO!! CONGRATS on the walk, I'll HOP On ovah.