Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - MARCH 2024



  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,214 Member
    @trooworld Yes , please share the recipe! And I do have farro. I love it!
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 313 Member
    @19shmoo69 I must be honest I am kicking my husband out of his current cave to make a bigger pantry. It’s prime real estate and he’s gotta go. So he’s moving upstairs. 😂

    @trooworld glad you’re feeling better. That’s a long commute. I spend a couple hours in the car daily doing school pick up and it’s the only thing I look forward to her graduation in few years. Otherwise, I’d like to keep her little. 😉

    @Katmary71 how are you feeling now? I hope the clinic helped you recover from being overstimulated.

    Congratulations to everyone who had a loss this week and those still hanging in here. 🎉


    Thanks for all the birthday greetings. It was a chill day of just putting about, which is just where I’d like to be.

    I’m still struggling to ditch the carbs. I start my day good and when I get busy, here comes a sandwich. So I have a bowl of veggies cut up now to fill in those snacky moments. I also got some apples for the sweet tooth moments. These would help my no zeros. Ive been getting 7-10k of steps daily. Yesterday was low due to being invited to a friends. Otherwise, things are just about the daily grind.

    Gave a great day!

  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,774 Member
    @Katmary71 - sorry you are feeling so poorly.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,471 Member

    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners

    Percentage of Members in the Green!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,955 Member
    Most of you are down on your weigh-ins this week too, almost time to rock those summer clothes so keep it up!

    Go Mission Slimpossibles in 3rd Place this last week! Incredible job @Jactop @littlebabekitty @askewcr our pack leaders!

    @txcritter69 Thank you! Happy birthday to your youngest grandson! I love your camping photos, thanks for sharing them! It looks like a great place to hike. Diesel looks super happy!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I don’t usually comment on weights but congratulations on Onederland!

    @Veta2018 It doesn’t sound like you did that bad to me, just keep moving forward you got this!

    @micaroo4 Haha we must’ve been abnormally quiet until we were bookmarked again.

    @trooworld I’m curious on your soup too, I wonder if the Trader Joe’s 10 minute farro would work in it? I made farro when my neighbor came over the other week and forgot how good it is. I love the chewiness of it and barley. My aunt makes this great Persian salad with quartered snap peas I want to try making but she didn't have a recipe.

    @TeresaW2024 Fingers crossed the lighter weights work without setting your wrist back. I’m not sure on my nervous system, I’m resting today and if I’m not doing better by my pain clinic appointment later this week I’ll ask for steroids. I’m upset at this flare as it’s how I was feeling to say yes to surgery. Not sure if it’s spinal or CRPS but probably both. The increase in pain from the unit mistake didn't kick in for a few hours so I've been on my own. What all do you do in Barre Blend?

    @AustinRuadhain Have a great time with your son!

    All caught up! I try to come on often on the weekends to get all the weigh-ins in the spreadsheet so it’s ready to go for results. Not planning on a workout today just going to take it easy. I need one of @Teresa2024 puzzles! I should get homework done but maybe later, I’m going to make a carafe of tea and lay in bed reading for awhile. Have a great Sunday night! I’ll probably come on later to say hi. We went out for Chinese food last night and had pie and ice cream so I’m going to eat lighter today.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,955 Member
    Still Need the following for today: @Megnolia82 @DebJB30
    Tomorrow Weigh-In Reminder for the following: @AmbersWay @AustinRuadhain @Jactop

    @littlebabekitty Oh no hope you’re feeling better very soon.

    @laurelfit57 That’s great news on having more energy and focus! I’m still flared up, I’ve been resting all day and it seems to be helping thank goodness. I’ve only seen one episode of Love is Blind, that’s @TeresaW2024 ‘s comment and I only watched the one because of her excitement about it! I’ll have to give it another try. I’m glad you had the chance to enjoy the weather and start tracking again, watch out here you come!

    Hi team. I was going to go to bed early then I spilled cranberry juice In bed on my white flannel snowflake sheets so I had to get laundry started and try to get the red out of the mattress. The mattress is drying right now and sheets are in the washing machine. I got no homework done today, think I’m giving up on my uncle’s birthday party at this point though it would be nice to see everyone. I guess my “no zero” is getting in resting time, food wasn’t bad but had more than I planned. I have PT in the morning or I’d take another rest day, it’s with the assistant I don’t really care for (she’s nice just not very motivated to answer questions or push me at all). Have a great day tomorrow.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,955 Member
    Oops @Micaroo4 Sent me another email with photos I just discovered and it's too late to add it to the profile, I still want to share as they're great photos of her. lg1xbgpbe1ti.jpg

    "A couple of photos that represent my health journey. The picture in the yellow jacket with me squinting into the bright sunlight was taken on a fantastic bike ride at Schoodic Point in Acadia National Park. The picture of me in the red jersey is also at Acadia, on a hike. I'm not the most fashionable person; none of my clothes are figure-flattering. I wear cargo pants every day."

  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 856 Member
    Sunday weigh in megnolia82

    SW: 228
    PW: 211
    CW: 211

    Had a good week with a 4km hike on Sunday, then about 8km on both Monday and Wednesday on an indoor track. Then another 4km today at another conservation area. It was frigid today!

    Just have to get my food on track and I hope to see a woosh next week! I feel good getting more exercise and finally getting my body moving!
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