Welcome & Introductions



  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 1,171 Member
    welcome @Malimalai and @LucasHouse8374 ! It‘s great to have you!!

    Siri, so glad your husband is on board! My husband is a meat eater and very suspicious of anything I cook, so I cook only for myself. Will send you a friend’s request, I love Asian food and my diary is open as well.
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Anyone should feel free to send me a friend request, my diary is open to friends and I often comment on my friends updates…
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Welcome to both of you !
  • Malimalai
    Malimalai Posts: 276 Member
    Thank you @henridw2095 @Maya 440 ,Patrick used to be work as a chef but he leave the home cooking to me.😆 We are excited about this woe with you all and to see our health improved .❤️‍🩹
  • evanity
    evanity Posts: 6 Member
    edited March 11
    Hello! My name is also Eva, and I went pescatarian when I was a kid, then over time faded into ovo-lacto-vegetarianism. That went on for 25 years, until I finally made the full switch to veganism in January 2020. I don't know why that took me so long!!

    Technically, I am not overweight but I feel better in my skin when I weigh about five or six kilos less than what the scale said this morning, so here I am. I know my "problem" is working a desk job and indulging in chocolate whenever I get stressed about deadlines... and my portion sizes have grown way beyond reasonable.

    Finally, I want to work out more, and since I need to hold myself accountable, I am posting my plan here:
    Monday - beginner's ballet (75 min)
    Tuesday - spin class (120 min)
    Wednesday - back health / deep work (45 min) in the morning and/or vinyasa yoga (90 min) in the evening
    Thursday - rest day or vinyasa yoga (90 min), depending on what I did on Wednesday
    Friday - ashtanga or vinyasa yoga (90 min)
    Saturday or Sunday - run (30 to 45 min)
    The other weekend day is a rest day.

    However I will be missing spin class tomorrow and next week because of birthdays. I will either take a spin class on Wednesday or Friday, or go for an extra run or a gym session on the weekend. I should probably add gym sessions with weights somewhere in there, too... but I have a 30 day test membership at a yoga studio, so I will make the most of that, and then review my schedule.
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Welcome Eva !

    I love your exercise planning !
    Spin class of 120min now that's amazing B)

  • Oup007
    Oup007 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone :) I am a woman, in my forties, I live in France.

    About food, I stopped dairy products about 10 years ago, then meat 9 years ago, then (almost) all animal products 8 years ago.
    I have multiple sclerosis since 2007, so there have been ups and downs, but for several years now I am quite in peace.
    I'm a bit obsessed with the idea of eating healthily, but I think in my case it's a way of being able to control something, so I don't blame myself too much and I do occasionally make a few exceptions.
    I try to be as active as possible, even if I have to struggle with some limits.

    Forgive me if I'm not reactive and sometimes respond with a delay (jetlag, time zone, you know ;) and lot of work sometimes)

    Nice to meet you all! :)
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 1,171 Member
    @Oup007 welcome!! I can empathize with wanting to control something (and sometimes even practice eating out so this urge does not get unhealthy). For me, eating healthy and exercising has become an anchor in a stressful time. I look forward to hearing about your experience :)
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Welcome @evanity - I‘m also Eva 😂 and you sound a lot like me (lots of work, deadlines, and trying to squeeze in lots of exercise).
  • evanity
    evanity Posts: 6 Member
    Hi @Maya440 Yes, my spin coach is amazing! He offers two consecutive classes two days a week, and then once a year there is a special "marathon" session where participants can choose to take up to 4 hours. When I first tried spinning about ten years ago, I was exhausted after one hour, but after a few months I tried doing the second, and I was hooked! (Exhausted, yes - but hooked!)

    @henridw2095 If I don't have a set time when I have to leave work in order to make a workout class, then I would stay way too late at the office. So exercise is very necessary for my mental health! ;) Do you use your workout plan to ease your work-brain a little bit, too?
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 1,171 Member
    @evanity yes, I strength train 2-3 times a week and like to jog maybe twice a week, it definitely helps me keep my sanity, although I sometimes have to scramble to get it in. My gym gets very busy after work, so I sometimes sneak off in the early afternoon, but I often work a little on the weekends and my hours are flexible, so the work gets done regardless. Weekend workouts are my favorite.
  • Trillium54
    Trillium54 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi! So glad I found this group! I'm what I call "mostly" vegetarian. I still eat a few eggs because I know the chickens that lay them--they're free-rangers at a friend's farm--and the occasional fish. I'm looking towards becoming vegan, but really need to learn how to cook/make plant-based meals.

    I'm in my sixties (when did that happen? :D ), retired RN, and live in the mountains of NC. Love to get outside to hike. I had a tooth removed on Thursday and am on a liquid/soft diet. I find it amusing that all the "okay" foods listed are sort of dairy based--which wreaks havoc with my sinuses among other things. I've been trying to dodge it by using veg broth/soups but it's getting old, lol. Anyway, I'll get thru it, it's just a waiting game.

    P.S. Whoever put together the resource list--many thanks. I've ordered the America's Test Kitchen book already!
  • mightybunky
    mightybunky Posts: 90 Member
    evanity wrote: »
    Technically, I am not overweight but I feel better in my skin when I weigh about five or six kilos less than what the scale said this morning, so here I am. I know my "problem" is working a desk job and indulging in chocolate whenever I get stressed about deadlines... and my portion sizes have grown way beyond reasonable.

    Wow, this is exactly me! And finding it so much harder to lose those 5-6 (ok definitely 6) kilos now as I approach 50. Hoping this group can inspire me with tips that will help whilst staying plant based, which I've been for more than 30 years.

  • NouveauRee
    NouveauRee Posts: 565 Member
    Happy April All🌸 Not currently vegan/vegetarian but curious and leaning. I’ve spent a few years in the past vegetarian but dirty veg eating a lot of fake products instead of real food. Always looking for new recipes and ideas to add to my repertoire to help make the transition completely.
  • evanity
    evanity Posts: 6 Member
    Wow, this is exactly me! And finding it so much harder to lose those 5-6 (ok definitely 6) kilos now as I approach 50. Hoping this group can inspire me with tips that will help whilst staying plant based, which I've been for more than 30 years.

    Here's to feeling better in our skin! I've lost two kilos since my first post, slow and steady wins.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    Hi all. I was here awhile ago, but have recently started to look around the group again. I am not vegetarian or vegan, but I am trying to cut down on the amount of meat I eat. Which is why I loved this group before. You were always so welcoming even to those of us who have not given up the meat totally. So thank you.
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Welcome, @Athijade. This group has been quiet the last few weeks. Perhaps everyone has been figuring out how to deal with the loss of the newsfeed (I know I have). Many of us still use the MFP forums, though!
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Maybe with the loss of the newsfeed the forums will grew as important tools for connection.