Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - MARCH 2024



  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,024 Member
    @19shmoo69 - Your miscellaneous meat story is too funny. Sounds like we should all get together and have a dance party!

    @laurelfit57 - that's funny that having your brother's pup visit made your house feel calm after he left.

    Kindle people- I used to be a book only person. Used an old Kindle during the pandemic as I could get library books on it when the library wasn't open- that's probably the only reason I was convinced to switch. I love that I can make the font giant and read without my glasses on.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    @ninyagwa Yeah, it's a real problem. :( I'm glad you are feeling better about life. I love my Kindle as well.

    @FushiaKat I'm glad your hearing aids are okay.

    @laurelfit57 Yes, I'd be glad to! They printed them really quickly: I just ordered them on Monday and on Tuesday morning, they were ready! A local place did them. I'm pretty happy with them (although now, I wish I would have bolded the small print). I fall off the tracking wagon and try to get back on as quickly as possible. Sometimes, it's harder than others lol. Thank you! Awww, poor Ty and Vannie! Good idea to raise the couch up. Sometimes, I have to keep a leash on Violet so if she gets to be too much for Daisy, I can tie her to my desk as I work at it. That way, Daisy can get away from her lol.

    @Katmary71 Ooh they sound cool. LOL I would love to see you in bunny ears! I think many of us are struggling with tracking. I would like a tracking challenge.

    @Cornanda I love that I can read without my glasses on using my Kindle, too. Also, I am a "book switcher" so I like to be able to access a ton of books on it.

    Hi all. I can't believe my new business cards were ready yesterday morning, not 24 hours after I ordered them! I picked them up, here is a photo of the front and back. I'm mostly happy with them, although I wish I had bolded all the print. They also have my phone number on them but I blacked it out here on the internet. I've pretracked my food again today. Hopefully, I can stick with my plan. Yesterday, I did well sticking to the plan. I ate baby carrots and Babybel cheese for a snack at work and that seemed to satisfy me. I'll bring more of those snacks today to work.

    No Zero Days: Tracked, only ate snacks I planned.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 157 Member
    edited March 27
    @trooworld Maggie hates the car because she is terrified of large trucks. I always feel bad when I drive her to the groomer. The funny thing is she understands our route. The moment we get off the highway, she knows we are almost home, and it’s all I can do to contain her. :D I love your new business cards! You are so talented!! :)

    @FushiaKat What, there are sugar-free Peeps!! I must find some! I love those little squishy things. :D Oh I hope your hearing aids are OK. Those cost so much money! :)

    @laurelfit57 Poor Ty getting picked on like that. It's smart to provide a hiding place. My husband’s family is coming this weekend and bringing their dog. She is small like Maggie, but Maggie doesn’t really like dogs, so I’m a little stressed about how it will go between them. :#

    @Katmary71 I’m down for a spring challenge! I like exercise and nutrition. Maybe we could start after FushiaKat, and I eat all our Peeps next Monday. :D

    Good morning! Today, I need to take Joe to his doctor’s appointment to check his hemoglobin levels, and then I’m dragging him to Walmart and CVS for his Rx. I might take him to lunch, too. :) I got a call from an orthopedic doctor about an appointment, and because I don’t have traditional insurance, I would have to pay $350 for the first visit, which only includes one set of X-rays. Any other treatments would, of course, cost more. I would do it, but I fear I will spend all this money, and they will tell me to wear a brace and rest it. So, I ordered a better brace that is made for De Quervain's tenosynovitis, which is what I know I have. I plan to wear the brace, do my PT exercise on Dr. YouTube, and take a break from puzzles. Once I finish this one, of course! ;) If all that fails after a month, I will spend the money. I’m just praying it won’t come to that because I have other stuff I would rather spend my money on. Have a good day! :)
    2024 Word: Strive


    Lifting weights is something I love. Feeling the muscle burn after a good workout is something I crave, and I hope I can return to it soon. :)
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    @19shmoo69 I feel like eating miscellaneous meat has got to be an experience, I’d do it, if only to say I did. I mean isn’t spam some parts and meat?
    @FushiaKat I LOVE my kindle, and I pay for kindle unlimited, which I “gifted” myself a 2 year subscription so it works out to less than $10/mo and I can read so many books that if I’d had to purchase would have cost me a LOT of money. All the books.
    @laurelfit57 Thanks for the encouragement. A popcorn lunch sounds great! That’s my favorite part of going to the movies, having a popcorn meal.
    @Katmary71 I like kickboxing, strength training, and I have a love-hate relationship with the stairmaster, we’re working on it. My older daughter tried kickboxing again, but I think the high intensity of the workout is a bit too much for her. We have had dance parties in the kitchen before, just not in a while, maybe we need to dance some more. They do like going to the local trail, but the weather here has just been gross.
    @Cornanda YES! I forgot all about the font thing! When I’m on the treadmill or stairmaster I read, but I have to take my glasses off because I sweat so much, so it’s awesome that I can make the font bigger.
    @trooworld I think the business card looks good!
    @TeresaW2024 it’s never fun to have to decide whether or not to get medical care based on the expense. I hope that the measures you’re taking bring you some relief. I also love lifting weights, when I hit a new PR on weight I feel so powerful!

    Each day my mood is improving. I am wondering if I’m starting to be perimenopausal due to the timing of my mood changes, I’ll have to monitor the next cycle and see if my mood is swinging from the chandelier again. As I was writing I realized that my kids have been asking to be more active, but when they have the energy, on the weekend, I’m just drained from doing all the things during the week, and I’m the one not taking them on the adventure! I’ll try to work on pushing through that the next time they ask. I’ve managed to stay off the scale so far this week, I think it’s helping my mindset to not fixate on that. I will of course do my weigh in Friday.
    Have a great day team!
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 634 Member
    @AustinRuadhain - My salads are starting to become boring with the same old toppings. I did change it up the other day and added some fresh pineapple I had leftover in the fridge. I need to be more creative and add stuff like that more often.
    @AmbersWay - Nice loss this week!
    @ninyagwa - I also prefer reading from a book.
    @Oldmfp - I like to listen to music and dance around the house. I'm not a great dancer. I think I have two left feet....hehehe. I think it would be fun to take a dance class though.
    @Fushiakat _ I also avoid eating butter. I use coconut oil and EVOO instead. I kind of miss it sometimes too.
    @laurelfit57 - I enjoy reading about Vannie and Ty. They have so much personality.

    Benny got out of the yard and we couldn't find him. We spent hours driving around and yelling for him. Then, later in the afternoon, a friend called and asked if he was missing. She seen a post on Facebook of a girl who said she got a new puppy and it looks just like Benny. The girl lives just a few houses down from us. My husband went down there and brought Benny home. She gave him a bath and was ready to just keep him. My husbands is still home from work. I like his company but it throws off my routine. I've tried to make accommodations but have not been able to stick with them. Yesterday, was a little rough. It was rainy so I didn't feel like doing anything and so I didn't. Now today I get to play catch up. I've been really wanting a banana split which I could easily substitute a meal for but can't see myself eating that many carbs and sugars. When I get around to having some ice cream, I'll probably settle for a small sundae. Now, I need to get my butt up and do my workout before my husband wakes up.

    💪 Mission Slimpossible Strong!💪
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Weigh in day- Monday
    CW- 204.4
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited March 27
    @Jactop - Hurray for staying level this week!

    @Veta2018 - I am so glad you found Benny! It was nice that your husband went to have the *(hard?) conversation with the girl planning to keep him. Did you get in your workout this morning?
    A big thank you for your comment about making salads fun! I am inspired. Yes, I need to make salads a fun game instead of a requirement.

    @ninyagwa - Your Kindle subscription sounds great! I do something like that with my local library. They don't have everything, but enough to keep me busy!

    @TeresaW2024 - Your treatment plan for De Quervain's tenosynovitis sounds very smart. Do anti-inflammatory things like turmeric help at all?

    @trooworld Your business cards look great! I hope your plan for the day is going well!

    Wednesday Plan
    🟢 Tiny Habit: Kitchen pushup
    ⚪ Floors: 5 in process - 2 so far
    🟢 Eat a salad today's was spring mix, cucumber, apple, roma tomato, balsamic vinegar
    Eat steamed greens
    Outdoor walk
    🟢 Track all my food and check out at day's end
    🟢 New Tiny Habit: chair squat when I enter my office
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,141 Member
    @ninyagwa spam is pork shoulder and ham with starches added.

    The miscellaneous meat I had was shredded parts of "beef" that most people would not eat.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,716 Member
    @laurelfit57 If we post within the same time (you posted while I'm replying to everyone so when I post you're in the "history" despite not seeing it) when I come back on it doesn't show me your post, I scrolled back to find it and sure enough that's what happened. I don't use my notifications on MFP so tagging me doesn't help. Normally I see everything unless you've posted while I'm replying which isn't that common but it happens every once and awhile.


    Not feeling good I'm going to bed, have a great Thurs.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    @Katmary71 - I hope you are feeling better by the time you read this.

    @ninyagwa - Sending you sympathetic thoughts regarding the challenges of being a mom and still taking care of yourself.

    @laurelfit57 - Oh, my, Ty looks adorable on the stairs! Those eyes! That pink puppy tongue!

    Wednesday Checkin
    🟢 Tiny Habit: Kitchen pushup
    🟢 Floors: 5 - 4 now, but about to do one more!
    🟢 Eat a salad today's was spring mix, cucumber, apple, roma tomato, balsamic vinegar
    🟢 Eat steamed greens
    🟢 Outdoor walk
    🟢 Track all my food and check out at day's end
    🟢 New Tiny Habit: chair squat when I enter my office
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    @TeresaW2024 Violet is also terrified of large trucks that make a lot of noise (the garbage truck is her nemesis), poor Maggie! Thank you! <3 I hope the new brace helps and you don't have to spend that money.

    @ninyagwa Thank you! That's a good point about your mood: moods do change in perimenopause. I understand about not having energy on the weekends, I'm the same way.

    @Veta2018 Oh my gosh, I can't believe that girl was just going to keep Benny! How awful. I'm glad your friend contacted you.

    @AustinRuadhain Thank you! Yummy salad, way to go!

    @Katmary71 I hope you are feeling better today. Big HUGS.

    @laurelfit57 Yeah sometimes you have to have that leash on. OH thanks! Yes, I just don't have the energy to make snacks too lol. I think once you are in the groove it is so much easier. I get that, I didn't want to eat (and didn't eat) the yogurt and berries I tracked yesterday. :( That's good you had good weather. Good luck with the grandkids! Ty is so stinking cute!

    Hi all. Not too much going on. Today is the worst traffic day of the week but I work from home tomorrow, so yay about that.

    No Zero Days: Tracked, only ate snacks I planned.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    @Veta2018 It’s crazy that she was just going to keep the dog without looking for it’s actual owner! I’m glad your friend was looking out for you. I totally get the husband throwing a wrench in the routine thing, I have a method to my morning madness with the kids routine, and when my husband is home and tries to “help” it just sends our routine on a tail-spin.

    @19shmoo69 Thank you for the education on spam. I do recall that slim jims are made from “processed chicken parts” so it’s like what you had, but with spices and birds instead of cows.
    @laurelfit57 OMG, thanks for sharing the puppy pics, absolutely adorable, good way to start my day!

    Checking in. Wish I had more I'd like to share, but glad to be here!
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 284 Member
    Hi all!

    I’m still around just busy trying to keep up.

    I figure the beat thing I can do is an update.

    I’m trying to keep up with my food log. My steps are less these days but still moving.


    Logging my calories
    Fighting the carb cravings

    Biggest goal I am about to embark is to stop sugar (at least adding it to drinks and foods) it’s the hardest and really needs to be conquered.

    Today I am back to the cardiologist to see where that is going. I missed my appointment last week. My son was in a car accident as I was leaving to my appt. He’s ok but his grannies car, not so much.

    That’s about all here. Life has been so up and down, it’s definitely a reminder of how easily it can throw you off track. I’m thankful for this group. It’s a reminder to get back at it.

    Thank you all.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,716 Member
    @trooworld I love your business cards! They’re so fun and whimsical! Thanks hugs back to you! Stinking rain grr.

    @TeresaW2024 LOL that’s cute on Maggie getting excited close to home. I hope Joe does well today with his appointment and shopping. Ouch on the price of seeing the orthopedist, could you get your primary to refer you for x-rays? I hope the brace will help and you won’t need to spend so much.

    @ninyagwa Fun workouts! I always vote for dancing. Have you done Les Mills Body Combat at all? They’re kickboxing-type workouts, I did a few on YouTube and they’re pretty challenging. My nephew did “Insanity” with my brother and SIL and got so into it he would lecture them if they wanted to skip a day and jog around them telling them to step it up. This lecture came on when I was doing homework the other day, she has some interesting menopausal ones too but this was the one where she talked about adjusting to your hormones: https://youtu.be/0oySf4NJ_tM?si=btPKEDUQCNu1MFqX We’re glad you’re here too!

    @Veta2018 Oh wow I’m so glad your friend found Benny before the girl got more attached! Hope you got your workout in. What about having a healthy banana split? You could sub ice cream with Greek yogurt (add some sweetener and stir it in, I like cinnamon too) and leave it in the fridge for about 45 minutes with some fruit. There’s sugar-free syrups and whipped cream isn’t too bad.

    @AustinRuadhain Great job with goals! Are you annoyed at yourself for adding chair squats yet? I remember when I had squats before going to the bathroom I was backing off drinking a lot of water, haha. Thanks, you crushed your goals yesterday wtg!

    @laurelfit57 I’ll keep an eye out for you, I think when I post right after dinner we post at the same time. I’m glad you’re getting in good walking, I’m sure playing with the kids will be a good workout! It’s funny how exhausting it is to play with young ones. Ty is so adorable, I hope training goes well, love the stair pic!

    @AmbersWay Stopping sugar is hard but you can do it! I’m glad you checked in, you’re doing great and keep in mind how you haven’t given up despite the chaos in the last year. Good luck with the cardiologist, I hope you get some answers today.

    Hi team! The rain yesterday got to me, I got home mid-afternoon after doing some charity stuff and crawled into bed with my micro current machine and some marijuana tea and went to bed early. I’m headed to the greenhouse in a bit then the holistic clinic. All that’s left of my class is the final so I’ve blocked Saturday for that and my baking and food prep for Easter. I need to get moving, I’ll chat with you all tonight, have a great one!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,716 Member
    Article on how to track and log food, let's start Monday after Easter:

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited March 28
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    Article on how to track and log food, let's start Monday after Easter:


    What a great article! I especially appreciate that last step, Look for Trends: "After you’ve been tracking for at least two weeks, go back and look at your data. Can you find any trends?"

    @AmbersWay - I am sending you all the best in your goals of logging calories, and fighting the carb cravings. Maybe the food logging will help you find some patterns that make that easier? For me, that can be something like, "I won't go into the store when I buy gas," since those places are filed with tempting and unhelpful foods. Anyway, best of lick figuring out what works well for you! It's great that you are checking in. This group is such a wonderful support!

    @trooworld - I hope today's commute wasn't too bad. Thank you for the salad kudos! I am thinking about what to do today to make it a bit adventuresome.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,141 Member
    As you all know my diet leans heavily carnivore. However I have developed a pickle dip addiction. My wife may need to set up an intervention.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,716 Member
    WEIGH INS NEEDED NOW: @askewcr
    @Cornanda @davors19 @trooworld @TeresaW2024 @buniphuphu @ninyagwa

    @AustinRuadhain Thanks I'm glad you liked it! If you come across any good articles on logging feel free to share, the more the merrier.

    Hi team! I'm going with my neighbors to play trivia tonight, I'm not big on going out at night because of my pain being worse at night but feel guilty for always saying no. I'm pretty broke so I'm definitely eating at home! A drink isn't in my day but since I was at the greenhouse for a few hours that gives me some leeway. Other than that my day was good. I have my surgery follow-up appt tomorrow and am expecting it to be good as my back is definitely feeling strong. Have a great Friday friends!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,141 Member
    Thursday Ice breaker question

    What is a food combination people eat or drink that you just can’t get behind? (For example, dipping french fries in Frosties.)

    One thing I cannot get behind is Iced Coffee. My family can but I cannot. (Shivers)

    I know what some of you are thinking. Darren, you can eat sauted miscellaneous meat but you cannot drink Iced Coffee? Yup!! That's exactly right!!
This discussion has been closed.