Airport VIP Lounge Chat



  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,988 Member
    ciwyjlz6qha5.jpgHappy Easter!!! He has risin!!!
    Insight Timer Quote: To those celebrating, may your Catholic Easter be filled with joy, hope and love.—Insight Timer Team
    I AM: I am a strong and beautiful person.
    Action for Happiness: Discover the joy in the simple things of life.
    Happy National Crayon Day!!!
    Pliability QOTD: Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do.—Eric Thomas
    Day 31/31 2 miles a day in March.
    Day 90 of 2024 miles in 2024 and I had 6.18 miles yesterday.
    Off today and the final day of vacation before going back to work tomorrow. Plan is final day of 2 miles in March Challenge this morning then mobility: Full Flexors this afternoon and 60 min walk after dinner.

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,696 Member
    Good morning
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 5,071 Member
    Good afternoon, everyone! It's a beautiful sunny day here today. My daughter says hello to all. My fiance says hello to everyone. He's doing really well. Both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! I went for a short run earlier this morning and I really enjoyed it. I went for a walk after lunch and I feel great! I'll be doing some dancing later on. Happy easter 🐰 to all who celebrate it. I'm getting caught up with my laundry this afternoon. Have a great day, everyone! Take care and stay safe.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,188 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain, it's sad your step father won't stop smoking pot long enough for you all to be together. Have you asked about eating at a restruant so you can still be together? If he really wants to leave while eating (or before/after while sitting there he can go out) and yet, you can still be together. Once expenses go down some. Actually almost every Sunday 4 to 6 of us go out. We've recently decided it's to much money to eat at regular restaurants and going for faster foods, but now I need to also eat much healthier when I do so. THAT CAN BE DONE! I hope you enjoyed today. I am so slowly starting to get better. I am on here again, what a horrible sicness this has been. LOOKING forward to feeling all better!! TY TY TY Tabatha. For the 10 weeks, the short break, didn't give us much time for recruiting new members, still we did AMAZING with it, but the STRESS!!! LOL We'll see what is decided.
    TY TY TY to every Winter 5% Member who responded on your team for the 8 or 10 weeks.
    @Patti241 HI Patti! Hope you enjoyed the day.
    @Cormierannie, do you mind if I throw some stuff in with yours? LOLOL!! Well, we'll wait til I am better, but Oh it'd be so nice to not have to deal with laundry. OOPS OH YEAH!! I rarely do!! A dear friend who cleans professionally does it for me also at a reduced cost. She's precious. Why does do this? Love of course, she has a good heart full of love for many she knows, and OSCAR!! YES OSCAR!! HAHAHAHAHA I get to laughing WAY TO HARD at her and Oscar!! She's half my age, and feels well enough to run around chasing him!! He LOVE CHASE!! LOL Foolish cat even wears out my 6 1/2 almost 7 year old GGS!! That's okay his almost 1 year old brother is getting his feet under him!!
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,871 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Monday, and it is the first day of April. So April Fool's Day for some people who like to try and fool people. Joe is going into work early today since they have to run all the insurances for patients for the month. This is the one time they allow as much over time as you need to get the job done. So he is definitely taking advantage. Which we really need right now. Yesterday for Easter was pretty good. We loved being back at Church. Joe so loved working the cameras and I loved working with the children. We decided we are going back starting in June so that we can get our lives back to where we want them. Today is going to be a busy day I can tell.

    @cormierannie - Sounds like you had a great day. Have you and your fiance set a date for the wedding yet?
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - It is sad. They won't eat out because my Mom still does have family members who go over there who don't mind the pot all the time. So my Mom still does cooking for some people. I just miss the old days when I would go there and help all day long with the cooking and clean up afterwards. I just don't get that at Joe's parents. Joe's Dad cooks everything and then I get up to help and he just does it all. He just does not like to have help. Or at least he doesn't say he likes the help and he barely talks to anyone. It is just so weird with Joe's Dad being the one who cooks all the meals. Total roll reversal.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Monday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,988 Member
    Rabbit Rabbit wishing all who read this luck for April.
    Insight Timer Quote: Stress is basically a disconnection from the earth, a forgetting of the breath.—Natalie Goldberg
    I AM: I accept change.
    Action for Happiness: Commit to being more active this month, starting today.
    Happy National Fun Day!!!
    Pliability QOTD: Believe you can and you’re halfway there.—Theodore Roosevelt
    Beginning my day with a 45 min walk now that the March challenge is done.
    Day 91 of 2024 miles in 2024 and I had 6.67 miles yesterday.
    Work 10AM-4PM so getting my morning walk and 30 min of Active Recovery cardio before work then mobility: Big Benders after work and 60 min walk after dinner.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,188 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain , Oh I get that. In my family When you are 13 and a girl (oops by 2days standards!) only if the mother approves, and only mine did lol lol, The girl was invited to join the woman. A huge deal in my book. But then again I would the only one invited. Lol They are many girls cousins. Until you are 16 or 17 now It is a rule of "seen and not heard" As you learn different family dynamics than you ever thought there was! But it is so much fun I loved it and I knew to respect it. I was told to respect it. But I loved it. At 17, 18 I could add to it just not a lot. As I got over a course that trained and I just became another one of the gals. Since my mom died we no longer get together as a family like that unless it's that funerals or weddings and they were very few at all that our age. I cherish the time that we had a cherish the laughter that we had. And a big family secret wthat I don't think they remembered I was there but I remember. I keep it to myself that's where it belongs I was an honor to be there. I'm so sorry that thing to different, on the other hand look how much better your Life is because Joe is in it. We can't have our cake and eat it too. I would like to have my cake and eat it too, but life doesn't work out that way. I hope work goes well today. You were very fortunate and so was I to be raised in a family where cooking and cleaning was about fun, gossip and learning. It was an honor to be there and the fun that was had many do not get that. We have very precious memories that many never got. And I look back at it I have 9 female cousins. Yet, they were never invited to the lololol hen party. Family is weird, but family.
    @macrat12, enjoy the day. Nice exercise!
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,696 Member
    Diane: It was okay.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,710 Member
    Hello all and happy New month. Hope everyone who celebrates had a wonderful Easter. Not much new here, the weather is nice. We had appts this morning. Also did some shopping for potting soil and pot for the Gardena tree I ordered and Don got some lumber to make a flower bed. Hope you all have a fun April's fool day and not too many pranks played on you.

  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,871 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Tuesday and it is going to be a great day. Yesterday Joe and I took the day off from Door Dashing so I could get some housework done. I cleaned the kitchen, living room, bathroom, and did some laundry. I was so behind from Easter being on Sunday. The day I usually do my chores. So I had to take an extra day to get things done. I am glad I did though. I really needed that. I did not sleep really well last night. Not sure why. I did sleep, but I don't feel it was restful, but I don't remember waking at all during the night. I feel like I went to sleep and then 20 minutes later I woke up and it was time to get up because the alarms were going off. Ugh the joys of Fibromyalgia. Not getting decent sleep no matter what.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Yes we do have those memories. I have them from my grandmother's house and at my Mom's house after my grandma passed away. I remember the gossip and the giggles and all that with my aunts and grandma and mom. It was great. I then remember the times I helped my Mom in the kitchen and toward the end started taking over in her kitchen so I could learn as my children were getting older and my Mom wanted to pass along the skills and lessons she was given. It was great. I can now fully prepare a meal for a family of 12. It is a good skill to have. Eventually I will add my grandchildren into the mix and teach them. Joe and I don't have any grandchildren yet, and we are not wanting to start that any time soon, but eventually we will get there.
    @Kurtize - Joe and I will hopefully be working in a garden soon. I want to start one this year and I don't think Joe feels we are ready for that. So I am not sure if we will, but I am hopeful.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,988 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: The whole future lies in uncertainty: live immediately.—Seneca
    I AM: What belongs to me simply finds me.
    Action for Happiness: Spend as much time as possible outdoors today.
    Happy National Ferret Day!!!
    Happy World Autism Awareness Day!!!
    Happy International Children’s Book Day!!!
    Pliability QOTD: Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.—Zinedine Zidane
    Beginning my day with a 45 min walk.
    Day 92 of 2024 miles in 2024 complete and I had 5.63 miles yesterday.
    Work noon-6PM today so getting in my morning walk before breakfast, upper body focus + Pliability: Full Ham before work and 60 min walk before coming home.

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,696 Member
    Good morning everyone. Another dreary weather day
  • Lopeyp
    Lopeyp Posts: 1,407 Member
    Good morning all!
    Easter is done and all the goodies are gone. We were at my SIL's for Easter so I didn't bring much home. Overall it was nice to see everyone but there were 4 dogs there running around and barking and oh my favorite thing - NOT - licking my hand. I am not a dog person but can usually tolerate them but my SIL's house is so small that 4 rambunctious dogs and 15 people was over the top. Glad that is done for this year.
    Now back to things at work and home. Only 31 work days until retirement. Can you tell that I can't wait?! LOL!
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,710 Member
    Good Morning all, have a great day.

  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,188 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain, Grands are just that, GRAND!!! But, LOL like the kiddos they grow up so fast, even faster if we do not see them daily. I do not see my Greats daily (I did their Mom since I was helping (mostly) raising her. It's so much fun though!! SPOIL THEM AND SEND THEM HOME!! LOL I understand my Mom now when she said "That WOMAN You call Grammy is not the same woman who raised me!" HAHAHAHAHA I get that now!!! With the grands we can spoil them horribly, and if they do not turn out well, hehehehe it's not our fault!! That just tickles me to every end, of course, I hope both boys turn very well. To hear Roman who will be 7 in May saying "OH GRANDMA!!" LOLOL cracks me up!! So much, he knows it too!! Soon the baby will be talking, we are looking forward to that. He's such a happy baby, pretty sure from his expressions etc. he has QUITE the sense of humor as is pretty normal for a younger child. Hope work went very well! YEAH on the cleaning last night. I do a tiny bit daily or it'd be to much. Plus a friend cleans for me weekly. NOT THIS WEEK though, I do not want her in with my place being all germy! We have a snow storm coming in Weds night all day Thurs. LOL April you just never know what will happen!! It'll melt fast enough! I love April storms. They do crack me up!
    @Patti241, do you mean weather only on dreary? We hope so, sometimes I have to make my own sunshine ,, not literally of course, but I do the things when it's nasty outside, I enjoy inside. How about you?
    @Lopeyp, OH DEAR ME!! In a small house that's just TO MUCH!!!! I'd be saying "keep the dogs at home please." Glad you got through it!! I also do NOT like dogs licking me!! BUT!! A cat jumping up on me, curling up and purring OH MY YES!! YES!! YES!!
    @Kurtize, LOVE THAT!! Our attitude has so much to do with our success. TY TY
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,871 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Wednesday and it is going to be a great day. I cannot believe we are into April already. It just does not seem real. 2 months and I will be married 1 year. Wow. That does not seem possible. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed with feelings for my husband that I swear we just reconnected and fell in love again. I am working on our anniversary present. I really hope he likes it. I love it already. I am not 100% done with it, but I am close to being done with it.

    @Lopeyp - That does sounds like a lot. My husband does not like the licking either. My dogs like to lick. I could never find any training to get them to stop doing it. I would have if I could find something.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I am just not ready to be a Grandmother. I am 44 years old. Too young for that. I still want me and hubby time. I did a lot of cleaning because I cannot have someone come in and clean. My dogs would not allow it. When new people come into the house I have one dog that will bite their feet as they are walking through the house. So that would not work.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday.

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,696 Member
    edited April 3
    Good morning everyone.
    Diane: Hi
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,988 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: Reality itself is gorgeous. It is the plenum; the fullness of total joy.—Alan Watts
    I AM: I am allowed to move past the things and people who no longer bring positivity to my life.
    Action for Happiness: Listen to your body and be grateful for what it can do.
    Happy National Party Day!!!
    Pliability QOTD: Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.—Andy Murray
    Beginning my day with a 45 min walk before breakfast.
    Day 93 of 2024 miles in 2024 complete and I had 5.83 miles yesterday.
    Off today so planning on getting into the gym for either Met Con & Core + 2 mile walk or just the walk on the Assault Runner then home later for Mobility: Shoulders + Back and 60 min walk after a nap.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,710 Member
    Good morning fellow travelers, hope your are having a great Wednesday. Today is National Walking Day ( I didn't know that). Here is a link (pdf) from from American Heart assoc. on walking plan and benefits.

    Have a happy walking day (weather permitting)
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,188 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain, WOW the almost year has flown by so fast!!! Awww I am sure Joe will love whatever it is, because it's from your heart and hands out of the deepest love. SWEET!! I like having help with cleaning, it's not an easy expense for many, plus when others help us clean we do not get that total satification of "I DID IT!" I enjoy the cleaning I do though. Since she didn't come yesterday I am trying to muster up the energy to do the laundry.
    @Patti241, do you have rain or snow from today/night tomorrow? We are expecting snow anywhere from 5" on one station to as much as 14"s to me it doesn't matter. Its pretty!! And likely (LOL many are saying hopefully) the end of the snow for this year. Also high winds, with power outages along with some rain/sleet and hoping it'll not be freezing rain again. We just went through so much 10 days ago.
    @Kurtize, I love walking!! And yes, walking is a great way to relieve stress!! I'd been doing that since I was a child. As a teen I ran also for that reason it simply felt AWESOME!!