Downsizers Team Chat - APRIL 2024



  • NachDeezy
    NachDeezy Posts: 807 Member

    What is everyone's favorite cuisine ? Mine would be Italian if I wasn't keto

    Ethiopian for sure!
  • NachDeezy
    NachDeezy Posts: 807 Member
    rwillems wrote: »
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 Sorry for being late. I got hit with a nasty “bug” on Saturday night and have been running a high fever since then. I did get my weigh in just could not get on line to send it out. My apologies!

    Member: rwillems
    Weigh-in day: Sunday
    PW: 269.8 lbs
    CW: 266.8 lbs (down 3.0 lbs)


    Awesome work!!
  • Trillium54
    Trillium54 Posts: 62 Member
    Favorite ice cream is Great Divide by Blue Bell. It's half chocolate and half vanilla. Ice cream isn't my go-to, thank goodness but it's good for a serving.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,276 Member

    Sunday Weigh-ins (overdue)

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,276 Member

    Tuesday Weigh-in

  • myndieet
    myndieet Posts: 60 Member
    myndieet wrote: »

    Step Challenge - Goal 6000

    3/31 3995
    4/1 1278
    4/2 1514
    4/3 1567
    4/4 1763
    4/5 6019
    4/6 1826

    Yay 🙂 7/1

    If you want you can always change your step goal ...just let me know

    Thanks Megan, not yet 🙃 I do want to make it to 6000, every day..
  • myndieet
    myndieet Posts: 60 Member
    itladyee wrote: »
    Motto: 🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!! Eat well 🥗to Live Well 🚢✈️🧳

    Recap: Had a good workout this morning. Tried something different. I googled..lose belly fat...and after pages and pages of advertisements, I came across HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). Sounds scary...but looking's defined as working out at 80% of your maximum heart rate for a period of time and then doing less intensity for that same period of time. I found a treadmill work out which was perfect for me. 4 minute warm up 12 minute HIIT (alternating 30 seconds) and 4 minute cool down. I usually do 30 - 45 minutes on the treadmill at 2.8 mph so it seemed doable and that it would give me a good workout. So i did it and monitored my heart rate. It wasn't bad at all. I alternated between 2.5 (low) to 3.5 (high). After the 20 minutes, I continued for another 20 minutes but was able to comfortably do 3.0 mph!

    Goals for April - Water ~ get to 80

    - THOUGHTS: “You don't have to make any big sweeping commitments. Just do the best you can do for yourself today. Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Then you look back and all of a sudden you've strung together a lot of days where you've done the right things by yourself.” — Rob Lowe

    Step Challenge - Goal 8500
    ST = Moderate

    3/31 1544 ST =0 (ok, not April yet) :wink:
    4/1 8,191 ST = 15
    4/2 9,950 ST = 20
    4/3 7,653 ST = 15
    4/4 9,076 ST = 0
    4/5 7,066 ST = 20

    Birthstone - Topaz

    @Trillium54 ~ thanks for asking. Yes, he was in a lot of pain when he came home on Thursday. He still has some pain but he's up and moving around so that's all good stuff!

    @roblinB ~ good luck at the party. I think it's even harder when it's at your home. I've heard suggestions to eat something healthy before hand...or even make sure there are healthy options available during the party. If all else fails, just be mindful and enjoy yourself. It's just one day that deserves your full attention!🙂

    @RoblinB I saw HIT being explained by scientists in some television programs years ago. It really made sense. Good luck and I hope you'll enjoy it..
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,276 Member

    Which season would you be and why?
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,276 Member
    edited April 9

    I still need the following people's steps for April week 1 ...Please have them in no later than this evening so that I can post the results in the morning If I don't have them by then I will have no choice but to zero them ...Thank you for understanding :)

    @rainyrae 3/31 - 4/6
  • myndieet
    myndieet Posts: 60 Member
    Friday weigh in

    Pw 182
    Cw 180.8

    Loss 1.2lb

    The 170s are getting so close! I'm sick of the 180s now!!! Never thought I'd say that as my goal was initially 196lb 🤣

    Great job! Isn’t weird how we keep lowering our goals. I think I feel better that I keep thinking another 10 pounds will make a bigger difference (except the lose skin). What about you?

    I know when i started an 80lb loss seemed like a distant dream. When i got there i was so happy. That's the point I've always given up before, but i realised i still had plenty of fat! I thought another 10 would be it. Then another 10. And now I'm even thinking of another 10! Once i get to 175lb im going for 10lb more but no rush for that last 10, I'm going to increase my calories and plan to lose just. 5lb a week!! Hoping it will ease me into maintenence! I ve continually failed at maintenance before so this will be a new approach!

    @Slimmersixties I've stopped numerous times just before my end goal and never made it to maintenance.. This time, loosing lots for the 3rd time, I'm so determined to go all the way to my end goal AND have a good maintenance plan and stick to that! Good luck to you 💪
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,276 Member

    Which season would you be and why?

    I would be winter because I absolutely love snow and cold ...Love to wrap up in blankets.. Hint is why I want to move to Colorado :)
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 775 Member
    Step Goal: 6,000
    3/31 - 2,864
    4/1 - 2,699
    4/2 - 8,845
    4/3 - 6,356
    4/4 - 2,419
    4/5 - 3,932
    4/6 - 6,01
  • myhands4God
    myhands4God Posts: 128 Member
    Hi all, I am so glad to come back. I was only gone for about a month but I definitely missed not being part of the group. Life got very hectic and I am still trying to figure out how to do everything. I have had some food issues for over a month. Between binging and restricting I have felt like I was on a see-saw. I am hoping being back with the group will help with balance. I will get on the scale in the morning and see what my weight is now. I started at 197 I was down to 193 before I stopped logging. I have not worked out in a couple of months. I am not sure how to get back to doing that yet. We got a German Shepherd puppy in March. Since then my life has drastically changed. Before puppy I would get up and workout before work. I would also get another form of workout when I came home from work. Now I have to take care of her in the morning and then get ready. I have to leave 30 minutes earlier than I used to so I can take the puppy to doggy daycare. Now that are starting with a routine I am going to try and do something after work. I am also going to try and start walking before work or during my lunch break. I get to work 45 minutes early
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,276 Member
    Hi all, I am so glad to come back. I was only gone for about a month but I definitely missed not being part of the group. Life got very hectic and I am still trying to figure out how to do everything. I have had some food issues for over a month. Between binging and restricting I have felt like I was on a see-saw. I am hoping being back with the group will help with balance. I will get on the scale in the morning and see what my weight is now. I started at 197 I was down to 193 before I stopped logging. I have not worked out in a couple of months. I am not sure how to get back to doing that yet. We got a German Shepherd puppy in March. Since then my life has drastically changed. Before puppy I would get up and workout before work. I would also get another form of workout when I came home from work. Now I have to take care of her in the morning and then get ready. I have to leave 30 minutes earlier than I used to so I can take the puppy to doggy daycare. Now that are starting with a routine I am going to try and do something after work. I am also going to try and start walking before work or during my lunch break. I get to work 45 minutes early

    Welcome back...Glad you have decided to come back to us ....I will let @Jugar know you are coming back and that you will be weighing in on Sunday's .. Please get an update on your weight as soon as you can...Thank you :)

  • aactuallyaash
    aactuallyaash Posts: 297 Member

    PW 228.6
    CW 229.8

    Thanks for all you do!!
  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 806 Member
    myndieet wrote: »
    Friday weigh in

    Pw 182
    Cw 180.8

    Loss 1.2lb

    The 170s are getting so close! I'm sick of the 180s now!!! Never thought I'd say that as my goal was initially 196lb 🤣

    Great job! Isn’t weird how we keep lowering our goals. I think I feel better that I keep thinking another 10 pounds will make a bigger difference (except the lose skin). What about you?

    I know when i started an 80lb loss seemed like a distant dream. When i got there i was so happy. That's the point I've always given up before, but i realised i still had plenty of fat! I thought another 10 would be it. Then another 10. And now I'm even thinking of another 10! Once i get to 175lb im going for 10lb more but no rush for that last 10, I'm going to increase my calories and plan to lose just. 5lb a week!! Hoping it will ease me into maintenence! I ve continually failed at maintenance before so this will be a new approach!

    @Slimmersixties I've stopped numerous times just before my end goal and never made it to maintenance.. This time, loosing lots for the 3rd time, I'm so determined to go all the way to my end goal AND have a good maintenance plan and stick to that! Good luck to you 💪

    I've lost 70 or 80lb about 5 times!!! Gained it back every time so i am a complete failure at maintenance!! Before Xmas i reached my then goal, went to maintenance and gained 20lb in 5 weeks :( no point in all this hard work if there is no plan to keep it off!!
    So my new approach is to be in very low weight loss mode after reaching my goal! Hoping it works! I'm sure you will get to your goal and you can join Linda and me in maintenance!!
  • myndieet
    myndieet Posts: 60 Member

    Weigh in day: wednesday
    PW 226.2 (102,6 kg)
    CW 222.2 (100,8 kg)

    Stalled at CW since Thursday.. Have a great day everyone!
  • Trillium54
    Trillium54 Posts: 62 Member
    edited April 10
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    PW 163 lbs.
    CW 161.8 lbs.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,528 Member
    edited April 10

    What is everyone's favorite flavor of ice cream?

    I just went out for ice cream on Monday to marble slab. I had a kids size cheesecake ice cream with cookie dough, mini m&ms and Oreo cookies as an add in. I figured by getting the kids size I saved some calories. This is what I get when I go there, which is not very often as it is a lot of unneeded calories and it is very expensive. .
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,528 Member
    Hi all, I am so glad to come back. I was only gone for about a month but I definitely missed not being part of the group. Life got very hectic and I am still trying to figure out how to do everything. I have had some food issues for over a month. Between binging and restricting I have felt like I was on a see-saw. I am hoping being back with the group will help with balance. I will get on the scale in the morning and see what my weight is now. I started at 197 I was down to 193 before I stopped logging. I have not worked out in a couple of months. I am not sure how to get back to doing that yet. We got a German Shepherd puppy in March. Since then my life has drastically changed. Before puppy I would get up and workout before work. I would also get another form of workout when I came home from work. Now I have to take care of her in the morning and then get ready. I have to leave 30 minutes earlier than I used to so I can take the puppy to doggy daycare. Now that are starting with a routine I am going to try and do something after work. I am also going to try and start walking before work or during my lunch break. I get to work 45 minutes early

    Take things one day at a time. I can really relate to the binge eating side. I like to focus on one thing at a time. I need to get back to focusing on food. With your new puppy I am sure you are taking him for walks. This is exercise. Baby steps will help you get on plan.
This discussion has been closed.