WaistAways Team Chat - MAY 2024



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    Morning ladies, I'm going to weigh in late this week as my weight is always overinflated after a trip.

    I'm up for sure, but just want to give it another day or two.

    Thanks @micki48 .. step report coming soon!
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 302 Member
    PW: 176.2
    CW: 176.2

    I cannot believe it has been over a week since I logged in! I haven't been drinking alcohol, I have been drinking more water, cutting out carbs (but not necessarily calories), and working out pretty hard most days and I still haven't lost weight. I hate that I'm closer to the 180s than the 160s as I approach the wedding I hoped to lose weight for. I know the thing I need to add it tracking my food, but I just can't keep with it lately.

    @lauren_989 - I will try to get a weigh-in to you on Tuesday or Wednesday next week, but if I forget (which is possible since my routine is changing), then I will need to skip next week's weigh-in. We leave Wednesday morning for a trip to South Dakota to attend a friend's wedding.

    @micki48 - I am sorry to hear that ageism is impacting you so intensely. Hopefully, you will get the second job that is close to your house!

    @ineego - I am glad to hear your dad is recovering and hope that you can continue to be there for him.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    I have made it through breakfast and lunch tracking my food... that in itself is a milestone.

    Crazy how something I was so meticulous about is now such a struggle. Worth it to keep trying though
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    @lauren_989 I absolutely believe it has to do with not having to pay as much. I have another interview for Tuesday. Hopefully, I will have choices, instead of no job. Fingers crossed.

    I ran out of time to eat my salad at lunch today. Do you ever get tired of chewing? lol

    Haven't logged my food yet, but I will. Tomorrow is field day at school. Anyone who works at a school knows how crazy that day is. We have 9 days left of school and you can tell the kids are "baked."

    Not much to report. Just checking in.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    I have made it through breakfast and lunch tracking my food... that in itself is a milestone.

    Crazy how something I was so meticulous about is now such a struggle. Worth it to keep trying though

    Ashley - I know what you mean!! I used to log perfectly! Every morsel that went in my mouth for years. Now I can't seem to get through a day. I don't understand my thinking and why this is happening.
  • bowens1973
    bowens1973 Posts: 190 Member
    Username bowens1973

    CW 241
  • Vio_let23
    Vio_let23 Posts: 40 Member
    PW : 185
    CW : 185

    What a surprise - lol. One of these days I'll see downward movement.
  • Ruth_2024
    Ruth_2024 Posts: 19 Member
    CW 225.2

    In my head, I keep seeing the numbers transposed, 262 instead of 226 or 252 instead of 225. I was in the 250s for a few years, so I guess my brain hasn't caught up with the scale.

    Has anyone else been reading the articles on ultra processed food on the Guardian this week? Interesting that a small study compared what people ate if given a highly processed diet vs a minimally processed diet. The people eating highly processed food ate about 500 calories/day more. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/20/processed-foods-health-what-to-know
  • tlcjen12
    tlcjen12 Posts: 18 Member
    @jugar cw 172.5 no change for me
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member

    CW 124.8
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    I ran out of time to eat my salad at lunch today. Do you ever get tired of chewing? lol

    Haven't logged my food yet, but I will. Tomorrow is field day at school. Anyone who works at a school knows how crazy that day is. We have 9 days left of school and you can tell the kids are "baked."

    I love this combination of getting tired from eating salad (definitely a thing!) and baked children. The teachers are probably fried by the end of the field trip day 🥴 Hang in there!
    Ruth_2024 wrote: »
    Has anyone else been reading the articles on ultra processed food on the Guardian this week? Interesting that a small study compared what people ate if given a highly processed diet vs a minimally processed diet. The people eating highly processed food ate about 500 calories/day more. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/20/processed-foods-health-what-to-know
    Yes! I think it is one of the things that ultra-processed foods do best - make us eat and eat. Even foods that are not really "ultra" processed can have a strong effect. It is not only hard to stop once you get going, it is hard to stop even once you have decided to cut them out. They are "read" by our bodies as highly desirable, and they mess up our usual appetite control mechanisms.

    There has been some good back and forth about logging lately. It is a powerful tool in weight loss and maintenance, but it is hard to re-start logging when we have been eating in ways that are harder to control. I think the relationship between these two "can't stop" and "can't restart" events is strong. Which one is the chicken and which the egg?

    I'm game for a pre-logging challenge. One day. Log all the food the night before, or first thing in the morning. Include all the things you know would give you a great day. Don't make it too little food, or too boring, or extreme in any way. Just on plan.

    If you like the idea, what day should we aim for? Monday? Or just any day you want but within this next week? It will be a good experiment for us to share how it feels, see if it helps break the pattern.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,143 Member
    @jugar I like the idea of a prelogging challenge. My vote would be for Tuesday, since Monday is Memorial Day holiday in U.S. Plus it's my birthday, so I could prelog all the junk I plan on eating. To that note...I may weigh in later next week...

    @Ruth_2024 I could see that too about the processed food. Once I eat some "junk" food, I crave more of it. But if I don't eat it, I do fine.

    I made it to NJ today, hit some traffic and it took 9 hours. Tomorrow we have plans for a hike in the morning before the wedding. Then another 9 hours driving home Sunday.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,385 Member
    Good morning WaistAways!

    CW: 182.8! Finally coming down from that crazy high last week!
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    Good morning WaistAways!

    CW: 182.8! Finally coming down from that crazy high last week!

    Whoohoo! It feels good, right!
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    ddsb1111 wrote: »

    CW 124.8

    Hahaha, when I woke up yesterday I thought it was Saturday!

    I even felt relief that I could get a break from all the interviews I’ve had to give, then looked at my calendar and realized I had a full day booked from 10-3:30, straight interviews.

    I’m so turned around I don’t even know 😂.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    Username ashleycarole86

    Thanks for letting me weigh in late. This is as much as I could get it down after my trip. Will keep chipping away next week.

    CW 250
  • Ruth_2024
    Ruth_2024 Posts: 19 Member
    You aren't kidding about salad taking forever to chew. I have to be extra careful about it, too. I have an esophageal motility disorder, so stuff can get stuck if I swallow something too big... which leads to pain and/or vomiting. It's ironic that processed foods hardly ever get stuck and cause problems, while a nice healthy salad has to be approached with care.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,432 Member
    The May Week 5 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin on Sunday, May 26th. Please join us for some work in Overcoming Obstacles. Here's your link:


    Look forward to the discussion and seeing each of you in our chat thread this week.
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 433 Member
This discussion has been closed.