Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - MAY 2024



  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,414 Member
    Welcome to the new and returning members!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,805 Member
    You have another member joining your group ... Please welcome @rjv230 :)
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 509 Member
    @katmary71 so nice that you were able to connect with the lady that used to work there and take the course with her. The big program is very expensive!!

    @sunflowerhippi welcome! I love your name :-).

    @19shmoo69 it really is about movement! There is a group of people at my gym, that are approximately my age (65+). They go to the gym 6 to 7 days a week and take three or four classes. When I first started there, I felt like such a woos, I try to go three days a week and once in a while do two classes, typically it is one class or one workout on my own. I really felt like I was lacking. Now I realize they keep complaining about the instructors at the gym because they keep showing up with injuries🤪.
    And of course coffee 🤣

    @megnolia82 we truly are our own worst critics! I'm glad that you sorted out your shoes, going in your fancy gold dress and shoes that you can actually walk in, will make the whole evening success! Good for you!

    @trooworld the burgers were great! Thank you so much for sharing that recipe, I have put a bunch in the freezer :-) :-)
    It's good that you are so self-aware. Many people don't understand what is going on and don't know what to do. Somebody gave me what I really appreciate as good advice, for me anyway. She said "Just be gentle with yourself, do whatever you need to do right at this moment in time, to look after yourself . It won't last forever. "

    I had a much more relaxed day today, it was lovely! I met a friend and we had a three hour lunch lol. We got caught up on all the news with each other. I had 2 scrambled eggs a bowl of fruit, Greek yoghurt and a slice of whole wheat toast. I was able to stay on track and track everything today. I had to go shopping this afternoon. They have opened up our swimming pool and so I had to go shopping for a new swimming suit this afternoon, my grandkids are coming over for a swim on Friday. I only have 9 pounds to go to get to goal weight, I really need to get my act in gear!
    It has become animal Kingdom from time to time in my house. These two look like they could be in the jungle (They are actually having fun)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,805 Member
    Hi MS..another new member joining your amazing team ...Please welcome @maryirisfroehlich :)
  • maryirisfroehlich
    maryirisfroehlich Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, everyone. My name is Iris. I'm a mother of two adult daughters, live in Florida, and I currently have a young grandson who takes up most of my time.

    I've never done any of these challenges but my younger daughter tells me they are fun and motivating. I joined MyFitnessPal years back and did it for a few months, and then forgot about it. I then packed on some added pounds over the years I would like to get rid of. My daughter seems to be doing well on her weight loss journey, so I decided to join her.

    MFP USER NAME: maryirisfroehlich

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,722 Member
    :@littlebabekitty !Artemis_2024
    Tomorrow Weigh in Reminder for the Following: @askewcr @tfelts147
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 326 Member
    Weigh In Wednesday
    PW: 165
    CW: 164.4

    Hi everyone, I hope all of you had a great day. Mine was alright. A little lazy. I did a lot of walking the other day and my peronial tendinitis is hurting. Hopefully, tomorrow I'll be able to be more active.

    I had a great food day, except for a candy bar. Smh... I have a really hard time letting go of sweets.

    Anyways, I'll be back with ya tomorrow. Tonight, I'm just really tired.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,722 Member
    @sunflowerhippi I'm glad you made it here! It “can” be a little hard to keep up especially in the beginning. Weighing in is the one thing that's mandatory then we love hearing how you're doing but don't feel you have to keep up with everyone. Honestly being active in the group has helped me not give up so even if you just poke in and say hi I recommend it. @19shmoo69 is right as long as your weigh-in is in by Saturday you're good for the week.

    @19shmoo69 I'm glad you found your way back! Oh no you reminded me I totally forgot a question! Great job getting the workout in that's awesome. I'm listening to “I Figured Out Why Everyone Hates Me” right now on YouTube, lol, he DOES have an annoying voice. Who are your favorite YouTubers for good advice that you listen to? I've listened to some of the weight lifting ones but haven't seen Doucette before.

    @lisalisa123 Funny that's a GREAT cover of All Cried Out, Lisa Lisa really sung nasally though she does have a good voice but I like the cover more. I wanted to shave the sides of my head and get my ears pierced like hers (did the latter but no head shave at 15 in my house).

    @DrewsAnna I'm happy to see you back Anna! You look great yay for the beach! I hope your tendonitis is feeling better soon, it's frstrating to flare up like that when it's something that's also good for you. I have that with my legs getting worse if I walk too much.

    @megnolia82 TeresaW2024 is awesome she's gotten through to me many times too we're lucky she's back with us. You rock that dress in whatever shoes you want and be fabulous! It's sad how mean we are to ourselves. When I wasn't happy with my looks when I hit goal a few years ago I did some soul-searching and nowhere does it say you can only be happy if you're beautiful and the perfect size. I would be really sad if someone felt they didn't deserve happiness because of something physical so it's awful we do that to ourselves. It's helped me stop feeling self-conscious about being in pictures or focused on how I look as much. Most people would be surprised you think they have it all just like you said.

    @trooworld Those burgers were AMAZING even without cilantro! There's two left, pretzel buns would be amazing yum. That's definitely a keeper recipe! I made her best carrot cake and it was delicious too. I hope you're feeling better I'm sorry you're feeling low, thinking of you. I started taking GABA about a month ago and it's helping me by decreasing anxiety when my pain is real bad and I'm more relaxed in general. Sending lots of love your way.

    @bethanie0825 Hi Bethanie glad you're back! Yikes I hope surgery goes well and you're feeling better soon. Please don't be embarrassed we care about you and your health first and want you here no matter what.

    @laurelfit57 It IS expensive then the micro current machines are a few thousand, kind of frustrating. Love the idea of freezing the burgers! @trooworld has THE BEST recipes (and book suggestions). That sounds like a fun lunch! You sound like you're doing great and feeling a lot better, I'm so glad! LOL your pups are hilarous, glad they get along so well.

    @maryirisfroehlich Welcome to Mission Slimpossibles! Is your daughter on MFP too? I hope you love it here as well. Be sure to check out the larger group challenges as well, @JessicaKrall8 comes up with a lot of awesome challenges.

    Hi team! Love the energy here lots of new and returning friends and two of my feed friends are in our group! Still sad about the feed and hoping it's reconsidered. I woke early and got my workout in then went to the farm, Work was another boring day by myself, it's depressing being there now. I did meeting minutes for the garden club, watered the garden, and made @trooworld's burgers for dinner and here I am. I'm starting an ab challenge on the 1st, I need to find where I put it so I know what to do! Have a great Thursday friends.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,256 Member
    Wow, so many new members joining us for June! Welcome!!
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 159 Member
    edited May 30

    @FushiaKat, I need to check out what MFP looks like now. I usually just come to this group, and that is it. I like your game of trying to see how much food you can eat for 1200 calories. That would really force you to make better choices like veggies, right?

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I am praying for you, my friend! <3 Come on, little Brayden!!

    @laurelfit57 I got tired just reading about your busy day. Is Ty showing any improvements with her obedience class? Crazy little doggy! :D

    @19shmoo69 What was the debate about? I Googled Greg Doucette, and there are a lot of people that aren’t big fans. :D I love the approach that Matt Fraser used with his friend. As someone just returning to lifting, I know that less is more. Or I won’t be able to move…or sit on the toilet. :D

    @megnolia82 Yay, I loved reading your post!! I’m so happy that you are going to the gala and that your attitude is where it needs to be. You walk into that room with a smile and confidence and no one will be looking at your shoes!! I can’t wait to hear all about the event. <3

    @trooworld The new puzzle is another 3000 pieces. I swear I’m a masochist. :D Thanks, I was happy about the loss, too. Those burgers look so good! I’ve taken the recipe and put it on next week’s menu. :) I am sorry that you are struggling with depression and anxiety right now. I hope the meds work and that you can turn those feelings around. My niece is struggling so badly right now, and we are praying she can get some help and meds. More on my sister’s stress below. :/

    @Katmary71 Bummer that work is boring. Do you think the job will end? I think we all will be making those burgers. :smile:

    Welcome to all our new members and returning members!! We are happy to have you here and hope you feel heard and supported. :)

    Good morning! I didn’t post yesterday because I was hungover and spent the day doing nothing! My sister came home Tuesday so stressed out by her daughter’s stress and anxiety. She may have some postpartum, and she needs some meds for her anxiety. She will try to get to a doctor but has Medicaid, which can take a long time. I told my sister to find someone, and I would pay for it if need be. Anyway, my sister went to her TOPS meeting, came home, and handed me a beer. She said she needed to destress and talk. We stayed up until 2:30 am, drinking and talking. My sister has a tough time talking about her emotions unless she is drinking. I wish that weren’t the case, but I’m here for her. I didn’t work out yesterday or do any fasting. I’m back fasting today and will start a new Beachbody program called 3 Day Split. It’s with my favorite trainer, Autumn. The program is only 3 days a week. I will do my rebounder on the opposite days and probably at least 15 minutes of jumping on my weight-lifting days if Autumn doesn’t kill me. Have a good day…or evening! :)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,091 Member
    @bethanie0825 No worries, most of us have restarted from time to time! Are you asking to be moved to support and not weigh in for those 3 weeks? @Katmary71 can take care of that for you. I hope your surgery goes well!

    @19shmoo69 HAHAHA! Thanks for that giggle this morning. I needed it. I can't wait to see what you post for an ice breaker today. :D

    @rjv230 Welcome to our team! Glad you are here.

    @laurelfit57 Oh good, I'm glad you liked them! It took me a long time to become as self-aware as I am, and still, I miss things a lot. My mind sometimes shuts down when I am depressed or anxious. For instance, I have anti-anxiety medication but I usually don't remember to take it when it is most needed because I am in a paralyzed state from the anxiety. I try not to take the medication often because it can be addicting but there are times that I really NEED to take it and do not because of the paralysis. I love the advice you got, it's really helpful, thank you! What a wonderful lunch with your friend, I'm glad you had a good day. HAHAHA I love that pic of the pups, thank you for posting it!

    @maryirisfroehlich Welcome home! Thanks for joining us. We have at least one member from Florida.

    @DrewsAnna Congrats on the loss! Sorry about the tendinitis. Can you sub out fruit for the candy bar? Would that help you?

    @Katmary71 I'm glad you liked them. She has really good recipes. Thank you, I'm feeling a bit better but not really that much. And now I have a migraine coming on. :( If it isn't one thing, it's another. Thank you, right back at you!

    @TeresaW2024 You must be lol! I hope you like the burgers. Thank you, I am slowly feeling a bit better. I'm sorry about your niece. I hope she gets the help she needs. That's a bummer that Medicaid is slow. That's too bad your sister needs to drink to let her emotions out. You are so consistent with your workouts, I really admire that! Good luck with the new program.

    Hi all. I am feeling a smidge better but I do have the beginnings of a migraine so that's a bummer. I used to eat for comfort when I was feeling down, I would buy a big bag of Doritos and some chip dip and eat 3/4 of it but I haven't done that in years. Now, I tend to listen to sad music and lean into the depression which oddly seems to help. It also helps to hug and interact with my dogs. All that to say I did pretty well yesterday. I did have a rogue piece of homemade baklava but I mark that as totally worth it. I barely ate lunch as I felt bad and didn't feel like eating. My water was kind of low, I need to step it up.

    No Zero Days: Tracked everything, didn't snack outside of what I planned.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 234 Member
    Good morning,
    Welcome to all the newcomers and Glad to see all the ones returning, you were missed.

    I will start off by saying that my step goal for this month has been pretty good. I hit my goal for 25 days so far. There were a few lazy days. This month I have also tried something new with my eating as well and it has seemed to be working in my favor. I am consuming more protein, especially at dinner time. In doing this my evening snacking has not been so bad. I have been also doing IF but the dirty version. In the morning I have my coffee with milk. then a premier protein shake around noon then dinner between 5 and 6. focusing on protein first then fiber/veggies and last carbs. This seems to be the key to my snacking. I stay full so much longer into the evening. If I continue with this I will see the 160's for the first time in this group come weigh in day.
    Next monday we are going to Goliad State Park with lots of hiking trails but wednesday our anniversary we are spending the day at the beach. So today I will be heading out to find a swimsuit.
    Have a great day everyone!
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 372 Member
    Username: askewcr
    Weigh in Day: Thursday
    PW. 252
    CW 250

    Let's go get it! B)
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,256 Member
    It's been raining all morning. Every time I look at my phone to see when it's supposed to stop, the time has moved out later and later. I'm determined to walk outdoors anyway - I've got a streak going for May with only 2 days to go, and I'm not willing to fail now. I'll get wet and I will be working the rest of the afternoon in damp clothes, but I'm going out!
  • maryirisfroehlich
    maryirisfroehlich Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome.

    @Katmary71 and @trooworld My daughter just joined this group as well, Lislisa123.

    I'm just hoping I can keep up with everyone. Lol. My younger daughter is a good motivator when we go on walks. I joke that she is Jillian Michaels because she will push me to keep going. I'm thinking we are going for a 45-minute to an-hour walk, and then it ends up being a two-hour walk. She really kills me sometimes but it's all in fun.
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 326 Member

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    I need help, I found me on the spreadsheet, but I don't know how to copy someone's format. I like @trooworld & @micaroo4 format. I want to start tracking my steps on June 1st.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,141 Member
    @TeresaW2024 the debate is on jubilee YouTube channel. It was 4 fitness/bodybuilder guys vs 4 overweight guys. The fitness guys thought being "fat" was a choice. One guy, Myron, said society should go back to shaming "fat" people. I had watched some of Greg Doucette's videos and thought he would defend the other side a bit. Nope. I was wrong. Uniquely they said it was bad to overeat because it can cause health issues and yet Greg used to do steroids and another guy still does. Just to look better. Steroid abuse is equally unhealthy.
    It all struck a cord with me. I wanted to do sports in school. My parents would not let me. Which made it more difficult to get picked for a team at recess. Since I was the bigger kid I got picked on. I didn't know why I was bigger I just was.
    Greg said he helps people lose weight and achieve there goals. So I went and looked. I cannot afford MFP premium and after looking I then realized there was absolutely no way for people like me to afford his training.

    Well that's probably more than you expected and way more than intended to share.

  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,141 Member
    Today is not going to be an Ice Breaker Question. It's going to be story time. The topic is humorous date story.

    I'll go first.

    My first date with my wife was a blind date plus a double date. My date/wife and her friend, who set us up and my buddy, who doybled with her friend. We went to a seafood buffet. I had never been there but the other three people had. My date said "ooooh the have crab legs on the buffet" . My buddy asked if crab was good. She said oh my yes, yes it is. He said I'll have to try some. Hearing this I thought he was getting some. All four of us get our first plate. We are eating and chatting and having a great time.
    If you know me most of the time my humor happens when I am serious.
    Time for the second plate. My buddy said I'm go try some crab legs. Thinking he had already had some on his first plate, I said, "hey buddy I thought you had crabs". His face turned red. The two ladies about choked on their food. The surrounding tables started laughing. I quickly apologized because I didn't mean it that way but it was too late.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,722 Member
    @TeresaW2024 I'm not sure on work, I wish the owner would step up both for the business and selfishly for me with teaching classes but I don't think she will. She's asking anyone who buys it from her to pay back rent and that lost the practitioner I see most often so that's not happening. DO make the burgers you won't regret it! Sounds like you're an amazing sister, I'm glad you're there for her but know that's tough as far as diet plans go. Enjoy the start of the new program!

    @trooworld @bethanie0825 I did request you be moved to support last night, I came here first today but will make sure there's no issues after this. Yum on the baklava! I hope that migraine doesn't get too strong and exits fast. It's hard since you crave everything that makes migraines worse right? I remember that and I always wanted chocolate or cheesy pizza with tomato sauce when they'd start.

    @txritter69 Sounds like you're doing very well! I hope you get to see the 160s soon that would be awesome. Good luck finding a suit today, hope you find something you'll be proud to wear on your trip.

    @micaroo4 I hope you were able to get your walk in, somehow I think you definitely won't blow your streak!

    @maryirisfroehlich That's awesome I'm glad you and @LisaLisa123 are both here! Enjoy your walk, she sounds like a great walking partner.

    @DrewsAnna I'm not sure on the Google Sheet, I'm sorry. Do you need to copy someone's format? You could copy and paste then change your name on it.

    @19shmoo69 Great point on steroids being just as bad as being overweight. Funny first date story, I'm sure your buddy will never forget being horribly embarrassed by you!

    Hi team! On a little earlier, have some stuff to do later in the yard. Work was boring again, one of the practitioner's had a double appointment and turned out she got the time wrong and was sitting at home while they were waiting for 45 minutes! I'll call faster next time, they had to leave as they had another appointment after about 30 minutes away. I'm gathering micro current info for myself. I'm a little worried about getting my work credit out of treatment and supplements and am looking up things to buy for my machine, I'd like to get more appts in too but we'll see what happens. We got the greenhouse stuff caught up this morning and all else is well, need to crack down more with diet though. Have a great night and awesome Friday.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 509 Member
    @katmary so true about @trooworlds recipes, they always sound mouthwatering! I definitely am feeling better. I'm so sorry about your work, it sounded like so much fun when you first started.

    @TeresaW2024 her obedience classes are improving, we had her first Agility class tonight, I forgot her Halti and it was a disaster😳.
    I think we all need a day off every once in awhile! Glad you are able to get right back at everything.

    @trooworld I still eat for comfort, I wish I could lean in to sad songs instead. I am with you on the dog comfort, either some extra hugs or they do something goofy and it lifts my heart. Glad you did well with how you are feeling♥️

    It was a pretty good day today. I got in my second workout this week, did a spin class at the gym this morning, then the gym war pretty empty so I got in 30 minutes of weights. We went to Ty's first agility class, I forgot her Halti and it was a gong show! With all of the equipment out, other pups and people She could not focus to save her life. It was so frustrating. The instructor gave us some great stuff to work on this week, so I was glad of that. I stayed on track today. I am absolutely exhausted from that class, hope everybody had a great day!
This discussion has been closed.