Welcome and Introductions

deskjockey925 Posts: 4,941 Member
edited June 30 in Social Groups
Welcome to the July 2024 Ultimate Accountability Challenge!
Life can be fraught with expectations and pressure. This challenge is about making life long commitments and changes -- not simply a quick loss, fix it all fast cure for whatever we need to change. So stick with us, go easy on yourself, and one day at a time we can adopt the habits that will lead to lifelong management of health and well being. ♥️

Some of us have been with this challenge for months and some are brand new. Some are maintaining their weight, and some are striving to lose weight. Everyone is welcome!

Health goals are achieved through small daily practices and consistency — not through one off short term grand gestures. Help yourself be successful by making it your practice to log into the group every day, post on the day's check in thread, cheer on and respond to the posts of others, and keep honest with yourself about logging every caloric bite, sip, lick, or taste.

Please feel free to introduce yourself and share as much information as you feel comfortable sharing about yourself with the rest of the group so we can get to know each other. We look forward to getting to know you a little better.

Please Note: the challenge is open for public viewing until the end of day on the 6th of the month when it is set to "private". From that point forward, and for all time, all the postings made in that month become private and are only accessible to individuals who were registered as members of that month.


  • hmosser
    hmosser Posts: 8 Member
    edited June 30
    Hi everyone! I’m HM. 😊🌸 I’m a working mom of two teenage girls, and I live in Texas. I’m new to UAC, and I’m restarting my MFP journey after being away for a couple of years. I have gained and lost 50 lbs multiple times in my adult life. Now it’s time to lose it again.
    I do well when I’m tracking my food daily, but after a while I get tired of tracking. I also do well with accountability, so I’m looking forward to being a part of this group. I’ll be trying to run and lift weights for my exercise. 🏃🏼‍♀️ 💪🏼
    Here’s hoping we all stay on track! Thanks! 🌸
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,158 Member
    edited June 30
    I find consistent tracking hard to do but it never fails to open my eyes to my poor habits. I think I need to tie it into whatever particular emotional state I'm in as my eating tends to hold hands with my emotions.
    Hi @Neon_hippie :) I used to track my food back in the early days of MFP (a looong time ago) but at the time I was thinking about it mainly in terms of calories, which led to all kinds of mind games and cheating myself, and always felt like I had to rein myself in all the time. While I did lose a fair amount of weight, my diet probably wasn't super healthy and the tracking habit didn't last. So of course I gained back all the weight, and then some.

    This time around, I view tracking as an interesting tool to learn more about myself and how to feel my best. This has made the whole experience much more rewarding. (Of course food trackers are so much better now than they were in those early days!) I hope you find a way to make tracking less of a chore for yourself.

    On the topic of emotional eating, I highly recommend Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Emotional Eating which has changed my life.
  • Neon_hippie
    Neon_hippie Posts: 30 Member
    @takinitalloff :Thanks for the recommendation. I will look into Carr's book. I'm currently doing the pink workbook from Judith Beck, and I like the cognitive approach. What did you find most helpful from his book?
  • Learningmoments
    Learningmoments Posts: 789 Member
    Hello everyone. Welcome new members. We are glad you are here. A big thank you to those returning. You guys always inspire me. I am DJ. I am 63 years old. I am a wife of 43 years. I have 3 grown kids and 6 grandkids which I adore. This month and August are our hottest, muggiest months in Florida so I will be trying to stay cool. I love my outdoor activities, but hoping I can focus more on strength and flexibility. Good luck everyone.
  • Fancy0626
    Fancy0626 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Mary. I have been in this challenge since last August. The last month was a personal challenge with sick family members. I hope to be more present this month. Good luck everyone!
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,158 Member
    edited July 1
    @takinitalloff :Thanks for the recommendation. I will look into Carr's book. I'm currently doing the pink workbook from Judith Beck, and I like the cognitive approach. What did you find most helpful from his book?
    @Neon_hippie The book taught me that emotional eating doesn't actually make me feel good. It doesn't fix anything.

    There isn't any one particular thing about the book that I found most helpful: it needs to be read cover-to-cover because the chapters build on each other. (The author explains this in the foreword.) It's not overly long, and I actually quite enjoyed reading it (most self-help books just annoy me). I felt an incredible sense of relief while reading Carr's book, and I remember feeling understood and supported in ways that I never had before (when it comes to emotional eating, that is). And when I was finished reading, I felt free -- I still do. Yes I know I sound like a cult member :D but that's how it was for me.

    I'd be interested in hearing more about how Judith Beck's book works out for you. Perhaps you'd be willing to share in a daily opener sometime? I know you already signed up for a day, so perhaps that's what you had in mind already ;)