September 2024 Challenges - 09/01 - 09/30

cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
edited August 30 in Social Groups
Let's try this one...
and maybe this one...
Let us know what you think.
I hope everyone has a great September.


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Highest Weight - 317
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 138
    Sep Goal Weight - 210

    Aug 31 ending weight - 217
    Sep 1 - 216
    Sep 9 -
    Sep 16 -
    Sep 23 -
    Sep 30 -

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Hugs for Kathy, :flowerforyou:

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Highest Weight - 248
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 148
    Sep 30 Goal Weight - 164.0

    Aug 31 ending weight - 168.6
    Sep 1 - 168.0
    Sep 9 -
    Sep 16 -
    Sep 23 -
    Sep 30 -

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    I had my trainer for a 60 min workout this afternoon then Pat and I made a run to Target then to the car wash but it was a 45 min wait and we were not up for that...we'll try again tomorrow btn Collin p/u and Ronan p/u...maybe...but the car sooooo needs it!!!
    I just made popcorn and I'm going to try and finish the book I'm reading.
    Later my friends.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris I think shopping when you don't do it much can be fun. All the colors! Hope you had fun.

    Been busy. Staining rough cut wood for the cabin most of this weekend. 2kxh87dlkkcc.jpeg

    Here is some. Had to roll it on. Libby tired of supervising us.

    You can see where it is up above the deck. Oh and Rocky slipped and sent a screw into his finger


    He promised to have it looked at, tomorrow! Men.

    Sure got a workout in.

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi gals.....sounds like lots going on..sending love your way for calm as we enter September. I keep asking myself if it is a full moon lol.

    Thursday Bella was in a car accident. They are fine. But very upset and startled. Unfortunately their car is totaled. So we are working with insurance companies to figure out how much money they will get in order to get them a new car. The school they go to is an hour away from home. So my husband is going to have to do a lot of driving to get them to school 4 days a week.

    I spent most of the weekend sorting through and boxing up our kitchen for the renovation that's going to start on the 9th. I have collected so much crap! Lots will be going to the thrift store for sure.

    I am leaving tonight for 10 days in Budapest for work. Not great timing :-). It feels really hard to leave right now. Just too much going on.

    One foot in front of the other.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris those workouts are tough. Hope they don't kill me.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Wow! So much going on.

    Hope everybody is okay.

    Shelley, How's Rocky's finger> ...besides unnerving, made me gasp.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    Shelley, I hope Rocky is okay. Looks bad! Sorry about the workouts!! :p
    Karen, I hope Bella is okay and you get a car for her soon.
    No nap for Collin today but he jabbered most of our walk this morning. Now I'm doing nothing!!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    edited September 4
    Karen so glad she is ok. I must of missed that she is going to school with someone. I hope the insurance helps also. Good luck ck

    Rocky had his finger looked at. Received a tetanus shot and antibiotics. No stitches. Said he waited to long


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    We had Collin this morning. Pat got vertigo and was down for the count. I chased Collin around. I didn't want to leave Pat, so we didn't go on a walk which means Collin didn't's on SIL now. He is better now but still 'off'. Ronan did not stay with us.
    I cancelled my workout to keep an eye on him.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris I get vertigo at times. Never lasts to long. But it's awful. I hope he feels better soon.

    Lower body workout tonight. Made an appointment to have a skin tag below my eye removed. Darn thing is growing.

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Chris - hope pat feels better. Vertigo can be really hard.

    Good news on the car insurance front. We got more for the car than we expected. Apparently, I put an extra rider on the insurance company that I forgot about so yay! Jim and Belle will Start looking on Saturday.

    I’ve been in Budapest since yesterday. Left Tuesday night at about 6 PM and got to the hotel at about 1230 the next day. Did something to my hip and back of the leg before I left home. Probably packing up the kitchen for three days. And I don’t know. I did two yoga classes. Maybe I overdid it.

    . I was able to go to the chiropractor before I got on my flight and he said it’s definitely very inflamed sciatica. He adjusted me. But I’ll tell you the trip over was just brutal sitting in the seats Where the seat hits your leg in the wrong spot. So painful. By the time I got here yesterday I was in bad shape. I did grab some of Jim’s old medication before I had to run from my flight so I do have believe it or not muscle relaxers from 2007… not sure that they are going to do very much, and an anti-inflammatory that should help. One of my team members went out and got me painkillers. They’re not all that strong, but they are helping. I was able to get to the office today I’m definitely better than yesterday. But have a hard time getting up after I’ve been sitting for a while. let’s hope this continues to get better each day. I have eight more days :-) I need to be better before I have to get on a plane again. That was really dreadful.

    On a positive note, we had a good day in the office today and went to a nice Hungarian dinner. It was a really good and not too much food which is usually the case here. Quite delicious.

    Tomorrow night I’m on my own thank goodness. Will come back to the hotel early. Just have a meal and relax.

    Hope everybody’s having a good week


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    Thank you, my friends. Pat is much better. The ER doctor assured him he is able to drive and prescribed some motion sickness pills for him. Funny thing is Pat had ordered them on Amazon before we went to ER!! He'd taken them before.He is much better today.
    We had Collin this morning. I did take him for a walk. He fell asleep just as we were headed home. SIL picked him up...sleeping...and took him home. We got Bean as a replacement until Sunday or Monday. Pat p/u Ronan when school got out, and we will have him until Sara picks him up when she gets off work today. The kids are going to Truckee for the weekend w/friends.
    I am going to read if I don't fall asleep in my chair.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris so glad Pat is feeling better. What med is he taking?

    Karen you get well. Glad you feel a bit better. Enjoy your time there

    Falling asleep as I type

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Finally fell up to getting in a short workout. I completed 30 minutes on recumbent. Need to get back to consistent workouts

    Karen hope you get better every day. Sciatica is no joke. Just catching up on posts. Thank goodness Belle was not seriously hurt,

    Chris glad that Pat is better.

    Shelley thanks for taking the time and listening to my venting yesterday. Appreciate you!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    Shelley...this one...
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    Karen, how is your leg doing? I hope it is getting better.
    Pat is doing much better. He says he's not 100% yet but almost. Nasty stuff.
    I had my trainer today for a 60 min workout. It was a good workout. She is sad because her daughter is moving to Tenn next week. She got a job there and is happy about it. My trainer's son, DIL and Granddaughter live there. My trainer and her husband bought property there and will be building a house to move into in about 2years. I just want to cry about that. We have been together 11 years. She was our trainer when we joined the gym down the street. :s
    No Grandsons today, they are all in Truckee.
    Going to read now.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Oh Chris I am so sorry for your losing her. I remember you getting ready for DD wedding. I sure hope you can find someone else. I am sure you two are more like best friends so it will be hard.

    Kathy that was a day for rants. My best friend was ranting just about the same thing.

    Worked out yesterday on triceps and abs. Some back and chest also. Sore now. Working onthe cabin more tomorrow.

    night all

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    Thanks, Shelley. Things could change in the next two years...we'll see.
    Got up early, put on my shoes and walked to the post office and back!! 5.37 miles in 108 mins. It was a beautiful morning!! I'll do the same thing tomorrow...destination may be different...mail lady hasn't been here yet.
    Just going to read and drink coffee now.
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    My brother is here for the weekend visiting mom. He set up the Blink camera in mom’s room. I can see her now and make sure she’s in bed and not getting up on her own. Now I will not jump up at every sound I hear. I can check the Blink app. Maybe we both can get some sleep at night,

    My sister is staying with mom tomorrow while I go to the Falcons game with Ron. First game of the season. It will be nice to get out.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    tired, worked all day on the mountain

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Happy to report I am doing much better. Thursday was rough, but got progressively better on Friday and even yesterday. Between the 20-year-old muscle relaxers I took from my husband, and whatever the Hungarian painkillers are they gave me, I am so much better. I was able to go sightseeing yesterday with one of my team members for the entire day. Walked 12,000 steps :-) got to see some amazing things I had never seen before and really don’t feel too bad. so glad! I was worried for sure.

    Passing on some pictures from our sightseeing yesterday. Gabor took me to the village that he grew up in which is an adorable artsy type of village. All of the churches were also open to visitors, which was really lovely. He also took me to a castle where the king of Budapest used to live. Hosting a couple of pictures here. It was a little hot, but an amazing day.
  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    This morning, I did a tour of the Hungarian Parliament building. It’s one of the places that I’ve always wanted to visit, but could never get a ticket. It sells out pretty quickly. I was able to get an 8 AM ticket and got there early. Just absolutely stunning.amazing what folks in this country has been through. Really fascinating. I’m not sure if I mentioned it, but I have Hungarian roots. I’m gonna walk around for a couple more hours and then probably head back to the hotel a bit before we have a dinner at six. Hope everybody has a great day!


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    Beautiful pictures, Karen!! So glad you are feeling better
    Well...I did not walk this morning! Being a lazy hind end. We were up until midnight last night...we never do that...and slept in this morning. Sleeping in does something to my brain and I just said, "NO!" to this beautiful morning out there! This week is supposed to be cooler, so we'll see if I will have the strength to get out there after Collin is picked up...maybe??
    The kids will be coming back from Truckee today. Looks like they had a great time!
    That's all for now.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Karen all so beautiful. Do you know the story behind that boat hanging? If so do tell.

    Chris I stay up to late all the time. Just dumb of me. Finished up lots of work on the mountain porch. Participated in a 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb in remembrance of all those who lost their lives.

    It was a fast weekend. tpwb0qq49ooq.jpeg

    Porch update and a deer playing peekaboo with me

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Highest Weight - 248
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 148
    Sep 30 Goal Weight - 164.0

    Aug 31 ending weight - 168.6
    Sep 1 - 168.0
    Sep 9 - 166.4
    Sep 16 -
    Sep 23 -
    Sep 30 -


  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Karen beautiful photos thanks for sharing. Chris I can be a night owl as well as I can’t sleep. The good thing is mom sleeps in so I can usually sleep late or at least stay in bed and rest. The mornings here are getting a little chilly and a daytime high of about 80.

    The Falcons lost but the stadium was fun as always. Sport crowds are so fun. Why can’t we always be that way. 🤷🏽‍♀️

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    What great photos, Karen and Shelley, Amazing, humorous and beautiful, thank you. Glad you're both getting such great workouts between the sightseeing and cabin building. And thank heavens for pain killers, right?

    Kathy, So nice that you have another great coping tool. We turn into our parents keepers, don't we. I'm glad you got some quality time with Ron.

    Chris, We're all on such different clocks Does "sleeping in" mean getting up at 7:00? Lately I've been getting up around 8am, give or take. The time I go to bed still varies, 10pm is early for me. 5am is late-ish.

    Nice to hear from everybody,

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Highest Weight - 317
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 138
    Sep Goal Weight - 210

    Aug 31 ending weight - 217
    Sep 1 - 216
    Sep 9 - 215
    Sep 16 -
    Sep 23 -
    Sep 30 -

    Was 213.5 yesterday, my body said it needed late night protein though, so bump it back up...
