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Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
edited August 23 in Social Groups
This discussion space is all about sharing our daily goals and how we’re doing in reaching them—whether it’s staying within your calorie target, getting that workout in, or resisting those sweet temptations. Every step forward counts, no matter how big or small! Feel free to be as detailed as you’d like or keep it simple—whatever keeps you motivated. Let’s cheer each other on and celebrate our wins together!


  • Nutbugs2
    Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
    edited August 23
    AUGUST 21, 2024

    My goal 2270cal
    I ate 1531cal
    Walked 1 mile
    I am finding it hard to eat all these calories
  • Nutbugs2
    Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
    edited September 3
    AUGUST 22, 2024

    Today's goal 2270cal
    Actual 1548cal

    Once again I'm finding it hard to get all these calories in. If I were eating more pastas and breads I guess I could get it in. Right now my diet plan consists of a protein/fruit/vegetable shake for breakfast and dinner and then a healthy lunch that consists of mostly vegetables and maybe some rice or quinoa. So I'm just not able to get all these calories in but I am still trying.

    Plus I wasn't able to exercise today. I had a doctor's appointment first thing in the morning then I had a meeting early afternoon and by the time I was done with all that it's just too hot out to go walking. Plus I truly like doing it first thing in the morning. I have my acupuncture so I'm not sure if I'll be able to exercise as well. But that really is truly the key.
  • Nutbugs2
    Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
    edited September 3
    AUGUST 23, 2024

    Goal 2270 cal
    Actual 2038

    You know the only reason I was able to hit close to my goal was because I went to the movies and have popcorn. The problem with the popcorn is I know me and I know how my body despises me and that means I will probably a weight gain of 2 lbs even though I only ate about 5 or 6 cups. I brought grapes and a cheese stick with me so that I would not dive into my husband's huge tub of popcorn. And I did pretty good I stuck with what my plan was.
  • Nutbugs2
    Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
    AUGUST 24, 2023

    Goal 2270 cal
    Actual 1127

    I didn’t exercise today. I'm bummed. I've had a headache all day and not feeling very good. Tomorrow is Sunday so off to church. Maybe exercise after? I'm a morning kinda exerciser. I just want to get back to hiking hills but I have to work up to that.
  • Nutbugs2
    Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
    edited September 3
    AUGUST 25, 2024

    GOAL 2270 cal
    ACTUAL 1370

    Uggh, today was difficult
    I had to sing at church this AM so I had to be there by 7:30, which meant eating several hours early. Then I got home late and went to Costco which meant I did not eat lunch till 3:30pm which meant no dinner if I want to stop eating by 7pm. But I had a feeling g that was going to happen so I ate a huge lunch.

    Uugghh! Balance is so flicking hard and getting these calories in is errgg! I am so frustrated.
  • Nutbugs2
    Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
    edited September 3
    AUGUST 26, 2024

    GOAL 2070
    ACTUAL 1850

    All right well today I got more calories in. I really amped up my lunch and just had a huge lunch. It was really good and it actually felt good to feel full. I'm not used to that feeling. Did a good amount of exercise today. Overall I feel like I did really well. My back has been hurting me really really bad but it doesn't matter I've got to get out there and continue exercising.
  • Nutbugs2
    Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
    edited September 3
    AUGUST 27, 2024
    GOAL 2270 cal
    ACTUAL 2220

    The only reason I was able to hit my goal today was because I had a huge night out with a bunch of friends that came in from out of town. So we ate at a Mexican restaurant. However I saved a few extra hundred calories from breakfast and lunch so that I could indulge a little bit tonight. Let's hope I can get back on track tomorrow. Had good exercise today but my back has been really hurting all day. Not sure if it's because of too much Dairy yesterday or what.
  • Nutbugs2
    Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
    edited September 3
    AUGUST 28, 1023

    Goal 2170
    Actual 1286

    Hard day. I was hurting really bad all day even though I walked today. When I hurt like I do today I either eat and then eat some more or I don't eat it all because I don't feel like moving. Maybe tomorrow be a better day.
  • Nutbugs2
    Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
    edited September 3
    AUGUST 30, 2024
    Goal 2170
    Actual 1451 CAL

    Today was such a busy day I just didn't have time to eat. You know all this tracking of my food and watching how I eat is making me realize that I still don't understand why my weight is where it at is. I do understand that normally I would have a cookie or something like that everyday but nothing extraordinary. If I'm having an Oreo would be two maybe three. It's got to be something else. Maybe it's all the pasta? That could be cuz we do typically eat a lot of pasta in our house. And right now I'm having no pasta or white rice or bread. Just quinoa and and once in awhile some wild or brown rice. Well keep tracking along.
  • Nutbugs2
    Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
    edited September 3
    AUGUST 31, 2024

    GOAL 2170 cal
    ACTUAL 1487

    Oh man, I had such a great lunch today. I made Ahi Tuna, stuffed mushrooms and a baked pear. Mm mmm mmmm. I did not exercise like I had planned. Honestly I was LAZY. I slept in till 7:15am and the only worthwhile thing I did was paint, dishes and go to the dog park
    But boy do I feel good.
  • Nutbugs2
    Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
    edited September 3
    SEPTEMBER 1, 2024


    Tomorrow is my weight check in and I'm really hoping that it will be down several pounds. Fingers crossed. I've been doing everything I know I need to do so there's no reason that it shouldn't go down but I'm trying not to get my hopes up because in the past that usually leads to no weight loss or even a weight gain. Wish me luck.
  • Nutbugs2
    Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
    SEPTEMBER 2, 2024
    HAPPY Labor Day

    Goal 2170 cal
    Actually 2145
    Weigh in: 326.2 >7# :)

    Well it certainly wasn't hard to get my calories in today. So I think I've written before that I'm doing a low carb intermittent fasting vegetarian diet. So basically what that means is I'm not doing any breads or cereals Etc. It's only vegetables fruit and some Pho Meats but not too much. Today I did let myself go a little bit but I'm really proud of myself. With all the delicious goodies that were available I took very little to none. So I really wanted to try the macaroni salad I took one tablespoon instead of a whole glob. There is a beautiful corn salad I took one tablespoon. I wanted a piece of cake so I took a half a piece of cake and only ate half of that. So there was a lot of winds today for sure for me. But I know my body and I'm sure I'll have a weight gain.
  • Nutbugs2
    Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
    SEPTEMBER 3, 2024

    Goal 1970
    Actual 1305

    So today I changed my goal to lose 2 lb a week so now my calorie is definitely less. I feel like it's more obtainable too. As you can see from my history I'm barely getting 1800. So I feel like I can push through and get closer to that 1900. I just have to eat more between my meals. I had a good exercise today walk 2 mi even though it was already 90 plus degrees out.
  • Nutbugs2
    Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
    SEPTEMBER4, 2024

    Goal 1970
    Actual 1420

    Today I got so involved in painting and then I went out with a couple friends that they're just wasn't time to eat. And by the time I got home it was already past the time that I'm supposed to stop eating so.
  • Nutbugs2
    Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
    SEPTEMBER 5, 2024

    GOAL 1970
    ACTUAL 1750

    Today I did it again. I was so busy that I just didn't have the time to get in all my calories. However when I finally got home I had a peach, too plums, two figs, a handful of pistachios etc. So I got closer to my calories today then I probably have in a while.
  • Nutbugs2
    Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
    SEPTEMBER 6, 2024

    GOAL 2170
    ACTUAL 2000

    WHEW, today was busy. That was 2 very busy days in a row where I wasn't home most the day. I think today I was able to get in all those calories because as soon as I got home I was ravenous and I just kept eating. But I still kept within the type of foods and the amount of calories. I'm going to bed feeling very satisfied for the first time since I started this diet.
  • Nutbugs2
    Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
    edited September 8
    SEPTEMBER 7, 2024

    GOAL 2000
    ACTUAL 1644

    So for those of you who might not live where I live, in Southern California we're having temperatures of 105, 108, Etc. We only have this kind of weather once a year and it usually happens in September and then that's when we usually end up with an earthquake or two. I've lived in Southern California in area for my entire life and it's just a pattern. But that pattern also extends to me. Usually when the weather gets like this I get grumpy, lazy, and I just can't eat. I'm one of those people who can eat for just about everything emotions Etc but not for this. As you can tell by my calorie count. And the only reason it was that high is because I cooked a huge slab of swordfish for myself. As a matter of fact I couldn't even finish it it was so big. But it was so good.

    I have to admit that I am really enjoying my diet. I'm finding it pretty easy and I'm really enjoying not going to bed with such a huge full stomach because I only eat lunch and I do shakes for breakfast and dinner. I think this will be easy to continue for a while. But I need to find a crunchy snack. So far celery with peanut butter or spreadable cheese but I need to find something else. Any thoughts?
  • Nutbugs2
    Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
    SEPTEMBER 8 2024

    GOAL 2000
    ACTUAL 2075

    It was 106 today. I literally sat on my tush all day. There is just absolutely no way to exercise. I tried to do some chores around the house and within 10 minutes I was just drenched in sweat. Did you go a little over my calories today only because I had one more cheese today. I wanted to try to make something crispy for myself so I tried parmesan crisps. They tasted really great but a little high calorie.
  • Nutbugs2
    Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
    edited September 11
    SEPTEMBER 9, 2024

    ACTUAL 1060

    I don't know what's wrong with me. I understand that I'm eating so much healthier and that I'm not nearly as hungry but I'm not trying to starve myself. Maybe I need to add a second meal in. Cuz right now my goal is a shake for breakfast a big lunch and a shake for dinner. But maybe it's time to add in another meal soon. The thing is, again, I'm not hungry and I feel great. Probably because I'm eating bucket loads of vegetables and fruit either in the shake or an actual meal. I don't know if I should worry about this or just continue on and hope that it evens itself out in the near future.
  • Nutbugs2
    Nutbugs2 Posts: 60 Member
    SEPTEMBER 10, 2024


    I feel pretty darn good about my weight loss. However I'm a little nervous because it's a lot in a very short amount of time. And I know it's because I'm not getting all the calories in. Unless I eat a lot of cheese it's very difficult to get the calories in. Because the only thing I'm eating are fruits and vegetables and fish and sometimes some faux meat. And I'm only eating one meal a day and two shakes. So I'll start packing the shakes a little bit more and trying to eat meals a little more. But I do have to admit doing the shakes is really help me to cut down on the hunger and wanting to eat.
    I remember when I first became a pescatarian about 15 years ago how my Hunger level went way down. But my husband sabotaged me over the last few years of eating out and eating fast food and so forth. So I'm liking the feeling of being full. Even though I'm not getting all the calories that mfp is telling me to do.