Introduce yourself and your favorite firearms!

brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
I figured since I'm the creator, I'll start it :)

My name is Brittany, I'm 19, and my significant other's name is Nick (n003k on this website.) Before I met him, I was horribly uneducated about firearms in general, borderline anti-gun. Now that I know a decent amount more about them, I love them!

My favorite that I own would probably be a tie between my Mossberg 151K and my AK74. I have yet to shoot the Mossberg, but it's from the 50s and in great condition. It's so old it doesn't have a serial number, and I love old guns! The AK I am an awfully good shot with! :)

My favorite type of handgun is almost any 1911 (as you can tell by the group picture).

The gun I would LOVE to own but it will never happen is a Gatling gun. I would LOVE one!!!

Now your turn!


  • n003k
    n003k Posts: 58
    My name is Nick, obviously the significant other of Brittany up there. As far as my favorite gun goes, at least that I own, I'd probably have to say my K98k for rifles, and for handguns, my Luger. What can I say, I like German guns?

    As far as one I'd love to have, that's MG42. Cmon, who DOESN'T want the buzzsaw?
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I unfortunately live in CA so I'm avoiding purchasing any guns until I leave the state. I, too, love 1911's and would take any .45 caliber but especially a springfield. I also very much like Sig Sauer and hope to someday have my own Springfield XD-9 (9mm). Sprinkle in a shotgun or two for zombies and I'm a happy camper.

    Random factoid: I'm right handed but left eye dominant so I have to shoot lefty ;)
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Random factoid: I'm right handed but left eye dominant so I have to shoot lefty ;)

    Me too! :bigsmile:
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,259 Member
    My name is Bill, and my favorite in my Colt Officers in 45 ACP.
  • My name is David and my favorite gun is my SKS. Love shooting it every chance I get. Looking to get a shotgun in the near future and a .45 down the road.
  • IamJustSanie
    IamJustSanie Posts: 93 Member
    My name is Cassandra (Sanie) my favorite is my S&W .357 with the enclosed hammer... That my love I take him everywhere I go!
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Hello all. As might be obvious from my username, my name is Thomas.

    We have stupidly restrictive gun laws over here in Ireland. So basically all I get to do is drool over pictures of guns and dream. :laugh:

    I did do a lot of shooting in the Army Reserves and some firearms training in the police college (even though we are an unarmed police force over here).

    So, between the Army and the Police, I have trained with and fired:-
    .303 No 4 Lee Enfield
    7.62mm FN FAL
    .303 Bren Mk3 Light Machine Gun
    9mm Gustav SMG (also known in the US as the Swedish K, I think)
    5.56mm Styer AUG
    9mm Browning Hi-Power
    .38 Smith & Wesson Model 10

    Out of that list, I really really loved the Bren. :love: That was a beautiful weapon to fire on full auto from the hip in "Assault position" (i.e. close quarters to clear a room). It was damn heavy but could be fired from the shoulder in full auto as well.

    Oh, I miss that weapon.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Hello all. As might be obvious from my username, my name is Thomas.

    We have stupidly restrictive gun laws over here in Ireland. So basically all I get to do is drool over pictures of guns and dream. :laugh:

    And I always thought the laws here in CT the laws were stupidly restrictive :laugh: maybe one day you'll be able to own a few, eh?
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Hello all. As might be obvious from my username, my name is Thomas.

    We have stupidly restrictive gun laws over here in Ireland. So basically all I get to do is drool over pictures of guns and dream. :laugh:

    And I always thought the laws here in CT the laws were stupidly restrictive :laugh: maybe one day you'll be able to own a few, eh?
    Check my breakdown of our gun laws in the other thread in this group.
  • tjkuyper
    tjkuyper Posts: 5 Member
    Of the guns I have fired, I love the Mosin-Nagant the most. Kicks like a mule and will punch a big hole in a tree hundreds of meters down range ;)

    I am also right handed but left eye dominant.
  • I'm Angie and from the Lone Star State! :)

    Never have shot a gun but I am hoping to learn soon so that I can defend myself and my family one day. I believe everyone should fire a gun at least once and stop complaining about how dangerous they are. I believe guns should be used for defense and for recreational purposes (such as hunting).
  • BFit40
    BFit40 Posts: 163 Member
    I live in the UK and am the proud holder of an FAC (Firearms certificate) and a Shotgun certificate. The legislation here is tight and different to the US. To get an FAC it takes a lot of time and you have to prove a need.

    I have a number of guns, but my favourites are the lowest power, a .22 ruger rifle and a little 410 supressed mossberg shotgun.
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 741 Member
    Hey all!
    My favorite gun is always the next one I'm going to buy. :)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm Elizabeth, the proud owner of a Remington 700 and Glock G22. I grew up in rural Tennessee and previously owned 15 handguns, rifles, and shotguns. I downsized when I moved to Florida.

    I'm a huge fan of rifles and ranged weapons although I really really love my glock.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hello, my name is Chris :) My favorite gun is my Colt Anaconda .44mag with an 8" barrel and porting that I've owned for many many years. Not a very practical every day gun, but fun :D


    Have to say though, that I love my .22 guns too.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Hello, my name is Chris :) My favorite gun is my Colt Anaconda .44mag with an 8" barrel and porting that I've owned for many many years. Not a very practical every day gun, but fun :D


    Have to say though, that I love my .22 guns too.

    She's purty.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Hello, my name is Chris :) My favorite gun is my Colt Anaconda .44mag with an 8" barrel and porting that I've owned for many many years. Not a very practical every day gun, but fun :D


    Have to say though, that I love my .22 guns too.

    Sexxxxxyyyyy :smokin:
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    I'm Bryce...Former 91B of the US ARMY

    PX4 Storm subcompact for CCW -
    Glock 23 .45 cal for my do all
    Kimber Tactical Custom II .45
    Kimber Eclipse Target II .45 - 0.5 pound trigger pull baby
    Barret .50 for peashooting
    Browning 525 Citori Golden Clay
    Colt M4 Tactical..sweeeeeeeeeeetness

    Oh, and a Browning Target .22, but that one is about to go to my son as soon as he masters the breakdown and reassembly
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I'm Bryce...Former 91B of the US ARMY

    PX4 Storm subcompact for CCW -
    Glock 23 .45 cal for my do all
    Kimber Tactical Custom II .45
    Kimber Eclipse Target II .45 - 0.5 pound trigger pull baby
    Barret .50 for peashooting
    Browning 525 Citori Golden Clay
    Colt M4 Tactical..sweeeeeeeeeeetness

    Oh, and a Browning Target .22, but that one is about to go to my son as soon as he masters the breakdown and reassembly

    I would LOVE a Kimber, but they are a bit too expensive for my blood!
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Hi, my name is Ashlea. Been raised around guns most my life. I recently completed the concealed carry course (Missouri) in October and am now working on the steps through the Sheriff's Department to officially have a concealed carry license. I'm looking into getting a Ruger LCP .380. I like this one because I think it will be best for what I'm looking for: fit into my back pocket if needed, my purse, or easily a holster (ankle or hip) and not look entirely too bulky on me. Has enough bite, with not too much kick so I could feel comfy carrying it around (when I feel I need to). {also open for other suggestions here.....from all you gun experts in here:) }

    I'll be honest, I don't know much about names of guns... brands, etc. etc. (girl in me??) BUT, I love to practice shooting them. And I will never stop believing I have the right to own/carry them.