


  • Boo67
    Boo67 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Becci from Prestatyn, Love MFP, keeps me on track & made some great friends for life. Getting married 7 wks today & getting really excited, plus my beautiful grandaughter (step) was born yesterday so this year is going to be one to remember. :drinker:
  • shanzee_b
    shanzee_b Posts: 27 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm Shanaz, I'm from London, I am 26 years old and a mother of 2. I joined Myfitnesspal in May this year to try lose around 7-8lbs and I did it very easily once I started watching the calories. I am currently on the last circuit of Chalean Extreme and getting great results off it, loving that I can eat a whole lot more food and not gain weight.
  • Dizzle_65
    Dizzle_65 Posts: 249 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Becci from Prestatyn, Love MFP, keeps me on track & made some great friends for life. Getting married 7 wks today & getting really excited, plus my beautiful grandaughter (step) was born yesterday so this year is going to be one to remember. :drinker:

    I was born in St Asaph and lived in Prestatyn until I was 7 :happy: and moved further down the coast!
  • ceirawillsucceed
    ceirawillsucceed Posts: 519 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Becci from Prestatyn, Love MFP, keeps me on track & made some great friends for life. Getting married 7 wks today & getting really excited, plus my beautiful grandaughter (step) was born yesterday so this year is going to be one to remember. :drinker:

    congratulations on your grandaughter
  • lh12xx
    lh12xx Posts: 111 Member
    Hiya everyone :) I'm Lisa, 22, Security Systems Administrator, from Edinburgh & I want to lose weight for my sisters wedding.
    Friend requests welcome!
  • Mikeybster
    Mikeybster Posts: 24 Member
    Hi all i'm Mike from Ull...sorry... Hull. My journey is a year long, i dont try to diet just be sensible and mfp helps me monitor this. I have gone from cycling to running to football to rugby to badminton and will keep going. All friends welcomed.
  • Jacquibennett
    Jacquibennett Posts: 95 Member

    I'm Jacqui from Bromley, Kent. Loving MFP more than facebook at the moment as it's so full of like minded people :) I'm expecting to be on here the rest of my life as I need to lose weight and maintain it.
    I've already lost it once in my life and let it creep back on :( so depressing. But i'm in this for good now!!

    Hope everyone's having a good day. Anyone need a friend feel free to add me!! x
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    So hi!

    I'm Matthew and am 24 and reside in the lovely Brighton, currently unemployed and in a band living every 24 year olds dream! Well except for the fact my stomach could hold an entirely family of kittens

    Going to make these 99lbs disappear like they're nobody's business, just like we all will, right?
  • Hello

    I'm Liz, i'm in my early 40s and am from West Cornwall. Starting a new part time job on Monday - should increase my activity levels somewhat ! I have loads to lose and will do it - maybe some bumps along the way - but I will do it.
  • Hello everybody. I'm Evelyn, from Staines, plodding along and really pleased with the progress I've made since finding this site!
  • Hi. I am Emma from London originally living out in Essex now. Seen lots of people in this thread that I have things in common with. I am 29 and will be 30 in august. I have been living with my other half for around 18 months in our own house we have bought together. This summer he became my husband. Next thing on my list is a family hopefully. However want to get bulk of my weight off before I try. Planning to try in the spring next year. Wanted to have a house be married and have a baby on the way by the time I was 30 so am almost there. I have 2 stone 8.5 pounds to lose to get me to target. I have been there twice before and plan to stay there this time around. As you all know the more you diet the harder it becomes to lose weight. So I have started exercising and using this place to log my food. I am a slimming world member and have been since 2007. I am also a secondary maths teacher. Feel free to add. Also apologies for lack of paragraphs. Am on my phone.
  • NemesisJRM
    NemesisJRM Posts: 248 Member
    Hi names Jim, I'm 28 from ayrshire and currently trying to lose even more weight, Have lost about 44lbs so far and still got another 20lbs to go. I'm a martial artist and train as often as I can. Have met some great people on here and would love to have more GB mates. I'm not the most active person on forums or posting comments, however I do try and encourage people as best I can.
  • NemesisJRM
    NemesisJRM Posts: 248 Member
    Hi names Jim, Im 28 and live in Ayrshire, Scotland. Trying to lose more weight, to date have lost 44lbs and counting. I'm a martial artist and train as often as I can which is roughly twice weekly for 2hours a class. I hold a 2nd Kyu (Brown Belt) in kickboxing and Jiu Jitsu and will be going for my black belt soon fingers crossed. So need to get in shape, plus I am sick of being the big lad lol.....

    Originally posted something else but think instead of editing my post I reported it. Just in case there is 2 cause I cant see the other one lol Yeah im special that way at times :P
  • Hi there fellow Brits,
    My name is Louise, I'm from Yorkshire. I am over half way to my initial goal weight which is 60kg, down from 68kg. Will reevaluative when I get to 60kg.
    My main motivation : get super fit for my 40th next year.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • carolineokeeffe
    carolineokeeffe Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Caroline. I've been losing weight since July and i'm lost 32 lbs so far. I'm bridesmaid for my best friend next June and I want to lose weight so I don't ruin her photos.
    It's great to see how well everyone is doing here, keep up the good work!
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    Hi. I'm Carolyn from Hertfordshire. I have another 50 or so pounds to go but I'm quite fit (probably from carrying those 50 or so extra pounds!) I've only lost 11lb so far. It comes off in fits and starts but I am fairly active so I'm not in too much hurry, as long as it comes off eventually. I have two kids but I'm not working at the moment. I enjoy exercise and do karate twice a week. I'm going to be starting my Martial Arts Instructor UK (level 2) training this weekend and I'm really excited about it :bigsmile:
  • carolineokeeffe
    carolineokeeffe Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Carolyn, i've got about the same left to lose as you so good luck with it! Enjoy your training this weekend as well :smile:
  • chipmunk70
    chipmunk70 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi, Just found this group and what a great idea, at least here we can all talk in stones and people will understand us, and can refer to products without having to work out the equivalent american name i.e. chips = fries etc.

    I'm Cath - i'm 41 and now live in Somerset. I was born and grew up in Cornwall, but moved to Somerset 10 years ago with my now wife - we had our civil partnership ceremony 4 1/2 years ago.

    i've always been overweight, even as a child, lots of bullying at school didn't help. I also have depression and find when I hit a low, I either stop eating, or over eat. Over the years I've tried Weight Watchers and Slimming World as well as the more unhealthy ways of losing weight such as making myself sick etc......and while WW and SW worked, I could never keep them up long term.

    Around my 40th birthday, I decided that was it.....I seriously needed to lose weight.......and I started counting calories, doing it myself. That was June 2010, and at that point I weighed in at my heaviest ever of 319 lbs - or 22 stone 11 lbs. In January I found this site, but then just carried on myself, until my partner got an iphone and came across the app for this site.....and then I started using it seriously to record what I eat, drink, exercise etc.

    I'm now weighing in at around 224 lbs or 16 stone - so a loss of 95 lbs or 6 stone 11 lbs over the last year and a bit.

    Still got a way to go.....but I'm so pleased to get into Large size clothes instead of XXXL ;-)

    Hoping to try for a baby beginning of next year, so want to get rid of as much more as I can before Christmas.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.

  • shnazzy
    shnazzy Posts: 213
    Hi everyone

    I am Amanda I am 47and I am from Inverness in Scotland I joined mfp at the middle of augst 2011 and i love it so far i have lost 33lbs :):)
  • alliooops
    alliooops Posts: 87 Member
    Hi , I'm Alli from Jersey, Channel Islands. Originally from Birmingham, then Leicester and we got moved out here 8 years ago. Got 2 boys aged 15 and 12 and can no longer blame the weight on the babies!! Finally found a way to enjoy exercise - group exercise and a personal trainer once a week to keep me on track. Logging my calories on here really helps and has been a real eye opener. Started the C25k and on track so far!