


  • forthefab5
    forthefab5 Posts: 187 Member
    Hi everyone, I did my first 2 enticer tris in 2008. Then the weekend after my second one, I found out I was pregnant with twins! Well that definitely put training on the backburner but I've signed up for my first one since next Sunday. It's very short to ease into things 250m/10km/2.5km but hopefully it's one that I can finish without looking like a fool! It's a club race so there will be lots of serious competitors :)
  • Ryan_Bullock
    Hey folks, great reading everyone's stories!

    Name: Ryan
    Age: 30
    Location: Seattle, WA

    The past couple of years, I've had a twinge in the back of my mind to start doing triathlons. My wife and I sat down the other day and made our proverbial bucket lists and a series of triathlons are at the top. I am aiming to do an Ironman eventually but with an 8 year old and a 14 month old at home, my time for training is limited.

    With that in mind, I plan to spend 2012 doing sprint triathlons and getting used to the technical aspects (transitions, bricks, the race atmosphere, etc.) and slowly work my way up. I bike into work everyday (~7miles each way) and run at lunch 2-3 times a week (3-4 miles each) and take the weekends off to rest up. I will start working swimming into the routine after the holidays!

    I'm overly excited about triathlons and I haven't even competed yet! I look forward to gaining some valuable insight from the more seasoned members here and eventually add my own knowledge to the pool.

  • choy1280
    Hi! My name is Catherine, I am 31 and live in PA.

    I just started doing 5k's this year. I just, monday, singed up for my first Irongirl Triathlon (sprint) for next year. My sister convinced me that I could do it so I am going to try. I am planing to start really training in the spring, I am most worried about the biking segment. I know I can do all three segments seperately, but putting them all together is something different.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Hi! My name is Catherine, I am 31 and live in PA.

    I just started doing 5k's this year. I just, monday, singed up for my first Irongirl Triathlon (sprint) for next year. My sister convinced me that I could do it so I am going to try. I am planing to start really training in the spring, I am most worried about the biking segment. I know I can do all three segments seperately, but putting them all together is something different.

    the biking is the best!! don't worry about it. just tune up your old bike, and start cruising! and pick up the book by joe friel, "your first triathlon." i was a little worried myself about putting cycling and running back to back, but a few brick work outs has eliminated that out of my mind completely.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Shuntae, 31 years old, and live in MD. I am a runner, but registered for my first sprint tri next August...been waffling about it for over a year, figured it was time to woman up and commit. The swim will be my weakest event, so I really plan to start working on it next month. Looking to take some classes to get my comfort and confidence level up, and then from there I will work on the distance part. Pretty sure I've gone crazy, but I'm really excited for this challenge.

    Look forward to chatting with y'all.
  • copa2251
    copa2251 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, I'm David. I'm 44 and live in Queensland, Australia.
    I got into triathlons last year and have been running and ocean swimming for a few years.
    I'm also a surf lifesaver.
    My main weakness is my cycling but I'm determined to get that sorted in the next 6 months.
    Looking forward to hearing what everyone is getting up to!
  • fitrunnermd
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Shuntae, 31 years old, and live in MD. I am a runner, but registered for my first sprint tri next August...been waffling about it for over a year, figured it was time to woman up and commit. The swim will be my weakest event, so I really plan to start working on it next month. Looking to take some classes to get my comfort and confidence level up, and then from there I will work on the distance part. Pretty sure I've gone crazy, but I'm really excited for this challenge.

    Look forward to chatting with y'all.

    Hi Shuntae. Did you sign up for the Iron Girl in Columbia? I tried to but didn't get tot he website soon enough.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Hi everyone! I'm Britta, a 21 yr old from Arkansas. I was a competitive swimmer all my life until college, then gained almost 30 lbs. Just got to my GW last week. I started doing 5K's last November and did my first sprint tri in June. I did another in August and a team tri in September (I swam). I just finished my first 10K last weekend and am starting half marathon training now. I will definitely do several sprints this spring & summer, we'll see about an Olympic distance. I'm hopefully getting a tri or road bike (still deciding, offer your input between the two please!!!) in December & can't wait! I only have a MTB now so training is kind of tough on that one.

    Feel free to add me, I love my tri friends!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Name: Jana
    Age: 25
    Location: Joplin, MO

    I started running about a year ago and started cycling around July or August of this year. I have a great support system here in Joplin when it comes to running and cycling, so naturally they've talked me in to doing a tri in June of 2012. I'm excited for it and will be joining the Rufus Racing team in January. I look forward to learning a lot from them and from you guys!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Britta, a 21 yr old from Arkansas. I was a competitive swimmer all my life until college, then gained almost 30 lbs. Just got to my GW last week. I started doing 5K's last November and did my first sprint tri in June. I did another in August and a team tri in September (I swam). I just finished my first 10K last weekend and am starting half marathon training now. I will definitely do several sprints this spring & summer, we'll see about an Olympic distance. I'm hopefully getting a tri or road bike (still deciding, offer your input between the two please!!!) in December & can't wait! I only have a MTB now so training is kind of tough on that one.

    Feel free to add me, I love my tri friends!

    I'm originally from Arkansas! Bentonville area. What part of the state are you in?

    Nevermind - read your profile and answered my own question!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    I'm Karen and I live in North Carolina. I am so looking forward to sharing information and learning tips from this group.
    I registered to complete a sprint triathlon last year as a means to motivate me to work out. I completed it in 10/9/11 and loved the experience. I am looking to train hard, reach my goal weight and complete at least 3 events next year, and then move up my distances in 2013. I am still slow in the racing world, but I can do it, and I will only improve with training and more race experience. I want to also start competing in 5K's and would like to complete a 25 mile road race in April to supplement my tri experience
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Shuntae, 31 years old, and live in MD. I am a runner, but registered for my first sprint tri next August...been waffling about it for over a year, figured it was time to woman up and commit. The swim will be my weakest event, so I really plan to start working on it next month. Looking to take some classes to get my comfort and confidence level up, and then from there I will work on the distance part. Pretty sure I've gone crazy, but I'm really excited for this challenge.

    Look forward to chatting with y'all.

    Hi Shuntae. Did you sign up for the Iron Girl in Columbia? I tried to but didn't get tot he website soon enough.

    Yep, that's the's my first and I am SO NERVOUS!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Hi Everyone
    I'm Jen, I live in Ontario, Canada and I'm really a runner, but I did my fist triathlon in the summer of 2010 and had a blast! I did a couple of try a tri's this past summer and one sprint distance. I think it's safe to say I'm now hooked and figure the cross training will only benefit my running. Right now I'm taking a triathlon specific swimming course Monday nights and am still running. I'm looking to get a trainer for my bike so I can continue on with that over the winter too. I'm already looking forward to next summer and trying to figure out which races I want to do....

    Have you heard of Tri Rudy? They are based in Ontario, Ottawa and Thunder Bay mostly. I am on the email list but I'm out on the East coast. He puts on a training camp every year in North Carolina and a few from our club go too. I went last year, it was pretty fun.

    My bio has a bit about my background. About 8 years ago, my sister and I were at the gym and saw an ad for a local race. She made a joke about her swimming and me biking and running. At the time I was running, but nothing serious, she used to be a competitive swimmer (I didn't know at the time we could have actually done that). The same week, my running magazine came in and featured an article on finishing your first sprint triathlon. The seed was planted. I didn't even know how to swim properly and felt was I wasn't in good enough shape. Fast forward 6 years later, in the worst shape of my life (due to an accident), a friend mentioned she was a member of the local master's swim club. I still had the urge to do triathlon and figured it would be a good way to get back in shape, so I joined. The swim club was mostly made up of people in the local tri club. Before the year was out, they had convinced me to do a race. I completed my first sprint distances triathlon (I finished, that was about it), and two more after that. This year I returned to the same first race and took 15 minutes off my time (also 15lbs lighter). Unfortunately, work schedule did not allow for any more races this year.
    I am really lucky to be a member of an amazing triathlon club. They are super supportive, fun and tons of experience. Triathlon Canada recently featured a club profile on us.
    (I am not in the pic, there are quite a few missing, but I think that was at my first race)

    Next year my plans include an Olympic distance for sure. I have three favorite local races I plan to do anytime I am able. HIM is somewhere on the radar, may be the following year. I would love to do an Ironman but can't quite wrap my head around it just yet.

    Feel free to add me, just write a note. Blank ones make me wonder why you added.
  • fitrunnermd
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Shuntae, 31 years old, and live in MD. I am a runner, but registered for my first sprint tri next August...been waffling about it for over a year, figured it was time to woman up and commit. The swim will be my weakest event, so I really plan to start working on it next month. Looking to take some classes to get my comfort and confidence level up, and then from there I will work on the distance part. Pretty sure I've gone crazy, but I'm really excited for this challenge.

    Look forward to chatting with y'all.

    Hi Shuntae. Did you sign up for the Iron Girl in Columbia? I tried to but didn't get tot he website soon enough.

    Yep, that's the's my first and I am SO NERVOUS!

    Since I couldn't get in to the Iron Girl I signed up for the Celebration Triathlon also in Columbia, MD. I plan on taking some swim classes at my local Y to get my stroke technique down and then I will try for distance too. If you aren't aware (and if you live in the Baltimore area) the Baltimore Area Triathlon club ( offers classes on open water swimming and they sponsor training rides and runs during the season. Feel free to friend me. We can keep each other motivated as we train. :smile:
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    Hi, my name is Rae and I'm from Canada.

    Back as a teen I competed in a triathlon for fun and then not again until this past year when I decided I wanted to do another one before my thirtieth birthday. I chronicled the ups and downs in my blog and completed a beginner triathlon this August. Next season (which for us is only the summer because it's way too cold otherwise), I am hoping to do a few more competitions. Since I'll be pretty busy next semester I have not decided which races but I am hoping to include one sprint distance near the end of the season. I was excited to find this group!
  • skiing1313
    skiing1313 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, my name Kirk and live in Iowa,

    I have done1 or 2 triathlons each year for the last several years. A long time ago I swam in college and have been active in the sport ever since. Swimming definitely is my strong event. Both my bike and run need some work. I have found whenever I increase my run mileage I get hurt. I coach swimming for one of the local triathlon clubs and have found I really enjoy doing it. I love watching the group improve over the year. I do the HY-Vee Tri each year and have a goal to finish in the top 10 for my age group next summer. To do this I am going to have to drop a few pounds and focus on my run and bike.

    Any advice or support would be appreciated. I am excited to have found this group.
  • BekJ
    BekJ Posts: 53 Member
    Bek from Perth, Australia here!!!

    I just completed my first Tri a couple of weekends ago and absolutely loved it!!! So definitely many more to come!!
    I did the Pinkie (Breast Cancer Foundation) Long Course; very scary!! I discovered tha tI can't actually swim... So glad it was in a pool... I could take a break every 50m...
    My splits were:
    300m swim 13.46
    10km ride 34:35
    3km run 14:58
    Total - 1:03:20

    I'm in the process of getting swimming lessons and with that, I plan on knocking 15 minutes of my time next year!!!
  • hkulbacki
    hkulbacki Posts: 187 Member
    Name: Heather
    Age: 41
    Location: Pittsburgh, PA

    I did my first 3 duathlons this summer and I'm completely hooked. Have been a runner for a long time but just started racing in 2009 with a couple 1/2 marathons, a few 5K/10Ks, and a 35 mile hike. Then a friend talked me into a road bike in 2010, I did 2 full marathons and basically used the road bike for cross training. In 2011, I tried a bike road race, a criterium, did another marathon, and the duathlons.

    Also each of those 3 years I did one of my favorite races and my first multi-sport event. In conjunction with the Pittsburgh Triathlon we also have an adventure race which substitutes kayaking for the swim portion. The first year on the out-and-back run course, I thought OMG I'm never doing this again! Then I won my age group because the first 2 women in my age group were 1st and 3rd overall for the women, knocking them out of the age group awards. It may have been a win by default, but it was still a win and I had to go back to defend my title the next year LOL This year I came in 6th overall for the women, 11 minutes behind the 1st place finisher but only 2.5 minues behind the 2nd place finisher. I'm striving to give the woman who wins every year a run for her money next year :wink:
  • clari_netter
    clari_netter Posts: 20 Member
    Hello all!
    I'm a swimmer, tolerate biking and hate running - opposite to most people... Did my first (very hilly) half ironman last year and booked in for another in a few weeks, prefer long distance events but rather limited by my complete lack of running ability. Also did a 2500km ish bike ride earlier this year and training for a 10km lake swim - much easier than running 10km!
  • Kilter
    Kilter Posts: 188 Member
    Hello all!
    I'm a swimmer, tolerate biking and hate running - opposite to most people... Did my first (very hilly) half ironman last year and booked in for another in a few weeks, prefer long distance events but rather limited by my complete lack of running ability. Also did a 2500km ish bike ride earlier this year and training for a 10km lake swim - much easier than running 10km!

    There is an ultraman race out here that has a 10km swim on day 1. Its a goal for sometime in the future (5+ years out). The idea of swimming for that long is mind boggling to me.