Welcome to our official group!



  • tegla
    tegla Posts: 132
    Thank you so much for hosting this important group for us, and inviting me. I just turned 47 and in the past 6 months have joined all the women of the world transitioning thru menopause. I am fortunate enough to only be experiencing very abnormal periods for me, (once a month long in July) and hot flashes.

    I've recently started Bikrim Yoga and continuing to try to better my body into a happier healthier place. I think it's starting to work, with my Hashimoto's Thyroid disease I'm not sure what to blame where when or why.

    I look forward to our group of fellow women of the world getting through this together.

    Embrace our womenhood and forge on!
  • annarouni
    annarouni Posts: 127 Member
    Oh, this group thing is nice. I don't have to hunt for buried treasure like on the community page before.
    Let's keep helping each other! :flowerforyou:
  • LegzyK
    LegzyK Posts: 172 Member
    Hello everyone, My name is Karen & I'm 51. Happy to be part of this group. Kudos to Deb for starting this group...I have been in menopause for over three years now, it doesn't seem to want to end for me. I'm sure we can all benefit from each others issues. Good Luck to all & feel free to friends me ladies :flowerforyou:
  • Hiya everyone
    Im michelle, 49 and very much menopausal, infact Im having a hot flush as I type.
    Great to be here with you all.
    Aint the night sweats the worst. Ive been in the menopause for about a year and a half.
    Im new to MFP so anyone who wants a new friend is welcome to add me.
    Stay cool xx:heart:
  • I was hoping there would be a group like this, so thanks for being here!

    I'm 46; I've been perimenopausal since I was 37, experiencing hot flashes and irregular periods since then. I saw my doctor then to be sure it wasn't something related to my thyroid (similar symptoms), and *luckily* it was just perimenopause. I've been period free for 1 year now, and I'm not missing it a bit. I'm a little sad at this transition of my life, but only for a minute really. So at this one year anniversary, I guess I can say I'm in menopause. Cause for celebration for me! Oddly in the middle of this past year of loosing my period, I've found a boyfriend, and thankfully he's a wonderful and insightful man.

    However, the big reason I'm on MFP is due to the weight gain I've experienced since my period stopped. It's not many pounds, but I can see how if I were to keep on this path it could become a lot of pounds! The term Menopause Munchies really resonates for me; now that I have a name, I think I can be more aware of it.

    Thanks again for being here!
  • JaneP2011
    JaneP2011 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks for doing this Debs :heart:

    I'm 45 and think I'm starting peri. The main symptoms for me at the moment are: i) a shortening cycle and ii) bad insomnia in the 2-3 days leading up to the start of my period.

    The second symptom interferes the most with my weight loss plans. When I don't get enough sleep I get terrible carb cravings the next day!

    Good to meet you ladies and hope we can learn from and support each other - even if it's just knowing that other people are going through the same thing..

    Jane x
  • ycc1964
    ycc1964 Posts: 698 Member
    Hello all, I'm glad to be apart of the group.
  • Thanks for setting up the group, Debbie.

    Love the dog!
  • Hi,

    That is totally what I am going through. I have increased my exercise by joining a HC so that I could do resistance exercise. I think that has helped along with keeping my cals between 1200-1400 per day, when I am behaving, lol. I do tend to behave and cannot believe the enormous amount of effort involved in losing weight now. I had my thyroid and insulin levels tested by an endocrinologist, I am fine. Never so disappointed in healthy results in my entire life, lol. Not that I wanted diabetes, I knew I was not diabetic, but thought that I was insulin resistant.

    In any event, I do circuit training 3 days per week plus cardio/treadmill. And try to get in the pool 2-3 days per week to do laps or an hour. After all this effort over a summer, I have only lost 2 pounds. I was told, "be greatful that I am not gaining," small comfort.

    Well good luck to all of us! It is good to know we are not alone. I am taking lipo6 for her, it seems to be the only diet pill that works at all. I took it as a fat burner and found that it suppresses my appetite, only pill that has. I have taken, hydroxycut hardcore, Apedexin, xenedrine, fasten, phentaramine (red pill), none of them worked, and carbo blockers and Alli.

    Please let me know of any pills or supplements that work for you.
  • Thanks so much Deb for starting this group. I feel like the oldest at 60 which is soo strange. I'm usually youngest in everything. Anyway I have 100 pounds I want to lose by May 2012. I'm down 13 so I just keep plugging away at it. Havent been able to walk any last week. Been sick. But startinh monday my sister in law & I try to walk 2 miles then go to curves 5 days a week. Trying to build back up to 5 miles. I just cannot say truthfully I enjoy walking. I dont!! I hate it & I have to force myself every time. I spend every night trying to think of a good excuse to get out of it. But my sister in law , Shirley,... Well lets just say I know exactly where Jillian Michaels went. Shes alive & well in Harmontown Mississippi!! Anyway I wanted to share my best diet ever with all of you..
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Yay great group - nice to meet u all!!

    I am 43 & also experiencing some perimenopausal symptoms. Mainly increased body temperature & get hot facial flushes!! Also get over emotional sometimes!!

    I am married & my hubby laughs as I am always saying I am hot & shedding layers whilst he is usually cold. Alright for him isn't it? Men done have stupid fluctuating hormones throwing their body balance out!! :ohwell:

    He also loses weight really easily - I went up to 154lb by the beginning of the year which is a lot for me. Have managed to lose 14.5lb but still have 14 to go to target. Think it's gonna take me til next year as 6lb went back on over the summer & I keep hitting plateaus which is soooo frustrating & can get very down about that at times, even though I do a lot of running & exercise & am fitter than I was 20 years ago - stupid eh?! I did lose some inches & fat % but even they have stalled!!!

    Always nice to "meet" other women in the same boat!! :flowerforyou:
    I pretty much could have written this myself! I just turned 46 and have been waking up with night sweats for about a year now. I have no trouble falling asleep but inevitably I'm up within a few hours soaked to the skin and having to pee! Then I have a really hard time getting back to sleep. Sappy commercials make me cry! Exercise doesn't seem to help at all. Drinking water only makes me thirstier. I've lost anywhere from 8 - 13 lbs depending on the day. My weight fluctuates that much in any given week. I work out. At least 4 days a week - sometimes 5. I too, am fitter now than i've ever been. I drink 60-80oz of water a day. I just can't seem to break the 150 plateau. It's so frustrating and depressing! But I am going to push through because something's got to give eventually, right?
  • SandraBro03
    SandraBro03 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you so much for setting up this group. I must have been oblivious before because I've just noticed the Groups tab. I'm 47 and in the middle of perimenopause. I can relate to every woman's posting in this group so far and I feel so relieved that I'm not the only one going through this. I didn't realize that my waking up at 4:00 a.m. wide awake was part of the perimenopause. I can't wait to read more messages and receive and also give encouragement to others.

    Thank you!!
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Hello, everyone! I'm Patti and I'm 44. I had a hysterectomy 4 years ago and my body changed so much after that. Weight gain, hot flashes, headaches. Glad to have this group!
  • Wonder if we could get our links combined? So many stories and information on the other link are lost.. Even if we get a link to post here would be helpful.
  • Hi, 47 year old crazy semi-menopausal lady here.
    Injections, surgeries and lots of doctors has driven me to form the conclusion that they don't know $%^&*.
    Anyway, I look forward to meeting and reading and learning from all of you :flowerforyou:
    Always looking for support, I can be mouthy and opionated but am supportive and non judgemental(although some posters disagree)
    I am a vegetarian although I do cook meat for my husband who is ill. I don't preach the lifestyle but am happy to discuss it.
    Please feel free to friend me, just let me know where you saw me so I can TRY and keep it straight.
    I try to be comment as much as I can but my schedule is really hectic and sometimes I can't, but know I'm in it for the long haul and will be here.
  • Hi everyone.

    I am new to this group and the site. I am looking for tips and help for losing weight in menopause. It seems like it is just impossible. I am 36 and hadsurgical induced menopause a year ago.

    I excercise 5-6 days a week and eat very healthy, but my weight doesn't change.


  • I am blog challenged here -- hopefully, I have posted this to the new board (vs. the old board) Third try!

    I suppose I found my group:) Thanks Deb. This stage in life has it's biological challenges for sure. It helps me to remember that there are some upsides that come with the end of my fertile, hormones-a-flowing years. For instance, at last, I can go 2 days without washing my hair and it doesn't look like a grease slick. Shaving my legs and plucking my eyebrows are not required nearly as often as when I was younger. Same with body odor -- even with the sweat that hotflashes bring -- my underarm & general body odor is nearly undetectable -- that was certainly not the case 8 or 9 years ago. And frankly, I prefer my wrinkles to the blemishes that covered my t-zone for 10 days out of every month until I was well into my thirties. Personally, for me, I like the certainty of self that age has brought to me. This notion that my irritable disposition -2 days per month is soley related to my biology and could not possibly be a rational reaction to another's behavior? OH NO, my family, god bless them, knows not to go there. As I explain it to them..... It may appear to you that I am unaffected by your bad manners, lazy habits and other tomfoolery 26 days out of the month, but take heed and beware that during the 1-2 days a month that my biological guages for tolerance and servitude are reading E, those same attitudes/behaviors from you will be met with wrath.
  • gmaanneliese
    gmaanneliese Posts: 41 Member
    Hi all, I am 47 and perimenopausal. No real traumatic symptoms yet. Mostly odd things that make me wonder if they are related. I will say that the lack of a regular TOM is making weight loss difficult. I notice that when I have a cycle I drop four to seven pounds the following week. With the lack of a cycle, plateaus are much more common. Bummed about that.

    Glad to be part of this group.

  • Finally back on the boards after surgery last week and I find this invitation to a new group. It made me feel all warm and sparkly inside, though that may have been a hot flash *grin*

    I'm 36 and have been dealing with perimenopausal symptoms for about two years. Mine are health related as I've had to have my thyroid removed due to cancer. I didn't know how much your thyroid regulated your cycles until I didn't have it anymore. Now I take hormone therapy to even things out, but it doesn't completely rid me of hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings or wacky cycles.

    I'm pleased to be a part of a group who understands the frustration of menopause as well as the frustration of losing weight during menopause.
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    Hi I'm Lisa. Post menopausal and flashing for 11 years. Yeah you read right. Why didn't I do hormones? I don't know but I want those last 11 years back. I kept thinking it would end soon.