Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed) - Week #16



  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I wanted to let yall know that I had surgery tuesday night.. An appendectomy, nothing too serious.. I was discharged last night and I get to stay a few days at home!! But from all the saline I got I think I'm retaining a lot of water; I wasnt able to eat at all tuesday, bc of the CT Scan and then surgery, not until 11pm and I have actually gained 2lbs.. So That sucks!! Hopefully I'll be less by weigh in day!! Hope yall are having a great week!! <3

    Yikes! Glad to hear everything went alright!
  • sfalk1977
    sfalk1977 Posts: 142 Member
    Well I have been battling a cold this week so not much exercise going on in the way of the challenge. I did keep walking my dog so i did move some. I had a great nsv today, when I stepped on my wii this morning it told me I was normal. :flowerforyou: No more groaning every time I step on. I have gone from obese to overweight to:laugh: finally normal.

    That's fantastic! I can't wait to be where you are - not far to go now, just 13lbs!
    Today's challenge completed after doing 30 DS this morning. Rather annoyingly, the scales have gone up two pounds this week and I've been really good with keeping within goal and exercising loads - ah well, I guess it will come off eventually if I keep at it!

  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    CW: 154.0

    Exactly the same as last week... which is good considering the terrible, terrible eating I have done this week.

    I am still an emotional mess. I'm leaving in about one hour and won't be home until Sunday night. I have to spend today and tonight at the hospital for new tests related to this bad news. Then I'm going to drive 3 hours Saturday night to go visit my boyfriend and come home Sunday evening. It's only been 3 or 4 weeks since I've seen him, and I know thanksgiving is in 2 weeks so I'll be seeing him then, but I really just need to keep myself busy and away from reality this weekend.

    I'll still be updating my food, but I can't get on the boards from my phone, so I'll catch up with you all soon.
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    162.7... about 2 lbs. lost, but I think that was over 2 weeks, since i didn't get a real weigh in last week. I hope you all have a great friday and weekend! I am headed to a wedding today. :D
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 527 Member
    Starting to lose hope of making my goal of 199. I'm back up from 214.8 to almost 218 again. :grumble: And that was before I got all grouchy and ate 4 days worth of calories today! Sometimes I think as much as I want to lose this weight in a timely manner, that its just not meant to be. I seem to lose at about half the rate that I "should" be losing...usually because I derail, but sometimes just because this fat is stubborn. Thinking maybe I should have made my goal 210 or something.. (and even that is looking so far away right now).

    All I can do is keep trucking away right?
    I know what it's like to start to lose hope. It's really hard and then, if you are an emotional eater like I am, all you want is food... hence overeating.
    I've been teaching a parenting program, and in it, we discuss the think-feel-do cycle. I just googled it online, and this is used more then just in a parenting program. So, here's how it works:
    1. You encounter an event in your life
    2. That event makes you have some thoughts
    3. Those thoughts will create a feeling
    4. Those feelings will make you act or react a certain way.

    If you can interrupt the cycle in a certain way, by changing your thoughts, you can get a different outcome. I think that is something we all need to focus on. Let me give you an example in my life right now.

    My only dream growing up, has been to become a mother. It's really hard for me, since I have PCOS, which means that my body doesn't always ovulate. (They do say that if you lose weight, people with my condition may start to ovulate again.) So, needless to say, I've taken tons of pregnancy tests and they've all been negative. Here is my usual think feel do cycle.
    1. Event: negative results
    2. thinking: Why??? Why can't I get pregnant when people who don't even want kids, don't even love them pop them out left and right??? Why did I have to be born in this body?? I hate my body!!!
    3. Feelings: Anger, frustration, depression
    4. Do/Actions: Really moody and snappy with everyone, eating whatever I want... not caring about anything... Crying all the time... feeling a lot of self-pity!!!

    Now, keeping all that in mind, today I took a pregnancy test again. This time I was certain that I might be pregnant... I've had all the mood swings (hormonal imbalance). I just felt pregnant. It's hard to explain. When I took the test, it showed up as negative... but for the first time ever, I changed my thought pattern.
    1. Event: Negative test results
    2. Thoughts: Maybe I just took the test too early, next time it will show up... Maybe I need to lose a little more weight first. Maybe God wanted me to make sure that my body was healthy enough to take care of that baby
    3. Feelings: a little sadness, but mostly hope and motivation
    4. Actions: I'm going to go and complete my daily exercise challenge, eat something healthy and keep positive. I can't give up on my dream.

    I don't know if this helps any, but I hope it does. This think-feel-do cycle helped me!
  • Cmuehe
    Cmuehe Posts: 40 Member
    Azeria - I know you are going through a rough time, but your positive thought cycle will help you get through it.

    Jenn - I am on vacation and I just can't tell you how awesome it feels. I have never had a vacation like this. I'm in the Florida Keys and it's so amazing. I feel so relaxed. *sigh*

    So, I'm not weighing in this week, but i will be next week. I just wanted you to know that I'm not dropping out, I'm just not near a scale, not doing any major working out this week, and won't be home until Monday morning.

    Everybody, have a great week and keep on keepin on!

  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 527 Member
    Thanks, but my spirits are up this time. I changed my thinking cycle and feel better.

    I wanted to report that I did complete the daily exercise yesterday (Thursday) and just finished for today (Friday). My body is sore, and knees are hurting, but I am pushing myself because this is important to me. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to make my knees feel better?
  • Hey guys I've been a little mia this week. Jenn I'm so sorry i haven't done the physical challenge at all yet, but I did walk for like 5 hours straight yesterday, so that counts for something :-). Was hoping to get a good bit if Christmas shopping done yesterday, but 2 presents is better than none. I'll tell you what though I did have a pretty good workout yesterday. My mom asked me to pick her up 2 fleur de lis metal yard ornaments that are knee high. Well I swear I had to carry both of them at least a mile to the car and they were heavy to begin with and the more I walked the heavier they got. I can feel the sore muscles in my arms from them. Then I had to go all the way back and help my grandmother carry all of her bags to the car as well.

    Hope everyone is having a good Friday !
  • Still the same here! no weight change
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    I am just gonna say the same..I did not weigh in this morning and I really am not going to until next friday, I have had a rough week. My grandfather has passed away and he was more of my father then my father so I have been lazy and not eaten or eaten alot it has just been a bad week. I will be back next week promise :flowerforyou: Hope you all are doing well...
  • Nita_Bita
    Nita_Bita Posts: 136 Member
    CW = 166.2 :))
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    I am just gonna say the same..I did not weigh in this morning and I really am not going to until next friday, I have had a rough week. My grandfather has passed away and he was more of my father then my father so I have been lazy and not eaten or eaten alot it has just been a bad week. I will be back next week promise :flowerforyou: Hope you all are doing well...

    I'm sorry about your grandfather's passing. I hope you're surrounded by people who love you, and that you cam remember all the good times you had with him. He'll always be with you!

    Sending you lots of hugs...
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Thanks, but my spirits are up this time. I changed my thinking cycle and feel better.

    I wanted to report that I did complete the daily exercise yesterday (Thursday) and just finished for today (Friday). My body is sore, and knees are hurting, but I am pushing myself because this is important to me. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to make my knees feel better?

    Put ice on them (not directly on the skin) for 10mins 3x/day for a couple of days or until they're not longer sore. Don't overdo it in future workouts--you don't want to end up with an injury!

    Glad to hear you're feeling better :)
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    CW: 149.2:happy: :happy:
    Yay i am in in the 140s and less than 10 pounds to my goal
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    CW 184.3 :noway: :frown: I will have a BIG loss next week! I have to get going.....funeral today:sad: I wonderful man I worked with my age with young kids..... cancer. So this will be a long day....I was busy and eating like crap yesterday ..but it was fun!!! Today back to business and that's the way it should be!!!!:bigsmile:

    I look forward to catching up with you all over the weekend!! QUESTION... now that we are a group....will we have a new tread or will this just continue?????

    Have aGreat Day :heart: :heart:
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    CW: 186.8
    3.2 lb wt loss. Yeah. I weighed about a lb lower than that at home...but am going to use my official WW weigh in. Am putting the scale away at home so I can't weigh past this has made me upset with various time to be done with that for a while with me. WW going well. For once I want it to be said of me..."there is no where to go but down"!!!! At least weight wise!
    Have a great weekend all.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Wt today: 186.8

    Down 3.6lbs, yay! :smile:
  • cw 176.9
    Not to much the past few weeks :( So much crazy in my life right now im not sure why I havent lost my mind yet :( Oh well!
    Got 30 day shred ...starting Monday morning...still have to lose 16.9 lbs to reach second goal....

    Hope everyone is doing good!
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    Wt today: 186.8

    Down 3.6lbs, yay! :smile:
    Yeah Pinkita...we are weight twins...too funny, the same weight to the ounce!!!
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Wt today: 186.8

    Down 3.6lbs, yay! :smile:
    Yeah Pinkita...we are weight twins...too funny, the same weight to the ounce!!!

    It almost looked like a double post. Congratulations to both of you on your 3+ pound losses.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: