


  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    I just joined this group, and I'm glad to be here. I usually exercise everyday and rest on Sun. I normally drink at least 8 glasses of water. I look forward to the interaction.

    Hi ehunte! Welcome!

    We have challenges running and are just nearing the end of the last one. Here is the link

    Although we are finishing up you can add your name so it rolls over to the next challenge.
    Nice to meet you :smile:
  • Shellitz
    Shellitz Posts: 188
    I like the pushing the ab crunches thing. I am TERRIBLE at ab workouts and avoid them like the plague. This might make me less of a whimp.

    Also - I thought maybe as a side challenge we could make an effort to try one new form of exercise we haven't done before every week. If it's a new class, a diffferent type of dvd that you wouldn't normally do, try swimming or walking outdoors if you are an inside gym workout doesn't really matter what it is - as long as it's new for you.

    Just thought it might be a good way to shake everyone's routines up and who knows...we might all find a new workout that we love and motivates us further!
  • vbll
    vbll Posts: 1
    hello all,
    I'm finally using the website lol idk when i signed up but im new to all of tihs, what is the challenge for this week
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,794 Member
    I'm checking in a day late! (What? She's late? No surprise there!). As of Friday evening I got my 150 minutes of exercise in. But not a minute more. (I'd been sick) Didn't do as well with my water. Only 49 glasses, that's 392 ounces! I don't know why I had so much trouble with water. I'll just have to try harder.

    Hope everyone had a great week.
  • SpitfireStacey
    SpitfireStacey Posts: 158 Member
    Need to go add myself to the challenges but I just wanted to come and comment on those who struggle with water. I used to struggle to get my water in but I got myself a reusable water bottle at Target. The bottle is totally spill proof, has an open hole so it's not a "sports" top you have to suck to get water out, just like a bottle hole, and it holds 24-30oz. I fill it up and sip it and then fill it up again. It also has a sliding counter just under the lid and you can put the marker on the number of refills you've had today and keep track that way. Each bottle is 3 cups of water. Drink one in the morning, one at lunch and one with dinner and you've got all your water + some for the day! I tend to drink way more water with this bottle (15cups yesterday) but It helped me start slow and get in my minimums at first.

    Here it is: (mine is purple)

    My struggle? exercise. Hate.It. Wont even try to get 150 mins of exercise this week lol
  • SpitfireStacey
    SpitfireStacey Posts: 158 Member
    Hi! I can't find what I'm supposed to do to join in the challenges / add my info! I followed the link posted earlier - can I just edit that doc by myself? I am clueless!!

    5ft, 148, GW 120... what else? lol
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    You sure can, everyone had editing abilities on the spreadsheet just add to the first line available. :happy:

    Thanks for the info on the water bottle, I think I'll be picking one up!
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Um okay, I know I'm a co-leader of the group but I just want to say.... *takes deep breath*... this is hard for me to say. I CAN'T stand this November challenge! Thanks to what happen to me this month, I felt like a lazy @$$ for not getting my exercise mins since before I would get a good amount of mins in a week aaaaand some days I just can't drink more than 6 glasses. I feel like I will bust if I even take another sip sometimes. I must say... I can't wait til this challenge is over! That is all. Proceed.

    Hi babe. It's been a Looooong challenge that's for sure. Don't feel bad, until we do the challenges we don't know do we? For me, this challenge has been too long and not 'zippy' enough. I want to keep myself and others motivated and a month long challenge lends itsself to taking the foot off the gas a bit.

    What do you think of my suggestion above? Any ideas yourself for the next one??

    That's sounds pretty good, I've slacked on the sit-ups and push-ups... well in a way. I've actually been scolded for doing them by my chiropractor. Man, for being 25 I sure have a lot of health issues :laugh: I'll get back to everyone if I have any ideas. Anyone else can also come up with challenges don't forget!
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 406 Member
    Hey guys, just joined the other day! I'm 5'1", and been hanging around the 130's for what seems like forever. I'd really love to get down to 125 or lower, but one pound at a time for now :) Water is really hit and miss for me. Some days I'll drink 1 glass, and others I'll have 10. If I start drinking, usually I continue drinking since I'll start feeling super parched.

    I finished the 30DS at the beginning of this month, and it feels almost impossible to get back into anything after. I went for one bike ride a couple days ago, but that's it. I just started a new job working at a bakery, and oh boy it's physically challenging. Each day I'm aching from using my shoulders and arms much more than usual, and lots of heavy lifting (50lb bags of flour, sugar, etc.). I guess on some level that counts as exercise?
  • alanaosu
    alanaosu Posts: 85 Member
    Count me in. How do I 'check in' to show I've done this? I only joined the group today so can't start until the morning!

    I'm 5'2.5" and 135lbs. Petite frame with big boobs and hips! The hips are going!!!
  • I was wondering when the next challenge will begin? I just started today and I love this group!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    I'm getting back on track for this challenge finally.

    As for next month, I'm still in favor just upping our own abilities. So crunches/push ups sound amazing to up the ante only against our own personal bests.
    Likewise, doing one new activity a week. We could start a new discussion and each week post what it was and the pros and cons of it as we see it. I never would have done weight training if I had read about it from a woman in another group I partake in. Getting us out of our routines, expanding our fitness experience, is sometimes just the thing to break plateaus or find a new love.
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Hi guys and welcome to all the newbies. There is a spread sheet here
    that we are using to log our challenges.

    Please add your name noting that you are new and we can roll it over to the next spreadsheet.
    I'm going to message laloquita with my proposal and ideas for the next challenge, but by all mean, if anyone else has any ideas please let laloquita know...reason being that i won't be here for the next 4 days so won't be able to action anything.

    Have a good weekend all xx
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Hey everyone!

    If you're in the challenge don't forget to log your information. We will begin the next challenge on Monday. Hopefully that will help since sometimes people forget to log on Friday's. I'm sure it's the excitement from the weekend beginning. :happy:

    The next challenge will be a sit-ups and push-ups challenge. Starting Monday begin with whatever you are able to tolerate and for 14 days increase your sit-ups and push-ups by at least one or two and see what number you are up to by day 14. If you are unable to do a full sit-up or push-up, accommodations are just fine. We don't want anyone hurting themselves. If you need to you can take a day or two of rest if you are unable to increase your number. So for example, if you start off with 5 push-ups and increase by 1 with no rest days, by the end of the challenge you can be up to 18 push-ups! Good luck closing out this challenge and beginning the next one! :drinker:
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 219 Member
    Hey everyone!

    If you're in the challenge don't forget to log your information. We will begin the next challenge on Monday. Hopefully that will help since sometimes people forget to log on Friday's. I'm sure it's the excitement from the weekend beginning. :happy:

    The next challenge will be a sit-ups and push-ups challenge. Starting Monday begin with whatever you are able to tolerate and for 14 days increase your sit-ups and push-ups by at least one or two and see what number you are up to by day 14. If you are unable to do a full sit-up or push-up, accommodations are just fine. We don't want anyone hurting themselves. If you need to you can take a day or two of rest if you are unable to increase your number. So for example, if you start off with 5 push-ups and increase by 1 with no rest days, by the end of the challenge you can be up to 18 push-ups! Good luck closing out this challenge and beginning the next one! :drinker:

  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I'm in!
  • Hi everyone....i have just logged my challenge details for this week and am not sure if I have done the right thing or not and also filled in the grand total page.....hope this was ok...
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,794 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm actually logging on time for once! I drank 54c of water and exercised 150 minutes. I have got to regain my motivation. This morning I weighed 189lbs so I'm still losing. That's a positive. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving. But am somewhat apprehensive too.

    Not sure about the next challenge. I have never in my life (even when skinny) been able to do a push-up. And as for crunches--well I'm just about as round as I am tall! Oh well I'll never be able to do them if I don't try.

    Have a great weekend!
  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    I'm not sure if I understand this next challenge. Are we logging the total number of pushups and situps we do each week? Or are we logging the highest number of pushups and situps we were able to do in a row at some time during the week?

    Over the summer I was really working on my pushups. I went from only being able to do 10 in a row to being able to do 50 in a row. I'm excited to get back into this again! Here is a little bit of advice though: DO THEM EVERY OTHER DAY. You really need the day of rest in between so that your muscles get a chance to repair.

    And do you mean sit-ups or crunches? Maybe I'll try to do a sit-up or two since I find them IMPOSSIBLE. I guess that would be a really good challenge for me :) (I can do tons of crunches in a row!)
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    I'm not sure if I understand this next challenge. Are we logging the total number of pushups and situps we do each week? Or are we logging the highest number of pushups and situps we were able to do in a row at some time during the week?

    Over the summer I was really working on my pushups. I went from only being able to do 10 in a row to being able to do 50 in a row. I'm excited to get back into this again! Here is a little bit of advice though: DO THEM EVERY OTHER DAY. You really need the day of rest in between so that your muscles get a chance to repair.

    And do you mean sit-ups or crunches? Maybe I'll try to do a sit-up or two since I find them IMPOSSIBLE. I guess that would be a really good challenge for me :) (I can do tons of crunches in a row!)

    Okay, when you start the challenge on Monday (let's pretend a week is considered "4 days"), say you can do 1 push up, the next day you increase by 2 push ups, the next 2 push ups, and the fourth day you increase by 1. So by the "4 day" week you are now up to 6 push ups.

    On the spreadsheet with this example, you will put in the number you can do on the first day which would be 1 and then the next Monday you put what you are at, which would be 6. You will also include your average increase which was an increase by 2. That's all you need to log just to find out how many you are up to by the 14th day.

    I'm not sure if that explanation made it more confusing, hopefully it helped. Just let me know!

    Btw, you can do sit-ups, crunches, doesn't matter... accommodations are just fine. Everyone should use their own judgment .