Week Two



  • DoncasterPhotography
    eeeeek!!!! W3D1 Done and dusted yesterday. OMG!! the first three minutes wasnt feeling too bad... Till "Laura" pipes up and says.... "Well done, you're half way through" WHAT THE HECK!!! I was kinda hoping that i'd done.... Funny how 3 minutes seems longer, when you're being forced to use every oriface to take in oxygen!!!

    Was kinda pleased when, during the second 3 mins, she popped up and said "only 60 seconds left" WOOHOO!!
  • RunLiftEat
    RunLiftEat Posts: 213 Member
    Just got in for completing W2D2. Got 0 sleep last night and am surprised I made it with a smile on my face considering I've been up for 24 hrs. My HR was 18 - 20 BPM lower for the most part, and went to 13 BPM lower on the final stretch that all my previous outings. HR also dropped faster switching to walking. Now I feel awake and energized!
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    W2D1 this morning was great! I could not believe it, I went for 2 full minutes a couple of times! It's amazing how quickly you can gain endurance, I am impressed with myself :bigsmile:
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    Yesterday evening did W2 D1 @7.5 i honestly thought i was gona quit, especially on the last run. My legs were beginning to feel like jelly and as i was thinking to myself ive got to stop when the ear piece of my ipod said "you can slow down now" OMG was I glad to hear that voice I just cant imagine myself doing the 5k though but having said that if anyone would have told me that this week i would be running on a treadmill i would have said JOG ON lol

    you run at 7.5?!?!?! omfg I would die. and most DEFINITELY fall off my treadmill.

    On the last running segment i thought i was going to fold in half and flop down and get shot off the end of the treadmill LOL
    im about to go to the gym to do W2D3 but im dreading next week with 3 min runs :sad:
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    I completed W2D1 yesterday. It was a little more difficult than I expected after the first couple of sessions of week 1 going so well. I did complete every run without stopping to rest except as prescribed, so that is definitely a plus. I am hoping that it gets better throughout the week rather than worse. I am going to try doing my run in the a.m. rather than the evening to see if that helps.

    If you do not use a treadmill, how do you know how fast you are running?
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 630 Member
    I did Week 2, Day 2 at 5AM! I had to be to work early today, so I had to head out about 1/2 hr earlier than normal. I downloaded an APP on my iPod, so I ran with that. I've been doing more sets of intervals and the APP only does 6(which is what the plan calls for) so it seemed quite easy to me.

    As far as morning versus evening workouts, for me......it has to get done in the morning or it doesn't get done! I ran a 5k in September and it didn't start till 8PM......as you can imagine, I didn't do very well. I worked all day and then stood around waiting for the start. Ugh! I finished, but my time was not good. No matter, I finished and I earned the t-shirt! :laugh:

    I'm already concerned about Week 3.....and 4........and 5..... :noway:
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    Just completed W2D2. Did a lot of hills today. Next week is three minute runs? Yikes--I have my doubts.
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    Absolutely failed miserably yesterday W2D3 3rd running segment from the end and im in agony with shin splints, slowed to a walk but eventually had to stop ....................I was so pi###d off as things had been going so well I vented my anger on the cross trainer, static bike and weights, ive just walked home from work at a very brisk pace and shins seem ok so I may try again tomorrow at W2D3
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    Completed W2D2 today. I was successful in that I completed the session in its entirety; however, the last 10 to 15 seconds of the last 3 runs were extremely difficult to complete.

    I discovered that my problem with completing the 90 seconds was not my muscles wanting to give out, but me not being able to control my breathing. Anyone know how we are supposed to be breathing? Sounds like a stupid question now that I write it out, but I really think this will be the key for me....
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 630 Member
    The breathing rhythm will come with practice. I kind of do a 4 count 1(exhale) 2, 3, 4(inhaling). YMMV. Also remember that in order to get good air in, you've got to get the "old" air out. Make it a point to periodically exhale forcefully as if you were blowing out the candles on a cake. That will help empty your lungs of the stale air making room for fresh!

    I'm hardly an expert, but these are some things that have worked for me.

    Good luck!
  • jacobhammond
    W2D2 finished today. It was a bit tougher than day one because my legs were still tired from biking at the gym the night before (and I didn't stretch beforehand... probably should start doing that), but overall I'm liking week two better than week one because the time seems to go by faster. Not sure why. Maybe running is just getting a bit easier, though the 90-second runs are still tough.

    Trying to work my way up to be able to run a two-mile Thanksgiving Day run! It won't be easy but should be doable if I stick with it.
  • SHAUNA71904
    I am doing week 2 day 2 today! wish me luck because day 1 of this week kicked my rump! :o) I did some major google searches and found that a lot of people repeated weeks that were hard, so this week might be a repeat for me! but at 4pm today I will be running!
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 630 Member
    Week 2 finished! On to Week 3!! I really enjoyed my early morning run today. I have the iPod app and when she would tell me that I only had 15 seconds left to run, I would kick it up a notch and finish that 15 seconds as if I was nearing the finish line of a race! Fun!!

    See you in Week 3!!
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Starting week 3 tonight! I have been a little lax about keeping to the schedule so I spent a little more timeon week 2, but I feel good after 90 secons and I am on to the next week.

    Keep running everyone!
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    Finally cracked week 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK I did struggle on the last run, but I did manage to finish so maybe I will stick with W2 for another week or two if needed (shin splints are a bind)
    I haven't run since probably in my school days and have been inspired by some and encouraged by others on here
    I'm going to book a treadmill session with a running shoe fitter to analyse my gait and get fitted properly
    and then who knows ? I don't want to be an athlete, just loose my weight and be a healthier person :bigsmile:
  • RunLiftEat
    RunLiftEat Posts: 213 Member
    Week two is in the history books. Started off a little rough, I think due to the cold weather. After second run interval, it was smooth sailing. I eagerly await week 3!!!
  • SHAUNA71904
    Day 2 of week 2 was rough... I started off with a near 2 mile walk at the park then home for my treadmill workout! I found it easier than day 1 but am still thinking that I will do a repeat of this week. I just want to make sure thatI am confident before moving on to the next. But I am so happy I have gotten this far
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    Day 2 of week 2 was rough... I started off with a near 2 mile walk at the park then home for my treadmill workout! I found it easier than day 1 but am still thinking that I will do a repeat of this week. I just want to make sure thatI am confident before moving on to the next. But I am so happy I have gotten this far

    Stay open minded! Sometimes it takes the full 3 days to become acclimated to the new level. Also, I found it easier in the later weeks (W3 and W4) because there were fewer runs to complete and longer recovery periods. I remember not being confident at all for week 3 but then completing it and being sooo extremely proud of myself. I have restarted the program and hope I have the same success again!
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    Did D1W3 this morning I was going to wait until Monday as I was nervous of the 3min run, but having been out last night with my mates watching rugby and drinking I did feel a bit guilty this morning so instead of going to the gym I went on the nearby cycle track that I used for walking on the start of my journey in the spring
    It was hard but I think being out side rather than a treadmill helped a lot as i paced myself rather than the treadmill pacing me and me trying to keep up with it :bigsmile:
  • Devonanne
    Devonanne Posts: 102 Member
    Just did W2D1 yesterday..it was rough. Mostly because I was at my parents' place and was running on a very hilly trail so it was much harder than it would have been on flat! Got through it but the last run segment was super hard..I couldn't have done another one haha. Think I'll probably do Day 2 on a treadmill this week since the weather is yucky, and focus on speed rather than hills this time.