Ravenclaw Common Room



  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Everyone can have a bad day every so often, and honestly, it can sometimes be really good for your weight loss because your body starts to think it doesn't need to hold on so tightly. I would not recommend doing it often, of course, but it never hurts to indulge and enjoy yourself when you have the right occasion. At least, that's my way of thinking. :)

    So far this week I've done pretty well with not snacking on anything other than veggies when I get home, and I'm hoping this will be long enough to make me stick with it. Yay for challenges! Also doing pretty decent on the 30 minutes per day, which is a pretty nice accomplishment for me.

    I have my doubts that this weigh-in will be spectacular due to other issues and bad timing, but either way, as long as I don't gain too much, I'll be thrilled.

    Looking forward to Thanksgiving next week! Not only do I get the day off (:D), but I'm going to let myself enjoy it. I doubt I'll eat as much as I ever have, and I won't be losing my mind with it, but I'm going to eat what I want and be full. Maybe I'll take a walk with my parents that night. :)
  • nieme
    nieme Posts: 52 Member
    I agree it's good for your mind to indulge once in a long while!

    It's Friday already? Where does time go. I seem to have less and less free time to come online during the day.
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Another successful day with the food challenge! Tomorrow is a big day, and it starts at 7am. I hope I have enough energy to make it. Have a good night!
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    I am weighing in at 101 Ibs today, I am not sure how many OWLS that I have gotten and I have 490 House Points.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    Happy Saturday Ravenclaw!! interesting day yesterday. i got pulled to my old department yesterday d/t their short staffing. it was crazy busy so the boss bought pizza since no on could go for lunch break. i didn't eat any and i also avoided the wonderful looking brownies someone brought in. was sorta nice to be with my old coworkers again. i didn't have time for a workout after work before my dinner plans unfortunately. i suppose i didn't do all that badly with dinner compared to what i used to do, but went WAY over and didn't even attempt to calculate calories. another blown weigh in tomorrow i suppose. had a really nice evening and really did enjoy the dinner (cup of french onion soup, crab cake salad, home made fries, 2 light beers :drinker: ).
    off for yet another fresh start this week :grumble:
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Psb13, perhaps your body over compensated because you skipped lunch. I have this problem sometimes, which is why I pack extra healthy snacks just in case I need them. Good job on resisting the brownies.

    Today's weigh in: 330.4
    house points: 120
    food OWL: 4 (no food after 9pm)
    exercise OWL: 7 (butt clenches, 30 reps 3x a day)
    spirit OWL: 7

    Now I only get 1790 calories to eat, when I was having difficulty with 1850. I'm off, busy day.

    Happy Saturday everyone!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Good morning Ravenclaw and happy Saturday! I did fairly well last week with my after lunch snacking - until yesterday. :grumble: Lots of various treats in the office and then a baby shower. None of the treats that I ate were very satisfying, so I don't understand why I continue to sabotage my efforts with them. The good news is, with my successes the rest of the week, I lost the weight that I had regained last week!

    Today's weigh in: 151.5
    food: 5
    exercise: 5
    spirit: 6
    OWLs: 16
    House Points: 190

    Yikes! I just realized that I haven't posted this week's challenges!! I'll do that next...
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    November Week 4 House Challenges
    Food: In the states, this is the week of the Thanksgiving holiday - typically filled with lots of good food and overeating. So, the food challenge this week is to make sure that for each meal or plate you have be sure to have a portion of healthy veggies with it. That way you'll fill up with healthier food rather than just stuffing yourself. (thank you Korkster for this challenge) **Note: the USDA recommends that you fill 1/2 of your plate with fruits and veggies and 1/2 with protein and grains.

    Exercise: Since this will be a busy week for many of us, the exercise challenge is the make sure you fit at least 1/2 hour of some kind of exercise into each day even if you don't have time for a full workout. For instance, if you'll be visiting with friends and family all day or spending Thanksgiving on the couch watching football, try doing 6 5-minute bursts throughout the day or taking 3 10-minute walks.

    You can start on these challenges after you weigh in. Have a good weekend Ravenclaw!!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Great job with the challenges, guys! Good ways to help keep us on track. Just stopping by to say hello before I start my workout and then start sorting clothes and getting some laundry and other housework done (woo, fun day, yeah? lol). Weigh-in tomorrow for me, but good luck to everyone!

    And congrats again, Sue, on your loss!

    (p.s. In the spirit of thankfulness, I'm terribly thankful for you and everything you do to keep us moving and informed. You're the best!)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Announcements from the Great Hall:
    Ok, guys! Here's the results for Week 2!


    Slytherin won the Quidditch Match for this week!

    Hufflepuff's still in the lead for the House Cup!

    Great work in all the Houses! It was really close in some areas :)

    **New solutions are still in the works for our Prefect Badges and House/Quidditch Cups. Feel free to post suggestions in the 'Signatures' thread here in our group (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/399124-signatures).

    Keep up the great work, everyone! And welcome again to all the new students! We love having you <3

    And thanks Kelly :flowerforyou:
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which means its a new week for me and by golly I'm going to kick this week's BUTT!

    Today's Stats:
    exercise (30 minutes)- +1
    Food (veggies at every meal)- +1
    Spirit- +1
    House Points- 60

    Weekly Stats:
    OWLS- 3
    House Points- 60
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 277 Member
    Im excited for this up coming weeks challenges. I dont know why I never think of doing some sprint exercises when my life gets to busy for an hour work out. This week is gona be good.
  • It was such a busy day that I almost forgot to check in. I hope everyone had a good Saturday!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Looks like we're gonna need to recruit some serious exercisers, up our own efforts, or keep better tallies on the walking and other misc. activities we do. We're trailing by quite a lot in house points compared to the others.

    Maybe it's our bookworm nature? >.> *is looking for excuses*
  • nieme
    nieme Posts: 52 Member
    I've been SWAMPED at work and school so I have completely thrown exercise by the wayside. I have kept up with food though.

    Weekly weigh-in:

    Weight: 143.5
    Owls: 7
    House Points: 50

    I promise to have more house points next week... it will be much easier since I have no papers due and 2 days off from work!!
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Had a loss for the week. Down to 132.2.....was hoping to have a loss before next weeks holiday lol.

    Food:7 (I was a good girl and logged everyday what I ate lol)
    Spirit:2 (Trying to get back on track. Doing better but....still have work to do lol)

    Total OWLs: 12
    House Points: 195
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Hi guys, weighing in at 63kg / 138.8lb today.

    Yay! Finally a loss :). I think it might be because I'm sick at the moment, but whatever, I'll take it :wink:. It also brings me past my 10kg lost mark which was my initial goal when I started on MFP. :D

    I got my first noticing moment (I can't figure out how to phrase that better lol) last weekend as well - haven't seen my cousin since June and she was like "OH MY GOD! You've lost so much weight!" :happy:. That felt good. I've had a couple of friends say something, but I've talked to them about being on a diet and they see me all the time, so it was nice to hear that it's noticeable from someone who hasn't seen me in a while.

    Anyway, I now intend to get down to about 53kg... which is about 22.5 on my BMI. So, I'm hoping that I can get to that by next Christmas. I'm well aware by now that weight loss is a slow process for me and the key is persistence. And I'm cool with that, because I've actually reached the point where I'm really happy with my body now. I don't feel gross or like I'm busting out of all my clothes, which is where I was at when I started on MFP, I've actually gone down a size, and I'm just ~comfortable. I've realised that me continuing on and aiming to lose another 10kg is more about health than appearance and that's a nice realisation to come to :smile: .

    I'll be participating in the challenges and so on for this week as well, now that I'm feeling better and I'm done with uni for the year as well.
  • Happy Sunday my fellow Ravenclaws!

    Another busy day for me, need to tidy up the house and do some family visiting today. My weigh-in is tomorrow morning so I'll check in with all my stats then.

    I hope everyone has a great day!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Honestly, I'm *really* pleased with this week's results. I didn't hit my mark every day for my challenges, but I only missed two days of each, which isn't bad at all. AND, I genuinely thought I'd either gain or just maintain this week, and I actually lost a good amount of weight! Woooo! Now the trick to reach my monthly goal is trying to lose .7 pounds in 11 days....with two Thanksgiving dinners in the middle...

    Weigh-in: 230.6 (down by 2.4 - woot!)
    House Points: 287
    OWLs: 15
    Spirit: 5
    Food: 5
    Exercise: 5
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    Hi Ravenclaws!

    Here is my weigh in, end of TOM, so my weight is still at 216.8 Sigh, still have water weight, rings are tight.

    House Points= 505

    Owls, Excersise 7 did 20 burpees a day
    Food, 0, too swamped at work, and did not read challenge until later in the week. Also had a bood food week, the worst since joing MFP. It is amazing I did not gain weight.
    Sprit - I think I checked in at least 3 times, so total
    Owls = 10