say a little about your thyroid issues

Hi there I am 25 with hypothyroidism and PCOS. I have gained weight over the past few years due to bad diet and too much sleep. I have now started medication, low calorie diet and daily workouts. I have so far lose about 30 pounds since my highest weight. I am not yet in a "healthy" weight range yet but I am getting there.


  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Hi Im Luan I have under active thyroid and have been trying to keep it under control and get my weight down. I am on 150mgs of levothyroxine and I have been diagnosed for 7 years now. I do think it makes weight loss a little harder but with commitment and motivation I have been losing weight every week. I am really pleased with the way things are going. x
  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    Hi There,
    My name is Linda, i was diagnosed with hypothyroidism almost 10 years ago.
    Things have been pretty stable until recently, I think major life stresses have knocked my whole system out of kilter.

    Recent bloods show lower than normal TSH and high Cholesterol, the GP is uncomfortable changing my meds, so i am going to see a endocrinologist tomorrow. Its been 5 years since i felt the need to see a specialist.

    I have made a list of how I am feeling so I hope he has comfy chairs. Looking over the WWW lately i have found it very confusing as there is so much conflicting information, so i think it's just a matter of finding what works for you.

    Just about the only thing I don't blame this condition for is my weight, i am fat because I eat crap and hate exercise. Since joining MFP that at least is improving slightly.

    So at the moment i am pretty low, not sleeping, hair falling out, brittle nails, grumpy, weepy, fly off the handle at the slightest thing, no interest in husband, cannot concentrate, tired all the time, i actually fell asleep at the dinner table last night. I would not say i am depressed but i sure am not happy.

    Hears hoping things get back on track soon before i get the sack.
    I almost forget what a normal life is like.

  • FollowThatUnicorn
    FollowThatUnicorn Posts: 200 Member
    I was diagnosed with a thyroid disorder when I was in my early teens. I had an overactive one at the time and was underweight, always cold, and couldn't sleep. My doctor at the time never tried to regulate me, or bring me up to "normal", he just maintained where I was.

    When I was around 20, my new doctor decided to not only bring me to "normal" but to swing it the other way. I started gaining weight and was no longer cold all the time and my depression kicked up.

    Pretty much since then, he's just been maintaining me with an underactive thyroid.

    I went for an appointment with him yesterday, and he said my thyroid is barely functioning. Keep in mind, I haven't been to see him in a year and a half because I have to pay out of pocket for bloodwork even though I have insurance. He is increasing my daily medication from 150mcg to 175mcg. I will take the new dosage for a month, go back and get new bloodwork and then go see him again.

    I knew something was wrong because I've been gaining weight like crazy. It's not uncommon for me to gain 5 pounds in a week. I had gained over 30 pounds in the year and a half since I had been to him. I am at my heaviest weight ever. My depression is also very bad. All I want to do is sleep, I have zero energy or motivation.

    I'm a little confused as to how it basically stopped functioning if I was taking my medication each morning, and I don't know how that little increase in dosage will help fix things, but I will do what he says.

    I should also note in my latest blood work that my TSH is 34.600 when I've been told the Reference Range is 0.400-4.000
  • jazzijessica
    jazzijessica Posts: 12 Member
    ok heres another question since i have gotten so much useful info here. I have a bad thyroid and the med they have me on seems to do nothing. have been on meds about 5 yrs now and they increase it every year because my levels are always low. Does anyone know any home rememdies I can do to help with this
  • I have heard (no medical research to note) that coconut oil is suppose to help ones thyroid.
    Weight loss and a raw diet. I highly suggest watching fat sick and nearly dead. He had an issue and really helped it with juicing. At least it helped his weight issues. I would suggest moderation.
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    I cant see your diary, but maybe providing what an average food day is like might help ?

    ETA: I forgot to quote the original post, sorry!

    But I guess I could also share my own story here. Im 18 years old, and have been diagnosed with a thyroid condition since I was 11. I did gain a substantial amount of weight in the period where I was unmedicated, but once on the prescription the weight seemed to fall off (almost). Ive never been obese, but always just outside the normal range. Or at least WAS always just outside the normal range. Two summers ago I took the initiative to make healthier and smarter choices. I lost 30 pounds putting me right smack dab in the middle of the healthy range. I switched my goals from weight loss to muscle gain and I can honestly say Ive never felt better.

    While my thyroid has been a pain (we work a little harder than most have to ;) ) Ive literally grown up with it, and made decisions accordingly. Ive learned sweets, and a super high carb diet do nothing for me. I find my body responds best to less processing. Its been a little tough starting school this fall. My work load has been super intense (silly me couldnt decide between math or science so I decided to major in both ! ), and stress is my one major downfall. The past few weeks I had to pull myself out of a slump, but since I re-focused myself, all my old habits have been setting right back in to place. Im a firm believer that people with thyroid conditions love to use it as an excuse rather than a motivator. For me, I take it as an experience. IF I can do it in the worst of metabolic conditions, than surely anyone can :) Its not easy, but no one said it would be !
  • jroseonline
    jroseonline Posts: 45 Member
    hey everyone, i am 30 (31 next week) and i was diagnosed with hypothyroidism after I had my 3rd son in 2009. I was put on levoxyl for a year then later was switched to armour thyroid, but i was still struggling with weight loss even with change in diet and exercise.

    and just last month, my doctor upped my dosage on armour thyroid and recommended blood sugar support supplements. Since then I finally lost 10 pounds. I'm hoping this is what will help me lose the 40 pounds I'm hoping to lose. I celebrate my 10 year wedding anniversary next May and I want to look spectacular :)

    anyways, i currently am working on my diet and staying away from fatty, fried, processed foods. I'm at the gym at least 5-6 days a week for a good hour to an hour and a half (depending on time that i have) doing cardio and some light weight training for now.

    i know it's going to take a little more hard work on my part, but i'm sure the motivation and dedication will get me to where I want to be. I don't want to give up because of a stupid thyroid issue!
  • deb968
    deb968 Posts: 144 Member
    I had thryroid cancer and I am now 5 years cancer free. My doctor keeps my on the hypo side to stay that way. I have been watching everything I eat for years and since being on MFP I have found so much support. It has taken me longer then others to lose the weight. But I am getting there. I have to go back to the doctor for my check up again next month. It is so hard. I see that a lot of you are taking levoxyl. I take Synthroid.

  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 315 Member
    Hello everyone!!!

    I'm 32 and diagnosed with Hashimoto 3 years ago. I didn't have any symptons, or maybe I had but I have also stigma of mediterranean anemia and didn't noticed them.
    I'm on medication, and doctors increased 2 times the dosage in the last trimester.

    I've changed 5 endocrinologists in these 3 years. The first one said I had Hyperthyroidism, the second that I don't have anything.
    A gastroenterologist found that I have an nodule and send me again to another endocrinologist... after 1 year with blood tests I was, at last, diagnosed.

    The last 2 years I gained weight, but in 2011 I couldn't stop the raise!!!
    I'm o diet 6 months and lost 5 kg until now.

    Also I want to write, that I have make a challenge for Hashimoto MFP members, that started last week. You can join it too.
    We have set small targets, which our metabolism may let us go after!

    Feel free to add me and look in the topics to find it "Hashimoto's Christmas Challenge". After you are in, I will send you a link with the spreadsheet.
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    I am 34 (for exactly another month) and had a goiter in 2010 that was protuding and VERY scary! A 17 point biopsy and Iodine Uptake Test showed that I was cancer free but most of my thyroid was not working while other "hot spots" were on rapid fire. As a result, I went through one round of Iodine Radition Therapy. I was hoping just to be to normal with the treatment but later bloodwork revealed that I went from someone who was HYPER/HYPO to just HYPO. I have been increased on my meds 5 times since then. I am now to 150 MG and my last test showed my levels were at 40! Yes, that is 4-0 not 4.0. OUCH! it is suspected that it is just not working at all so my meds continue to increase. I can tell at this point when it is time for a new draw and adjustment. My weight goes up despite no change in habit or pattern, my muscle tone reduces, I get tired, grouchy, can't control my own body temp, and my hair falls out in clumps. Not to mention the fact that I confuse easily and my skin looks like a lizard.

    But I press on trying my best to take care of it and keep on the up side of things. I did not realize how common this actually is and am glad to know that there are others out there that are dealing with this and thriving. :drinker:
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    I am 30 , and was diagnosed in the summer (a few months after having my daughter) first with HYPERthyroidism, then "Hashimoto's thyroiditis" now as of few days ago the Hashimoto's has made me HYPO . My TSH went from 0.018 to 7.5 and I didnt even notice a difference in how I felt same old me, I am glad in a sense I have an underactive thyroid because being hyper he wouldnt put me on any meds because my heart rate was fine and didnt have much symptoms. They said they would start me on a low dose 25 mg of Levothyroxine, I am not so sleepy and was tired of my husband saying "you sleep all the time!" I would go to bed late , so I had to take a mornimg nap! I want to get my sleep patterns under control, so it will help me lose weight, and no more "waking up in the middle of the night and eating" -docs call it NES -nighttime eating syndrome, IDK if I have that but......Im not gonna do it anymore!!! I have always exercised on and off since I was like 11 yrs.old I was skinny until my mid 20's then I was normal -to- lean up until I turned 30. and for the first time after having my 4th child I am over weight , this time I couldnt lose the pregnancy weight...which I attribute to "Hashimoto's"...It doesnt feel good to be a little "thick" It has totally ruined my sex life -that and 4 kids and a stupid thyroid! I also am on Wellbutrin for depression which Ive had on and off since a teenager. I am excited to "start all over" with this journey of health and fitness because I know (hopefully) my meds will help be "normal" again, I look forward to meeting new friends in this group for advice , and support and I will also support you. Feel free to add me, with a brief msg ,please.
  • greenie
    greenie Posts: 47 Member
    My primary symptom was weight gain and inability to lose despite running 15+ miles per week. Lots of other symptoms too... Finally starting to lose a little bit now after 1 year on meds.
  • I am 26, was diagnosed with hypothyroidism almost 2 years ago, after becoming very sick one day while at work...A Dr. I worked closely with in my job saw me that day, ran an EKG, full labs, and had me wear a 24 hour heart monitor, as I was having heart palpitations throughout the day and high BP during the visit. That night I started throwing up, was home alone with my 2 kids and was so sick @ 2 o'clock in the AM I seriously thought I was going to die. The next morning I found out my lab results and went directly to the pharmacy to pick up my Synthroid & within about a week I felt so much better...I had a 6mo old baby at home & a 5 year old, was working full time & taking call with my job & my husband worked out of state, I just thought my fatigue and "scatter brain" was due to these things. I am VERY diligent about taking my medications as I never want to feel that way again, it was AWFUL!! My weight has fluctuated since diagnosis but also the way I was eating didn't help. I feel I am on the right road now with change in eating habits and exercise and my dosage of medication has remained the same since diagnosis. I do have nodules that have been monitored every 6 months by sono.
  • Hi, I'm new to MFP. Found your message board the other day and thought I'd post a little about me.

    I was diagnosed Feb. 2002 with Graves disease (hyperthyroid), had radiation treatment, and I am now hypothyroid taking Synthyroid 100mcg daily.

    I have had the battle with just about all the signs and symptoms on the list; weight issues, hair loss, skin changes, and you name it I've dealt with them or am still dealing with them. It been difficult realizing how much a messed up thyroid does to your total health and wellbeing.

    I got fed up with not feeling well in 2007 and decided to tackle this head on. I internet searched, checked books out from the library, bought books, and joined many sites to get information. I realized that I had to do something or I would be miserable for the rest of my life. Went from one extreme to another; felt well for a time and then my body would rebel because I had gone overboard. From almost fully processed food to raw (fruits and vegs only). Both extremes took their tolls.

    Currently, I have been following advice from "", "Body Ecology Diet", "Diet Solution Plan", "", and "". These programs have given me inspiration to get back into shape.

    I find if I am diligent in avoiding "sugar", HFCS, and refined carbs I feel better (and I !KNOW! when I have eatten them). I have incorporated fermented foods: kombucha, kefir, and land and sea vegetables, much more fiber, and better quality of meats and raw dairy into my diet. I feel a thousand times better. Even my recent lab results showed that this has been good for 'ME'.

    So now I am using MFP to help me log not only my weight loss but it is my food log too; so I know where I've fallen off the wagon. And believe me this happens too frequently.

  • I'm 40 now and was initially diagnosed as hypothyroid when I was 18. It resolved at the time but, in hindsight, I had symptoms on and off for years afterward before finally being re-diagnosed and treated five years ago. This week I went back to the doctor with a looooong list of the usual symptoms and, sure enough, it's time for a dose change. My TSH is only 4.88 but for me, I am usually pretty symptomatic with a TSH of anything over 3.
    The past two months I've been hanging in there with my diet and fitness regime inspite of the fact that my weight loss basically ground to a halt. I'm pretty proud of myself for being persistent and not giving up. I know I would have been gaining like crazy these past two weeks if I'd given up.

    Anyone in the group should feel free to add me as a friend. It's nice to have supporters who understand the added challenge of Thyroid dysfunction! :smile:
  • rosecook425
    rosecook425 Posts: 50 Member
    Hey everyone!!! Im looking for lots of support in my battle with weight loss. Im a 15 year survivor of thyroid cancer! Currently my doctor keeps me on the hypothyroid side of life and meds. Its a struggle to lose weight, cause of the obvious my thyroid is gone, and when I try to get a good work out going my heart beats harder and faster then someone with their thyroid working properly. So I get frustrated and tend to give up faster. If you read my post please feel free to add me as I am great support and could use some in return.
  • BestCindyICanBe
    BestCindyICanBe Posts: 75 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Cindy and I am a stay at home mom (who never seems to be home) to 4 kids ages 15 to 5. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when pregnant with my youngest. I thought I was so tired because I was 40 and pregnant. After the baby was born the OB took me off synthryoid and didn't test me. The next year when I went back to my regular Gyn he had me tested and sent me to a endocrinalagist. That doctor diagnosed me with hyperthyroidism. I have Hashimoto and Graves disease. I was confused by the diagnosis because I have hypo symptoms. The doctor told me that about 10% of people have the opposite symptoms. I have been heavy most of my life but I got to my highest weight in the last 2 years. I joined MFP after the doctor told me that I was stable and should lose some weight.
  • Wow, I finally do not feel alone and can relate to almost everyone. I'm 36 years old and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism a couple years ago. For years my doctor said it was strange and odd she could always feel my Thyroid. Finally a couple years ago she sent me in to get an ultra sound and sure enough, it is enlarged or there's a goiter. She did put me on meds, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
    Before I was diagnosed I was easily gaining weight despite the fact I was going to the gym and watching what I ate. I was so frustrated and I still am frustrated. I have dropped a couple of pounds but that is about it. Since last March I have been working with a trainer but have not had any luck. I have also been told by them that my thyroid has nothing to do with my weight loss...
    I'm still very tired, cold, my legs swell.
    I recently had my yearly doctor’s appointment and was told by her that I could get a second opinion however it would be "silly of me to get one" since my thyroid is being maintained with meds.
    I have been going back and forth in my mind about seeing a specialist. I'm not sure if they could do any other tests or address my issues any better...
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    Wow, I finally do not feel alone and can relate to almost everyone. I'm 36 years old and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism a couple years ago. For years my doctor said it was strange and odd she could always feel my Thyroid. Finally a couple years ago she sent me in to get an ultra sound and sure enough, it is enlarged or there's a goiter. She did put me on meds, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
    Before I was diagnosed I was easily gaining weight despite the fact I was going to the gym and watching what I ate. I was so frustrated and I still am frustrated. I have dropped a couple of pounds but that is about it. Since last March I have been working with a trainer but have not had any luck. I have also been told by them that my thyroid has nothing to do with my weight loss...
    I'm still very tired, cold, my legs swell.
    I recently had my yearly doctor’s appointment and was told by her that I could get a second opinion however it would be "silly of me to get one" since my thyroid is being maintained with meds.
    I have been going back and forth in my mind about seeing a specialist. I'm not sure if they could do any other tests or address my issues any better...
    Hi, my legs also swell, they were a lot worse when I wasnt "dieting" I cant lose any weight and its starting to REALLY piss me off! I got on meds in November 2011, no big change. I also have a swollen thyroid gland, it is slightly noticable by other people.
    You should get a second should be seeing some relief . I found out I had this thyroid problem (i have Hashimoto's) after having a baby so Im still trying to lose and my baby is 9 months old , I still need to lose 25 pounds, I have lost about 10 since july, most of which was the water in my legs! I never had a problem losing weight before. I feel for you!
  • ;0