


  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    Wow! My name is Danita. I just joined today. I feel like I've hit pay dirt! This is great! I'v been reading many of the post from all of the topices listed and I see several people like myself want to lose around 50lbs. I hope we can be an encouragement to each other and learn some new tricks along the way. I've really been struggling to lose the weight. And, have gotten discouraged too many times to count. I'm hanging in it to win it though! I have not given up yet. Just wish I knew what works.
  • shunyata13
    shunyata13 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Danita, Good luck in loosing the weight you want .. Thsi is a nice group in that we are all around the same age with similar issues as to why we want to loos the weight. the MFP feedback on the food alone helped me change the choices I made with my foods and I don't miss what I ate a lot of before. I still eat it but just not a lot of it. If you want to ask any of us to be your friend for encouragement plase feel free to ask.
  • abooknerd
    abooknerd Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I just joined this group. I've been a member of mfp since spring but didn't do much with it. Now I'm giving it a much more serious try. I want to lose weight and get into shape... who doesn't? I'm a full-time mom of 3 kids, but soon to be an empty nester.. that is until they come home again! I'm a part-time librarian. I love to read and knit. Now I'm trying to add more activity into my life. I like hiking, biking, and swimming. I'm trying to use those activities to both get into shape and motivate me.. "see how much longer hike/bike/swim I can do now that I'm getting into shape". I'd like to join a biking or hiking group but at this stage I'd just slow them down so that's a goal, to join when I can keep up. I also like kayaking, but as I don't have one and it's winter that's a possible summer goal... get into shape and get a kayak??? Hopefully with support I can meet these goals and can in turn support others trying to meet their goals.
  • Hi, my name is Patty. I am 61. I joined MFP in October. I have enjoyed it so much and have lost 16 pounds so far. I am looking forward to being here in this group.
  • shunyata13
    shunyata13 Posts: 71 Member
    Welcome Patty, you will like this group. Good luck in reaching your goals.
  • imatex
    imatex Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm Carolyn and I live in Texas. I would like to join this group because I would like to have support from people that because of our age are experiencing some of the same things. I recently joined MFP because I felt it would give me motivation to daily log in my food and exercise. It also gives me the opportunity to encourage and be enouraged by others that are struggling with the same things.

    I have 2 grown children and 4 grandchildren. I want to be around when the great-grandchildren are grown. The only way that I can do that is to get my health where it needs to be.

    I work full time and just finished my doctorate. I have put everything on hold the last few years finishing that, so it is time to take my life back.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone in this group.
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    Hi, I'm Carolyn and I live in Texas. I would like to join this group because I would like to have support from people that because of our age are experiencing some of the same things. I recently joined MFP because I felt it would give me motivation to daily log in my food and exercise. It also gives me the opportunity to encourage and be enouraged by others that are struggling with the same things.

    I have 2 grown children and 4 grandchildren. I want to be around when the great-grandchildren are grown. The only way that I can do that is to get my health where it needs to be.

    I work full time and just finished my doctorate. I have put everything on hold the last few years finishing that, so it is time to take my life back.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone in this group.

    You just finished your doctorate! That's wonderful! Congratulations. What field? Do you have plans for using your education?
  • claireputput
    claireputput Posts: 26 Member
    :smile: HI all, I am relatively new to MFP-just been on the site a couple of weeks. Here is a little medical/physical history that is important to me. I am currently home off work due to an injury. I have put on about 45 pounds this year. I started out 2011 about 10 pounds over and then my thyroid got off track - I have taken meds since I was 28 due to a thyroid condition that started way back then. The hyper thyroid required chemo and burn out of the thyroid. I ultimately ended up with too much burn so on synthroid I went and have been ever since! Add that to a quit smoking-now nonsmoking me and another 5 pounds. Next, I was injured in an accident and the damage was on my c-spine and then no activity-10 more pounds.
    Luckily, my thyroid is now where it needs to be-just got the results two weeks ago after increase upon increase of medication! Finally I am again able to do some walking for exercise-something I hadn't been able to do since October!
    Bottom line, I have 50 plus pounds to be rid of and am anxious to get busy! I have so far lost 3 pounds. Just being on this site has increased my motivation and made me more accountable to myself.
    I am happily married to a sweet man, my second husband-he is slender and has never had o deal with weight issues! I have an adorable one year old grandson that is the apple of my eye! He is awesome and the only little one that we have around-we have ten children-his 6 my 4. We have children literally all over the USA and one out of country. My occupation involves working with very disturbed teenagers in an enclosed facility. I think I have gone on long enough! I am excited to see how I will do this year using MFP!
  • shunyata13
    shunyata13 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Claireputput, you are in the right group! We all have had various health issues and want to get back to where we were before them. Everyone here is very supportive of helping everyone reach their goals.
  • endowd
    endowd Posts: 14 Member
    Glad to find this group. I'll be 50 in June. I really don't have a weight problem. Mine is more of a height problem. I'm only 5'1" tall, and I'm sure that my body was meant for someone 5'5", at least. Anybody else got that problem?

    I live in Oregon in a very health-conscious, active community. There are a lot of very fit 50+ men and women where I live. I am determined to look more like one of them before my 50th birthday in June. I work a desk job and during the last two years I've become very lazy. So, in December I bought a treadmill and a bike trainer and I've been using them at least 4 days a week. I found MFP about two weeks ago and it has really helped me to understand how to allocate my meals better. I use the Android App during the day at work and my co-workers have become interested too. Does anyone else use the barcode scanner?

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • samantha1953
    samantha1953 Posts: 156 Member
    I use the bar code scanner. It makes entering food so easy. Welcome to our group. Sounds like you are ready to go!
  • jaabee11
    jaabee11 Posts: 322 Member
    Glad to find this group. I'll be 50 in June. I really don't have a weight problem. Mine is more of a height problem. I'm only 5'1" tall, and I'm sure that my body was meant for someone 5'5", at least. Anybody else got that problem?

    I live in Oregon in a very health-conscious, active community. There are a lot of very fit 50+ men and women where I live. I am determined to look more like one of them before my 50th birthday in June. I work a desk job and during the last two years I've become very lazy. So, in December I bought a treadmill and a bike trainer and I've been using them at least 4 days a week. I found MFP about two weeks ago and it has really helped me to understand how to allocate my meals better. I use the Android App during the day at work and my co-workers have become interested too. Does anyone else use the barcode scanner?

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Yep, I use the bar code scanner, it's fantastic. You do have to check what it says though because on a couple of occasions it did come up with the wrong product but generally I love it.
    Welcome to the group.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    Hello, I'm Jean. I'm 59 years old and recently retired from a full time career; although I will be doing part-time consulting work in the rail transportation industry in the upcoming year. My husband and best friend (66yrs old, and a Vietnam combat vet) and I recently moved from NJ to an island off of the coast of Charleston, SC. We will be married for 20 yrs this coming October. We enjoy remodeling our condo, the outdoors (biking, walking, and when we lived up North, cross-country skiing). We also enjoy reading immensely. He has a grown daughter and three grandchildren whom we miss very much since we re-located. Over the years i developed arthritis in my knees (played lots of sports throughout high school and college). I was diagnosed in 2000 with a rare cardiomyopathy, ARVD, and am part of a longitudinal study at Johns Hopkin University in Baltimore. I'm managing that very well; and overall enjoy good health.

    I see this part of my journey as a tremendous opportunity to grow in health, and to continue growing intellectually, and spiritually.

    I want to loose between 25-30lbs to stay fit a nd lessen the load on my joints. I read the posts of this group and felt more comfortable than with many of the other groups. Aside from the age factor, or maybe because of it, the discussions/posts here are helpful, positive, civil, and without rancor or being snarky.

    There you have it.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Barbara and I just joined MFP yesterday. I just love the way it has helped me already. I am from CT, 59 and a massage therapist. I have gained about 50 pounds due to a car accident back in 2002. I had a huge sugar craving after the accident and gained weight from the cravings. I mean they were drug addict cravings! Cravings so bad I would go out at 1 am to get a fix if I could cravings! Over the years I got it under control for the most part and I needed surgery in 2010 to correct a rotator cuff tear that got worse since the accident. Now I am ready mentally and physically to get my body back to where it needs to be because when I look in the mirror I have my mother's body and she can have it back! I am married to a great guy and he is very supportive in all I choose to do and next year we celebrate 40 years together. I want to renew our vows at a Rennaisance Fair next Fall and I want to look good in one of those corslets when we do. Right now I am still healing from the surgery and an injury so I am still on the couch potato side but was able to take a 15 minute walk today while the weather was beautiful.

    Where are you from in CT? I grew up in Old Saybrook.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    Glad to find this group. I'll be 50 in June. I really don't have a weight problem. Mine is more of a height problem. I'm only 5'1" tall, and I'm sure that my body was meant for someone 5'5", at least. Anybody else got that problem?

    I live in Oregon in a very health-conscious, active community. There are a lot of very fit 50+ men and women where I live. I am determined to look more like one of them before my 50th birthday in June. I work a desk job and during the last two years I've become very lazy. So, in December I bought a treadmill and a bike trainer and I've been using them at least 4 days a week. I found MFP about two weeks ago and it has really helped me to understand how to allocate my meals better. I use the Android App during the day at work and my co-workers have become interested too. Does anyone else use the barcode scanner?

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    I'm 4'11". My husband wants to put one of those little orange flags on a pole on me when we are in dept stores :tongue:
  • Thank you for starting this group, Samantha, and hello to all in this group! I turned 50 last year and find myself in shock, not that I need to lose weight... of course I know how that happened, but at HOW MUCH weight I have to lose (90 lbs!). I am raising my grandson and now see that there will not be some "magic time and place" that will happen in my life where I can recover, renew and make better choices.... That time is NOW, no matter how busy, or the worries/struggles that remain. Life is short and I want to enjoy every minute of it that I can. I would enjoy supporting any "friends" from this group who can relate.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    Welcome to this group. You'll have friends here on your journey and for support.
  • I definitely need the help! I am 52 and a stay-at-home mom with one who is 11..I lost a lot of weight after I had my last kid at age 40, but it has gradually seemed to come back on again. Any suggestions anyone has would be nice. I just can't seem to lose do I get that ticker to go on my profile.. Thanks!
  • jaabee11
    jaabee11 Posts: 322 Member
    Hi, nice to meet you.
    You've come to the right place.
    I've sent you a friend request.
    I definitely need the help! I am 52 and a stay-at-home mom with one who is 11..I lost a lot of weight after I had my last kid at age 40, but it has gradually seemed to come back on again. Any suggestions anyone has would be nice. I just can't seem to lose do I get that ticker to go on my profile.. Thanks!
  • takehomepay
    takehomepay Posts: 18 Member
    Hi All, I did LoseIt! on my smart phone for a couple of years but MFP has it all over LosIt!. So much better in many ways. I joined .... I think the 6th of this month and am down over 5# already. I've met some great people here already and I'm determined to log in every day. I am doing this for my health. I need to get weight off for the sake of my heart and my knees.