OK I started it now you run with it....



  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    My biggest supporter is my best friend H2Ologist-Amanda. Because she is doing fabulous on her weight loss, I want to also. She keeps pushing me to do better, though she may not know it, she does. thanks hun!! We hold each accountable for the good and bad.
    My family on MPF. I believe without their encouraging words, advice, love and support, I wouldn't be as successful as I am.
  • Jesusinme4life
    Jesusinme4life Posts: 105 Member
    My biggest supporter is my hubby....Also my 4 year old daughter she loves doing my exercise DVD's with me:)
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    Hey where did you all go? Get your tushes back here!!!! I don't care if you gained a pound or two or ten over the weekend. It took you how many years to get where you are. it is gonna take a while to get rid of the fat! One bad day or week shouldn't deter you from a healthier LONGER life!

    How are you gonna beat the fat today?

    Power walking for lunch and LOTS of water....
    Then WII Just Dance after baby goes to bed. for 30 min MINIMUM!
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    How are you gonna beat the fat today?

    TENNIS, TENNIS, TENNIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Went shopping today and parked near the end of the parking lot and carried my 26 lbs daughter. And going to the gym tonight. Thinking I might do 60 mins on the elliptical machine. Longest I ever did. I did 45 mins yesterday, whats another 15.
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    I have never tried tennis. I bet it is an AWESOME burn!

    I can't stay on the elliptical after 15 minutes. An hour would kill me!

    You go girls!!!!!

    Walk done!
    Almost done my 3rd 32-ounce bottle of water, hoping to get 4 in.

    WII here I come!
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    Good morning!

    I've come across the dreaded plateau that everyone talks about. I've been at 225+- for the last month. I admit that I haven't been pushing the exercise beyond my daily walks and my diet has been so regular that I haven't been filling out the log. I was hoping that the Thanksgiving food shock would get me out of the blahs, but it didn't. So now here I am at 225 feeling defeated.

    I never go over 1250 calories and my fats, carbs, sugars, etc. are all good. I have protein shakes for breakfast and lunch and then a colorful dinner.

    I know that I should boost my exercise, but my biggest problem is time. I power walk 2 miles during my lunch break, but the rest of the day I sit in front of the computer. I have an hour commute each day so I lose 10.5 hours a day for work. I have a 10-month old that I want to spend time with when I get home. Plus I need to feed her and make food for me and my hubby. Then bath and bed for her. If I exercise after she goes to bed, I can't sleep; trust me I tried last night. Don't bother saying "get up earlier and exercise" because I already get up at 5 and I am NOT a morning person.

    Any ideas how to get my butt moving more without taking way family time and interfering with work?
  • jsv454
    jsv454 Posts: 30 Member
    I never go over 1250 calories and my fats, carbs, sugars, etc. are all good. I have protein shakes for breakfast and lunch and then a colorful dinner.

    H20-- I looked over your food journal, and from what I can tell, you are doing great on your protein, and you aren't going too crazy with the carbs. Your fat, however, seems really low. I would guess that your body is holding on to your fat reserves, because there's not enough good fat coming in. I saw guacamole on your log a few times-- avocados are a wonderful source of healthy fat! So is olive oil, coconut oil, and full-fat dairy.

    I follow a Primal/Paleo diet (and here is where everyone freaks out!) and I definitely find that the more healthy fat I eat, the more of my own fat I loose! It took me a while to wrap my head around this after a lifetime of being told that low-fat was the way to go. But I gained and gained and gained following that advice. It wasn't until I cut out grain and started eating good fat that I started to loose. Of course, everyone has to find what works for them, but it seems like your daily life is crazy enough without fitting in more cardio (which will only make you hungrier). Do you do any strength-training? The Primal lifestyle has lots of great bodyweight exercises that you can adapt for your particular fitness level.

    Mark's Daily Apple is a fantastic resource, if you are interested in learning more. www.marksdailyapple.com

    OK, crazy Primal salespitch over! Whatever you decide to do, just remember that everyone here is rooting for you!

  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    I haven't heard of this Primal/Paleo Diet. Thanks for the advise. I LOVE guacamole, as does my baby ironically! We use grapeseed oil and olive oil for cooking. I don't even think I have veggie oil in my house to be honest.

    Increase fat huh? I've been so focused on my protein and carbs that the fat didn't even cross my mind.

    Thanks Jill!
  • jsv454
    jsv454 Posts: 30 Member
    I haven't heard of this Primal/Paleo Diet. Thanks for the advise. I LOVE guacamole, as does my baby ironically! We use grapeseed oil and olive oil for cooking. I don't even think I have veggie oil in my house to be honest.

    Increase fat huh? I've been so focused on my protein and carbs that the fat didn't even cross my mind.

    Thanks Jill!

    Sure thing! I love sharing, because it has made me feel so great... I just want everyone else to feel equally great! Along with the weight falling off with what seems to be little effort, my energy has increased by leaps and bounds! I am on half the dosage of anti-depressant, and hoping to get off Metformin (for blood sugar) in the near future.

    Here's a great post on getting more healthy fat in your diet: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/how-to-eat-more-fat/

    There's a TON of great info on this site, and even more in the books, although they aren't necessary if you are a good web-researcher. Here's a link to lots of info: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/primal-blueprint-101/

    Feel free to friend me if you like! :)
  • boxnchic
    boxnchic Posts: 44 Member
    I know it's hard when other people don't seem as supportive as you would like them to be. Particularly because losing this weight is hard, and I don't know about you, but I need all the support I can get! MIL's are also hard. I know my MIL-to-be is a traditional german-irish cook - things are often made with high butter, high fat, high carbs, etc. She also happens to be extremely overweight. Sometimes I think she struggles with wanting her son and DIL-to-be to be healtier and maybe being a little jealous that we're doing it. So, how did it end up going?

    It went GREAT! My husband ended up getting the day off! NO ONE ate my dressing, but my husband piled it on his plate and didn't touch his mom's. :heart: True love! And the benefit is, we had tons of low-cal dressing left over, so I brought it here for the gals I work with. They loved it. :wink:

    Oh, that's great! I'm glad that it went well - and bonus with the leftovers! :happy:
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. I check in on my lunch period at work, but have had to work from home for the past few days because they are glueing carpet in my office and I got sick from the smell. Any way, this weekend was a little rough. When ever I go to my parents house, I throw my will power out the window. I grew up in a true Midwestern fashion with meat and potatoes at every meal. My family is all overweight. At my folks house there is ALWAYS candy, chocolate, Ice cream, sausage, cheese, alcohol, etc. It is almost impossible to find a fresh vegetable unless it is swimming in butter. I try to drink my protein shakes for breakfast and lunch, but the fresh homemade bacon (did I mention my dad is a butcher) and grilled burgers are SOOOO hard to say no to. I usually come home feeling aweful not only emotionally, but physically because I fell off the wagon. BTW when you put greasy bacon in a tummy that has seen nothing but lean soy protien for sx months, it makes for a VERY unhappy digestive system.

    So question for today. How do you keep your willpower up against things you KNOW you shouldn't eat?

    I don't, I try to exercise the weight off the rest of the week.
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    I hear ya H2O. While I don't have any tips because I am in the same boat as you are. I would love to hear what other people tips are. I bring water with me. But still doesn't keep me away from the soda.

    Been feeling like of blah. Every time TOM comes around I get this way and its so hard to talk myself out of it. Nothing exciting otherwise.
  • boxnchic
    boxnchic Posts: 44 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. I check in on my lunch period at work, but have had to work from home for the past few days because they are glueing carpet in my office and I got sick from the smell. Any way, this weekend was a little rough. When ever I go to my parents house, I throw my will power out the window. I grew up in a true Midwestern fashion with meat and potatoes at every meal. My family is all overweight. At my folks house there is ALWAYS candy, chocolate, Ice cream, sausage, cheese, alcohol, etc. It is almost impossible to find a fresh vegetable unless it is swimming in butter. I try to drink my protein shakes for breakfast and lunch, but the fresh homemade bacon (did I mention my dad is a butcher) and grilled burgers are SOOOO hard to say no to. I usually come home feeling aweful not only emotionally, but physically because I fell off the wagon. BTW when you put greasy bacon in a tummy that has seen nothing but lean soy protien for sx months, it makes for a VERY unhappy digestive system.

    So question for today. How do you keep your willpower up against things you KNOW you shouldn't eat?

    I don't, I try to exercise the weight off the rest of the week.

    I just had this situation last weekend. I went to my parent's house for their annual Panzarotti Party. My family is Italian and we have one of these like I said annually. For anyone who does not know what a panzarotti is...they are small versions of the calzone but produced with a softer dough...my dad is a chef and every year we make about 120 of these for my large extended family of 50. These savory pizza pockets are then deep fried and go for about 900 calories a piece. YIKES!!!

    What I did, so that I didn't feel emotionally bummed out and guilty the whole night and few days after, was plan to fully indulge in two of these babies and enjoy the day with no shame. I made myself a sensible breakfast so that I wasn't my set up to eat more because I was hungry; I also made sure that I worked out the morning of and couple days after. Oh, and I drank water the whole day as well. I also reminded myself that I may gain about 2 pounds from this indulgence and prepared myself for the work it would take to get it back off. I kinda think this is a healthy way to think, because it's not like once I get to my goal weight I will never indulge again. I have spent years being so hung up on "I can't" "I shouldn't" "I'm not allowed" when it comes to food and I feel like it has always sabotaged me. I had to ask myself was I willing to gain 2 pounds for this and hold myself accountable for not falling down the slippery slope. The answer was yes - so I did. I don't feel guilty at all and I feel like it's pushing me even more during my workouts this week.

    Hope that was helpful :happy:
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    How was everyone's weekend?

    Mine was pretty good! I fit into 16s COMFORTABLY!!!!!!! That hasn't happened since 8th grade! Not kidding!!! Hope fully you al had a great weekend!
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Hey H20, great job on getting to wear 16's!!! That is awesome. Do you want your skinny jeans back??:happy:

    So some of you know I am in a wedding this coming June. For my brother in law. Well yesterday I went to get measured for my dress. I told the lady that I have about 50 more lbs to lose, so whatever dress I fit into now, I want to order the next size down. I fit perfectly into a size 14, so I ordered a 12. A size 12!!!!!:love::love: Ohh my goodness and I thought that 14 looked good, I can't wait to see what a 12 will look like.
    Because of this wedding and what nots I really want to be at 160 for the wedding and just to be in the 100's. But I am doing what I didn't want to do and that is to push myself as hard as I can to lose the weight. I didn't want to put a real time frame on it. When I got to my goal, is when I got to my goal. But with the wedding and holidays, I was not eating right and not wanting to exercise and just not going in the right direction. So I took a step back and looked at the whole picture. I have decided to enjoy Christmas, still be mindful of what I'm eating but enjoy it and still exercise. But instead of striving for a 1000 calorie burn, just push myself and be happy with whatever I burn. Then after the holiday, get back to routine and be happy doing it. Where ever I end up, weight wise, for the wedding is better then where I started.
    So that is where I am. Hope you all are doing well.
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    CanToGirl....12!!!!!! THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!

    You should enjoy the holidays! You said it before, it you deprive yourself you will regret it and bounce back into an unhealthy cycle. You can have a glass of eggnog, just don't have six! You can have a spoon of mashed potatoes, just don't go back for seconds. you know the routine. I am so proud of you. You have accomplished a lot already!

    As long as we keep moving and drinking our water, the rest wil fall into place. We know what we need to do.

    On a side note. Call me crazy, but I was on a platue for about 3 weeks eating my "normal" foods. I went to my folks and ate VERY POORLY. Then this week I went back to my normal food. Again this weekend I ate like crap. I lost 3 pounds last week, and I dropped 3 more already this week. It is possible that these "shocker" weekends are throwing off my system and when I go back to my normal foods, that my body burns them more efficiently? I mean I'm talking bacon and eggs, fried fish, etc...I didn't over eat, I just ate poorly (I HATE TOM). What do you think?
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    I agree with you H2O. It seems to me, when I have a bad-ish week and back on the wagon again, the weight seems to come off easier and faster then the first time around or faster just in general. And because it is foods we normally don't eat on a daily basis, our body seems to move it along faster then before we started our healthy life style journet. Does that make sense. And if that is the case, it is something I can totally live with.
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    We've slowed down here....Don't let the Holidays get the best of you. Get on here and let us know how you are doing. Let us know if you need advice or suggestions. Or if you have a great story to share!

    I started my weight loss journey in June. The 23rd to be exact. I joined a weight loss challenge and there they took my measurements. I'm feeling pretty open today, so I will share my starting measurements:

    Place 6/23/2011
    Upper chest 46.5
    Chest 50
    Waist 51
    Hips 58
    Right thigh 26.25
    Right arm 15
    Total 246.75

    I can't believe my arsch was almost 5 FEET AROUND!!!!!! AAAHHHHHH.

    Anyway, The second challenge final measurements were last night and I want to share with you those results too....

    Place 12/15/2011 Loss overall
    Upper chest 40 -6.5
    Chest 42.25 -7.75
    Waist 43.5 -7.5
    Hips 48.5 -9.5
    Right thigh 21 -5.25
    Right arm 14 -1
    Total 209.25 -37.5
    Total change overall -37.5

    :noway: :bigsmile: :noway: :bigsmile: :noway: :noway: :bigsmile:

    I lost OVER THREE FEET!!!!! In under six months!!!!! Holy BUCKETS!!!!!

    I NEVER thought I could lose the weight, but now that I am, I am convinced that it CAN be done.
  • Bella_Ragazza
    Bella_Ragazza Posts: 14 Member

    Hi, I'm Tia.

    I'm so happy to find this group!
    I am a middle school teacher in South Carolina. I have over 100 lbs to lose and I'm looking for motivation and support - especially accountability.
    Being a teacher I find it difficult to exercise every day since I usually work 12 hour days. With that being said, I hope to find friends who will hold me accountable to logging my food and exercise every day.

    Good luck to all and I'm pleased to meet you! :flowerforyou:

    Stats -
    Height: 5'4"
    CW: 277 (weight before Holiday "festivities" - I'll let you know the real weight on Monday, Jan 2 when I officially weigh in)
    GW: 145 -125