


  • Hi! I am Katy. 20. A college student. :)

    I starting training for triathlons this past september. I swam in high school so I had a good start. Training with my college tri-team (apparently one of the biggest on the west coast) makes actually getting out a bit easier. After a failed attempted at joining the team last year, my second attempt was a major success. I have been working out at least once a day (sometimes more) and I cannot believe how good it feels. I have been starting to crave the bike and love every minute I am on the road (except when I am changing a flat :P). Running, not so much, but I do it anyway.

    First sprint will be in February (500m swim, 15k bike, 5k run) and first Olympic in March. Wish me luck!!
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    Name: Fiona
    Location: Edinburgh, UK

    Hello everybody! I got into Triathlons about 4 years ago when I met my boyfriend, who'd already done 2 Ironmans at that point. Since then I've done several Sprints, duathlons and a couple of Standard/Olys. Then I entered Ironman Austria this year and it was while training for that that i got onto MFP to try and help me eat the right amount and right kind of food. I finished Austria and found it a great experience, but training took up a lot of time. I've just entered a marathon for next April, and then my focus over next summer will be to do some of the local races, and see how I get on against my club-mates!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I was making trail running my fitness focus until a co-worker talked me into signing up for a mini indoor triathlon (500 yrd swim, 6 mile bike, 2 mile run). Swimming, Biking, and Running are all activities I enjoy by themsleves so a triathlon seems kind of natural. If you read my profile you'll see I'm into all kinds of stuff. I'm a big guy so I won't be fast in much of anything. But after talking to a cousin who trains triathletes it seems swiming might be my strongest event.

    My event is Janurary 15th. If I have a good time, and I'm pretty sure I will, I'll look for some longer events in the summer. I might do another one of these indoor mini's..there's one each month till June. I have a 10 Mile Trail Race in Feburary.

    Which I have a question. What's a good pair of swimming shorts. I've been to D1ck's Sporting Goods, and another local sporting gods store and I mention TriAthlon and their faces get that deer in the headlights look.
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    Hi, I've been noodling around MFP for a while, but never introduced myself.

    I'm Joe from good ol' St Louis. I've been doing long course athletics (running and triathlons) for about 5 or 6 years now. When I reached 250 pounds, something inside me said, "That's it, I've had enough." So I started walking. As I got better, I started running - just a little. That improved, one thing led to another, and the next thing you know I was doing running races and local sprint tri's.

    I still struggle with my weight and my diet. Although I've been down to 170, I'm now back up to 190, and am trying to find that mojo to get down again. The workout ethic is there, it's the flippin' diet ethic I can't control.

    In the last 5 years, I've done everything from 5k's to ironman distance races. I'm slow. Always and forever a BOP. I've finished two races dead last. In both cases, they had to keep the course open for me. But it doesn't stop me from trying. The joke amongst my tri friends is that my one and only athletic skill is my Homer Simpson-like ability to take a beating and keep on going.

    My favorite distance is HIM. It's long and hard enough to really occupy my time - training and racing - but not long enough to make me hate doing it. I enjoy hills, even though at my size I'm not supposed to. It's the challenge of the rascals.

    What I like most about triathlon is the constant changing. Nothing is ever the same. I don't use training programs, I just train how I want. So I can mix it up to keep the burnout at bay. This may not be the best way to PR, but it's a great way to keep training fun. For me, anyway. I'm lucky enough to live in an area with 2 tri clubs, and separate swimming, biking, running, AND triathlon stores. The tri store even has a 15 spot computrainer room. WAHOO!!! So I have endless resources at my disposal. I have a ton of tri friends nearby, so there's always somebody to go for a workout with. Unfortunately, most of my tri friends are stud athletes, and I'm the guy they call when they need a Z1 easy day. Sometimes they don't quite grasp the difficulties with being a large sized triathlete. Still, it's a great problem to have.

    That's my life. What's yours?
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member

    Which I have a question. What's a good pair of swimming shorts. I've been to D1ck's Sporting Goods, and another local sporting gods store and I mention Triathlon and their faces get that deer in the headlights look.

    Not sure if there are slight differences in females vs males, but I used a pair of bike shorts from performance bicycles(online) for the sprint tri I completed last fall called century shorts. The padding is light, enough for the 15 mile bike ride, but not so much the run was uncomfortable. I have also recently bought quest cycling shorts from pearl izumi. I haven't swam in them yet, but the padding is just a but more than the century shorts, and I have seen several online reviews saying they were used by triathlons for the swim. I have found to have great selections and prices. Hope this helps!
  • wendyannie1976
    wendyannie1976 Posts: 205 Member
    Hi, I'm 35 from Rotherham UK

    I'm shooting for my first Ironman this year in Wales, this will be my first multisport event, i'm a runner have completed marathons since the age of 13 and had the teenage knee injury to accompany it, I love running so its going to be hard to keep focused on all three disciplines but I needed the challenge and I know I can do this! My first ever race was a marathon actually took me 13 years to drop the distance down and pick up running speed but when I did I then managed my so far personal marathon best with a 3 hr 27 min finish but thats not the end of the marathon story - I know I can run under 3 hours on that possibly next year now though its definitely ironman as the concentration point this year. Swimming is my worst element, but its coming together nicely so I know if i can finish the swim then I'll be fine, I road bike raced when recovering from running injuries and have some decent speed when I want to so its all on - come on 16th.

    Love to have more mfp friends with similar goals :-)
  • Training2Tri
    Training2Tri Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Athletes!!

    Name : Julie
    Age : 34
    Location : New York, NY

    I've done a Sprint Tri a few years ago. This summer I'm doing the Nautica NYC Olympic distance Tri on July 8, 2012. This may sound dorky, but for the past 3 years on this particular race day I would wake up super early and bike up to the swim start to watch the athletes. I would perch by the T2 transition and cheer everyone on (yes all the random athletes I didn't know). I would then bike to a spot along the run to Central Park and cheer them on. The crowd, the energy in the atmosphere is electric.

    I worked the race last summer and handed out water at mile 5 last year to get an entry bid for this year. I work in the finance industry and I'm at my desk most of the day. Its challenging to motivate to workout after work.

    Please feel free to add me - I'm looking for more Tri friends with similar goals as myself.

    Wishing everyone the best as they train!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member

    Which I have a question. What's a good pair of swimming shorts. I've been to D1ck's Sporting Goods, and another local sporting gods store and I mention Triathlon and their faces get that deer in the headlights look.

    Not sure if there are slight differences in females vs males, but I used a pair of bike shorts from performance bicycles(online) for the sprint tri I completed last fall called century shorts. The padding is light, enough for the 15 mile bike ride, but not so much the run was uncomfortable. I have also recently bought quest cycling shorts from pearl izumi. I haven't swam in them yet, but the padding is just a but more than the century shorts, and I have seen several online reviews saying they were used by triathlons for the swim. I have found to have great selections and prices. Hope this helps!

    Just I follow up. I did order a Pearl Izumi Select Jammer from Amazon. I've been happy with it so far...the 5 or 6 times I've swam, biked, ran with it. I have had good luck with Pearl Izumi's stuff in the past.
  • irongirl73
    irongirl73 Posts: 98 Member
    Name: Susan
    Age: 38
    Lives: Houston, Texas

    I'm a mother to a six year old and 3.5 year old twins. I was a special education teacher for 13 years and now I'm a registered nurse. I work in the Neonatal ICU. I was a swimmer growing up, and after college I started to run. After my first marathon in 2001, I decided to try triathlons. I always knew that Ironman was in my future. :) In 2003, I finished Great Floridian Iron Distance, and Ironman Texas in 2011. Swimming is my true love, but after two eardrum repairs, my ENT would rather me not! ;) I'm not a sprinter, so that's why I love the distance stuff!

    Look forward to getting to know everyone!
  • KimmieSue2011
    KimmieSue2011 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm Kim, a married working mother of two. I rowed crew in college and starting swimming masters swimming after college due to a back injury. Now I bike and run too, but swimming is still my favorite. Running is still quite difficult (and slow) for me. I am doing a half marathon in mid-March, mostly so that then in the summer when I do a tri, 10k won't seem like that much! I have done one or two tris most summers (mostly sprints, a few Olympics) except for last summer when I did not do any. I joined mfp to lose 10 lbs I gained while on medicine (still on; its a lifelong condition) for my thyroid issues. I'm trying to eat more protein and fewer carbs, and noticing that doing so does make me feel more full and less likely to eat four muffins at once.
  • BattyMama
    BattyMama Posts: 136 Member
    Hi all,
    Names Raven I was a long distance runner in school (26+ miles a day till I was sidelined I am now getting back into the joy of my life ( I do love my two sweet monsters but Mum needs a break and I take mine in the gym or on the road) I have planned to do my first half and tri in 2013 and really need help I have no clue just how to start.
  • ironholgs
    ironholgs Posts: 46 Member
    Hi All,

    Andy, 38 from the UK.

    Always struggled with my weight, no where near as heavy as I used to be but not nearly as light as I'd like to be ;-)

    Did my first triathlon in 2006 as a bet with a work colleague. Loved it, it was a sprint, went home and entered an Ironman ( as you do ). I did my first Ironman race in September of 2007, and have done countless other shorter triathlons.

    Had an amazing year - became a dad and an author.

    This May I will face my biggest challenge yet at Ironman Lanzarote - it will be hot and hilly, two things that I don't do well. Hopefully I'll be in one piece when I take on my second Ironman distance event of the year, The Outlaw, 5 weeks later.

    If anyone is interested I keep a blog:

    Good luck to everyone for the 2012 season, race hard and race safe :-)

  • taratris
    taratris Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I'm new to this site. I am training for a long distance tri this summer and hope to shed another 20 pounds so that I can have less weight to bring on the course with me! I look forward to hearing about your journey and supporting your successes.
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    Hello! I'm new to this site. I am training for a long distance tri this summer and hope to shed another 20 pounds so that I can have less weight to bring on the course with me! I look forward to hearing about your journey and supporting your successes.

    What's your race? Is it your first at that distance?
  • Hi All! After being on myfitnesspal for quite sometime and doing four sprint tri's last summer I just found this group! My name is Wendy, I'm 44 from Kansas. My first Tri was in June 2011. It was the goal that I had set when I decided to lose the weight and get in shape. Working towards it kept me motivated. I finished that 1st Tri (400m swim, 18 mile bike, 5k run) in 1:35:36 but I felt like I had won! I was also hooked and went on to do three more last summer! I have have 5 sprint Tri's planned for this summer starting in April and ending September. One each month except for June when I will be doing the Biking Across Kansas event. I will be riding 475 miles in 8 days with 800 other cyclists. I'm glad I found you guys!
  • Mikaylarae27
    Mikaylarae27 Posts: 175 Member
    Hello all! I'm Mikayla and I just signed up for my first triathlon (sprint) to take place August 19, 2012. I am super pumped to start training! Doing a tri is on the bucket list and what better time to start than now. I've trained for half marathons before and loved working towards the race and pushing myself to get better and better. I think a tri will be fun because of the variety of activities. I get bored of running easily and really enjoy swimming and biking. The distances are 500m swim, 15.5mi bike, and 5k run. I'm in okay shape right now so I feel like 22 weeks of training will tune (and hopefully tone ;-) ) me right up!
  • Mikaylarae27
    Mikaylarae27 Posts: 175 Member
    P.S. Please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Hi I'm Scott. I live just outside Houston, TX. Picked up triathlon on a dare about 2 years ago and I'm hooked. I prefer half iron distance from what I've tried so far. This year I'm registered for 2 Olys, 1 sprint and 1 half iron at the moment. Hopefully some funds will free themselves up to pay for more entry fees. Right now I'm looking at getting to my first sub 2:30 Oly the end of April.
  • turkeytrotter
    turkeytrotter Posts: 35 Member
    I did my first tri in 2010 and had a injury in 2011 and just exercised and didn't do any races. I've been working on my swimming and biking all winter and I'm ready for the tri season. How about you? Are you doing a Tri this year? Want to be friends?
  • Hi everyone! I'm a Marathon runner turned Triathlete. I have had surgery on both feet and just can't do 26.2 right now. So, I got a bike and started cycling with a local group. Naturally this lead into my first tri. I did a sprint 3 weeks ago. I'm not the best swimmer, but I did great for a newbie. I'd love some new tri friends and advice. I'd like to see what everyone else is eating and what your work outs look like. Please add me as a friend! Thanks!!