
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I won't be under calorie today since I have a big family dinner tonight (5 courses) but I plan to keep it within reason and I'm eating very little until then.

    I did my shoulder raises this morning (although that was all the exercise I did) - late night so I skipped the treadmill for the first time in weeks.

    Gratitude - I am grateful for my health. I am healthier today than I have been in more than 20 years. I am also grateful for each of you since you are the gas that keeps my going. You all keep me accountable, motivated and energized. Thanks for that!!!
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    I am in.....I am a day late, but I am in....will aim for 85% .....too bad gardening isn't a challenge today.....I have several dozen spring bulbs to get in today and some plants that are finally ready to be cut down as the frost hit them.

  • ok i am really lame
    only seeing this now
    i'm just a little confused
    and with this 5 year old i may have skimmed and not read.....what'd i miss? what am i doing?

    i'm tina :)
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Hey Tina, you have to check the spread sheet each day and click on the tab at the bottom that says calender. Here is the address if you don't have it.

    Today we need to stay under our calorie goal for nutrition, do shoulder raises (I assume 50 again) and post one gratitude for the third part.

    I did my shoulder raises (60) but assume it was 50 for our 5 points.

    My gratitude for the day: Today I volunteered to ring the bell at the Salvation Army kettle for an hour (our church was sponsoring it and we each signed up for one hour). I was grateful to all the generous people who donated to the cause. I am even more grateful that I have all that I need and more and was able to give my time, some money and know that I do not need to depend on the charity of others to survive.

    Pizza for dinner tonight, hope to stay under my goal. I will know more later tonight.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Yep -- Friday Challenge's are as follows:

    Nutrition: Under Calories - 5 pts if you are
    Fitness: Shoulder Raises - 1 pt for every 10 up to a total of 5 pts
    Self-Care: Post a Gratitude today - 5 pts if you do

    In case you are wondering what a shoulder raise is -- check out this free video with the Link below. It counts as one as long as you are doing both arms coming up together. If you choose to do one arm at a time - it counts as one after you have done both sides (meaning right arm up, down, left arm up, down - is one OR right arm and left arms up then down together - is one)

    You can do this with or without weights. Don't have actual weights - grab cans of soup. It gives a little extra burn and toning. Good Luck!

    I know for me... I am already looking at how to make it to the end of the day with less calories because I ate too much for breakfast... being a guest makes it a real challenge for me! But then... it is a challenge, right?!?
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Oh.. and my apologies on the Spreadsheet... I don't have my own computer with me and can't seem to remember my password to get in and edit the thing. I thought that I said anyone could but I can't seem to get things to change. So, keep posting here and I will get it adjusted when I get home or when I remember my password. Woops! Sorry!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I'm under cals and I am all gratituded up.

    I couldn't get to the gym, so no shoulder raises, but I'll add them in to tomorrow's workout....
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    I am WAAAAY under calories today, getting home late I actually had to have another mini meal before bed to even get above 1200 (my goal is 1500 before exercise and I'd done 900+ today!)

    I've done my shoulder raises (50)

    And my grattitude is:
    I am thankful for the massive support from my mate at home, who I can always call up and whinge at when I'm hungry/upset/annoyed/scared/tired/that i havn't lost any weight etc etc etc, and he has been such a massive support, helping me to make good choices, kicking me out the door to do exercise and generally being there.
    Today he helped me go for a run before my lecture (by text when he was at work), and this evening after I'd spent all night out and had expected to be getting dinner with friends (which it turned out they'd already eaten) he was there for me to call up and help me stay strong and walk past the kebab/jacket potato/chips/general amazing smelling food vans lining the streets...and instead come home and fix some food
  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    shoulder raises done

    under calories

    Grattitude is:

    Im thankful for my great husband and family for supporting me. And THANKS to My MFP friends for the support and the great challenges.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Sorry misunderstood and put my gratitude on my wall. will copy and paste here later when i"m on a computer. (Becky saw so can vouch i did it! :-) )
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Okay I did some stuff yesterday for the challenge but I felt awful. I had a horrible headache all day (and of course couldn't take anything). I did manage to be under calories, I did 20 shoulder raises and here is my grattitude (thought it all day yesterday just didn't post it)

    I am thankful that I have spent the last two years dedicated to improving my health. It has meant that I have gotten my body into a place where we were finally able to make a baby. I am a fit active healthy woman who will have a fit and healthy pregnancy. I am gratreful for the loveand support that surrounds me now and always. :flowerforyou:
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member

    :flowerforyou: Nutrition Challenge: Eat a large salad with lots of veggies! 5 pts if you do! It's no secret that in general most people (at least in the USA) don't eat enough veggies - which are not only good for the nutrients but also the fiber. But, one of the even more beneficial reasons for this salad challenge? Because it fills you up for not a lot of calories... just watch the amount of dressing(s), cheese(s), and other high calorie items you might put on there. Skip the tortilla bowl too! This one is about the veggies - how many colors can you add to the salad?

    :flowerforyou: Fitness Challenge: Calf Raises. 1 pt for every 10 up to a total of 5 pts... don't stop at 50 if you want to do 250! That's right... the challenge doesn't limit the number you can do, just the number of points. ha, ha, ha. Need to know how to do a calf raise? Check it out at:

    Think 50 isn't enough? Try a variation to get in an even better, focused toning workout... You can either try to do thee with the balls of your feet on an uneven surface, such as a stair or step - leave your heels hanging off the back and try them this way just make sure to hang onto a rail for balance. OR... if you reposition your feet you can target the inner or outer calf muscle. Pigeon-toed tones the outer calf while putting your feet at a 90 degree angle or greater targets your inner calf! It also will work the inner calf the wider you position your feet. Add weights in each hand, builds even more strength in those calves! You can also try to do these one one foot then the other, tucking your leg up behind your knee... gotta do 50 on each to count your whole 5 pts, but WOW does that increase the effect! What I keep reading is that in 8 weeks you will see results if you do these 4 times per week... I'm gonna have to see it to believe it, but if it works... I'm all in!

    :flowerforyou: Self-Care Challenge: Sleep an Extra 30 minutes sometime today... If you do you get 5 pts! Sleep has often been linked to weight. If you are not getting enough sleep, studies show that you WILL gain weight no matter how healthy you eat and how much exercise you do. Sleep has a big impact on our bodies balance, how the hormones run through our body. It affects our appetite control center and our ability to handle stress. So... sleep in, go to bed early or take a little power nap (or a big one - it IS the weekend!)... whatever you do, just realize the connection between sleep and weight and take advantage of being able to earn points by taking a little time out for you.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    I'm under cals and I am all gratituded up.

    I couldn't get to the gym, so no shoulder raises, but I'll add them in to tomorrow's workout....

    Every exercise was designed to be able to do at home or in a hotel, etc. So, please don't ever feel like it needs to be done at the gym! You can always do these at home... or someone else's home. I was trying to keep holidays and holiday travel in mind.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    I am thankful that I have spent the last two years dedicated to improving my health. It has meant that I have gotten my body into a place where we were finally able to make a baby. I am a fit active healthy woman who will have a fit and healthy pregnancy. I am gratreful for the loveand support that surrounds me now and always. :flowerforyou:

    I am soooooo loving this gratitude! And I agree... you are such and active, fit and healthy woman now and I pray and believe that all will go well with this pregnancy. Tell us more, tell us more... when are you due? I am just so excited that our Skinny Chics & Roosters family is going to grow by another one! Congrats again.

    The beauty of posting a gratitude is that during this journey we all tend to look at how far we have left to go and not pausing to just be thankful and aware of where we are, what we've done and what we have in our lives. By taking a moment's pause to reflect on all that we have... we will be happier in general and will tend towards a more optimistic side. Plus, it will help us realize just how full our lives are, making the desire for, need for, or lack of awareness about filling our lives with the unhealthy. By thinking about how grateful we are - we make even more room for more of that! So, focus on the positives... and... you will find even more positives to be thankful for! It's the Law of Attraction.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Friday review for me... I was really trying to stay under my calories. Not typically an issue for me. BUT I am traveling and at my brother and sister-in-law's house. She's Lithuanian and they, in general, eat a whole lot of carbs and sugars. In the end - I wasn't even close on the calories. I did get in the shoulder raises, mostly done in the bathroom because when I first started I was getting questioning looks. Turned it into a stretch and decided that the challenge this trip is going to be getting creative. It's a bit amazing to me because I really thought that traveling and being away from home/routine wasn't going to be an issue for me when I refocused my life on being healthier. However, repeatedly this is the issue. I find such comfort and safety in home and routine. Kinda nice in general. And - I did post my gratitude. Like Jane, I posted it on my wall... I find that I want others to stop for a moment and find the joys in their lives -- because so often I just see a lot of negative about self, positive towards others. So, I purposely posted it there. My gratitudes were that my phone is supposedly, once again fixed - means I can better keep up to date with MFP while traveling! Also... my niece and how much I enjoy cuddling and loving up that little 3 month old. But the bigger joy was that she can actually, AND DOES, smile at me - not a reaction or natural thing, but a true honest-to-goodness smile at me. I love it... it absolutely melts my heart!

    OK... I'm off for the day ahead. Remember the challenges. I may need to go to the grocery store, I think if I offer to make a salad to go with dinner, I can control a bit more of what goes into it! Sounds like an idea! The sleep, may be tricky but if I don't get in a nap I'll just head to bed 30 min earlier. Calf Raises... plan to try these on the stairs to make it a bit more difficult... I am aiming to double those up today, just because I like the idea that if I do these maybe my calves will start to shrink?!? I also want to play around with the variations and see if I can feel the difference. My legs are my biggest frustration these days - so I was glad to find all that info on the benefits of this exercise! My cousin is flying in to Denver from Houston today... we are all going to go to the Red Wings-Avalanche NHL game tomorrow afternoon. Sitting in 5th row from the glass, penalty box side just off center ice. I cannot wait! SO excited! So very, Very, VERY excited! Makes staying under sodium difficult, but dancing should be good and will have to do the asanas in the morning.

    Oh... watch each evening or morning... I will review what each of the items are for the challenge that day or the next. If you don't know what something is - there will be an explanation then. Or, google it. You may find fun facts to share also! I have most of it already - just didn't want the calendar part of the spreadsheet to extend out too much! I wanted it to be printable. OK, enough rambling... Later all!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Oh yeah... woops, just one more post... I did get in and changed up the stuff on the spreadsheet and made sure that the settings say anyone can edit. So - please check it out. I posted the points as far as I can see them from this thread. Add in or correct as needed!

    Spreadsheet can be found at:

    I think it's the same as the original one for address, but just in case. If you can't get it to work, please let me know so that I can adjust settings or whatever is needed. Also - keep in mind that this time we actually have the 2 pages - so the calendar is the second page/sheet of the excel document. If you need help finding that, please just let me know.

    Finally... we have a really small group, I feel like. If there is anyone else - please encourage them to join up. If I missed anyone, I apologize. And, because some of us have had a late start... I am granting a bit of a repreve weekend. If you are able to complete any of the challenges before Sunday Midnight - you can go back and count the points. In other words, if you were over on calories on Friday but under today and eat a salad today - you not only get your 5 pts for the salad today but you can count the nutrition points for Friday. THIS WEEKEND ONLY... please post what you are doing! Starting on Monday - you only get the points if you earn them for that day... no make-up's... Remember - focus is what will help us get successfully through the holidays! So, I am going to try and help us do that.

  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Did yesterday's shoulder raises (I wanted to do them with a decent weight, and I don't have weights at home).

    Today I've done my 50 calf raises, had a side salad with lunch, and a bigger salad at dinner, slept in an hour this morning - and will undoubtedly do so again!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Made it through all my parts today... had a salad with dinner, which was great. I also was able to sneak in about 45 minutes of napping with my niece cuddled on top of me. Also did a gazillion calf raises. Did the pigeon toed and the outer angles. Did them on the stairs... Just kept doing them. So, I am good on points for the day!

    Hope everyone else is doing well on this challenge!
  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    Did 100 calf raises
    Large salad for dinner
    Slept an extra hour this morning and took a 15 min nap this afternoon

    I bought the Wii Zumba 2 today and had my sister come over and we danced for 106 min. We also went the theY this morning for 60 min of Zumba class

    I will definately get my Dancing in tomorrow
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    I always have a salad with soup so I was good with that yesterday lunchtime, did 50 calf raises, and I definitely did the sleeping!

    What's a yoga asana? dance dance means just stick some music on and have a boogie? Or? Ta!