
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I slept an hour more yesterday, did 50 calf raises and had a big salad with dinner. Had a scare last night (bleeding) but scan shows I am fine but I am doing nothing otday but sleeping and putting my feet up!
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Help, What do we do with the yoga asanas. I am not a yoga person, so I went online to see that these are postures. How many do we do? How long do we hold it? What are the beginning ones? Sorry for all the questions, but yoga is not my thing. Hurts too much on my knees when I have to kneel (or at least it did before losing the weight, maybe it is better now) Carla
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    I slept an hour more yesterday, did 50 calf raises and had a big salad with dinner. Had a scare last night (bleeding) but scan shows I am fine but I am doing nothing otday but sleeping and putting my feet up!

    That sounds like the sensible thing to do. Take care of you and baby.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member

    Nutrition: Under Sodium, 5 pts if you are

    Fitness: Dance, Dance, Dance - Just put on some music and move. As long as you dance at least 5 min, you get the points! Idea with this fitness challenge today is that exercise CAN be fun! I think we are all discovering that - but just in case, here's your reminder. Remember you can dance anywhere anytime!

    Self Care: Yoga Asanas - This is a form of sitting - where you are grounded but relaxed. Asanas are used to open the energy channels, chakras, and psychic centers of the body. They are known for purifying and strengthening the body and helping contolling and focusing the mind. The idea is to hold the pose and breathe deeply, feel the stretch without any pull, strain, pain. Check out the following two poses that are good ones to try... but remember, it's not just about sitting in this position, it's about sitting in the asana, clearing your mind and breathing deeplly. Try doing this for 5 minutes or 15... what can you do? what do you struggle with? It's a mind clarifying exercise, for sure! OR

    That site has a list of the benefits of each pose... it's a neat site to play around with for sure!

    Good Luck today!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    I slept an hour more yesterday, did 50 calf raises and had a big salad with dinner. Had a scare last night (bleeding) but scan shows I am fine but I am doing nothing otday but sleeping and putting my feet up!

    I am glad to hear that things are OK... Take care of you AND baby today - my thoughts are with you... hoping that you feel peace and relaxation today.
  • ok people i'm back
    just did all my shoulder raises and wall push ups, will get the calf raises between now and the end of the evening
    and dance - not sure if i'll be doing that today sorry

    what on earth is a full body sigh??
  • late on the gratitude
    i'm so very grateful that we are all well and happy and healthy, i know this sounds generic, but we are, and i am grateful :happy:

    glad you're ok Steph, take it easy!!!
  • andilynn82
    andilynn82 Posts: 75 Member
    Playing catch up for Friday (which was just kind of a bad day overall)...I was under cals on Saturday instead, and I'm doing the shoulder raises today.

    And I'm grateful for my very supportive husband. He doesn't complain when I cook healthier foods or try new recipes (that may or may not taste good, lol), he encourages me every day and tells me I'm beautiful even when I'm at my worst.

    Yesterday I got the calf raises and the extra sleep :) Will have to hit the grocery store for salad supplies, though.

    So glad that everything is okay, Steph...thinking of you today!
  • Yesterday I got the calf raises and the extra sleep :) Will have to hit the grocery store for salad supplies, though.

    all i feel like i do is clean and chop romaine lettuce! i am getting salad supplies like every 2 days! i eat a giant salad every single day for lunch (i'm so boring - a vegetarian who is not eating wheat and has to ease up on the eggs and cheese due to cholestoral issues, so lunch for me is basically salad, salad or salad!)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Danced and yoga'ed, but I'm afraid the sodium just isn't going to happen today, as we ate at nandos and I hate to think how much salt there was... but it was really VERY nice. :-)
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Hello my friends,
    I danced with Richard Simmons for 40 minutes (even though my husband and daughter laughed at me). I tried to do the yoga pose that Becky sent, but when I crossed my legs, I thought my knees would pop out of my skin and it hurt, so I just sat with my legs out in front. My dog came over and laid down beside me while I tried to clear my mind for about 5 minutes or so. I think I will do this every night and try to increase my time as well as get those legs crossed. I am way under on my sodium today. Isn't it amazing that if you do not eat out or eat processed foods you have no problem staying under. Overall considering this was my no gym day, I go in a walk and my dance so think I did pretty good. Glad to see all the rest of you doing well. Carla
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    sodium, check
    dance, check
    yoga...well i really tried, despite feeling really silly...i don't think i did it right, but i did sit there (in the easy cross legged pose) and tried to breathe and focus and try to clear my mind for about 5 mins, and then i curled up with a dvd and a hot water does that count?
  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    Dance Wii Zumba for 60 min with sister = :bigsmile:

    Sodium way way over = :sad:

    Yoga... no go - :sad:
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    figures....I am at a party and dance all night but on Saturday....dancing was on Sunday luck

  • oh Pam, i'm sure no one would mind if you took the Dance credit!
    i just caught up on the first 5 days by today! :)
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Good Monday Morning!

    Monday's Challenges are as follows:

    Nutrition: Eat some fruit! Get in 1 serving for 2 pts, 2 servings for 4 pts, and if you have 3 or morn you get 5 pts. It's important to get in our fruits and veggies... make sure you are watching your choices - some fruits are higher in sugar than you can imagine. But - fruit is also a great source of minerals/vitamins, fiber and are, overall, low calorie. So enjoy some fruit today1

    Fitness: Wall Sits/Wall Squats. Do these for as long as you can - and do at least 5. If you do all 5 - you get one point for every 15 seconds you average. In other words - for the full 5 points you need to do at least 5 wall sits/squats and do them for 75 seconds average each. Seems complicated - but just look at what your total length of time is divided by the number you do - and then score accordingly. This exercise is quite literally backing up to the wall and then sitting. Check out this website to see the demonstration: It is a bit difficult at first to hold it for a long time... so you can also count this as repetitions and get 1 point for every 10 that you do - if you hold them for at least 15 seconds. Just do your best and count as you feel appropriate!

    Self-Care: Read a Trashy Magazine. This can be adjusted to fit your personality... but it's really about spending some time enjoying the nothingness of a trashy magazine. Nothing to concentrate on or think about... Just to sit for the 15-20 minutes and do something fun and mindless. Maybe watch E! News or read something else that is more fitting to you - with the real purpose being a way to just spend 15-20 minutes enjoying NOT thinking!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Welp, I did 2 of 3 yesterday... I just figure that if I ate food at the Stadium last night - there isn't any way I am under on sodium! The hockey game was fun though!

    Amen to the salads... I don't remember who said that they feel like all they have is salads. I used to feel that way and need to get a little more back to that point! Especially after this Denver trip... I need to refocus and get on track. Food here has NOT fit my plan whatsoever.

    Gotta run... but I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Okay, I finally made it home from our cabin really late last night. It was just so pretty with the sun shining and all that we stayed longer than we planned. I did my best and got it all logged in this morning. I am liking this challenge so far Becky.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    grapes, blueberries, banana
    have watched some tv today after a whole day of work and wasn't a trashy magazine, but after looking at books all day i couldn't bare to read anything more...
    squats were not on the agenda today, had a bit of a funny turn this morning fainting and my arm and fingers getting shooting pains, so it was only essential exercise today (going into uni and printing off notes and some walking).
    i'll try and do the squats tomorrow if I feel back to myself x
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Becky and Staci, glad you both had fun on your vacations. It sounds like the weather cooperated. I have had 1 serving of fruit (blackberries) and will be eating a whole grapefruit before dinner (counts as 2) so that will be my 3 fruits. I read a few chapters in my romance novel which is rather mindless but enjoyable. I still need to do a couple more squats to get in my full 5 points so will try that later. I hope to get in the rest squats tonight to get my points. I agree with Staci, this challenge is fun. Thanks Becky.