How do YOU plan to reach your goal?



  • laura328
    laura328 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm doing JUDDD, where I eat 500 calories every other day (a down day) and whatever I want on the other day (an up day). It seems to be working and I actually quite enjoy it. I've just been going to the gym (not as much as I perhaps should though) and after christmas want to start 30DS and c25k.

    Oh wow! i don't know if I could do that one! I would be one cranky chick on the 500 calorie days! Glad it's working for you though!
  • chickpeas83
    Ive been tracking everything I eat and following the MFP plan for me. It seems to be working pretty good. Hubby brought me home a noricTrack and i love it. I don't have the option of going to the gym, so working out at home is it, Im a wimp so outdoor activity is out until spring, unless I'm skiing in the mountains. I want to learn to snowboard this winter. Its should be rewarding!
  • phoebe2488
    phoebe2488 Posts: 106 Member
    I will continue to track and exercise as much as I can (it isn't much though since the winter has hit and a 1 year old is always at my feet). I was doing 1200 a day, but just bumped it up to 1490 (MFP's suggestion to lose 1 lb. a week) because I felt like I was stuck. We will see if it does any good. I was feeling SOOOO hungry all the time.

    Once the holidays are over, I want to get going with the exercise more. This time of year is so crazy!!! I can't wait til spring to get back outside!!!
  • Tany27
    Tany27 Posts: 21
    I will continue to count my calories! I don't deprive myself of anythg so I try and balance meals! A big lunch at work would mean a lighter lunch and vice versa! Love walking but the weather is not permitting!! Going to start the 60d shred in new year and also plan to join the gym!!!!
  • chrislin2011
    chrislin2011 Posts: 168 Member
    I am going to continue counting my calories and being aware of what I am putting in myself. I gave up all pop 6 weeks ago and drink ONLY water with an occasional low calorie Fuze. I joined a gym last week and am starting off slow (30 minutes of walking on treadmill and the trainer showed me how to do lunges, superman, pushups w/the ball and the plank). I NEED to make this a lifestyle change and not just a temporary thing to lose weight.
  • elodea
    elodea Posts: 19 Member
    I just started on Saturday so I'm trying to eat only the 1440 calories MFP determined I can have to lose 1lb/week. I;ve been tracking everything. I also dusted off my elliptical and have been doing between 50-60 minutes a day on it. I hope to at least get in 4 days a week. Nearing the end of my first week and am hoping to see some results but trying to be patient because I am in this for the long haul. I've been eating back most of my calories after the elliptical. I hope what they say is true that I will still lose doing this, because I get too hungry otherwise. So do you really think those wiis and kinects are worth investing in? I've been thinking about it but am so uncoordinated - I've never had much luck following DVDs. How difficult are they to use and really workout?
  • mah1120
    mah1120 Posts: 37 Member
    Well, I've pretty much lost a lot of weight before, I fell off BIG TIME, and gained it back. Here's my plan:


    - Counting calories ACCURATELY. I have very giving eyeballs, meaning they like to overestimate a serving! LOL. I've purchased a kitchen scale for about $10, and it made things real for me!

    - Staying low on the sodium and high on the potassium. I have a history of HBP in my family, so I've been researching ways of keeping my BP normal. Sodium and Potassium were the key players in keepingmy BP down. When I eat a lot of sodium I retain water like crazy!

    - Really finding balance with the nutrients I need in my diet. MFP is so good for that!


    - I've learned that a combination of strength training and cardio is the key (for me) to lose weight and feel great. So I'll be doing the C25K program for cardio, and 30DS for strength to start my journey. I'm sure it'll change, but I'll keep doing that until my body says otherwise. :)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I just started on Saturday so I'm trying to eat only the 1440 calories MFP determined I can have to lose 1lb/week. I;ve been tracking everything. I also dusted off my elliptical and have been doing between 50-60 minutes a day on it. I hope to at least get in 4 days a week. Nearing the end of my first week and am hoping to see some results but trying to be patient because I am in this for the long haul. I've been eating back most of my calories after the elliptical. I hope what they say is true that I will still lose doing this, because I get too hungry otherwise. So do you really think those wiis and kinects are worth investing in? I've been thinking about it but am so uncoordinated - I've never had much luck following DVDs. How difficult are they to use and really workout?

    Its true - I eat a ridiculous amount and I still lose - if you eat slightly LESS than my ridiculous amount you'll lose faster but you can for sure eat them exercise calories with no ill effects.

    I *love* my freaking kinect - Dance Central is an amazing and someone just got me a copy of Your Shape 2012 so i'll let you know.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Lets see I do:
    1550 Calories (at least) a day, eat my exercise calories mostly, almost NEVER eat only 1550 as that rarely cuts it for me. I try to eat 120+ grams of protein a day. I average 1700-2000 calories a day I'd say. This is a small built in deficit, 300 calories or so.

    I'm glad to hear that someone else is eating more than 1200 calories. I have tried to limit myself to that, because all of the success stories I read on MFP are about people eating 1200 a day, but I just can't seem to do it. I am satisfied at about 1500 calories and when I stick to that I lose a few pounds a month. The downside is that it is painfully slow. My plan is to eat healthy foods, lean meats, healthy carbs and yummy fats (especially peanut butter). Weight train 3 times a week and cardio 30 minutes 5 days a week.