


  • carriedavis77
    carriedavis77 Posts: 141 Member
    Hello All!! :)

    This is my first challenge since joining MFP and I'm super excited!!! There's lots of activity on this group and I'm already feeling the motivation! huzzah! *baby_muscle_flex* ;)

    So, now a little about me... I'm 5'9" and 34 yrs old, very happily married and a mom to a 10yr old son. At my heaviest I was 350lbs... 1 yr and 9 months later I'm sitting at 200lbs exactly! WOOT that's a 150lbs I've lost so far... literally a whole person. I totally feel it too... my life has drastically changed all for the good and I feel like a million bucks!

    The high end of my healthy weight goal (setup by my doc) is to reach 180lbs! That's 20lbs away from where I am now... seems like these last 20 will never come off! But! I know with good ol fashioned HARD work and DETERMINATION it will leave my body and NEVER return :)

    Would LOVE more like minded, positive people as friends on here! I find it EXTREMELY motivating reading about everyone's journeys.

    I have a pretty hectic gym/life schedule but luckily I'm an IT systems admin at work... so let's just say I always have MFP up on one of my monitors :) Currently my gym schedule is 5 nights a week w/2 rest days!
  • msmimi
    msmimi Posts: 381 Member
    Hi I'm Mimi. 48 y.o. wife and mother of two. I'm a member of another forum with a biggest loser challenge that started 11 weeks ago. Their challenge ends this Saturday 12/17. I started that challenge weighing 233lbs. I now weigh 205 lbs. I lost 28 lbs!!!!!!!!!! I have discovered something about myself, I really like being part of a team. Yeah everyday wasn't perfect but I stayed with it for my team, the challenge creator and the other teams. I felt I owed them. When I wanted to slack on EVERYTHING I thought about all the work the challenge creator was putting in each week or my team or even the other teams and said "no way". That's why I'm here, being on a team really motivates me, helps me keep my focus and I want to keep up this momentum.
    My goals are...
    1.) To be in one-derland by Jan.1 2012. I only have 6 lbs to go and I know I can make it.
    2.) If I've made it in time for this challenge, I would like to lose a minimum of 35 lbs. by the end of this challenge.
  • Txncrzy
    Hey Y'all,

    My name is Cameron and I am sort of new to myfitnesspal. I created my account a year ago but all I managed to do in the last year is gain 20 pounds. I am ready to start my weight loss journey. I'm 26 years old and I have been married almost 2 years. We want to have kids but I want to be thinner and healthier before I start the motherhood stage of my life. 6 months ago I was admitted into the hospital with a pulmonary embolism and could have died. It really scared me and made me realize that I am not as invincible as I would like to believe. While I am still young I would like to experience being young and happy =) There are so many things I don't do because of my weight and so many experiences that I don't want to miss out on. I believe this challenge will be what I need to stay motivated and reach my goals.


    (1) Overall I would like to lose 109.2 pounds (Goal weight: 135)
    (2) I would like to feel comfortable in a bathing suit (I really enjoy water sports)
    (3) Becoming a runner is something I have always wanted to do. I like to experience a runner's high and be able to run a mile in under 10 minutes.
    (4) Be a healthy role model to my younger siblings and my future children. I would also like to be an inspiration to other people who would like to lose so many others have been to me!
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    My name is Pam, 59, and this is the last time I am going to battle this weight. I have been struggling it my entire life. No more do I want to wear jeans with elastic waists, unattractive shoes, unattractive lingerie and be the last person trying to keep up with everyone on a walk. I want to feel and look attractive and yes, even hot. I am on my way....I want to finish this journey.

  • dchienku
    dchienku Posts: 625 Member
    Hi there
    my name is Denise and I am really excited about starting this challenge! I have to find out all the details about it. I have 2 small children who keep me going. My goals are to lose weight about 20 lbs or so and really tone up. I need to be able to keep up with my kids. I am so pumped. I have OCD so this will be a good one for me.
    thanks all,
  • the_new_robin2016
    the_new_robin2016 Posts: 97 Member
    Hey all!!
    Im a 22 year old mother of 1, from Manitoba, Canada. I used to be really fit, i played all the sports in school, i even continued playing volleyball after high school. I was healthy and active. In 2008 i got pregnant with my daughter, gained 40 lbs. But that wasnt the worst part. Due to my pregnancy i am now diagnosed with hypothyroid, ended up gaining almost another 30 lbs, which brought me to 256 lbs. It was heart breaking for me. So on nov 15 2010 i decided i was going to do something. My friend told me about MFP, and i went from there. I lost 40 lbs in 3 months. Then i got sick and stopped. 6 months later i started up again and lost another 30 lbs. This last month or two i have lost my motivation again. So i am hoping this will be my final and last push for the last 30 lbs to go!! I want to be 156 or less on my 23rd birthday. Scratch that!! i Will be 156 or less by April 1 2012!!!!

    Im so excited to be here, and i wish everyone goodluck!!

    Robin L.
  • ymvestal
    Hi Everyone! My name is Yvonne and I'm from Carsn City, NV. I am a 39 year old wife and mother of 3 (14, 12, 10) beautiful children. I started gaining weight in my early my mid 20s I was 180; by my early 30s was well into my 200s; and I've been there ever since...slowly getting heavier and heavier.

    As my kids got older and continued to do sports while I encouraged them to so they wouldn't end up like me, I continued to gain. Last year I saw some pictures my husband took of me at one of their games, team momming...I couldn't believe how fat I looked. That combined with having just moved up to a size 26 pant and seeing a need to move up again, I decided it was time.

    So, Thanksgiving weekend 2010 I started on my journey to lose weight. I was 273.4 when I stepped on the scale at my heaviest. I am happy to say that this morning I weighed in at 177.6...a loss of 95.4 lbs in just over a year. My goal is somewhere between 130 and 150. I AM ALMOST THERE!!!

    This is my first challenge. I am hoping with this challenge to tighten up all the loose stuff, lose more and find my happy place. Every day I am more and more happy with who I am and what I've accomplished. I can't wait for the day I get to say, "I am completely happy now, I get to maintain now...YAY!!"

    Thank you for taking the time to meet me. This will be a great journey!

  • dragonflybird
    Hello everybody. I'm Sheryl. This is not my first challenge. I've been part of others, but people have disappeared from them. I'm still checking back in with a previous group, but I'm the only one doing it. lol. It's a little discouraging. So, this is why I'm in this one. I've been following TBL 2011 and couldn't wait to join the 2012.

    I was a skinny kid until I was 13. That is when my mom pulled me out of competitive swimming. Unfortunately, I continued to eat as though I was still doing something. My weight started yo-yoing, but I really took a bad turn when I started university. Nine years of being a single mom and trying to get a couple degrees and when it was all done I weight 250 lbs. Two years ago I lost a bunch of weight and went down to 170, but for whatever reason...probably due to laziness, I gained it all back, plus some. This is when I found MFP. I'm now hovering just above 200. The scale is teasing me because I'm so close to being back in ONEderland.

    So, there you have it, my explanation as to why I'm here.

    Now, let me tell you my fears of being in here.

    I"m a highly competitive person and so I will want to win. I would exercise 2-3 times a day and lower my calories. Well, I should rephrase that...In the past I would do that. Now, I want the weight to stay off, but by incorporating sensible choices. I'm not going to be able to exercise 2-3 times a day when I get full time work. So, I will be exercising daily, but by doing circuit training at home or going for a walk, but doing intense exercising three times a week. I will not be lowing my calorie intake. I will be keeping it at 1550.

    So, with all that, hopefully I will succeed.

    Cheers everyone and Happy Holidays!
  • Jupitermermaid
    Jupitermermaid Posts: 270 Member
    I can so identify with you! I'm an all or nothing person. Highly competitive, and if I can't win I'm not even gonna try. It's so hard, but we can do it. If we can do better than we did the day before, we're winners, no matter how anybody else did. I need to realize that my competitiveness has to be with myself, and not others, though that helps me to do more than I would if I were alone. That being said, we have to do better than we've done before, and want more for ourselves. Let's do this together!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    My name is Dani. I am a 31 year old mother to an amazing little boy (now 15 months) from central massachusetts. I joined MFP last January as a way to learn how to change habits. I have been battling weight gain since I graduated college. I put on close to 70 pounds in the first 3 years after I graduated. Since then I have been yo-yoing, my highest weight being ~215, my lowest (before MFP) being about 165. In 2010 I found out I was pregnant. During my pregnancy I had Gestational diabetes. It was probably the best thing that ever happened to me. It scared me. Having gestational diabetes means i am high risk for Type II diabetes (which runs in my family). It made me realize what it would be like having to live with diabetes everyday and eventhough it may be an inevitable issue I may have to deal with I know I can definitely prevent an early onset of it. So In fall 2010 I decided to get my life together and get serious about finding a way to eat healthy, be more active, and MAINTAIN my new healthy habits. To me, losing weight is not that hard. What is hard is doing it in a healthy way that allows to your change your habits so that you can live the rest of your life healthier. When I joined MFP I was 183 lbs. My lowest weight was in October which was 153.7. I started a new job on Halloween and between that and the holidays I am back up to 160. I am ready to refocus and get back on track. I need to figure out how to make my new schedule and job fit into my healthier lifestyle. It is going to take a lot of will power (since we have an amazing cafeteria) and dedication to get in some work outs after, during, or before work. I am hoping this challenge will help me hold myself accountable and keep me focused on my overall goals!
  • Annieboo51
    Hi, my name is Leann (annieboo51). I am a 32yrd old mother of 4. My oldest is turning 15 in Feb and I have a 13yr, 12yr,10yr. I am currently in school to become a hair stylist. My motivations are my children and my huband. My family is very supportive and encouraging. I have about a year left of school, my goal is to be 100lbs lighter at graduation. Looking forward to starting a new career with a new and improved me. Cosmetology is one of my passions and i REFUSE to allow my weight to get in the way of any more of my dreams.
  • Ready2LoveMyself
    Ready2LoveMyself Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Yall-

    My names Jordan, and I'm from Texas. Just started MFP today, and joining groups for motivation.

    My current weight is 152.4 lbs. My goal is 120-125 lbs.

    My motivation: Being ready to LOVE MYSELF!

    I'm tired of not liking what I see in the mirror. I'm tired of taking out my frustrations and own insecurities about my self image on my boyfriend. I'm tired of pulling away when my bf grabs/puts his arms around my waist. I'm tired of not spending the much needed and wanted time at the pool or lake every time our AWFUL summers come down here in Texas because I hate being in a bathing suit around people. I'm ready to be a newer and happier me!

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